sttp.client.testing.SttpBackendStub.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package sttp.client.testing
import sttp.capabilities.{Effect, WebSockets}
import sttp.client.internal.{SttpFile, _}
import sttp.client.monad.IdMonad
import sttp.client.testing.SttpBackendStub._
import sttp.client.{IgnoreResponse, ResponseAs, ResponseAsByteArray, SttpBackend, _}
import sttp.model.StatusCode
import sttp.monad.{FutureMonad, MonadError}
import sttp.monad.syntax._
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
* A stub backend to use in tests.
* The stub can be configured to respond with a given response if the request matches a predicate (see the
* [[whenRequestMatches()]] method).
* Note however, that this is not type-safe with respect to the type of the response body - the stub doesn't have a
* way to check if the type of the body in the configured response is the same as the one specified by the
* request. Some conversions will be attempted (e.g. from a `String` to a custom mapped type, as specified in the
* request, see the documentation for more details).
* For web socket requests, the stub can be configured to returned both custom [[WebSocket]] implementations,
* as well as [[WebSocketStub]] instances.
* For requests which return the response as a stream, if the stub should return a raw stream value (which should then
* be passed to the stream-consuming function, or mapped to another value), it should be wrapped with [[RawStream]].
* Predicates can match requests basing on the URI or headers. A [[ClassCastException]] might occur if for a given
* request, a response is specified with the incorrect or inconvertible body type.
class SttpBackendStub[F[_], +P](
monad: MonadError[F],
matchers: PartialFunction[Request[_, _], F[Response[_]]],
fallback: Option[SttpBackend[F, P]]
) extends SttpBackend[F, P] {
* Specify how the stub backend should respond to requests matching the
* given predicate.
* Note that the stubs are immutable, and each new
* specification that is added yields a new stub instance.
def whenRequestMatches(p: Request[_, _] => Boolean): WhenRequest =
new WhenRequest(p)
* Specify how the stub backend should respond to any request (catch-all).
* Note that the stubs are immutable, and each new
* specification that is added yields a new stub instance.
def whenAnyRequest: WhenRequest = whenRequestMatches(_ => true)
* Specify how the stub backend should respond to requests using the
* given partial function.
* Note that the stubs are immutable, and each new
* specification that is added yields a new stub instance.
def whenRequestMatchesPartial(
partial: PartialFunction[Request[_, _], Response[_]]
): SttpBackendStub[F, P] = {
val wrappedPartial: PartialFunction[Request[_, _], F[Response[_]]] =
partial.andThen((r: Response[_]) => monad.unit(r))
new SttpBackendStub[F, P](monad, matchers.orElse(wrappedPartial), fallback)
override def send[T, R >: P with Effect[F]](request: Request[T, R]): F[Response[T]] = {
Try(matchers.lift(request)) match {
case Success(Some(response)) =>
tryAdjustResponseType(request.response, response.asInstanceOf[F[Response[T]]])(monad)
case Success(None) =>
fallback match {
case None => monad.error(new IllegalArgumentException(s"No behavior stubbed for request: $request"))
case Some(fb) => fb.send(request)
case Failure(e) => monad.error(e)
private def wrapResponse[T](r: Response[_]): F[Response[T]] =
override def close(): F[Unit] = monad.unit(())
override def responseMonad: MonadError[F] = monad
class WhenRequest(p: Request[_, _] => Boolean) {
def thenRespondOk(): SttpBackendStub[F, P] =
thenRespondWithCode(StatusCode.Ok, "OK")
def thenRespondNotFound(): SttpBackendStub[F, P] =
thenRespondWithCode(StatusCode.NotFound, "Not found")
def thenRespondServerError(): SttpBackendStub[F, P] =
thenRespondWithCode(StatusCode.InternalServerError, "Internal server error")
def thenRespondWithCode(status: StatusCode, msg: String = ""): SttpBackendStub[F, P] = {
thenRespond(Response(msg, status, msg))
def thenRespond[T](body: T): SttpBackendStub[F, P] =
thenRespond(Response[T](body, StatusCode.Ok, "OK"))
def thenRespond[T](body: T, statusCode: StatusCode): SttpBackendStub[F, P] =
thenRespond(Response[T](body, statusCode))
def thenRespond[T](resp: => Response[T]): SttpBackendStub[F, P] = {
val m: PartialFunction[Request[_, _], F[Response[_]]] = {
case r if p(r) => monad.eval(resp)
new SttpBackendStub[F, P](monad, matchers.orElse(m), fallback)
* Not thread-safe!
def thenRespondCyclic[T](bodies: T*): SttpBackendStub[F, P] = {
thenRespondCyclicResponses( => Response[T](body, StatusCode.Ok, "OK")): _*)
* Not thread-safe!
def thenRespondCyclicResponses[T](responses: Response[T]*): SttpBackendStub[F, P] = {
val iterator = Iterator.continually(responses).flatten
def thenRespondF(resp: => F[Response[_]]): SttpBackendStub[F, P] = {
val m: PartialFunction[Request[_, _], F[Response[_]]] = {
case r if p(r) => resp
new SttpBackendStub[F, P](monad, matchers.orElse(m), fallback)
def thenRespondF(resp: Request[_, _] => F[Response[_]]): SttpBackendStub[F, P] = {
val m: PartialFunction[Request[_, _], F[Response[_]]] = {
case r if p(r) => resp(r)
new SttpBackendStub[F, P](monad, matchers.orElse(m), fallback)
object SttpBackendStub {
* Create a stub of a synchronous backend (which doesn't use an effect type), without streaming.
def synchronous: SttpBackendStub[Identity, WebSockets] =
new SttpBackendStub(
* Create a stub of an asynchronous backend (which uses the Scala's built-in [[Future]] as the effect type),
* without streaming.
def asynchronousFuture: SttpBackendStub[Future, WebSockets] = {
new SttpBackendStub(
new FutureMonad(),
* Create a stub backend using the given response monad (which determines the effect type for responses),
* and any capabilities (such as streaming or web socket support).
def apply[F[_], P](responseMonad: MonadError[F]): SttpBackendStub[F, P] =
new SttpBackendStub[F, P](
* Create a stub backend which delegates send requests to the given fallback backend, if the request doesn't match
* any of the specified predicates.
def withFallback[F[_], P0, P1 >: P0](
fallback: SttpBackend[F, P0]
): SttpBackendStub[F, P1] =
new SttpBackendStub[F, P1](
private[client] def tryAdjustResponseType[DesiredRType, RType, F[_]](
ra: ResponseAs[DesiredRType, _],
m: F[Response[RType]]
)(implicit monad: MonadError[F]): F[Response[DesiredRType]] = {
monad.flatMap[Response[RType], Response[DesiredRType]](m) { r =>
tryAdjustResponseBody(ra, r.body, r).getOrElse(monad.unit(r.body)).map { nb =>
r.copy(body = nb.asInstanceOf[DesiredRType])
private[client] def tryAdjustResponseBody[F[_], T, U](
ra: ResponseAs[T, _],
b: U,
meta: ResponseMetadata
)(implicit monad: MonadError[F]): Option[F[T]] = {
ra match {
case IgnoreResponse => Some(().unit.asInstanceOf[F[T]])
case ResponseAsByteArray =>
b match {
case s: String => Some(s.getBytes(Utf8).unit.asInstanceOf[F[T]])
case a: Array[Byte] => Some(a.unit.asInstanceOf[F[T]])
case is: InputStream => Some(toByteArray(is).unit.asInstanceOf[F[T]])
case _ => None
case ResponseAsStream(_, f) =>
b match {
case RawStream(s) => Some(f.asInstanceOf[Any => F[T]](s))
case _ => None
case ResponseAsStreamUnsafe(_) =>
b match {
case RawStream(s) => Some(s.unit.asInstanceOf[F[T]])
case _ => None
case ResponseAsFile(_) =>
b match {
case f: SttpFile => Some(f.unit.asInstanceOf[F[T]])
case _ => None
case ResponseAsWebSocket(f) =>
b match {
case wss: WebSocketStub[_] => Some(f.asInstanceOf[WebSocket[F] => F[T]]([F](monad)))
case ws: WebSocket[_] => Some(f.asInstanceOf[WebSocket[F] => F[T]](ws.asInstanceOf[WebSocket[F]]))
case _ => None
case ResponseAsWebSocketUnsafe() =>
b match {
case wss: WebSocketStub[_] => Some([F](monad).unit.asInstanceOf[F[T]])
case _ => None
case ResponseAsWebSocketStream(_, _) => None
case MappedResponseAs(raw, g, _) => tryAdjustResponseBody(raw, b, meta).map(, meta)))
case rfm: ResponseAsFromMetadata[_, _] => tryAdjustResponseBody(rfm(meta), b, meta)
case ResponseAsBoth(l, r) =>
tryAdjustResponseBody(l, b, meta).map { lAdjusted =>
tryAdjustResponseBody(r, b, meta) match {
case None =>, None))
case Some(rAdjusted) => lAdjusted.flatMap(lResult => => (lResult, Some(rResult))))
case class RawStream[T](s: T)
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