foundry.gradle.FoundryProperties.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2022 Slack Technologies, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package foundry.gradle
import foundry.common.FoundryKeys
import foundry.gradle.android.AndroidArchitecture
import foundry.gradle.anvil.AnvilMode
import foundry.gradle.artifacts.FoundryArtifact
import foundry.gradle.properties.PropertyResolver
import foundry.gradle.properties.getOrCreateExtra
import foundry.gradle.properties.sneakyNull
import java.io.File
import java.util.Locale
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.file.RegularFile
import org.gradle.api.provider.Provider
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.ExplicitApiMode
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinVersion
* (Mostly Gradle) properties for configuration of Foundry Gradle Plugin.
* Order attempted as described by [PropertyResolver.providerFor].
// TODO allow sourcing from a custom resolver or Properties
public class FoundryProperties
internal constructor(
private val projectName: String,
private val resolver: PropertyResolver,
private val regularFileProvider: (String) -> RegularFile,
private val rootDirFileProvider: (String) -> RegularFile,
internal val versions: FoundryVersions,
) {
private fun presenceProperty(key: String): Boolean = optionalStringProperty(key) != null
private fun fileProperty(key: String, useRoot: Boolean = false): File? =
?.let(if (useRoot) rootDirFileProvider else regularFileProvider)
private fun fileProvider(key: String, useRoot: Boolean = false): Provider =
.map(if (useRoot) rootDirFileProvider else regularFileProvider)
private fun intProperty(key: String, defaultValue: Int = -1): Int =
resolver.intValue(key, defaultValue = defaultValue)
private fun booleanProperty(key: String, defaultValue: Boolean = false): Boolean =
resolver.booleanValue(key, defaultValue = defaultValue)
private fun stringProperty(key: String): String =
?: error("No property for $key found and no default value was provided.")
private fun stringProperty(key: String, defaultValue: String): String =
optionalStringProperty(key, defaultValue)!!
private fun optionalStringProperty(
key: String,
defaultValue: String? = null,
blankIsNull: Boolean = false,
): String? =
resolver.optionalStringValue(key, defaultValue = defaultValue)?.takeUnless {
blankIsNull && it.isBlank()
/** Indicates that this android library project has variants. Flag-only, value is ignored. */
public val libraryWithVariants: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.android.libraryWithVariants")
/** Default namespace prefix for android projects if one isn't specified. */
public val defaultNamespacePrefix: String
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.android.defaultNamespacePrefix") ?: defaultPackagePrefix
/** Default package prefix for JVM projects if one isn't specified. */
public val defaultPackagePrefix: String
get() = stringProperty(FoundryKeys.DEFAULT_PACKAGE_PREFIX)
* Indicates that the gradle versions plugin should allow unstable versions. By default, unstable
* versions are excluded due to the frequent androidx alpha/beta/rc cycle noise. Flag-only, value
* is ignored.
public val versionsPluginAllowUnstable: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.versionsPlugin.allowUnstable")
/** Opt-out flag to skip the androidx dependency check. Should only be used for debugging. */
public val skipAndroidxCheck: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.android.skipAndroidXCheck")
/** Version code used for debug APK outputs. */
public val debugVersionCode: Int
get() = intProperty("foundry.android.debugVersionCode", 90009999)
/** User string used for debug APK outputs. */
public val debugUserString: String
get() = stringProperty("foundry.android.debugUserString", "debug")
/** Opt-in flag to enable snapshots repos, used for the dependencies build shadow job. */
public val enableSnapshots: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.gradle.enableSnapshots")
/** Opt-in flag to enable mavenLocal repos, used for local testing. */
public val enableMavenLocal: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.gradle.enableMavenLocal")
* Flag to indicate that this project should have no api dependencies, such as if it's solely an
* annotation processor.
public val rakeNoApi: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.rake.noapi")
* Flag to enable the Gradle Dependency Analysis Plugin, which is disabled by default due to
* https://github.com/autonomousapps/dependency-analysis-android-gradle-plugin/issues/204
public val enableAnalysisPlugin: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.enableAnalysisPlugin")
* Flag to indicate this project should be exempted from platforms, usually platform projects
* themselves.
public val noPlatform: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.config.noPlatform")
/** Property corresponding to the supported languages in GA builds */
public val supportedLanguages: Provider
get() = resolver.requiredStringProvider("foundry.android.supportedLanguages")
/** Property corresponding to the supported languages in Internal builds */
public val supportedLanguagesInternal: Provider
get() =
blankBehavior = PropertyResolver.BlankBehavior.FILTER,
/** Property corresponding to the supported languages in Beta builds */
public val supportedLanguagesBeta: Provider
get() =
blankBehavior = PropertyResolver.BlankBehavior.FILTER,
* Property corresponding to the file path of a custom versions.json file for use with
* dependencies shadow jobs.
public val versionsJson: File?
get() = fileProperty("foundry.versionsJson", useRoot = true)
* An alias name to a libs.versions.toml bundle for common Android Compose dependencies that
* should be added to android projects with compose enabled
public val defaultComposeAndroidBundleAlias: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.compose.android.defaultBundleAlias")
* Enables live literals. Note that they are disabled by default due to
* https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/274207650 and
* https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/274231394.
public val composeEnableLiveLiterals: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.compose.android.enableLiveLiterals", false)
* Common compose compiler options.
* Format is a comma-separated list of key-value pairs, e.g. "key1=value1,key2=value2". Keys
* should be the simple name of the compose compiler option, no prefixes needed.
public val composeCommonCompilerOptions: Provider>
get() =
.map { value -> value.split(",").map { it.trim() } }
/** Relative path to a Compose stability configuration file from the _root_ project. */
public val composeGlobalStabilityConfigurationPath: Provider
get() =
/** Relative path to a Compose stability configuration file from the current project. */
public val composeStabilityConfigurationPath: Provider
get() =
* Use a workaround for compose-compiler's `includeInformation` option on android projects.
* On android projects, the compose compiler gradle plugin annoyingly no-ops
* @see Upstream issue
public val composeUseIncludeInformationWorkaround: Boolean
get() =
resolver.booleanValue("foundry.compose.useIncludeInformationWorkaround", defaultValue = true)
* By default, Compose on android only enables source information in debug variants. This is a bit
* silly in large projects because we generally make all libraries single-variant as "release",
* and can result in libraries not having source information. Instead, we rely on R8 to strip out
* this information in release builds as needed.
* @see Upstream issue
public val composeIncludeSourceInformationEverywhereByDefault: Boolean
get() =
defaultValue = true,
* When this property is present, the "internalRelease" build variant will have an application id
* of "com.Slack.prototype", instead of "com.Slack.internal".
* We build and distribute "prototype" builds that are equivalent to the "internalRelease" build
* variants, except with a different application id so they can be installed side-by-side. To
* avoid adding a new flavor & flavor dimension (or other somewhat hacky solutions like sharing
* source sets), we swap the application id suffix at configuration time.
public val usePrototypeAppId: Boolean
get() = presenceProperty("foundry.android.usePrototypeAppId")
* Property corresponding to the SDK versions we test in Robolectric tests. Its value should be a
* comma-separated list of SDK ints to download.
public val robolectricTestSdks: List
get() =
.map { it.toInt() }
/** Opt out for -Werror. */
public val allowWarnings: Provider
get() = resolver.booleanProvider("foundry.kotlin.allowWarnings", defaultValue = false)
/** Opt out for -Werror in tests. */
public val allowWarningsInTests: Provider
get() =
resolver.booleanProvider("foundry.kotlin.allowWarningsInTests", defaultValue = allowWarnings)
/** Opt-in for explicit API mode. Maps to [ExplicitApiMode] */
public val kotlinExplicitApiMode: Provider
get() = resolver.optionalStringProvider("foundry.kotlin.explicitApiMode", defaultValue = null)
* Anvil generator projects that should always be included when Anvil is enabled.
* This should be semicolon-delimited Gradle project paths.
public val anvilGeneratorProjects: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.anvil.generatorProjects")
* Anvil runtime projects that should always be included when Anvil is enabled.
* This should be semicolon-delimited Gradle project paths.
public val anvilRuntimeProjects: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.anvil.runtimeProjects")
/** Flag to enable use of the Anvil KSP fork. https://github.com/ZacSweers/anvil */
public val anvilUseKspFork: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.anvil.useKspFork", defaultValue = false)
/** Log Foundry extension configuration state verbosely. */
public val foundryExtensionVerbose: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.extension.verbose")
* Flag for Error-Prone auto-patching. Enable when running an auto-patch of EP, such as when it's
* being introduced to a new module or upgrading EP itself.
public val errorProneAutoPatch: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.errorprone.autoPatch")
* Error-Prone checks that should be considered errors.
* This should be colon-delimited string.
* Example: "AnnotationMirrorToString:AutoValueSubclassLeaked"
public val errorProneCheckNamesAsErrors: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.errorprone.checkNamesAsErrors")
* Flag for Nullaway baselining. When enabled along with [errorProneAutoPatch], existing
* nullability issues will be baselined with a `castToNonNull` call to wrap it.
public val nullawayBaseline: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.errorprone.nullaway.baseline")
* Ndk version to use for android projects.
* Latest versions can be found at https://developer.android.com/ndk/downloads
public val ndkVersion: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.android.ndkVersion")
* Enables verbose logging in miscellaneous places of SGP. This is intended to be a less noisy
* alternative to running gradle with `--info` or `--debug`.
public val verboseLogging: Boolean
get() = resolver.booleanValue("foundry.logging.verbose")
/** Flag to enable verbose logging in unit tests. */
public val testVerboseLogging: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.test.verboseLogging") || verboseLogging
* Flag to enable kapt in tests. By default these are disabled due to this undesirable (but
* surprisingly intented) behavior of running kapt + stub generation even if no processors are
* present.
* See https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-29481#focus=Comments-27-4651462.0-0
public val enableKaptInTests: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.kapt.enabled-in-tests")
/** Flag to enable errors only in lint checks. */
public val lintErrorsOnly: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.lint.errors-only")
/** File name to use for a project's lint baseline. */
public val lintBaselineFileName: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.lint.baseline-file-name", blankIsNull = true)
/** Flag to control whether or not lint checks test sources. */
public val lintCheckTestSources: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.lint.checkTestSources", true)
/** Flag to control whether or not lint checks ignores test sources. */
public val lintIgnoreTestSources: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.lint.ignoreTestSources", false)
* Flag to control which agp version should be used for lint. Optional. Value should be a version
* key in `libs.versions.toml`,
public val lintVersionOverride: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.lint.agpVersion")
* Flag to indicate whether this project is a test library (such as test utils, test fixtures,
* etc).
public val isTestLibrary: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.isTestLibrary", false) || projectName == "test-fixtures"
* At the time of writing, AGP does not support running lint on `com.android.test` projects. This
* is a flag to eventually support this in the future.
* https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/208765813
public val enableLintInAndroidTestProjects: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.lint.enableOnAndroidTestProjects", false)
/** Proxy flag for lint.checkDependencies. Usually enabled for application projects. */
public val lintCheckDependencies: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.lint.checkDependencies", false)
/** If enabled, enables emulator.wtf for androidTest() uses. */
public val enableEmulatorWtfForAndroidTest: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.emulatorwtf.enable", false)
* If enabled, enables per-test videos for emulator.wtf.
* https://github.com/emulator-wtf/test-runtime-android
public val enableEmulatorWtfPerTestVideo: Boolean
get() =
enableEmulatorWtfForAndroidTest &&
booleanProperty("foundry.emulatorwtf.enablePerTestVideo", true)
/** Flag to enable/disable KSP. */
public val enableKsp: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.ksp.enable")
/** Flag to enable/disable Moshi-IR. */
public val enableMoshiIr: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.moshi.ir.enable")
/** Flag to enable/disable moshi proguard rule gen. */
public val moshixGenerateProguardRules: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("moshix.generateProguardRules", defaultValue = true)
/** Flag to connect SqlDelight sources to KSP. */
public val kspConnectSqlDelight: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.ksp.connect.sqldelight")
/** Flag to connect ViewBinding sources to KSP. */
public val kspConnectViewBinding: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.ksp.connect.viewbinding")
/** Variants that should be disabled in a given subproject. */
public val disabledVariants: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.android.disabledVariants")
* The project-specific kotlin.daemon.jvmargs computed by bootstrap.
* We don't just blanket use `kotlin.daemon.jvmargs` alone because we don't want to pollute other
* projects.
public val kotlinDaemonArgs: List?
get() =
defaultValue = optionalStringProperty(KOTLIN_DAEMON_ARGS_KEY_OLD, defaultValue = null),
?.split(" ")
* Flag to enable ciUnitTest on this project. Default is true.
* When enabled, a task named "ciUnitTest" will be created in this project, which will depend on
* the unit test task for a single build variant (e.g. "testReleaseUnitTest").
public val ciUnitTestEnabled: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.ci-unit-test.enable", defaultValue = true)
/** CI unit test variant (Android only). Defaults to `release`. */
public val ciUnitTestVariant: String
get() = stringProperty("foundry.ci-unit-test.variant", "release")
/** If enabled, applies the kotlinx-kover plugin to projects using ciUnitTest. */
public val ciUnitTestEnableKover: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.ci-unit-test.enableKover", false)
* Parallelism multiplier to use for unit tests. This should be a float value that is multiplied
* by the number of cores. The value can be a fraction. Default is 0.5.
public val unitTestParallelismMultiplier: Float
get() {
val rawValue = stringProperty("foundry.unit-test.parallelismMultiplier", "0.5")
val floatValue = rawValue.toFloatOrNull()
require(floatValue != null && floatValue > 0) {
"Invalid value for foundry.unit-test.parallelismMultiplier: '$rawValue'"
return floatValue
/** Controls how often to fork the JVM in unit tests. Default is 1000. */
public val unitTestForkEvery: Long
get() = intProperty("foundry.unit-test.forkEvery", 1000).toLong()
* Flag to enable ciLint on a project. Default is true.
* When enabled, a task named "ciLint" will be created in this project, which will depend on the
* all the lint tasks in the project.
public val ciLintEnabled: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.ci-lint.enable", defaultValue = true)
* Comma-separated list of CI lint variants to run (Android only). Default when unspecified will
* lint all variants.
public val ciLintVariants: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.ci-lint.variants")
/** Flag for enabling test orchestrator. */
public val useOrchestrator: Provider
get() = resolver.booleanProvider("foundry.android.test.orchestrator", false)
* Flag for compressing androidTest APks with legacy packaging.
* See:
* - https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/259832799
* - https://developer.android.com/reference/tools/gradle-api/7.1/com/android/build/api/dsl/DexPackagingOptions#useLegacyPackaging:kotlin.Boolean
public val compressAndroidTestApksWithLegacyPackaging: Provider
get() = resolver.booleanProvider("foundry.android.test.compressWithLegacyPackaging", false)
* Option to specify which architecture to target for androidTest APKs. These are universal by
* default, which can be quite bloated. This allows for targeting a subset of arches by excluding
* jni libs from other ones.
public val targetAndroidTestApksArch: Provider
get() =
resolver.optionalStringProvider("foundry.android.test.targetApkArch").map {
/** Flag for minifying androidTest APks with R8. This just tree shakes. */
public val minifyAndroidTestApks: Provider
get() = resolver.booleanProvider("foundry.android.test.minifyEnabled", false)
* Location for robolectric-core to be referenced by app. Temporary till we have a better solution
* for "always add these" type of deps.
* Should be `:path:to:robolectric-core` format
public val robolectricCoreProject: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.location.robolectric-core")
* Gradle path to a platform project to be referenced by other projects.
* Should be `:path:to:foundry-platform` format
* @see Platforms
public val platformProjectPath: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.location.foundry-platform")
* Optional file location for an `affected_projects.txt` file that contains a list of projects
* affected in this build.
public val affectedProjects: File?
get() = fileProperty("foundry.avoidance.affectedProjectsFile", useRoot = true)
/* Controls for Java/JVM/JDK versions uses in compilations and execution of tests. */
/** Flag to enable strict JDK mode, forcing some things like JAVA_HOME. */
public val strictJdk: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundryToolchainsStrict", defaultValue = true)
/** Android cache fix plugin. */
public val enableAndroidCacheFix: Boolean = booleanProperty("foundry.plugins.android-cache-fix")
* Optional override for buildToolsVersion in Android projects. Sometimes temporarily necessary to
* pick up new fixes.
public val buildToolsVersionOverride: String? =
* Performance optimization to relocate the entire project build directory to a location outside
* the IDE's view. This prevents the IDE from tracking these files and improves IDE performance.
public val relocateBuildDir: Boolean = betaFeature("foundry.perf.relocateBuildDir")
/** Opt-in for beta SGP features. */
public val enableBetaFeatures: Boolean = booleanProperty("foundry.beta", defaultValue = false)
* Shorthand helper for checking features that are in beta or falling back to their specific flag.
private fun betaFeature(key: String): Boolean {
return enableBetaFeatures || booleanProperty(key, defaultValue = false)
/* Controls for auto-applied plugins. */
public val autoApplyTestRetry: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.auto-apply.test-retry", defaultValue = true)
public val autoApplySpotless: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.auto-apply.spotless", defaultValue = true)
public val autoApplyDetekt: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.auto-apply.detekt", defaultValue = true)
public val autoApplyNullaway: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.auto-apply.nullaway", defaultValue = true)
public val autoApplyCacheFix: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.auto-apply.cache-fix", defaultValue = true)
public val autoApplySortDependencies: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.auto-apply.sort-dependencies", defaultValue = true)
/* Test retry controls. */
public enum class TestRetryPluginType {
public val testRetryPluginType: TestRetryPluginType
get() =
stringProperty("foundry.test.retry.pluginType", TestRetryPluginType.RETRY_PLUGIN.name)
public val testRetryFailOnPassedAfterRetry: Provider
get() =
resolver.booleanProvider("foundry.test.retry.failOnPassedAfterRetry", defaultValue = false)
public val testRetryMaxFailures: Provider
get() = resolver.intProvider("foundry.test.retry.maxFailures", defaultValue = 20)
public val testRetryMaxRetries: Provider
get() = resolver.intProvider("foundry.test.retry.maxRetries", defaultValue = 1)
/* Detekt configs. */
/** Detekt config files, evaluated from rootProject.file(...). */
public val detektConfigs: List?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.detekt.configs")?.split(",")
/** Detekt baseline file, evaluated from project.layout.projectDirectory.file(...). */
public val detektBaselineFileName: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.detekt.baseline-file-name", blankIsNull = true)
/** Enables full detekt mode (with type resolution). Off by default due to performance issues. */
public val enableFullDetekt: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.detekt.full")
/** Comma-separated set of projects to ignore in sorting dependencies. */
public val sortDependenciesIgnore: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.sortDependencies.ignore")
/** Enables verbose debug logging across the plugin. */
public val debug: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.debug", defaultValue = false)
/** A comma-separated list of configurations to use in affected project detection. */
public val affectedProjectConfigurations: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.avoidance.affected-project-configurations")
* Flag to, when true, makes [affectedProjectConfigurations] build upon the defaults rather than
* replace them.
public val buildUponDefaultAffectedProjectConfigurations: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.avoidance.build-upon-default-affected-project-configurations")
* Global control for enabling stricter validation of projects, such as ensuring Kotlin projects
* have at least one `.kt` source file.
* Note that these are expected to be slow and not used anywhere outside of debugging or CI.
* Granular controls should depend on this check + include their own opt-out check as-needed.
public val strictMode: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.strict", defaultValue = false)
/** Specific toggle for validating manifests in androidTest sources. */
public val strictValidateAndroidTestManifest: Boolean
get() =
booleanProperty("foundry.android.strict.validateAndroidTestManifests", defaultValue = true)
* Always enables resources in android unit tests. Only present for benchmarking purposes and
* should otherwise be off.
public val alwaysEnableResourcesInTests: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.android.test.alwaysEnableResources", defaultValue = false)
/** Global toggle to enable bugsnag. Note this still respects variant filters. */
public val bugsnagEnabled: Provider
get() = resolver.booleanProvider("foundry.android.bugsnag.enabled")
/** Branch pattern for git branches Bugsnag should be enabled on. */
public val bugsnagEnabledBranchPattern: Provider
get() = resolver.optionalStringProvider("foundry.android.bugsnag.enabledBranchPattern")
/** Global boolean that controls whether mod score is enabled on this project. */
public val modScoreGlobalEnabled: Boolean
get() = resolver.booleanValue("foundry.modscore.enabled")
* Per-project boolean that allows for excluding this project from mod score.
* Note this should only be applied to projects that cannot be depended on.
public val modScoreIgnore: Boolean
get() = resolver.booleanValue("foundry.modscore.ignore")
/** Experimental flag to enable logging thermal throttling on macOS devices. */
public val logThermals: Boolean
get() = resolver.booleanValue("foundry.logging.thermals", defaultValue = false)
* Enables eager configuration of [FoundryArtifact] publishing in subprojects. This is behind a
* flag as a failsafe while we try different approaches to allow lenient resolution.
* @see StandardProjectConfigurations.setUpSubprojectArtifactPublishing
public val eagerlyConfigureArtifactPublishing: Boolean
get() = resolver.booleanValue("foundry.artifacts.configure-eagerly", defaultValue = false)
* Force-disables Anvil regardless of `FoundryExtension.dagger()` settings, useful for K2 testing
* where Anvil is unsupported.
public val disableAnvilForK2Testing: Boolean
get() = resolver.booleanValue("foundry.anvil.forceDisable", defaultValue = false)
* Defines the [AnvilMode] to use with this compilation. See the docs on that class for more
* details.
public val anvilMode: AnvilMode
get() =
resolver.stringValue("foundry.anvil.mode", defaultValue = AnvilMode.K1_EMBEDDED.name).let {
/** Overrides the kotlin language version if present. */
public val kaptLanguageVersion: Provider
get() =
resolver.optionalStringProvider("foundry.kapt.languageVersion").map {
/** Defines a required vendor for JDK toolchains. */
public val jvmVendor: Provider
get() =
resolver.optionalStringProvider("foundry.jvm.vendor").map {
if (jvmVendorOptOut) {
} else {
/** Flag to disable JVM vendor setting locally. */
public val jvmVendorOptOut: Boolean
get() = booleanProperty("foundry.jvm.vendor.optOut", defaultValue = false)
/** Optional link to JDK configuration */
public val jdkDocsLink: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.jdk.docsLink")
/** Optional error message to show when the JDK configuration is invalid. */
public val jdkErrorMessage: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.jdk.errorMessage")
* Option to force a specific kotlin language version. By default defers to the KGP default the
* build is running with.
public val kotlinLanguageVersionOverride: Provider
get() = resolver.optionalStringProvider("foundry.kotlin.languageVersionOverride")
* Free compiler arguments to pass to Kotlin's `freeCompilerArgs` property in all compilations.
* Should not include opt-in arguments or `-progressive`.
public val kotlinFreeArgs: Provider>
get() =
.map { it.split(',') }
// Super important to default if absent due to
// https://docs.gradle.org/8.7/release-notes.html#build-authoring-improvements
* Free compiler arguments to pass to Kotlin's `freeCompilerArgs` property in JVM compilations.
* Should not include opt-in arguments or `-progressive`.
public val kotlinJvmFreeArgs: Provider>
get() =
.map { it.split(',') }
// Super important to default if absent due to
// https://docs.gradle.org/8.7/release-notes.html#build-authoring-improvements
/** Opt-in annotations to pass to Kotlin's `optIn` property. */
public val kotlinOptIn: Provider>
get() =
.map { it.split(',') }
// Super important to default if absent due to
// https://docs.gradle.org/8.7/release-notes.html#build-authoring-improvements
/** Default for Kotlin's `progressive` mode. Defaults to enabled. */
public val kotlinProgressive: Provider
get() = resolver.booleanProvider("foundry.kotlin.progressive", defaultValue = true)
/** Property to enable auto-fixing in topography validation. */
public val topographyAutoFix: Provider
get() = resolver.booleanProvider("foundry.topography.validation.autoFix", defaultValue = false)
* Property pointing at a features config JSON file for
* [foundry.gradle.topography.ModuleFeaturesConfig].
public val topographyFeaturesConfig: Provider
get() = fileProvider("foundry.topography.features.config", useRoot = true)
internal fun requireAndroidSdkProperties(): AndroidSdkProperties {
val compileSdk = compileSdkVersion ?: error("foundry.android.compileSdkVersion not set")
val minSdk = minSdkVersion?.toInt() ?: error("foundry.android.minSdkVersion not set")
val targetSdk = targetSdkVersion?.toInt() ?: error("foundry.android.targetSdkVersion not set")
return AndroidSdkProperties(compileSdk, minSdk, targetSdk)
internal data class AndroidSdkProperties(
val compileSdk: String,
val minSdk: Int,
val targetSdk: Int,
public val compileSdkVersion: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.android.compileSdkVersion")
public fun latestCompileSdkWithSources(defaultValue: Int): Int =
intProperty("foundry.android.latestCompileSdkWithSources", defaultValue = defaultValue)
private val minSdkVersion: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.android.minSdkVersion")
private val targetSdkVersion: String?
get() = optionalStringProperty("foundry.android.targetSdkVersion")
public companion object {
* The project-specific kotlin.daemon.jvmargs computed by bootstrap.
* We don't just blanket use `kotlin.daemon.jvmargs` alone because we don't want to pollute
* other projects.
public const val KOTLIN_DAEMON_ARGS_KEY: String = "foundry.kotlin.daemon.jvmargs"
public const val KOTLIN_DAEMON_ARGS_KEY_OLD: String = "slack.kotlin.daemon.jvmargs"
/** Minimum xmx value for the Gradle daemon. Value is an integer and unit is gigabytes. */
// Key-only because it's used in a task init without a project instance
public const val MIN_GRADLE_XMX: String = "foundry.bootstrap.minGradleXmx"
/** Minimum xms value for the Gradle daemon. Value is an integer and unit is gigabytes. */
// Key-only because it's used in a task init without a project instance
public const val MIN_GRADLE_XMS: String = "foundry.bootstrap.minGradleXms"
internal const val CACHED_PROVIDER_EXT_NAME = "foundry.properties.provider"
public operator fun invoke(project: Project): FoundryProperties = project.foundryProperties
public fun getOrCreateRoot(
project: Project,
startParameterProperty: (String) -> Provider,
globalLocalProperty: (String) -> Provider,
): FoundryProperties {
check(project.isRootProject) { "getOrCreate can only run in the root project!" }
return project.getOrCreateExtra(CACHED_PROVIDER_EXT_NAME) { p ->
val resolver =
startParameterProperty = startParameterProperty,
globalLocalProperty = globalLocalProperty,
val versions = FoundryVersions(p.getVersionsCatalog())
create(p, resolver, versions)
public fun getOrCreate(
project: Project,
foundryTools: Provider = project.foundryToolsProvider(),
): FoundryProperties {
return project.getOrCreateExtra(CACHED_PROVIDER_EXT_NAME) { p ->
val globalProperties = foundryTools.get().globalConfig.globalFoundryProperties
val resolver = PropertyResolver(project, globalResolver = globalProperties.resolver)
val versions = globalProperties.versions
create(p, resolver, versions)
private fun create(
project: Project,
resolver: PropertyResolver,
versions: FoundryVersions,
): FoundryProperties {
return FoundryProperties(
projectName = project.name,
resolver = resolver,
regularFileProvider = project.layout.projectDirectory::file,
rootDirFileProvider = project.rootProject.layout.projectDirectory::file,
versions = versions,
public val Project.foundryProperties: FoundryProperties
get() = FoundryProperties.getOrCreate(project)
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