com.softwaremill.macwire.internals.CompanionCrimper.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.softwaremill.macwire.internals
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox
private[macwire] class CompanionCrimper[C <: blackbox.Context, T: C#WeakTypeTag](val c: C, log: Logger) {
import c.universe._
type DependencyResolverType = DependencyResolver[c.type, Type, Tree]
lazy val targetType: Type = implicitly[c.WeakTypeTag[T]].tpe
lazy val companionType: Option[Type] = CompanionCrimper.companionType(c)(targetType)
lazy val applies: Option[List[Symbol]] = CompanionCrimper.applies(c, log)(targetType)
def applyTree(dependencyResolver: DependencyResolverType): Option[Tree] =
CompanionCrimper.applyTree[C](c, log)(targetType, dependencyResolver.resolve(_, _))
object CompanionCrimper {
private def showApply[C <: blackbox.Context](c: C)(s: c.Symbol): String = s.asMethod.typeSignature.toString
private def isCompanionApply[C <: blackbox.Context](c: C)(targetType: c.Type, method: c.Symbol): Boolean =
method.isMethod &&
method.isPublic &&
method.asMethod.returnType <:< targetType && == "apply"
private def companionType[C <: blackbox.Context](c: C)(targetType: c.Type): Option[c.Type] = {
import c.universe._
if (targetType.companion == NoType) None else Some(targetType.companion)
private def applies[C <: blackbox.Context](c: C, log: Logger)(targetType: c.Type): Option[List[c.Symbol]] =
log.withBlock("Looking for apply methods of Companion Object") {
val as: Option[List[c.Symbol]] =
companionType(c)(targetType).map(_.members.filter(CompanionCrimper.isCompanionApply(c)(targetType, _)).toList)
as.foreach(x => log.withBlock(s"There are ${x.size} apply methods:") { x.foreach(s => log(showApply(c)(s))) })
def applyTree[C <: blackbox.Context](
c: C,
log: Logger
)(targetType: c.Type, resolver: (c.Symbol, c.Type) => c.Tree): Option[c.Tree] =
applyFactory(c, log)(targetType).map { case (_, paramLists, factory) =>
import c.universe._
val targetTypeD = targetType.dealias
def wireParams(paramList: List[Symbol]): List[Tree] = => resolver(p, paramType(c)(targetTypeD, p)))
lazy val applyArgs: List[List[Tree]] = => wireParams(x))
def applyFactory[C <: blackbox.Context](
c: C,
log: Logger
)(targetType: c.Type): Option[(c.Symbol, List[List[c.Symbol]], List[List[c.Tree]] => c.Tree)] = {
import c.universe._
lazy val apply: Option[Symbol] = CompanionCrimper
.applies(c, log)(targetType)
.flatMap(_ match {
case applyMethod :: Nil => Some(applyMethod)
case _ => None
lazy val applySelect: Option[Select] = => Select(Ident(targetType.typeSymbol.companion), a))
lazy val applyParamLists: Option[List[List[Symbol]]] =
def factory(applyMethod: Tree)(applyArgs: List[List[Tree]]) =
applyArgs.foldLeft(applyMethod)((acc: Tree, args: List[Tree]) => Apply(acc, args))
for {
params <- applyParamLists
applyMethod <- applySelect
a <- apply
} yield (a, params, factory(applyMethod)(_))