ox.plugin.RequireIO.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package ox.plugin
import dotty.tools.dotc.ast.Trees.*
import dotty.tools.dotc.ast.tpd
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Annotations.Annotation
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Contexts.Context
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.{Flags, Symbols}
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Symbols.*
import dotty.tools.dotc.plugins.{PluginPhase, StandardPlugin}
import dotty.tools.dotc.report
import dotty.tools.dotc.transform.{Pickler, PostTyper}
import dotty.tools.dotc.util.Property
class RequireIO extends StandardPlugin:
val name = "requireIO"
override val description = "Require the IO capability when a Java method throws an IOException."
def init(options: List[String]): List[PluginPhase] = new RequireIOPhase(options) :: Nil
class RequireIOPhase(ioLikeExceptionClasses: List[String]) extends PluginPhase:
import tpd.*
val phaseName = "requireIO"
override val runsAfter: Set[String] = Set(PostTyper.name)
override val runsBefore: Set[String] = Set(Pickler.name)
override def allowsImplicitSearch: Boolean = true
// exceptions, which signal that a method performs I/O
private var ioLikeExceptions: List[Symbol] = _
private var io: Symbol = _
override def run(using Context): Unit = {
ioLikeExceptions = ("java.io.IOException" :: "java.sql.SQLException" :: ioLikeExceptionClasses).map(requiredClass)
io = requiredClass("ox.IO")
private object ioAvailableProperty extends Property.Key[Boolean]
override def prepareForDefDef(tree: tpd.DefDef)(using ctx: Context): Context =
val hasGivenIOParameter = tree.paramss.exists { params =>
params.exists { param =>
param.tpe <:< io.namedType && param.mods.is(Flags.Given)
if hasGivenIOParameter then ctx.withProperty(ioAvailableProperty, Some(true)) else ctx
private def throwsIOLikeException(a: Annotation)(using ctx: Context): Option[Symbol] =
if a.symbol == ctx.definitions.ThrowsAnnot then
a.argument(0).flatMap(thrownException => ioLikeExceptions.find(ioLikeException => thrownException.tpe <:< ioLikeException.namedType))
else None
override def transformApply(tree: Apply)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree =
.headOption // we only want to check once per method
.foreach: ex =>
val ctxAtPhase = ctx.withPhase(this) // needed so that inferImplicit works, which checks if the phase allowsImplicitSearch
val ioAvailableAsImplicit = ctxAtPhase.typer.inferImplicit(io.namedType, EmptyTree, tree.span)(using ctxAtPhase).isSuccess
if !ioAvailableAsImplicit && !ctxAtPhase.property(ioAvailableProperty).getOrElse(false) then
s"""The `${tree.fun.symbol.showFullName}` method throws an `${ex.showFullName}`,
|but the `ox.IO` capability is not available in the implicit scope.
|Try adding a `using IO` clause to the enclosing method.
|In tests, you might `import ox.IO.globalForTesting.given`. Alternatively,
|you can wrap your code with `IO.unsafe`, however this should only be used
|in special circumstances, as it bypasses Ox's tracking of I/O.""".stripMargin,