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package com.softwaremill.macwire.internals.autowire
import com.softwaremill.macwire.internals.*
import scala.quoted.*
private val log = new Logger()
def autowireImpl[T: Type](dependencies: Expr[Seq[Any]])(using q: Quotes): Expr[T] =
import q.reflect.*
val ag = new AutowireGraph[q.type]
import ag.*
// extracting the provided varargs - we need an explicitly provided list of dependencies
val rawDependencies: Seq[Expr[Any]] = dependencies match
case Varargs(exprs) => exprs
case _ =>
s"depedencies need to be provided directly as parameters to the autowire call; got: $dependencies"
val reportError = new ReportError[q.type]
val ap = new AutowireProviders[q.type](rawDependencies.toList, reportError)
import ap.*
val uniqueNames = new UniqueNames
/** Expands the given graph `g`, if necessary, so that it contains all nodes necessary to create an instance of `t`,
* including the `t` instance.
* @param breadcrumb
* The type path the leads to expanding the graph with the type `t`, excluding `t`.
* @return
* The symbol in the updated graph, which corresponds to an instance of type `t`, and the updated graph.
def expandGraph(t: TypeRepr, g: Graph, breadcrumb: Vector[TypeRepr]): (Symbol, Graph) =
log.withBlock(s"wiring ${showTypeName(t)}"):
// First, checking if the graph already contains a node for the given type. If so, we are done, no modifications to the graph.
g.findNodeForType(t) match
case Some(s) =>
log(s"found in graph: $s")
(s, g)
case None =>
verifyNotInProgress(t, breadcrumb)
verifyNotPrimitive(t, breadcrumb)
// Otherwise, looking for a provider which has a type <:< t; if not found, generating a provider based on a constructor/apply in companion.
val tProvider = Provider
s"cannot find a provided dependency, public constructor or public apply method for: ${showTypeName(t)}"
// Recursively resolving each dependency, collecting dependency symbols
val (updatedGraph, reverseSymbols) = tProvider.dependencies.foldLeft((g, Nil: List[Symbol])) {
case ((currentGraph, symbolsAcc), dependency) =>
val (dependencySymbol, updatedGraph) = expandGraph(dependency, currentGraph, breadcrumb :+ t)
(updatedGraph, dependencySymbol :: symbolsAcc)
// Generating a new val-def symbol, adding it to the graph
val dependencySymbols = reverseSymbols.reverse
val tSymbol =
Symbol.spliceOwner,"wired_" + showTypeName(t)),
val updatedGraph2 = updatedGraph.addNode(
Node(t, tSymbol, dependencySymbols, tProvider.create(, tProvider.raw)
(tSymbol, updatedGraph2)
end expandGraph
// helper methods
def verifyNotInProgress(t: TypeRepr, breadcrumb: Vector[TypeRepr]): Unit =
for ip <- breadcrumb do if ip <:< t then reportError("cyclic dependencies detected")
def verifyNotPrimitive(t: TypeRepr, breadcrumb: Vector[TypeRepr]): Unit =
t.asType match
case '[Int] | '[Long] | '[Byte] | '[Short] | '[Char] | '[Boolean] | '[Double] | '[Float] | '[String] =>
reportError("cannot use a primitive type or String in autowiring")
case _ => // ok
end verifyNotPrimitive
def verifyEachDependencyUsed(nodes: Vector[Node]): Unit =
val usedDependencies = nodes.flatMap(_.raw).toSet
val unusedDependencies = rawDependencies.filterNot(usedDependencies.contains)
if unusedDependencies.nonEmpty then
s"unused dependencies: ${", ")}"
val t = TypeRepr.of[T]
val (rootSymbol, fullGraph) = expandGraph(t, Graph(Vector.empty), Vector.empty)
// the graph is already sorted topologically: nodes are appended, and added only once all dependencies are present
val code = Block( => ValDef(node.symbol, Some(node.createInstance))).toList,
log(s"generated code: ${}")
end autowireImpl