com.softwaremill.macwire.internals.ConstructorCrimper.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.softwaremill.macwire.internals
import scala.quoted.*
import scala.annotation.Annotation
private[macwire] class ConstructorCrimper[Q <: Quotes, T: Type](using val q: Q)(
dependencyResolver: DependencyResolver[q.type, T],
log: Logger
) {
import q.reflect.*
lazy val targetType = TypeRepr.of[T]
// We need to get the "real" type in case the type parameter is a type alias - then it cannot
// be directly instantiated
lazy val targetTypeD = targetType.dealias
private def isAccessibleConstructor(s: Symbol) =
s.isClassConstructor && !(s.flags is Flags.Private) && !(s.flags is Flags.Protected)
lazy val publicConstructors: Iterable[Symbol] = {
val ctors = targetType.typeSymbol.declarations
log.withBlock(s"There are ${ctors.size} eligible constructors") { ctors.foreach(c => log(showConstructor(c))) }
lazy val primaryConstructor: Option[Symbol] = targetType.typeSymbol.primaryConstructor match {
case c if isAccessibleConstructor(c) => Some(c)
case c => None
lazy val injectConstructors: Iterable[Symbol] = {
val isInjectAnnotation = (a: Term) => a.tpe.typeSymbol.fullName == "javax.inject.Inject"
val ctors = publicConstructors.filter(_.annotations.exists(isInjectAnnotation))
log.withBlock(s"There are ${ctors.size} constructors annotated with @javax.inject.Inject") {
ctors.foreach(c => log(showConstructor(c)))
lazy val injectConstructor: Option[Symbol] =
if (injectConstructors.size > 1)
abort(s"Ambiguous constructors annotated with @javax.inject.Inject for type [${}]")
else injectConstructors.headOption
lazy val constructor: Option[Symbol] = log.withBlock(s"Looking for constructor for $targetType") {
val ctor = injectConstructor orElse primaryConstructor
ctor.foreach(ctor => log(s"Found ${showConstructor(ctor)}"))
private def constructorParamTypes(ctorType: TypeRepr): List[List[TypeRepr]] = {
ctorType match {
case MethodType(_, paramTypes, retType) => :: constructorParamTypes(retType.simplified)
case _ =>
lazy val constructorParamLists: Option[List[List[(Symbol, TypeRepr)]]] = { { c =>
// paramSymss contains both type arg symbols (generic types) and value arg symbols
val symLists = c.paramSymss.filter(_.forall(!_.isTypeDef))
val ctorType =
if (targetType.typeArgs.isEmpty) targetType.memberType(c)
else targetType.memberType(c).appliedTo(targetType.typeArgs)
val typeLists = constructorParamTypes(ctorType) { case (syms, tpes) =>
lazy val constructorArgs: Option[List[List[Term]]] = log.withBlock("Looking for targetConstructor arguments") {
lazy val constructorTree: Option[Tree] = log.withBlock(s"Creating Constructor Tree for $targetType") {
for {
constructorValue <- constructor
constructorArgsValue <- constructorArgs
} yield {
val constructionMethodTree: Term = {
val ctor = Select(New(TypeIdent(targetType.typeSymbol)), constructorValue)
if (targetType.typeArgs.isEmpty) ctor else ctor.appliedToTypes(targetType.typeArgs)
constructorArgsValue.foldLeft(constructionMethodTree)((acc: Term, args: List[Term]) => Apply(acc, args))
def wireConstructorParams(paramLists: List[List[(Symbol, TypeRepr)]]): List[List[Term]] = => dependencyResolver.resolve(p._1, /*SI-4751*/ p._2)))
def wireConstructorParamsWithImplicitLookups(paramLists: List[List[(Symbol, TypeRepr)]]): List[List[Term]] = {
case params if params.forall(_._1.flags is Flags.Implicit) =>
case params => => dependencyResolver.resolve(p._1, /*SI-4751*/ p._2))
private def resolveImplicitOrFail(param: Symbol, paramType: TypeRepr): Term = match {
case iss: ImplicitSearchSuccess => iss.tree
case isf: ImplicitSearchFailure => report.throwError(s"Failed to resolve an implicit for [$param].")
/** In some cases there is one extra (phantom) constructor. This happens when extended trait has implicit param:
* {{{
* trait A { implicit val a = ??? };
* class X extends A
* import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
* typeOf[X].members.filter(m => m.isMethod && m.asMethod.isConstructor && m.asMethod.isPrimaryConstructor).map(_.asMethod.fullName)
* //res1: Iterable[String] = List(X., A.$init$)
* }}}
* The {{{A.$init$}}} is the phantom constructor and we don't want it.
* In other words, if we don't filter such constructor using this function 'wireActor-12-noPublicConstructor.failure'
* will compile and throw exception during runtime but we want to fail it during compilation time.
// def isPhantomConstructor(constructor: Symbol): Boolean = constructor.asMethod.fullName.endsWith("$init$")
def isPhantomConstructor(constructor: Symbol): Boolean = constructor.fullName.endsWith("$init$")
// def showConstructor(c: Symbol): String = c.asMethod.typeSignature.toString
def showConstructor(c: Symbol): String = c.toString
def abort(msg: String): Nothing = report.throwError(msg)