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com.softwaremill.macwire.internals.EligibleValuesFinder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package com.softwaremill.macwire.internals

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox

private[macwire] class EligibleValuesFinder[C <: blackbox.Context](val c: C, log: Logger) {
  import c.universe.{Scope => RScope, _}

  import EligibleValuesFinder._

  private val typeCheckUtil = new TypeCheckUtil[c.type](c, log)
  import typeCheckUtil._

  def find(): EligibleValues = {
    def containsCurrentlyExpandedWireCall(t: Tree): Boolean = t.exists(_.pos == c.enclosingPosition)

    def doFind(trees: List[(Scope, Tree)], values: EligibleValues): EligibleValues = trees match {
      case Nil => values
      case (scope, tree) :: tail =>
        tree match {

          case _ if containsCurrentlyExpandedWireCall(tree) =>
            val (treesToAdd, forwardTrees, newValues) = tree match {

              // Look into things like
              //    ` { ... wire[Y] ... }`
              case Apply(_, args) =>
                (args, Nil, values)

              case Block(statements, expr) =>
                // the statements might contain vals, defs, or imports which will be
                // analyzed in the match clauses below (see `case ValDefOrDefDef`)
                val (before, after) = partitionStatementsAfterWireCall(statements :+ expr)
                (before, after, values)

              case ValDef(_, name, _, rhs) =>
                (List(rhs), Nil, values)

              case DefDef(_, name, _, curriedParams, tpt, rhs) =>
                log.withBlock(s"Inspecting the parameters of method $name") {
                  (List(rhs), Nil, values.putAll(Scope.Local, extractMatchingParams(curriedParams.flatten)))

              case Function(params, body) =>
                log.withBlock("Inspecting a function that contains the wire call") {
                  (List(body), Nil, values.putAll(Scope.Local, extractMatchingParams(params)))

              case ifBlock @ If(cond, then, otherwise) =>
                (List(then, otherwise), Nil, values)

              case Match(_, cases) =>
                (cases, Nil, values)

              // Looking into things like
              //     `{ case Deconstruct(x,y) => ... wire[Z] ... }`
              // Note that `x` and `y` will be analyzed in the `Bind` case below
              case CaseDef(Apply(_, args), _, body) =>
                (args ++ List(body), Nil, values)

              // Looking into things like
              //     `{ case x => ... wire[Y] ... }`
              // Note that `x` will be analyzed in the `Bind` case below
              case CaseDef(pat, _, body) =>
                (List(pat, body), Nil, values)

              case _ =>
                (Nil, Nil, values)
            // we're in a block that contains the wire call, therefore we're looking at the smallest scope, Local
     -> _) :::
       -> _) :::

          case Bind(name, body) =>
            doFind(tail, values.put(scope, Ident(name), body))

          case ValDefOrEmptyDefDef(name, tpt, rhs, symbol) if name.toString != "" =>
            // check if annotated type is different from actual
            val expr = Ident(name)
            val (theTreeToCheck, lhsTpt) = if (tpt.tpe == rhs.tpe) {
              // rhs might be empty for local def
              (treeToCheck(tree, rhs), Some(tpt))
            } else {
              (treeToCheck(tree, tpt), None)
            doFind(tail, values.put(scope, expr, theTreeToCheck, lhsTpt))

          case Import(expr, selectors) =>
            val newValues = if (expr.symbol.isPackage) {
              // just ignore package imports
            } else {
              log.withBlock("Inspecting imports") {
                val importCandidates: List[(Symbol, Tree)] =
                  (if (selectors.exists { selector => == "_" }) {
                     // wildcard import on `expr`
                     typeCheckIfNeeded(expr) { s =>
                       s ->
                   } else {
                     val selectorNames = => -> s.rename).toMap
                     typeCheckIfNeeded(expr).members.collect {
                       case m if selectorNames.contains( =>
                         m -> selectorNames(
                   }).map {
                    case (member, _)
                        if member.isMethod &&
                          member.asMethod.paramLists.nonEmpty &&
                          member.asMethod.paramLists.forall(_.isEmpty) =>
                      (member, member.asMethod.paramLists.foldLeft(q"$expr.$member")((acc, _) => q"$acc()"))
                    case (s, name) =>
                      (s, Ident(name))
                values.putAll(scope, filterImportMembers(importCandidates).map(t => (t, t)))

            doFind(tail, newValues)

          case _ =>
            doFind(tail, values)

    log.withBlock("Building eligible values") {
      registerParentsMembers(doFind( -> _), EligibleValues.empty))

  /** @return all the members of all the parents */
  private def registerParentsMembers(values: EligibleValues): EligibleValues = {
    val parents = c.enclosingClass match {
      case ClassDef(_, _, _, Template(pp, self, _)) =>
        val selfTypes = self.tpt match {
          case ident: Ident                                  => List(ident)
          case CompoundTypeTree(Template(selfParents, _, _)) => selfParents
          case x: Select if x.isType                         => List(x)

          // Self types with type parameters
          case ta: AppliedTypeTree => List(ta)

          case _ => Nil
        pp ++ selfTypes

      case ModuleDef(_, _, Template(pp, _, _)) => pp
      case e =>
        c.error(c.enclosingPosition, s"Unknown type of enclosing class: ${e.getClass}")

    parents.foldLeft(values) { case (newValues, parent) =>
      val tpe: Tree = parent match {
        case q"$tpe(..$params)" => tpe // ignore parameters passed to the parent
        case q"$tpe"            => tpe
      if (tpe.symbol.fullName == "scala.AnyRef") {
      } else {
        log.withBlock(s"Inspecting parent $tpe members") {

          val root = typeCheckIfNeeded(tpe)

          root.members.filter(filterMember).foldLeft(newValues) { case (newValues, symbol) =>
            // Get a view of this symbol as seen from the enclosing class
            // This ensures that type parameters are resolved correctly in parent traits.
            // See -
            val found = symbol.typeSignatureIn(root)

            ) // q"$symbol" crashes the compiler...

  private def hasModuleAnnotation(symbol: Symbol): Boolean = {
    symbol.annotations.exists { annotation =>
      annotation.tree match {
        case q"new $parent()" => parent.symbol.fullName == "com.softwaremill.macwire.Module"
        case _                => false

  /** @return (statements-before-wire, statements-after-wire) */
  private def partitionStatementsAfterWireCall(statements: List[Tree]): (List[Tree], List[Tree]) = {
    statements.partition { _.pos.end <= c.enclosingPosition.start }

  private def filterImportMembers[T](members: List[(Symbol, T)]): List[T] = {
    members.collect { case (m, t) if filterMember(m) => t }

  private def filterMember(member: Symbol): Boolean = {
    !member.fullName.startsWith("java.lang.Object") &&
    !member.fullName.startsWith("scala.Any") &&
    !member.fullName.endsWith("") &&
    !member.fullName.endsWith("$init$") &&

  private def treeToCheck(tree: Tree, rhs: Tree) = {
    // If possible, we check the definition (rhs). We can't always check the tree, as it would cause recursive
    // type ascription needed errors from the compiler.
    if (rhs.isEmpty) tree else rhs

  private def extractMatchingParams(params: List[ValDef]): List[(Tree, Tree)] = params.collect {
    case param @ ValDef(_, name, tpt, _) => (Ident(name), treeToCheck(param, tpt))

  case class EligibleValue(tpe: Type, expr: Tree) {
    // equal trees should have equal hash codes; if trees are equal structurally they should have the same toString?
    override def hashCode() = expr.toString().hashCode

    override def equals(obj: scala.Any) = obj match {
      case EligibleValue(_, e) => expr.equalsStructure(e)
      case _                   => false

  class EligibleValues(values: Map[Scope, List[EligibleValue]]) {

    /** Add all `exprs` to `scope` and possibly their respective members if they denote a module */
    def putAll(scope: Scope, exprs: List[(Tree, Tree)]): EligibleValues = {
      exprs.foldLeft(this) { case (ev, (expr, tree)) =>
        ev.put(scope, expr, tree)

    /** Add `expr` to `scope` and possibly its members if it denotes a module */
    def put(scope: Scope, expr: Tree, tree: Tree, lhsTpt: Option[Tree] = None): EligibleValues = {
      val tpe = lhsTpt
        .filterNot(typeOf[Any] =:= _)
        .getOrElse(typeCheckUtil.typeCheckIfNeeded(expr, tree))
      put(scope, tpe, expr)

    /** Add `expr` to `scope` and possibly its members if it denotes a module */
    def put(scope: Scope, tpe: Type, expr: Tree): EligibleValues = {
      doPut(scope, tpe, expr).inspectModule(scope, tpe, expr)

    private def doPut(scope: Scope, tpe: Type, expr: Tree): EligibleValues = {
      log(s"Found $expr of type $tpe in scope $scope")
      val set = EligibleValue(tpe, expr) :: values.getOrElse(scope, Nil)
      new EligibleValues(values.updated(scope, set))

    private def inspectModule(scope: Scope, tpe: Type, expr: Tree): EligibleValues = {
      // it might be a @Module, let's see
      val hasSymbol = expr.symbol != null // sometimes expr has no symbol...
      val valIsModule = hasSymbol && hasModuleAnnotation(expr.symbol)
      // the java @Inherited meta-annotation does not seem to be understood by scala-reflect...
      val valParentIsModule = hasSymbol && !valIsModule && tpe.baseClasses.exists(hasModuleAnnotation)

      if (valIsModule || valParentIsModule) {
        log.withBlock(s"Inspecting module $tpe") {
          val moduleExprs: List[(Tree, Tree)] = tpe.members
            .map {
              case member
                  if member.isMethod &&
                    member.asMethod.paramLists.nonEmpty &&
                    member.asMethod.paramLists.forall(_.isEmpty) =>
                member.asMethod.paramLists.foldLeft(q"$expr.$member")((acc, _) => q"$acc()")
              case member => q"$expr.$member"
            .map(tree => (tree, tree))
          // the module members are put in the wider scope
          putAll(scope.widen, moduleExprs)
      } else {
        this // unchanged

    private def doFindInScope(tpe: Type, scope: Scope): List[Tree] = {
      for (scopedValue <- values.getOrElse(scope, Nil) if checkCandidate(target = tpe, tpt = scopedValue.tpe)) yield {

    private def uniqueTrees(trees: List[Tree]): Iterable[Tree] = {
      // the only reliable method to compare trees is using structural equality, but there shouldn't be a lot of
      // trees with a given type, so the n^2 complexity shouldn't hurt
      def addIfUnique(addTo: List[Tree], t: Tree): List[Tree] = {
        addTo.find(_.equalsStructure(t)).fold(t :: addTo)(_ => addTo)


    def findInScope(tpe: Type, scope: Scope): Iterable[Tree] = {
      uniqueTrees(doFindInScope(tpe, scope))

    def findInFirstScope(tpe: Type, startingWith: Scope = Scope.Local): Iterable[Tree] = {
      def forScope(scope: Scope): Iterable[Tree] = {
        findInScope(tpe, scope) match {
          case coll if coll.isEmpty && !scope.isMax => forScope(scope.widen)
          case coll if coll.isEmpty                 => log(s"Could not find $tpe in any scope"); Nil
          case exprs =>
            log(s"Found [${exprs.mkString(", ")}] of type [$tpe] in scope $scope")

    def findInAllScope(tpe: Type): Iterable[Tree] = {
      def accInScope(scope: Scope, acc: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = {
        val newAcc = doFindInScope(tpe, scope) ++ acc
        if (!scope.isMax) accInScope(scope.widen, newAcc) else newAcc
      uniqueTrees(accInScope(Scope.Local, Nil))

  object EligibleValues {
    val empty: EligibleValues = new EligibleValues(Map.empty)

  object ValDefOrEmptyDefDef {
    def unapply(t: Tree): Option[(TermName, Tree, Tree, Symbol)] = t match {
      case ValDef(_, name, tpt, rhs)         => Some((name, tpt, rhs, t.symbol))
      case DefDef(_, name, _, Nil, tpt, rhs) => Some((name, tpt, rhs, t.symbol))
      case _                                 => None

  /** @return Nil if no body can be found */
  private def enclosingClassBody: List[Tree] = c.enclosingClass match {
    case ClassDef(_, _, _, Template(_, _, body)) => body
    case ModuleDef(_, _, Template(_, _, body))   => body
    case e =>
      c.error(c.enclosingPosition, s"Unknown type of enclosing class: ${e.getClass}")

object EligibleValuesFinder {
  abstract class Scope private (val value: Int) extends Ordered[Scope] {

    /** @return the next Scope until Max */
    def widen: Scope

    def isMax: Boolean = widen == this
    override def compare(that: Scope): Int =
    override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
      case otherScope: Scope => this.value == otherScope.value
      case _                 => false
    override def hashCode = value.hashCode

  object Scope extends Ordering[Scope] {

    /** The smallest Scope */
    case object Local extends Scope(1) {
      def widen: Scope = Class
    case object Class extends Scope(2) {
      def widen: Scope = ParentOrModule
    case object ParentOrModule extends Scope(3) {
      def widen: Scope = ModuleInParent
    case object ModuleInParent extends Scope(4) {
      def widen: Scope = ModuleInParent

    /** A special scope for values that are located in a block after the wire call and therefore not reachable.
    case object LocalForward extends Scope(9) {
      def widen: Scope = LocalForward

    override def compare(a: Scope, b: Scope): Int =

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