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sttp.apispec.Schema.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package sttp.apispec
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
/** Algebraic data type for all possible schemas
sealed trait SchemaLike
sealed trait AnySchema extends SchemaLike
object AnySchema {
sealed trait Encoding extends Product with Serializable
object Encoding {
case object Object extends Encoding
case object Boolean extends Encoding
/** Json schema can be represented by the values `true` or `{}` (empty object). This represents any json value. */
case object Anything extends AnySchema
/** Json schema can be represented by the values `false` or `{"not": {}}` (object with a single property "not" which
* has a single value with must be the empty object". This represents no json value.
case object Nothing extends AnySchema
// todo: xml
case class Schema(
// Core JSON Schema keywords
$schema: Option[String] = None,
$vocabulary: Option[ListMap[String, Boolean]] = None,
$id: Option[String] = None,
$anchor: Option[String] = None,
$dynamicAnchor: Option[String] = None,
$ref: Option[String] = None,
$dynamicRef: Option[String] = None,
$comment: Option[String] = None,
$defs: Option[ListMap[String, SchemaLike]] = None,
// Annotations
title: Option[String] = None,
description: Option[String] = None,
default: Option[ExampleValue] = None,
deprecated: Option[Boolean] = None,
readOnly: Option[Boolean] = None,
writeOnly: Option[Boolean] = None,
examples: Option[List[ExampleValue]] = None,
// General assertions
`type`: Option[List[SchemaType]] = None,
`enum`: Option[List[ExampleValue]] = None,
const: Option[ExampleValue] = None,
format: Option[String] = None,
// Logical applicators
allOf: List[SchemaLike] = List.empty,
anyOf: List[SchemaLike] = List.empty,
oneOf: List[SchemaLike] = List.empty,
not: Option[SchemaLike] = None,
// Conditional applicators
`if`: Option[SchemaLike] = None,
`then`: Option[SchemaLike] = None,
`else`: Option[SchemaLike] = None,
dependentSchemas: ListMap[String, SchemaLike] = ListMap.empty,
// Numerical assertions
multipleOf: Option[BigDecimal] = None,
minimum: Option[BigDecimal] = None,
exclusiveMinimum: Option[BigDecimal] = None,
maximum: Option[BigDecimal] = None,
exclusiveMaximum: Option[BigDecimal] = None,
// String assertions
maxLength: Option[Int] = None,
minLength: Option[Int] = None,
pattern: Option[Pattern] = None,
// Array assertions
maxItems: Option[Int] = None,
minItems: Option[Int] = None,
uniqueItems: Option[Boolean] = None,
maxContains: Option[Int] = None,
minContains: Option[Int] = None,
// Array applicators
prefixItems: Option[List[SchemaLike]] = None,
items: Option[SchemaLike] = None,
contains: Option[SchemaLike] = None,
unevaluatedItems: Option[SchemaLike] = None,
// Object assertions
maxProperties: Option[Int] = None,
minProperties: Option[Int] = None,
required: List[String] = List.empty,
dependentRequired: ListMap[String, List[String]] = ListMap.empty,
// OpenAPI specific
discriminator: Option[Discriminator] = None,
// Object applicators
properties: ListMap[String, SchemaLike] = ListMap.empty,
patternProperties: ListMap[Pattern, SchemaLike] = ListMap.empty,
additionalProperties: Option[SchemaLike] = None,
propertyNames: Option[SchemaLike] = None,
unevaluatedProperties: Option[SchemaLike] = None,
// OpenAPI specific
externalDocs: Option[ExternalDocumentation] = None,
extensions: ListMap[String, ExtensionValue] = ListMap.empty
) extends SchemaLike {
/** Returns a Schema that allows `null` values in addition to the current schema. The implementation is idempotent,
* i.e. `schema.nullable.nullable == schema.nullable`.
def nullable: Schema = `type` match {
case Some(types) =>
if (types.contains(SchemaType.Null)) this // ensure idempotency
else copy(`type` = Some(types :+ SchemaType.Null))
case None =>
// Representing nullable schemas (without explicit `type`) using `anyOf` is safer than `oneOf`.
// If `oneOf` was used, and the original schema was already nullable, `null` would not be a valid
// value for the resulting schema.
if(anyOf.contains(Schema.Null)) this // ensure idempotency
else if (anyOf.nonEmpty) copy(anyOf = anyOf :+ Schema.Null)
else Schema(anyOf = List(this, Schema.Null))
case class Discriminator(propertyName: String, mapping: Option[ListMap[String, String]])
object Schema {
final val Empty = Schema()
final val Nothing = Schema(not = Some(Empty))
final val Null = Schema(SchemaType.Null)
def apply(schemaType: SchemaType, moreTypes: SchemaType*): Schema =
new Schema(`type` = Some(schemaType :: moreTypes.toList))
def oneOf(references: List[SchemaLike], discriminator: Option[Discriminator]): Schema =
Schema(oneOf = references, discriminator = discriminator)
def referenceTo(prefix: String, $ref: String): Schema =
Schema($ref = Some(s"$prefix${$ref}"))
sealed abstract class SchemaType(val value: String) {
override def toString: String = value
object SchemaType {
case object Boolean extends SchemaType("boolean")
case object Object extends SchemaType("object")
case object Array extends SchemaType("array")
case object Number extends SchemaType("number")
case object String extends SchemaType("string")
case object Integer extends SchemaType("integer")
case object Null extends SchemaType("null")
final val Values = List(Boolean, Object, Array, Number, String, Integer, Null)
object SchemaFormat {
final val Int32 = "int32"
final val Int64 = "int64"
final val Float = "float"
final val Double = "double"
final val Byte = "byte"
final val Binary = "binary"
final val Date = "date"
final val DateTime = "date-time"
final val Password = "password"