com.slack.api.audit.response.LogsResponse Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.slack.api.audit.response;
import com.slack.api.audit.AuditApiResponse;
import com.slack.api.model.ResponseMetadata;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public class LogsResponse implements AuditApiResponse {
private transient String rawBody;
@Deprecated // when an error is returned, it will be an exception instead
private boolean ok = true;
@Deprecated // when an error is returned, it will be an exception instead
private String warning;
@Deprecated // when an error is returned, it will be an exception instead
private String error;
@Deprecated // when an error is returned, it will be an exception instead
private String needed;
@Deprecated // when an error is returned, it will be an exception instead
private String provided;
private ResponseMetadata responseMetadata;
private List entries;
public static class Entry {
private String id;
private Integer dateCreate;
private String action;
private Actor actor;
private Entity entity;
private Context context;
private Details details;
public static class Actor {
private String type;
private User user;
public static class User {
private String id;
private String name;
private String email;
private String team;
public static class Entity {
private String type;
private App app;
private User user;
private Usergroup usergroup;
private Workspace workspace;
private Enterprise enterprise;
private File file;
private Channel channel;
private Message message;
private Huddle huddle;
private Role role;
private AccountTypeRole accountTypeRole;
private Workflow workflow;
private InformationBarrier barrier;
private WorkflowV2 workflowV2;
private SlackList list;
public static class App {
private String id;
private String name;
private Boolean distributed;
private Boolean directoryApproved;
private Boolean workflowApp;
private List scopes;
private List scopesBot;
private String creator; // user ID
private String team; // team ID
public static class Usergroup {
private String id;
private String name;
public static class Workspace {
private String id;
private String name;
private String domain;
public static class Enterprise {
private String id;
private String name;
private String domain;
public static class File {
private String id;
private String name;
private String filetype;
private String title;
public static class Channel {
private String id;
private String name;
private String privacy;
private Boolean shared;
private Boolean orgShared;
private List teamsSharedWith;
private String originalConnectedChannelId;
private Boolean salesforceChannel;
public static class Message { // action: message_flagged
private String channel;
private String team;
private String timestamp;
public static class Workflow {
private String id;
private String name;
public static class Context {
private String sessionId;
private Location location;
private String ua;
private String ipAddress;
private App app;
public static class Huddle {
private String id;
private Integer dateStart;
private Integer dateEnd;
private List participants;
public static class Role {
private String id;
private String name;
private String type;
public static class AccountTypeRole {
private String id;
private String name;
public static class Location {
private String type;
private String id;
private String name;
private String domain;
public static class InformationBarrier {
private String id;
private String primaryUsergroup;
private List barrieredFromUsergroups;
private List restrictedSubjects;
* The data structure for new_value, previous_value is greatly flexible.
* This class supports multiple patterns for those.
public static class DetailsChangedValue {
private String stringValue;
// e.g., ["C111", "C222"]
private List stringValues;
private Map> namedStringValues;
public static class WorkflowV2 {
private String id;
private String appId;
private Integer dateUpdated;
private String callbackId;
private String name;
private String updatedBy;
private List stepConfiguration;
public static class WorkflowV2StepConfiguration {
private String name; // "Collect info in a form"
private String stepFunctionType; // "Custom", "Builtin"
private String stepFunctionAppId; // "A05QFAJ8LBA"
public static class SlackList {
private String id;
public static class Details {
private String type;
private String appOwnerId; // app_collaborator_added etc.
private List scopes; // app_scopes_expanded
private List botScopes;
private List newScopes;
private List previousScopes;
private Inviter inviter;
private DetailsChangedValue newValue; // pref.who_can_manage_shared_channels etc
private DetailsChangedValue previousValue; // pref.who_can_manage_shared_channels etc
private Kicker kicker;
private String installerUserId;
private String approverId;
private String approvalType;
private Boolean appPreviouslyApproved;
private List oldScopes;
private String name;
private String botId;
private List channels;
private List permissions;
private String sharedTo; // channel_workspaces_updated
private String reason;
private Boolean internalIntegration; // app_collaborator_added etc.
private String clearedResolution; // app_removed_from_whitelist
private Boolean workflow; // user_channel_join
private Boolean mobileOnly; // user_session_reset_by_admin
private Boolean webOnly; // user_session_reset_by_admin
private Boolean nonSsoOnly; // user_session_reset_by_admin
private Integer expiresOn; // guest_expiration_set
private String newVersionId; // workflow_published
private String trigger; // workflow_published
private Boolean granularBotToken; // app_scopes_expanded
private String originTeam; // external_shared_channel_invite_approved
private String targetTeam; // external_shared_channel_invite_approved
private String resolution; // app_approved
private Boolean appPreviouslyResolved; // app_approved
private String adminAppId; // app_approved
private String exportType; // manual_export_completed
private String exportStartTs; // manual_export_completed
private String exportEndTs; // manual_export_completed
private String barrierId; // information barrier
private String primaryUsergroupId; // information barrier
private List barrieredFromUsergroupIds; // information barrier
private List restrictedSubjects; // information barrier
private Integer duration; // user_session_settings_changed
private Boolean desktopAppBrowserQuit; // user_session_settings_changed
private String inviteId; // connect_dm_invite_generated
private String externalOrganizationId; // connect_dm_invite_accepted
private String externalOrganizationName; // connect_dm_invite_accepted
private String externalUserId; // connect_dm_invite_accepted
private String externalUserEmail; // connect_dm_invite_accepted
private String channelId; // connect_dm_invite_accepted
private String addedTeamId; // approved_orgs_added
private Boolean tokenRotationEnabledApp; // app_scopes_expanded
private MessageRetentionPolicy oldRetentionPolicy; // channel_retention_changed
private MessageRetentionPolicy newRetentionPolicy; // channel_retention_changed
private ConversationPref whoCanPost; // channel_posting_permissions_updated
private ConversationPref canThread; // channel_posting_permissions_updated
private Boolean externalLimited; // external_shared_channel_invite_accepted
private Long exportingTeamId; // team.unsupportedVersions.start.success
private Integer sessionSearchStart; // team.unsupportedVersions.start.success
private Integer deprecationSearchEnd; // team.unsupportedVersions.start.success
private Boolean isError; // team.unsupportedVersions.job.end
private String appId; // cli_app_deploy
private FeatureEnablement enableAtHere; // channel_posting_permissions_updated
private FeatureEnablement enableAtChannel; // channel_posting_permissions_updated
private FeatureEnablement canHuddle; // channel_posting_permissions_updated
private String urlPrivate; // file_shared
private SharedWith sharedWith; // file_shared
private String initiatedBy; // "admin.conversations.bulkDelete" for public_channel_deleted etc.
private String sourceTeam; // channel_moved (by an admin.conversations.bulkMove API call)
private String destinationTeam; // channel_moved (by an admin.conversations.bulkMove API call)
// Note that the actual data for this property can be either an array of string
// or a single string representing an encoded JSON array.
// GsonAuditLogsDetailsUSerIDsFactory deals with the patterns under the hood
private UserIDs succeededUsers; // user IDs for bulk_session_reset_by_admin
// Note that the actual data for this property can be either an array of string
// or a single string representing an encoded JSON array.
// GsonAuditLogsDetailsUSerIDsFactory deals with the patterns under the hood
private UserIDs failedUsers; // user IDs for bulk_session_reset_by_admin
private String enterprise; // usergroup_updated
private String team; // usergroup_updated
private String subteam; // usergroup_updated
private String action; // usergroup_updated
private Integer idpGroupMemberCount; // usergroup_updated
private Integer workspaceMemberCount; // usergroup_updated
private Integer addedUserCount; // usergroup_updated
private Integer addedUserErrorCount; // usergroup_updated
private Integer reactivatedUserCount; // usergroup_updated
private Integer removedUserCount; // usergroup_updated
private Integer removedUserErrorCount; // usergroup_updated
private Integer totalRemovalCount; // usergroup_updated
private String isFlagged; // usergroup_updated
private String targetUser; // role_assigned
private String targetEntity; // role_assigned
private String idpConfigId; // user_login
private String configType; // user_login
private String idpEntityId; // user_login
private String idpEntityIdHash; // user_login
private String label; // user_login
private Profile previousProfile; // user_profile_updated
private Profile newProfile; // user_profile_updated
private String targetUserId; // app_collaborator_added
private SpaceFileId spaceFileId; // channel_posting_permissions_updated
private String targetEntityId; // permissions_assigned
private List changedPermissions; // permissions_assigned
private String datastoreName; // app_datastore_created
private List attributes; // app_datastore_created
private String channel; // canvas_access_added
private String entityType; // canvas_access_added, list_access_added
private String actor; // canvas_access_added, list_access_added
private String accessLevel; // canvas_access_added, list_access_added
private List functions; // app_manifest_created
private List workflows; // app_manifest_created
private List datastores; // app_manifest_created
private Boolean permissionsUpdated; // app_manifest_updated
private AAARule matchedRule; // app_allowlist_rule_matched
private AAARequest request; // app_allowlist_rule_matched
private List rulesChecked; // app_allowlist_rule_matched
private String disconnectingTeam; // external_shared_channel_disconnected
private Boolean isChannelCanvas; // canvas_opened
private String linkedChannelId; // canvas_opened
private String columnId; // list_cell_updated
private String rowId; // list_cell_updated
private Integer cellDateUpdated; // list_cell_updated
private String viewId; // list_view_updated
private String user; // list_access_added
public static class Inviter {
private String type;
private User user;
private String id;
private String name;
private String email;
private String team;
public static class Kicker {
private String type;
private User user;
private String id;
private String name;
private String email;
private String team;
public static class Permission {
private Resource resource;
private List scopes;
public static class Resource {
private String type;
private Grant grant;
public static class Grant {
private String type;
private String resourceId;
private WildCard wildcard;
public static class WildCard {
private String type;
public static class MessageRetentionPolicy {
private String type;
private Integer durationDays;
public static class ConversationPref {
private List type;
private List user;
public static class FeatureEnablement {
private Boolean enabled;
public static class SharedWith {
private String channelId;
private String accessLevel;
public static class UserIDs {
private List users;
public static class Profile {
private String realName;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String displayName;
private String imageOriginal;
private String image24;
private String image32;
private String image48;
private String image72;
private String image192;
private String image512;
private String image1024;
public static class SpaceFileId {
private String payload;
public static class Attribute {
private String name;
private String type;
private AttributeItems items;
public static class AttributeItems {
private String type;
public static class AAARule {
private String id;
private String teamId;
private String title;
private AAARuleAction action;
private AAARuleCondition condition;
public static class AAARuleAction {
private AAARuleActionResolution resolution;
private List notify;
public static class AAARuleActionResolution {
private String value;
public static class AAARuleActionNotify {
private String entityType;
public static class AAARuleCondition {
private String datatype;
private String operator;
private List values;
private String entityType;
public static class AAARuleConditionValue {
private String field;
private List values;
private String datatype;
private String operator;
public static class AAARequest {
private String id;
private String teamId;
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