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com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.sinks.kinesis.KinesisSink.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (c) 2023-present Snowplow Analytics Ltd. All rights reserved.
 * This program is licensed to you under the Snowplow Community License Version 1.0,
 * and you may not use this file except in compliance with the Snowplow Community License Version 1.0.
 * You may obtain a copy of the Snowplow Community License Version 1.0 at
package com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.sinks.kinesis

import cats.implicits._
import cats.{Applicative, Parallel}
import cats.effect.{Async, Resource, Sync}
import cats.effect.kernel.Ref

import org.typelevel.log4cats.{Logger, SelfAwareStructuredLogger}
import org.typelevel.log4cats.slf4j.Slf4jLogger
import retry.syntax.all._
import retry.{RetryPolicies, RetryPolicy}

import{PutRecordsRequest, PutRecordsRequestEntry, PutRecordsResponse}

import java.util.UUID
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8

import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._

import com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.sinks.{ListOfList, Sink, Sinkable}

object KinesisSink {

  def resource[F[_]: Parallel: Async](config: KinesisSinkConfig): Resource[F, Sink[F]] =
    mkProducer[F](config).map { p =>
          RequestLimits(config.recordLimit, config.byteLimit),

  private implicit def logger[F[_]: Sync]: SelfAwareStructuredLogger[F] = Slf4jLogger.getLogger[F]

  private def buildKinesisClient(customEndpoint: Option[URI], region: Region): KinesisClient = {
    val builder = KinesisClient.builder().region(region).defaultsMode(DefaultsMode.AUTO)
    customEndpoint.foreach(e => builder.endpointOverride(e))

  private def mkProducer[F[_]: Sync](config: KinesisSinkConfig): Resource[F, KinesisClient] = {
    val make = Sync[F].delay(buildKinesisClient(config.customEndpoint, (new DefaultAwsRegionProviderChain).getRegion()))

    Resource.make(make) { producer =>
      Sync[F].blocking {

   * This function takes a list of records and splits it into several lists, where each list is as
   * big as possible with respecting the record limit and the size limit.
  private[kinesis] def group[A](
    records: ListOfList[A],
    recordLimit: Int,
    sizeLimit: Int,
    getRecordSize: A => Int
  ): List[List[A]] = {
    case class Batch(
      size: Int,
      count: Int,
      records: List[A]

      .foldLeft(List.empty[Batch]) { case (acc, record) =>
        val recordSize = getRecordSize(record)
        acc match {
          case head :: tail =>
            if (head.count + 1 > recordLimit || head.size + recordSize > sizeLimit)
              List(Batch(recordSize, 1, List(record))) ++ List(head) ++ tail
              List(Batch(head.size + recordSize, head.count + 1, record :: head.records)) ++ tail
          case Nil =>
            List(Batch(recordSize, 1, List(record)))

  private def putRecords(
    kinesis: KinesisClient,
    streamName: String,
    records: List[PutRecordsRequestEntry]
  ): PutRecordsResponse = {
    val putRecordsRequest = {
      val prr = PutRecordsRequest.builder()

  private def toKinesisRecords(records: ListOfList[Sinkable]): ListOfList[PutRecordsRequestEntry] =
    records.mapUnordered { r =>
      val data = SdkBytes.fromByteArrayUnsafe(r.bytes)
      val prre = PutRecordsRequestEntry

   * The result of trying to write a batch to kinesis
   * @param nextBatchAttempt
   *   Records to re-package into another batch, either because of throttling or an internal error
   * @param hadNonThrottleErrors
   *   Whether at least one of failures is not because of throttling
   * @param exampleInternalError
   *   A message to help with logging
  private case class TryBatchResult(
    nextBatchAttempt: List[PutRecordsRequestEntry],
    hadNonThrottleErrors: Boolean,
    exampleInternalError: Option[String]

  private object TryBatchResult {

     * The build method creates a TryBatchResult, which:
     *   - Returns an empty list and false for hadNonThrottleErrors if everything was successful
     *   - Returns the list of failed requests and true for hadNonThrottleErrors if we encountered
     *     any errors that weren't throttles
     *   - Returns the list of failed requests and false for hadNonThrottleErrors if we encountered
     *     only throttling
    def build(records: List[PutRecordsRequestEntry], prr: PutRecordsResponse): TryBatchResult =
      if (prr.failedRecordCount().toInt =!= 0)
          .foldLeft(TryBatchResult(Nil, false, None)) { case (acc, (orig, recordResult)) =>
            Option(recordResult.errorCode()) match {
              // If the record had no error, treat as success
              case None => acc
              // If it had a throughput exception, mark that and provide the original
              case Some("ProvisionedThroughputExceededException") =>
                acc.copy(nextBatchAttempt = orig :: acc.nextBatchAttempt)
              // If any other error, mark success and throttled false for this record, and provide the original
              case Some(_) =>
                TryBatchResult(orig :: acc.nextBatchAttempt, true, acc.exampleInternalError.orElse(Option(recordResult.errorMessage())))

        TryBatchResult(Nil, false, None)

   * Try writing a batch, and returns a list of the failures to be retried:
   * If we are not throttled by kinesis, then the list is empty. If we are throttled by kinesis, the
   * list contains throttled records and records that gave internal errors. If there is an
   * exception, or if all records give internal errors, then we retry using the policy.
  private def tryWriteToKinesis[F[_]: Sync](
    streamName: String,
    kinesis: KinesisClient,
    records: List[PutRecordsRequestEntry]
  ): F[List[PutRecordsRequestEntry]] =
    Logger[F].debug(s"Writing ${records.size} records to ${streamName}") *>
        .blocking(putRecords(kinesis, streamName, records))
        .map(, _))
        .flatMap { result =>
          // If we encountered non-throttle errors, raise an exception. Otherwise, return all the requests that should
          // be manually retried due to throttling
          if (result.hadNonThrottleErrors)
            Sync[F].raiseError(new RuntimeException(failureMessageForInternalErrors(records, streamName, result)))

  private def writeToKinesis[F[_]: Parallel: Async](
    throttlingErrorsPolicy: BackoffPolicy,
    requestLimits: RequestLimits,
    kinesis: KinesisClient,
    streamName: String,
    records: ListOfList[Sinkable]
  ): F[Unit] = {
    val policyForThrottling = Retries.fibonacci[F](throttlingErrorsPolicy)

    // First, tryWriteToKinesis - the AWS SDK will handle retries. If there are still failures after that, it will:
    // - return messages for retries if we only hit throttliing
    // - raise an error if we still have non-throttle failures after the SDK has carried out retries
    def runAndCaptureFailures(ref: Ref[F, ListOfList[PutRecordsRequestEntry]]): F[ListOfList[PutRecordsRequestEntry]] =
      for {
        records <- ref.get
        failures <- group(records, requestLimits.recordLimit, requestLimits.bytesLimit, getRecordSize)
                      .parTraverse(g => tryWriteToKinesis(streamName, kinesis, g))
        listOfList = ListOfList.of(failures)
        _ <- ref.set(listOfList)
      } yield listOfList
    for {
      ref <- Ref.of[F, ListOfList[PutRecordsRequestEntry]](toKinesisRecords(records))
      failures <- runAndCaptureFailures(ref)
                      policy        = policyForThrottling,
                      wasSuccessful = entries => Sync[F].pure(entries.isEmpty),
                      onFailure = { case (result, retryDetails) =>
                        val msg = failureMessageForThrottling(result, streamName)
                        Logger[F].warn(s"$msg (${retryDetails.retriesSoFar} retries from cats-retry)")
      _ <- if (failures.isEmpty) Sync[F].unit
           else Sync[F].raiseError(new RuntimeException(failureMessageForThrottling(failures, streamName)))
    } yield ()

  private final case class RequestLimits(recordLimit: Int, bytesLimit: Int)

  private object Retries {

    def fibonacci[F[_]: Applicative](config: BackoffPolicy): RetryPolicy[F] =
      capBackoffAndRetries(config, RetryPolicies.fibonacciBackoff[F](config.minBackoff))

    private def capBackoffAndRetries[F[_]: Applicative](config: BackoffPolicy, policy: RetryPolicy[F]): RetryPolicy[F] = {
      val capped = RetryPolicies.capDelay[F](config.maxBackoff, policy)
      config.maxRetries.fold(capped)(max => capped.join(RetryPolicies.limitRetries(max)))

  private def getRecordSize(record: PutRecordsRequestEntry) = + record.partitionKey().getBytes(UTF_8).length

  private def failureMessageForInternalErrors(
    records: List[PutRecordsRequestEntry],
    streamName: String,
    result: TryBatchResult
  ): String = {
    val exampleMessage = result.exampleInternalError.getOrElse("none")
    s"Writing ${records.size} records to $streamName errored with internal failures. Example error message [$exampleMessage]"

  private def failureMessageForThrottling(
    records: ListOfList[PutRecordsRequestEntry],
    streamName: String
  ): String =
    s"Exceeded Kinesis provisioned throughput: ${records.size} records failed writing to $streamName."

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