Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
// Copyright (C) 2022 Slack Technologies, LLC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package com.slack.circuit.runtime
import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.Snapshot
import com.slack.circuit.runtime.screen.PopResult
import com.slack.circuit.runtime.screen.Screen
import kotlinx.collections.immutable.ImmutableList
import kotlinx.collections.immutable.persistentListOf
/** A Navigator that only supports [goTo]. */
public interface GoToNavigator {
* Navigate to the [screen].
* @return If the navigator successfully went to the [screen]
public fun goTo(screen: Screen): Boolean
/** A basic navigation interface for navigating between [screens][Screen]. */
public interface Navigator : GoToNavigator {
public override fun goTo(screen: Screen): Boolean
public fun pop(result: PopResult? = null): Screen?
/** Returns current top most screen of backstack, or null if backstack is empty. */
public fun peek(): Screen?
/** Returns the current back stack. */
public fun peekBackStack(): ImmutableList
* Clear the existing backstack of [screens][Screen] and navigate to [newRoot].
* This is useful in preventing the user from returning to a completed workflow, such as a
* tutorial, wizard, or authentication flow.
* Example
* ```kotlin
* val navigator = Navigator()
* navigator.push(LoginScreen1)
* navigator.push(LoginScreen2)
* // Login flow is complete. Wipe backstack and set new root screen
* val loginScreens = navigator.resetRoot(HomeScreen)
* ```
* ## Multiple back stacks
* The [saveState] and [restoreState] parameters enable functionality what is commonly called
* 'multiple back stacks'. By optionally saving, and later restoring the back stack, you can
* enable different root screens to have their own back stacks. A common use case is with the
* bottom navigation bar UX pattern.
* ```kotlin
* navigator.resetRoot(HomeNavTab1, saveState = true, restoreState = true)
* // User navigates to a details screen
* navigator.push(EntityDetails(id = foo))
* // Later, user clicks on a bottom navigation item
* navigator.resetRoot(HomeNavTab2, saveState = true, restoreState = true)
* // Later, user switches back to the first navigation item
* navigator.resetRoot(HomeNavTab1, saveState = true, restoreState = true)
* // The existing back stack is restored, and EntityDetails(id = foo) will be top of
* // the back stack
* ```
* There are times when saving and restoring the back stack may not be appropriate, so use this
* feature only when it makes sense. A common example where it probably does not make sense is
* launching screens which define a UX flow which has a defined completion, such as onboarding.
* @param newRoot The new root [Screen]
* @param saveState Whether to save the current entry list. It can be restored by passing the
* current root [Screen] to [resetRoot] with `restoreState = true`
* @param restoreState Whether any previously saved state for the given [newRoot] should be
* restored. If this is `false` or there is no previous state, the back stack will only contain
* [newRoot].
public fun resetRoot(
newRoot: Screen,
saveState: Boolean = false,
restoreState: Boolean = false,
): ImmutableList
public object NoOp : Navigator {
override fun goTo(screen: Screen): Boolean = true
override fun pop(result: PopResult?): Screen? = null
override fun peek(): Screen? = null
override fun peekBackStack(): ImmutableList = persistentListOf()
override fun resetRoot(
newRoot: Screen,
saveState: Boolean,
restoreState: Boolean,
): ImmutableList = persistentListOf()
* Clear the existing backstack of [screens][Screen] and navigate to [newRoot].
* This is useful in preventing the user from returning to a completed workflow, such as a tutorial,
* wizard, or authentication flow.
* This version of the function provides easy to lambdas for [saveState] and [restoreState] allowing
* computation of the values based on the current root screen.
public inline fun Navigator.resetRoot(
newRoot: Screen,
saveState: (currentRoot: Screen?) -> Boolean = { false },
restoreState: (currentRoot: Screen?) -> Boolean = { false },
): List {
val root = peekBackStack().lastOrNull()
return resetRoot(
newRoot = newRoot,
saveState = saveState(root),
restoreState = restoreState(root),
/** Calls [Navigator.pop] until the given [predicate] is matched or it pops the root. */
public fun Navigator.popUntil(predicate: (Screen) -> Boolean) {
while (peek()?.let(predicate) == false) pop() ?: break // Break on root pop
/** Pop the [Navigator] as if this was the root [Navigator.pop] call. */
public fun Navigator.popRoot(result: PopResult? = null) {
Snapshot.withMutableSnapshot {
// If a repeat pop approach is used (like popUntil) then the root backstack item is shown during
// any root pop handling. This moves the top screen to become the root screen so it remains
// visible for any final handling.
val backStack = peekBackStack()
if (backStack.size > 1) {