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package com.softwaremill.macwire
import com.softwaremill.macwire.internals._
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox
object MacwireMacros {
private val log = new Logger()
def wire_impl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context): c.Expr[T] =
wire(c)(DependencyResolver.throwErrorOnResolutionFailure[c.type, c.universe.Type, c.universe.Tree](c, log))
def wireRec_impl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context): c.Expr[T] = {
import c.universe._
def isWireable(tpe: Type): Boolean = {
val name = tpe.typeSymbol.fullName
!name.startsWith("java.lang.") && !name.startsWith("scala.")
val dependencyResolver = new DependencyResolver[c.type, Type, Tree](c, log)(tpe =>
if (!isWireable(tpe)) c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"Cannot find a value of type: [${tpe}]")
else c.Expr[T](q"wireRec[$tpe]").tree
def wire[T: c.WeakTypeTag](
c: blackbox.Context
)(dependencyResolver: DependencyResolver[c.type, c.universe.Type, c.universe.Tree]): c.Expr[T] = {
import c.universe._
val constructorCrimper = new ConstructorCrimper[c.type, T](c, log)
val companionCrimper = new CompanionCrimper[c.type, T](c, log)
lazy val targetType = companionCrimper.targetType.toString
lazy val whatWasWrong: String = {
if (constructorCrimper.constructor.isEmpty && companionCrimper.companionType.isEmpty)
s"Cannot find a public constructor nor a companion object for [$targetType]"
else if (companionCrimper.applies.isDefined && companionCrimper.applies.get.isEmpty)
s"Companion object for [$targetType] has no apply methods constructing target type."
else if (companionCrimper.applies.isDefined && companionCrimper.applies.get.size > 1)
s"No public primary constructor found for $targetType and multiple matching apply methods in its companion object were found."
else s"Target type not supported for wiring: $targetType. Please file a bug report with your use-case."
val code: Tree = (constructorCrimper.constructorTree(dependencyResolver) orElse companionCrimper.applyTree(
)) getOrElse
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, whatWasWrong)
log(s"Generated code: ${showCode(code)}, ${showRaw(code)}")
def wireWith_impl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context)(factory: c.Tree): c.Tree = {
import c.universe._
val typeCheckUtil = new TypeCheckUtil[c.type](c, log)
val dependencyResolver = DependencyResolver.throwErrorOnResolutionFailure[c.type, Type, Tree](c, log)
import typeCheckUtil.typeCheckIfNeeded
val (params, fun) = factory match {
// Function with two parameter lists (implicit parameters) (<2.13)
case Block(Nil, Function(p, Apply(Apply(f, _), _))) => (p, f)
case Block(Nil, Function(p, Apply(f, _))) => (p, f)
// Function with two parameter lists (implicit parameters) (>=2.13)
case Function(p, Apply(Apply(f, _), _)) => (p, f)
case Function(p, Apply(f, _)) => (p, f)
// Other types not supported
case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"Not supported factory type: [$factory]")
val values = { case vd @ ValDef(_, name, tpt, rhs) =>
dependencyResolver.resolve(vd.symbol, resolveCallByNameParamType(c)(typeCheckIfNeeded(tpt)))
val code = q"$fun(..$values)"
log("Generated code: " + showCode(code))
def wireSet_impl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context): c.Tree = {
import c.universe._
val targetType = implicitly[c.WeakTypeTag[T]]
val dependencyResolver = DependencyResolver.throwErrorOnResolutionFailure[c.type, Type, Tree](c, log)
val instances = dependencyResolver.resolveAll(targetType.tpe)
// The lack of hygiene can be seen here as a feature, the choice of Set implementation
// is left to the user - you want a `mutable.Set`, just import `mutable.Set` before the `wireSet[T]` call
val code = q"Set(..$instances)"
log("Generated code: " + show(code))
def wiredInModule_impl(c: blackbox.Context)(in: c.Expr[AnyRef]): c.Tree = {
import c.universe._
def extractTypeFromNullaryType(tpe: Type) = {
tpe match {
case NullaryMethodType(underlying) => Some(underlying)
case _ => None
val capturedIn = TermName(c.freshName())
def instanceFactoriesByClassInTree(tree: Tree): List[Tree] = {
val members = tree.tpe.members
val pairs = members
.filter(s => s.isMethod && s.isPublic)
.flatMap { m =>
extractTypeFromNullaryType(m.typeSignature) match {
case Some(tpe) => Some((m, tpe))
case None =>
log(s"Cannot extract type from ${m.typeSignature} for member $m!")
.filter { case (_, tpe) => tpe <:< typeOf[AnyRef] }
.map { case (member, tpe) =>
val key = Literal(Constant(tpe))
val value = q"$capturedIn.$member"
log(s"Found a mapping: $key -> $value")
q"scala.Predef.ArrowAssoc($key) -> (() => $value)"
log.withBlock(s"Generating wired-in-module for ${in.tree}") {
val pairs = instanceFactoriesByClassInTree(in.tree)
val code =
val $capturedIn = $in
log(s"Generated code: " + show(code))