foundry.gradle.FoundryProperties.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2022 Slack Technologies, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package foundry.gradle
import foundry.common.FoundryKeys
import foundry.gradle.anvil.AnvilMode
import foundry.gradle.artifacts.FoundryArtifact
import java.util.Locale
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.file.RegularFile
import org.gradle.api.provider.Provider
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinVersion
* (Mostly Gradle) properties for configuration of Foundry Gradle Plugin.
* Order attempted as described by [PropertyResolver.providerFor].
// TODO allow sourcing from a custom resolver or Properties
public class FoundryProperties
internal constructor(
private val projectName: String,
private val resolver: PropertyResolver,
private val regularFileProvider: (String) -> RegularFile,
private val rootDirFileProvider: (String) -> RegularFile,
internal val versions: FoundryVersions,
) {
private fun presenceProperty(key: String): Boolean = optionalStringProperty(key) != null
private fun fileProperty(key: String, useRoot: Boolean = false): File? =
?.let(if (useRoot) rootDirFileProvider else regularFileProvider)
private fun fileProvider(key: String, useRoot: Boolean = false): Provider =
.map(if (useRoot) rootDirFileProvider else regularFileProvider)
private fun intProperty(key: String, defaultValue: Int = -1): Int =
resolver.intValue(key, defaultValue = defaultValue)
private fun booleanProperty(key: String, defaultValue: Boolean = false): Boolean =
resolver.booleanValue(key, defaultValue = defaultValue)
private fun stringProperty(key: String): String =
?: error("No property for $key found and no default value was provided.")
private fun stringProperty(key: String, defaultValue: String): String =
optionalStringProperty(key, defaultValue)!!
private fun optionalStringProperty(
key: String,
defaultValue: String? = null,
blankIsNull: Boolean = false,
): String? =
resolver.optionalStringValue(key, defaultValue = defaultValue)?.takeUnless {
blankIsNull && it.isBlank()
/** Indicates that this android library project has variants. Flag-only, value is ignored. */
public val libraryWithVariants: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("")
/** Default namespace prefix for android projects if one isn't specified. */
public val defaultNamespacePrefix: String
get() = optionalStringProperty("") ?: defaultPackagePrefix
/** Default package prefix for JVM projects if one isn't specified. */
public val defaultPackagePrefix: String
get() = stringProperty(FoundryKeys.DEFAULT_PACKAGE_PREFIX)
* Indicates that the gradle versions plugin should allow unstable versions. By default, unstable
* versions are excluded due to the frequent androidx alpha/beta/rc cycle noise. Flag-only, value
* is ignored.
public val versionsPluginAllowUnstable: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.versionsPlugin.allowUnstable")
/** Opt-out flag to skip the androidx dependency check. Should only be used for debugging. */
public val skipAndroidxCheck: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("")
/** Version code used for debug APK outputs. */
public val debugVersionCode: Int
get() = intProperty("", 90009999)
/** User string used for debug APK outputs. */
public val debugUserString: String
get() = stringProperty("", "debug")
/** Opt-in flag to enable snapshots repos, used for the dependencies build shadow job. */
public val enableSnapshots: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.gradle.enableSnapshots")
/** Opt-in flag to enable mavenLocal repos, used for local testing. */
public val enableMavenLocal: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.gradle.enableMavenLocal")
* Flag to indicate that this project should have no api dependencies, such as if it's solely an
* annotation processor.
public val rakeNoApi: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.rake.noapi")
* Flag to enable the Gradle Dependency Analysis Plugin, which is disabled by default due to
public val enableAnalysisPlugin: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.enableAnalysisPlugin")
* Flag to indicate this project should be exempted from platforms, usually platform projects
* themselves.
public val noPlatform: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.config.noPlatform")
/** Property corresponding to the supported languages in GA builds */
public val supportedLanguages: String
get() = stringProperty("")
/** Property corresponding to the supported languages in Internal builds */
public val supportedLanguagesInternal: String
get() = stringProperty("")
/** Property corresponding to the supported languages in Beta builds */
public val supportedLanguagesBeta: String
get() = stringProperty("")
* Property corresponding to the file path of a custom versions.json file for use with
* dependencies shadow jobs.
public val versionsJson: File?
get() = fileProperty("foundry.versionsJson", useRoot = true)
* An alias name to a libs.versions.toml bundle for common Android Compose dependencies that
* should be added to android projects with compose enabled
public val defaultComposeAndroidBundleAlias: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("")
* Enables live literals. Note that they are disabled by default due to
* and
public val composeEnableLiveLiterals: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("", false)
* Common compose compiler options.
* Format is a comma-separated list of key-value pairs, e.g. "key1=value1,key2=value2". Keys
* should be the simple name of the compose compiler option, no prefixes needed.
public val composeCommonCompilerOptions: Provider>
get() =
.map { value -> value.split(",").map { it.trim() } }
/** Relative path to a Compose stability configuration file from the _root_ project. */
public val composeStabilityConfigurationPath: Provider
get() =
* Use a workaround for compose-compiler's `includeInformation` option on android projects.
* On android projects, the compose compiler gradle plugin annoyingly no-ops
* @see Upstream issue
public val composeUseIncludeInformationWorkaround: Boolean
get() =
resolver.booleanValue("foundry.compose.useIncludeInformationWorkaround", defaultValue = true)
* By default, Compose on android only enables source information in debug variants. This is a bit
* silly in large projects because we generally make all libraries single-variant as "release",
* and can result in libraries not having source information. Instead, we rely on R8 to strip out
* this information in release builds as needed.
* @see Upstream issue
public val composeIncludeSourceInformationEverywhereByDefault: Boolean
get() =
defaultValue = true,
* When this property is present, the "internalRelease" build variant will have an application id
* of "com.Slack.prototype", instead of "com.Slack.internal".
* We build and distribute "prototype" builds that are equivalent to the "internalRelease" build
* variants, except with a different application id so they can be installed side-by-side. To
* avoid adding a new flavor & flavor dimension (or other somewhat hacky solutions like sharing
* source sets), we swap the application id suffix at configuration time.
public val usePrototypeAppId: Boolean
get() = presenceProperty("")
* Property corresponding to the SDK versions we test in Robolectric tests. Its value should be a
* comma-separated list of SDK ints to download.
public val robolectricTestSdks: List
get() =
.map { it.toInt() }
/** Opt out for -Werror. */
public val allowWarnings: Provider
get() = resolver.booleanProvider("foundry.kotlin.allowWarnings", defaultValue = false)
/** Opt out for -Werror in tests. */
public val allowWarningsInTests: Provider
get() = resolver.booleanProvider("foundry.kotlin.allowWarningsInTests", defaultValue = false)
* Anvil generator projects that should always be included when Anvil is enabled.
* This should be semicolon-delimited Gradle project paths.
public val anvilGeneratorProjects: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.anvil.generatorProjects")
* Anvil runtime projects that should always be included when Anvil is enabled.
* This should be semicolon-delimited Gradle project paths.
public val anvilRuntimeProjects: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.anvil.runtimeProjects")
/** Flag to enable use of the Anvil KSP fork. */
public val anvilUseKspFork: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.anvil.useKspFork", defaultValue = false)
/** Log Foundry extension configuration state verbosely. */
public val foundryExtensionVerbose: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.extension.verbose")
* Flag for Error-Prone auto-patching. Enable when running an auto-patch of EP, such as when it's
* being introduced to a new module or upgrading EP itself.
public val errorProneAutoPatch: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.errorprone.autoPatch")
* Error-Prone checks that should be considered errors.
* This should be colon-delimited string.
* Example: "AnnotationMirrorToString:AutoValueSubclassLeaked"
public val errorProneCheckNamesAsErrors: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.errorprone.checkNamesAsErrors")
* Flag for Nullaway baselining. When enabled along with [errorProneAutoPatch], existing
* nullability issues will be baselined with a `castToNonNull` call to wrap it.
public val nullawayBaseline: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.errorprone.nullaway.baseline")
* Ndk version to use for android projects.
* Latest versions can be found at
public val ndkVersion: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("")
* Enables verbose logging in miscellaneous places of SGP. This is intended to be a less noisy
* alternative to running gradle with `--info` or `--debug`.
public val verboseLogging: Boolean
get() = resolver.booleanValue("foundry.logging.verbose")
/** Flag to enable verbose logging in unit tests. */
public val testVerboseLogging: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.test.verboseLogging") || verboseLogging
* Flag to enable kapt in tests. By default these are disabled due to this undesirable (but
* surprisingly intented) behavior of running kapt + stub generation even if no processors are
* present.
* See
public val enableKaptInTests: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.kapt.enabled-in-tests")
/** Flag to enable errors only in lint checks. */
public val lintErrorsOnly: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.lint.errors-only")
/** File name to use for a project's lint baseline. */
public val lintBaselineFileName: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.lint.baseline-file-name", blankIsNull = true)
/** Flag to control whether or not lint checks test sources. */
public val lintCheckTestSources: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.lint.checkTestSources", true)
/** Flag to control whether or not lint checks ignores test sources. */
public val lintIgnoreTestSources: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.lint.ignoreTestSources", false)
* Flag to control which agp version should be used for lint. Optional. Value should be a version
* key in `libs.versions.toml`,
public val lintVersionOverride: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.lint.agpVersion")
* Flag to indicate whether this project is a test library (such as test utils, test fixtures,
* etc).
public val isTestLibrary: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.isTestLibrary", false) || projectName == "test-fixtures"
* At the time of writing, AGP does not support running lint on `` projects. This
* is a flag to eventually support this in the future.
public val enableLintInAndroidTestProjects: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.lint.enableOnAndroidTestProjects", false)
/** Flag to enable/disable KSP. */
public val enableKsp: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.ksp.enable")
/** Flag to enable/disable Moshi-IR. */
public val enableMoshiIr: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("")
/** Flag to enable/disable moshi proguard rule gen. */
public val moshixGenerateProguardRules: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("moshix.generateProguardRules", defaultValue = true)
/** Flag to connect SqlDelight sources to KSP. */
public val kspConnectSqlDelight: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.ksp.connect.sqldelight")
/** Flag to connect ViewBinding sources to KSP. */
public val kspConnectViewBinding: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.ksp.connect.viewbinding")
/** Variants that should be disabled in a given subproject. */
public val disabledVariants: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("")
* The project-specific kotlin.daemon.jvmargs computed by bootstrap.
* We don't just blanket use `kotlin.daemon.jvmargs` alone because we don't want to pollute other
* projects.
public val kotlinDaemonArgs: List?
get() =
defaultValue = optionalStringProperty(KOTLIN_DAEMON_ARGS_KEY_OLD, defaultValue = null),
?.split(" ")
* Flag to enable ciUnitTest on this project. Default is true.
* When enabled, a task named "ciUnitTest" will be created in this project, which will depend on
* the unit test task for a single build variant (e.g. "testReleaseUnitTest").
public val ciUnitTestEnabled: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("", defaultValue = true)
/** CI unit test variant (Android only). Defaults to `release`. */
public val ciUnitTestVariant: String
get() = stringProperty("", "release")
/** If enabled, applies the kotlinx-kover plugin to projects using ciUnitTest. */
public val ciUnitTestEnableKover: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("", false)
* Parallelism multiplier to use for unit tests. This should be a float value that is multiplied
* by the number of cores. The value can be a fraction. Default is 0.5.
public val unitTestParallelismMultiplier: Float
get() {
val rawValue = stringProperty("foundry.unit-test.parallelismMultiplier", "0.5")
val floatValue = rawValue.toFloatOrNull()
require(floatValue != null && floatValue > 0) {
"Invalid value for foundry.unit-test.parallelismMultiplier: '$rawValue'"
return floatValue
/** Controls how often to fork the JVM in unit tests. Default is 1000. */
public val unitTestForkEvery: Long
get() = intProperty("foundry.unit-test.forkEvery", 1000).toLong()
* Flag to enable ciLint on a project. Default is true.
* When enabled, a task named "ciLint" will be created in this project, which will depend on the
* all the lint tasks in the project.
public val ciLintEnabled: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("", defaultValue = true)
* Comma-separated list of CI lint variants to run (Android only). Default when unspecified will
* lint all variants.
public val ciLintVariants: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("")
/** Flag for enabling test orchestrator. */
public val useOrchestrator: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("")
* Location for robolectric-core to be referenced by app. Temporary till we have a better solution
* for "always add these" type of deps.
* Should be `:path:to:robolectric-core` format
public val robolectricCoreProject: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.location.robolectric-core")
* Gradle path to a platform project to be referenced by other projects.
* Should be `:path:to:foundry-platform` format
* @see Platforms
public val platformProjectPath: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.location.foundry-platform")
* Optional file location for an `affected_projects.txt` file that contains a list of projects
* affected in this build.
public val affectedProjects: File?
get() = fileProperty("foundry.avoidance.affectedProjectsFile", useRoot = true)
/* Controls for Java/JVM/JDK versions uses in compilations and execution of tests. */
/** Flag to enable strict JDK mode, forcing some things like JAVA_HOME. */
public val strictJdk: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundryToolchainsStrict", defaultValue = true)
/** Android cache fix plugin. */
public val enableAndroidCacheFix: Boolean = booleanProperty("")
* Optional override for buildToolsVersion in Android projects. Sometimes temporarily necessary to
* pick up new fixes.
public val buildToolsVersionOverride: String? =
* Performance optimization to relocate the entire project build directory to a location outside
* the IDE's view. This prevents the IDE from tracking these files and improves IDE performance.
public val relocateBuildDir: Boolean = betaFeature("foundry.perf.relocateBuildDir")
/** Opt-in for beta SGP features. */
public val enableBetaFeatures: Boolean = booleanProperty("foundry.beta", defaultValue = false)
* Shorthand helper for checking features that are in beta or falling back to their specific flag.
private fun betaFeature(key: String): Boolean {
return enableBetaFeatures || booleanProperty(key, defaultValue = false)
/* Controls for auto-applied plugins. */
public val autoApplyTestRetry: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("", defaultValue = true)
public val autoApplySpotless: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("", defaultValue = true)
public val autoApplyDetekt: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("", defaultValue = true)
public val autoApplyNullaway: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("", defaultValue = true)
public val autoApplyCacheFix: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("", defaultValue = true)
public val autoApplySortDependencies: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("", defaultValue = true)
/* Test retry controls. */
public enum class TestRetryPluginType {
public val testRetryPluginType: TestRetryPluginType
get() =
public val testRetryFailOnPassedAfterRetry: Provider
get() =
resolver.booleanProvider("foundry.test.retry.failOnPassedAfterRetry", defaultValue = false)
public val testRetryMaxFailures: Provider
get() = resolver.intProvider("foundry.test.retry.maxFailures", defaultValue = 20)
public val testRetryMaxRetries: Provider
get() = resolver.intProvider("foundry.test.retry.maxRetries", defaultValue = 1)
/* Detekt configs. */
/** Detekt config files, evaluated from rootProject.file(...). */
public val detektConfigs: List?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.detekt.configs")?.split(",")
/** Detekt baseline file, evaluated from project.layout.projectDirectory.file(...). */
public val detektBaselineFileName: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.detekt.baseline-file-name", blankIsNull = true)
/** Enables full detekt mode (with type resolution). Off by default due to performance issues. */
public val enableFullDetekt: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.detekt.full")
/** Comma-separated set of projects to ignore in sorting dependencies. */
public val sortDependenciesIgnore: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.sortDependencies.ignore")
/** Enables verbose debug logging across the plugin. */
public val debug: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.debug", defaultValue = false)
/** A comma-separated list of configurations to use in affected project detection. */
public val affectedProjectConfigurations: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.avoidance.affected-project-configurations")
* Flag to, when true, makes [affectedProjectConfigurations] build upon the defaults rather than
* replace them.
public val buildUponDefaultAffectedProjectConfigurations: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("")
* Global control for enabling stricter validation of projects, such as ensuring Kotlin projects
* have at least one `.kt` source file.
* Note that these are expected to be slow and not used anywhere outside of debugging or CI.
* Granular controls should depend on this check + include their own opt-out check as-needed.
public val strictMode: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.strict", defaultValue = false)
/** Specific toggle for validating manifests in androidTest sources. */
public val strictValidateAndroidTestManifest: Boolean
get() =
booleanProperty("", defaultValue = true)
* Always enables resources in android unit tests. Only present for benchmarking purposes and
* should otherwise be off.
public val alwaysEnableResourcesInTests: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("", defaultValue = false)
/** Global toggle to enable bugsnag. Note this still respects variant filters. */
public val bugsnagEnabled: Provider
get() = resolver.booleanProvider("")
/** Branch pattern for git branches Bugsnag should be enabled on. */
public val bugsnagEnabledBranchPattern: Provider
get() = resolver.optionalStringProvider("")
/** Global boolean that controls whether mod score is enabled on this project. */
public val modScoreGlobalEnabled: Boolean
get() = resolver.booleanValue("foundry.modscore.enabled")
* Per-project boolean that allows for excluding this project from mod score.
* Note this should only be applied to projects that cannot be depended on.
public val modScoreIgnore: Boolean
get() = resolver.booleanValue("foundry.modscore.ignore")
/** Experimental flag to enable logging thermal throttling on macOS devices. */
public val logThermals: Boolean
get() = resolver.booleanValue("foundry.logging.thermals", defaultValue = false)
* Enables eager configuration of [FoundryArtifact] publishing in subprojects. This is behind a
* flag as a failsafe while we try different approaches to allow lenient resolution.
* @see StandardProjectConfigurations.setUpSubprojectArtifactPublishing
public val eagerlyConfigureArtifactPublishing: Boolean
get() = resolver.booleanValue("foundry.artifacts.configure-eagerly", defaultValue = false)
* Force-disables Anvil regardless of `FoundryExtension.dagger()` settings, useful for K2 testing
* where Anvil is unsupported.
public val disableAnvilForK2Testing: Boolean
get() = resolver.booleanValue("foundry.anvil.forceDisable", defaultValue = false)
* Defines the [AnvilMode] to use with this compilation. See the docs on that class for more
* details.
public val anvilMode: AnvilMode
get() =
resolver.stringValue("foundry.anvil.mode", defaultValue = {
/** Overrides the kotlin language version if present. */
public val kaptLanguageVersion: Provider
get() =
resolver.optionalStringProvider("foundry.kapt.languageVersion").map {
/** Defines a required vendor for JDK toolchains. */
public val jvmVendor: Provider
get() =
resolver.optionalStringProvider("foundry.jvm.vendor").map {
if (jvmVendorOptOut) {
} else {
/** Flag to disable JVM vendor setting locally. */
public val jvmVendorOptOut: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.jvm.vendor.optOut", defaultValue = false)
/** Optional link to JDK configuration */
public val jdkDocsLink: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.jdk.docsLink")
/** Optional error message to show when the JDK configuration is invalid. */
public val jdkErrorMessage: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.jdk.errorMessage")
* Option to force a specific kotlin language version. By default defers to the KGP default the
* build is running with.
public val kotlinLanguageVersionOverride: Provider
get() = resolver.optionalStringProvider("foundry.kotlin.languageVersionOverride")
* Free compiler arguments to pass to Kotlin's `freeCompilerArgs` property in all compilations.
* Should not include opt-in arguments or `-progressive`.
public val kotlinFreeArgs: Provider>
get() =
.map { it.split(',') }
// Super important to default if absent due to
* Free compiler arguments to pass to Kotlin's `freeCompilerArgs` property in JVM compilations.
* Should not include opt-in arguments or `-progressive`.
public val kotlinJvmFreeArgs: Provider>
get() =
.map { it.split(',') }
// Super important to default if absent due to
/** Opt-in annotations to pass to Kotlin's `optIn` property. */
public val kotlinOptIn: Provider>
get() =
.map { it.split(',') }
// Super important to default if absent due to
/** Default for Kotlin's `progressive` mode. Defaults to enabled. */
public val kotlinProgressive: Provider
get() = resolver.booleanProvider("", defaultValue = true)
/** Property to enable auto-fixing in topography validation. */
public val topographyAutoFix: Provider
get() = resolver.booleanProvider("foundry.topography.validation.autoFix", defaultValue = false)
* Property pointing at a features config JSON file for
* [foundry.gradle.topography.ModuleFeaturesConfig].
public val topographyFeaturesConfig: Provider
get() = fileProvider("foundry.topography.features.config", useRoot = true)
internal fun requireAndroidSdkProperties(): AndroidSdkProperties {
val compileSdk = compileSdkVersion ?: error(" not set")
val minSdk = minSdkVersion?.toInt() ?: error(" not set")
val targetSdk = targetSdkVersion?.toInt() ?: error(" not set")
return AndroidSdkProperties(compileSdk, minSdk, targetSdk)
internal data class AndroidSdkProperties(
val compileSdk: String,
val minSdk: Int,
val targetSdk: Int,
public val compileSdkVersion: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("")
public fun latestCompileSdkWithSources(defaultValue: Int): Int =
intProperty("", defaultValue = defaultValue)
private val minSdkVersion: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("")
private val targetSdkVersion: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("")
public companion object {
* The project-specific kotlin.daemon.jvmargs computed by bootstrap.
* We don't just blanket use `kotlin.daemon.jvmargs` alone because we don't want to pollute
* other projects.
public const val KOTLIN_DAEMON_ARGS_KEY: String = "foundry.kotlin.daemon.jvmargs"
public const val KOTLIN_DAEMON_ARGS_KEY_OLD: String = "slack.kotlin.daemon.jvmargs"
/** Minimum xmx value for the Gradle daemon. Value is an integer and unit is gigabytes. */
// Key-only because it's used in a task init without a project instance
public const val MIN_GRADLE_XMX: String = "foundry.bootstrap.minGradleXmx"
/** Minimum xms value for the Gradle daemon. Value is an integer and unit is gigabytes. */
// Key-only because it's used in a task init without a project instance
public const val MIN_GRADLE_XMS: String = "foundry.bootstrap.minGradleXms"
internal const val CACHED_PROVIDER_EXT_NAME = ""
public operator fun invoke(project: Project): FoundryProperties = project.foundryProperties
public fun getOrCreateRoot(
project: Project,
startParameterProperty: (String) -> Provider,
globalLocalProperty: (String) -> Provider,
): FoundryProperties {
check(project.isRootProject) { "getOrCreate can only run in the root project!" }
return project.getOrCreateExtra(CACHED_PROVIDER_EXT_NAME) { p ->
val resolver =
startParameterProperty = startParameterProperty,
globalLocalProperty = globalLocalProperty,
val versions = FoundryVersions(p.getVersionsCatalog())
create(p, resolver, versions)
public fun getOrCreate(
project: Project,
foundryTools: Provider = project.foundryToolsProvider(),
): FoundryProperties {
return project.getOrCreateExtra(CACHED_PROVIDER_EXT_NAME) { p ->
val globalProperties = foundryTools.get().globalConfig.globalFoundryProperties
val resolver = PropertyResolver(project, globalResolver = globalProperties.resolver)
val versions = globalProperties.versions
create(p, resolver, versions)
private fun create(
project: Project,
resolver: PropertyResolver,
versions: FoundryVersions,
): FoundryProperties {
return FoundryProperties(
projectName =,
resolver = resolver,
regularFileProvider = project.layout.projectDirectory::file,
rootDirFileProvider = project.rootProject.layout.projectDirectory::file,
versions = versions,
public val Project.foundryProperties: FoundryProperties
get() = FoundryProperties.getOrCreate(project)
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