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* Copyright 2015 Smoke Turner, LLC.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.basho.riak.client.api.RiakClient;
import com.basho.riak.client.api.cap.UnresolvedConflictException;
import com.basho.riak.client.api.commands.buckets.StoreBucketProperties;
import com.basho.riak.client.api.commands.kv.DeleteValue;
import com.basho.riak.client.api.commands.kv.FetchValue;
import com.basho.riak.client.api.commands.kv.StoreValue;
import com.basho.riak.client.api.commands.kv.UpdateValue;
import com.basho.riak.client.core.query.Location;
import com.basho.riak.client.core.query.Namespace;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;
import com.smoketurner.notification.api.Notification;
import com.smoketurner.notification.application.core.Rollup;
import com.smoketurner.notification.application.core.Rule;
import com.smoketurner.notification.application.core.UserNotifications;
import com.smoketurner.notification.application.exceptions.NotificationStoreException;
import com.smoketurner.notification.application.riak.NotificationListAddition;
import com.smoketurner.notification.application.riak.NotificationListDeletion;
import com.smoketurner.notification.application.riak.NotificationListObject;
public class NotificationStore {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NotificationStore.class);
public static final String CURSOR_NAME = "notifications";
private static final Namespace NAMESPACE = new Namespace("notifications", StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
private final RiakClient client;
private final IdWorker snowizard;
private final CursorStore cursors;
private final Map rules;
// timers
private final Timer fetchTimer;
private final Timer updateTimer;
private final Timer deleteTimer;
* Constructor
* @param registry Metric registry
* @param client Riak client
* @param snowizard ID Generator
* @param cursors Cursor data store
* @param rules Rollup rules
public NotificationStore(@Nonnull final MetricRegistry registry,
@Nonnull final RiakClient client, @Nonnull final IdWorker snowizard,
@Nonnull final CursorStore cursors, @Nonnull final Map rules) {
this.fetchTimer = registry.timer(, "fetch"));
this.updateTimer = registry.timer(, "store"));
this.deleteTimer = registry.timer(, "delete"));
this.client = Preconditions.checkNotNull(client);
this.snowizard = Preconditions.checkNotNull(snowizard);
this.cursors = Preconditions.checkNotNull(cursors);
this.rules = Preconditions.checkNotNull(rules);
* Internal method to set the allow_multi to true
public void initialize() {
final boolean allowMulti = true;
LOGGER.debug("Setting allow_multi={} for namespace={}", allowMulti, NAMESPACE);
final StoreBucketProperties storeBucketProperties =
new StoreBucketProperties.Builder(NAMESPACE).withAllowMulti(allowMulti).build();
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
String.format("Unable to set allow_multi=%s for namespace=%s", allowMulti, NAMESPACE), e);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
String.format("Unable to set allow_multi=%s for namespace=%s", allowMulti, NAMESPACE), e);
* Fetch a list of notifications for a given user
* @param username User to fetch notifications for
* @return Optional list of notifications or absent
* @throws NotificationStoreException if unable to fetch the notifications
public Optional fetch(@Nonnull final String username)
throws NotificationStoreException {
Preconditions.checkArgument(!username.isEmpty(), "username cannot be empty");
final Location location = new Location(NAMESPACE, username);
LOGGER.debug("Fetching key: {}", location);
final NotificationListObject list;
final FetchValue fv = new FetchValue.Builder(location).build();
final Timer.Context context = fetchTimer.time();
try {
final FetchValue.Response response = client.execute(fv);
list = response.getValue(NotificationListObject.class);
} catch (UnresolvedConflictException e) {
LOGGER.error("Unable to resolve siblings for key: " + location, e);
throw new NotificationStoreException(e);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
LOGGER.error("Unable to fetch key: " + location, e);
throw new NotificationStoreException(e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Interrupted fetching key: " + location, e);
throw new NotificationStoreException(e);
} finally {
if (list == null) {
return Optional.absent();
return Optional.of(splitNotifications(username, list.getNotifications()));
* Sets the unseen state on all of the notifications based any previously viewed notifications.
* @param username Username of the notifications
* @param notifications Original notifications list
* @return the seen and unseen notifications
* @throws NotificationStoreException if unable to update the cursor
public UserNotifications splitNotifications(@Nonnull final String username,
@Nonnull final SortedSet notifications) throws NotificationStoreException {
Preconditions.checkArgument(!username.isEmpty(), "username cannot be empty");
// if there are no notifications, just return
if (notifications.isEmpty()) {
return new UserNotifications();
// get the ID of the most recent notification (this should never be zero)
final long newestId = notifications.first().getId(0L);
LOGGER.debug("Newest notification ID: {}", newestId);
final Rollup unseenRollup = new Rollup(rules);
final Optional cursor = cursors.fetch(username, CURSOR_NAME);
final long lastSeenId = cursor.or(0L);
if (!cursor.isPresent()) {
LOGGER.debug("User ({}) has no cursor", username);
// if the user has no cursor, update the cursor to the newest notification
LOGGER.debug("Updating cursor to {}", newestId);, CURSOR_NAME, newestId);
// set all of the notifications to unseen=true
return new UserNotifications(unseenRollup.rollup(setUnseenState(notifications, true)));
LOGGER.debug("Last seen notification ID: {}", lastSeenId);
// if the latest seen notification ID is less than the newest notification ID, then update the
// cursor to the newest notification ID.
if (lastSeenId < newestId) {
LOGGER.debug("Updating cursor to {}", newestId);, CURSOR_NAME, newestId);
// get the parent ID of the last seen notification ID
final Optional lastNotification = tryFind(notifications, lastSeenId);
if (!lastNotification.isPresent()) {
// if the last notification is not found, set all of the notifications as unseen
return new UserNotifications(unseenRollup.rollup(setUnseenState(notifications, true)));
// Set the head of the list as being unseen
final Iterable unseen =
setUnseenState(notifications.headSet(lastNotification.get()), true);
// Set the tail of the list as being seen
final Iterable seen =
setUnseenState(notifications.tailSet(lastNotification.get()), false);
final Rollup seenRollup = new Rollup(rules);
return new UserNotifications(unseenRollup.rollup(unseen), seenRollup.rollup(seen));
* Store a new notification for a user
* @param username User to store the notification
* @param notification Notification to store
* @return the stored notification
* @throws NotificationStoreException if unable to store the notification
public Notification store(@Nonnull final String username, @Nonnull final Notification notification)
throws NotificationStoreException {
Preconditions.checkArgument(!username.isEmpty(), "username cannot be empty");
final long id;
try {
id = snowizard.nextId();
} catch (InvalidSystemClock e) {
LOGGER.error("Clock is moving backward to generate IDs", e);
throw new NotificationStoreException(e);
final Notification updatedNotification =
final NotificationListAddition update = new NotificationListAddition(updatedNotification);
final Location location = new Location(NAMESPACE, username);
final UpdateValue updateValue =
new UpdateValue.Builder(location).withUpdate(update)
.withStoreOption(StoreValue.Option.RETURN_BODY, false).build();
LOGGER.debug("Updating key: {}", location);
final Timer.Context context = updateTimer.time();
try {
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
LOGGER.error("Unable to update key: " + location, e);
throw new NotificationStoreException(e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Update request was interrupted", e);
throw new NotificationStoreException(e);
} finally {
return updatedNotification;
* Delete all of the notifications for a given user
* @param username User to delete all the notifications
* @throws NotificationStoreException if unable to delete all the notifications
public void removeAll(@Nonnull final String username) throws NotificationStoreException {
Preconditions.checkArgument(!username.isEmpty(), "username cannot be empty");
final Location location = new Location(NAMESPACE, username);
final DeleteValue deleteValue = new DeleteValue.Builder(location).build();
LOGGER.debug("Deleting key: {}", location);
final Timer.Context context = deleteTimer.time();
try {
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
LOGGER.error("Unable to delete key: " + location, e);
throw new NotificationStoreException(e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Delete request was interrupted", e);
throw new NotificationStoreException(e);
} finally {
cursors.delete(username, CURSOR_NAME);
* Remove individual notifications for a given user
* @param username User to remove notifications from
* @param ids Notification IDs to remove
* @throws NotificationStoreException if unable to remove the notifications
public void remove(@Nonnull final String username, @Nonnull final Collection ids)
throws NotificationStoreException {
Preconditions.checkArgument(!username.isEmpty(), "username cannot be empty");
// if nothing to remove, return early
if (ids.isEmpty()) {
final Location location = new Location(NAMESPACE, username);
final NotificationListDeletion delete = new NotificationListDeletion(ids);
final UpdateValue updateValue =
new UpdateValue.Builder(location).withUpdate(delete)
.withStoreOption(StoreValue.Option.RETURN_BODY, false).build();
LOGGER.debug("Updating key: {}", location);
final Timer.Context context = updateTimer.time();
try {
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
LOGGER.error("Unable to update key: " + location, e);
throw new NotificationStoreException(e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
LOGGER.warn("Update request was interrupted", e);
throw new NotificationStoreException(e);
} finally {
* Set the unseen state on multiple notifications
* @param notifications notifications to update
* @param unseen whether the notifications have been seen or not
* @return the updated notifications
public Iterable setUnseenState(@Nonnull final Iterable notifications,
final boolean unseen) {
return Iterables.transform(notifications, new Function() {
public Notification apply(final Notification notification) {
return Notification.builder().fromNotification(notification).withUnseen(unseen).build();
* Return the parent notification that matches the given ID or is the parent of a child
* notification.
* @param notifications Notifications to search through
* @param id Notification ID to find
* @return the notification
public Optional tryFind(@Nonnull final Iterable notifications,
final long id) {
return Iterables.tryFind(notifications, new Predicate() {
public boolean apply(final Notification notification) {
// first check that the ID matches
final Optional notificationId = notification.getId();
if (!notificationId.isPresent()) {
return false;
} else if (notificationId.get() == id) {
return true;
// then check to see if the notification is included in any rolled up notifications
final Collection children =
if (children.isEmpty()) {
return false;
return (tryFind(children, id)).isPresent();
* Returns the index in notifications that matches the given ID or is the parent of a child
* notification, or -1 if the notification was not found.
* @param notifications Notifications to search through
* @param id Notification ID to find
* @return the position of the notification or -1 if not found
public int indexOf(@Nonnull final Iterable notifications, final long id) {
return Iterables.indexOf(notifications, new Predicate() {
public boolean apply(final Notification notification) {
// first check that the ID matches
final Optional notificationId = notification.getId();
if (!notificationId.isPresent()) {
return false;
} else if (notificationId.get() == id) {
return true;
// then check to see if the notification is included in any rolled up notifications
final Collection children =
if (children.isEmpty()) {
return false;
return indexOf(children, id) != -1;
* Returns an iterable that skips forward to a given notification ID then only returns count more
* notifications. If the given notification ID is not found
* @param notifications Iterable of notifications
* @param startId notification ID to start at
* @param inclusive Whether to include the startId notification or not
* @param limitSize Number of notifications to return
* @return Iterable containing the subset of the original notifications
public Iterable skip(@Nonnull final Iterable notifications,
final long startId, final boolean inclusive, final int limitSize) {
final int position = indexOf(notifications, startId);
if (position == -1) {
return Iterables.limit(notifications, limitSize);
if (inclusive) {
return Iterables.limit(Iterables.skip(notifications, position), limitSize);
return Iterables.limit(Iterables.skip(notifications, position + 1), limitSize);
* Return the current date time (overridden in tests)
* @return the current date time
public DateTime now() {