sttp.client4.ResponseAs.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package sttp.client4
import sttp.capabilities.{Effect, Streams, WebSockets}
import sttp.client4.internal.SttpFile
import sttp.model.ResponseMetadata
import sttp.model.internal.Rfc3986
import{WebSocket, WebSocketFrame}
import scala.collection.immutable.Seq
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
/** Describes how the response body of a request should be handled. A number of `as` helper methods are available
* as part of [[SttpApi]] and when importing `sttp.client4._`. These methods yield specific implementations of this
* trait, which can then be set on a [[Request]], [[StreamRequest]], [[WebSocketRequest]] or
* [[WebSocketStreamRequest]], depending on the response type.
* @tparam T
* Target type as which the response will be read.
* @tparam R
* The backend capabilities required by the response description. This might be `Any` (no requirements),
* [[sttp.capabilities.Effect]] (the backend must support the given effect type), [[sttp.capabilities.Streams]] (the
* ability to send and receive streaming bodies) or [[sttp.capabilities.WebSockets]] (the ability to handle websocket
* requests).
trait ResponseAsDelegate[+T, -R] {
def delegate: GenericResponseAs[T, R]
def show: String =
/** Describes how the response body of a [[Request]] should be handled.
* Apart from the basic cases (ignoring, reading as a byte array or file), response body descriptions can be mapped
* over, to support custom types. The mapping can take into account the [[ResponseMetadata]], that is the headers and
* status code. Responses can also be handled depending on the response metadata. Finally, two response body
* descriptions can be combined (with some restrictions).
* A number of `as` helper methods are available as part of [[SttpApi]] and when importing `sttp.client4._`.
* @tparam T
* Target type as which the response will be read.
case class ResponseAs[+T](delegate: GenericResponseAs[T, Any]) extends ResponseAsDelegate[T, Any] {
def map[T2](f: T => T2): ResponseAs[T2] = ResponseAs(delegate.mapWithMetadata { case (t, _) => f(t) })
def mapWithMetadata[T2](f: (T, ResponseMetadata) => T2): ResponseAs[T2] = ResponseAs(delegate.mapWithMetadata(f))
def showAs(s: String): ResponseAs[T] = ResponseAs(delegate.showAs(s))
object ResponseAs {
implicit class RichResponseAsEither[A, B](ra: ResponseAs[Either[A, B]]) {
def mapLeft[L2](f: A => L2): ResponseAs[Either[L2, B]] =
def mapRight[R2](f: B => R2): ResponseAs[Either[A, R2]] =
/** If the type to which the response body should be deserialized is an `Either[A, B]`:
* - in case of `A`, throws as an exception / returns a failed effect (wrapped with an [[HttpError]] if `A` is
* not yet an exception)
* - in case of `B`, returns the value directly
def getRight: ResponseAs[B] =
ra.mapWithMetadata { case (t, meta) =>
t match {
case Left(a: Exception) => throw a
case Left(a) => throw HttpError(a, meta.code)
case Right(b) => b
implicit class RichResponseAsEitherResponseException[HE, DE, B](
ra: ResponseAs[Either[ResponseException[HE, DE], B]]
) {
/** If the type to which the response body should be deserialized is an `Either[ResponseException[HE, DE], B]`,
* either throws the [[DeserializationException]], returns the deserialized body from the [[HttpError]], or the
* deserialized successful body `B`.
def getEither: ResponseAs[Either[HE, B]] = {
case Left(HttpError(he, _)) => Left(he)
case Left(d: DeserializationException[_]) => throw d
case Right(b) => Right(b)
/** Returns a function, which maps `Left` values to [[HttpError]] s, and attempts to deserialize `Right` values using
* the given function, catching any exceptions and representing them as [[DeserializationException]] s.
def deserializeRightCatchingExceptions[T](
doDeserialize: String => T
): (Either[String, String], ResponseMetadata) => Either[ResponseException[String, Exception], T] = {
case (Left(s), meta) => Left(HttpError(s, meta.code))
case (Right(s), _) => deserializeCatchingExceptions(doDeserialize)(s)
/** Returns a function, which attempts to deserialize `Right` values using the given function, catching any exceptions
* and representing them as [[DeserializationException]] s.
def deserializeCatchingExceptions[T](
doDeserialize: String => T
): String => Either[DeserializationException[Exception], T] =
deserializeWithError((s: String) =>
Try(doDeserialize(s)) match {
case Failure(e: Exception) => Left(e)
case Failure(t: Throwable) => throw t
case Success(t) => Right(t): Either[Exception, T]
/** Returns a function, which maps `Left` values to [[HttpError]] s, and attempts to deserialize `Right` values using
* the given function.
def deserializeRightWithError[E: ShowError, T](
doDeserialize: String => Either[E, T]
): (Either[String, String], ResponseMetadata) => Either[ResponseException[String, E], T] = {
case (Left(s), meta) => Left(HttpError(s, meta.code))
case (Right(s), _) => deserializeWithError(doDeserialize)(implicitly[ShowError[E]])(s)
/** Returns a function, which keeps `Left` unchanged, and attempts to deserialize `Right` values using the given
* function. If deserialization fails, an exception is thrown
def deserializeRightOrThrow[E: ShowError, T](
doDeserialize: String => Either[E, T]
): Either[String, String] => Either[String, T] = {
case Left(s) => Left(s)
case Right(s) => Right(deserializeOrThrow(doDeserialize)(implicitly[ShowError[E]])(s))
/** Converts a deserialization function, which returns errors of type `E`, into a function where errors are wrapped
* using [[DeserializationException]].
def deserializeWithError[E: ShowError, T](
doDeserialize: String => Either[E, T]
): String => Either[DeserializationException[E], T] =
s =>
doDeserialize(s) match {
case Left(e) => Left(DeserializationException(s, e))
case Right(b) => Right(b)
/** Converts a deserialization function, which returns errors of type `E`, into a function where errors are thrown as
* exceptions, and results are returned unwrapped.
def deserializeOrThrow[E: ShowError, T](doDeserialize: String => Either[E, T]): String => T =
s =>
doDeserialize(s) match {
case Left(e) => throw DeserializationException(s, e)
case Right(b) => b
/** Describes how the response body of a [[StreamRequest]] should be handled.
* The stream response can be mapped over, to support custom types. The mapping can take into account the
* [[ResponseMetadata]], that is the headers and status code.
* A number of `asStream[Type]` helper methods are available as part of [[SttpApi]] and when importing
* `sttp.client4._`.
* @tparam T
* Target type as which the response will be read.
* @tparam S
* The type of stream, used to receive the response body bodies.
case class StreamResponseAs[+T, S](delegate: GenericResponseAs[T, S]) extends ResponseAsDelegate[T, S] {
def map[T2](f: T => T2): StreamResponseAs[T2, S] =
StreamResponseAs(delegate.mapWithMetadata { case (t, _) => f(t) })
def mapWithMetadata[T2](f: (T, ResponseMetadata) => T2): StreamResponseAs[T2, S] =
def showAs(s: String): StreamResponseAs[T, S] = new StreamResponseAs(delegate.showAs(s))
/** Describes how the response of a [[WebSocketRequest]] should be handled.
* The websocket response can be mapped over, to support custom types. The mapping can take into account the
* [[ResponseMetadata]], that is the headers and status code. Responses can also be handled depending on the response
* metadata.
* A number of `asWebSocket` helper methods are available as part of [[SttpApi]] and when importing `sttp.client4._`.
* @tparam T
* Target type as which the response will be read.
case class WebSocketResponseAs[F[_], +T](delegate: GenericResponseAs[T, Effect[F] with WebSockets])
extends ResponseAsDelegate[T, Effect[F] with WebSockets] {
def map[T2](f: T => T2): WebSocketResponseAs[F, T2] =
WebSocketResponseAs(delegate.mapWithMetadata { case (t, _) => f(t) })
def mapWithMetadata[T2](f: (T, ResponseMetadata) => T2): WebSocketResponseAs[F, T2] =
def showAs(s: String): WebSocketResponseAs[F, T] = new WebSocketResponseAs(delegate.showAs(s))
/** Describes how the response of a [[WebSocketStreamRequest]] should be handled.
* The websocket response can be mapped over, to support custom types. The mapping can take into account the
* [[ResponseMetadata]], that is the headers and status code. Responses can also be handled depending on the response
* metadata.
* A number of `asWebSocket` helper methods are available as part of [[SttpApi]] and when importing `sttp.client4._`.
* @tparam T
* Target type as which the response will be read.
case class WebSocketStreamResponseAs[+T, S](delegate: GenericResponseAs[T, S with WebSockets])
extends ResponseAsDelegate[T, S with WebSockets] {
def map[T2](f: T => T2): WebSocketStreamResponseAs[T2, S] =
WebSocketStreamResponseAs[T2, S](delegate.mapWithMetadata { case (t, _) => f(t) })
def mapWithMetadata[T2](f: (T, ResponseMetadata) => T2): WebSocketStreamResponseAs[T2, S] =
WebSocketStreamResponseAs[T2, S](delegate.mapWithMetadata(f))
def showAs(s: String): WebSocketStreamResponseAs[T, S] = new WebSocketStreamResponseAs[T, S](delegate.showAs(s))
/** A wrapper around a ResponseAs to supplement it with a condition on the response metadata.
* Used in [[SttpApi.fromMetadata()]] to condition the response handler upon the response metadata: status code,
* headers, etc.
* @tparam R
* The type of response
case class ConditionalResponseAs[+R](condition: ResponseMetadata => Boolean, responseAs: R) {
def map[R2](f: R => R2): ConditionalResponseAs[R2] = ConditionalResponseAs(condition, f(responseAs))
/** Generic description of how the response to a [[GenericRequest]] should be handled. To set on a request, should be
* wrapped with an appropriate subtype of [[ResponseAsDelegate]], depending on the `R` capabilities.
* @tparam T
* Target type as which the response will be read.
* @tparam R
* The backend capabilities required by the response description. This might be `Any` (no requirements), [[Effect]]
* (the backend must support the given effect type), [[Streams]] (the ability to send and receive streaming bodies)
* or [[WebSockets]] (the ability to handle websocket requests).
sealed trait GenericResponseAs[+T, -R] {
def map[T2](f: T => T2): GenericResponseAs[T2, R] = mapWithMetadata { case (t, _) => f(t) }
def mapWithMetadata[T2](f: (T, ResponseMetadata) => T2): GenericResponseAs[T2, R] =
MappedResponseAs[T, T2, R](this, f, None)
def show: String
def showAs(s: String): GenericResponseAs[T, R] = MappedResponseAs[T, T, R](this, (t, _) => t, Some(s))
object GenericResponseAs {
private[client4] def parseParams(s: String, charset: String): Seq[(String, String)] =
.flatMap(kv =>
kv.split("=", 2) match {
case Array(k, v) =>
Some((Rfc3986.decode()(k, charset), Rfc3986.decode()(v, charset)))
case _ => None
def isWebSocket(ra: GenericResponseAs[_, _]): Boolean =
ra match {
case _: GenericWebSocketResponseAs[_, _] => true
case ResponseAsFromMetadata(conditions, default) =>
conditions.exists(c => isWebSocket(c.responseAs)) || isWebSocket(default)
case MappedResponseAs(raw, _, _) => isWebSocket(raw)
case ResponseAsBoth(l, r) => isWebSocket(l) || isWebSocket(r)
case _ => false
case object IgnoreResponse extends GenericResponseAs[Unit, Any] {
override def show: String = "ignore"
case object ResponseAsByteArray extends GenericResponseAs[Array[Byte], Any] {
override def show: String = "as byte array"
// Path-dependent types are not supported in constructor arguments or the extends clause. Thus we cannot express the
// fact that `BinaryStream =:= s.BinaryStream`. We have to rely on correct construction via the companion object and
// perform typecasts when the request is deconstructed.
case class ResponseAsStream[F[_], T, Stream, S] private (s: Streams[S], f: (Stream, ResponseMetadata) => F[T])
extends GenericResponseAs[T, S with Effect[F]] {
override def show: String = "as stream"
object ResponseAsStream {
def apply[F[_], T, S](s: Streams[S])(
f: (s.BinaryStream, ResponseMetadata) => F[T]
): GenericResponseAs[T, S with Effect[F]] =
new ResponseAsStream(s, f)
case class ResponseAsStreamUnsafe[BinaryStream, S] private (s: Streams[S]) extends GenericResponseAs[BinaryStream, S] {
override def show: String = "as stream unsafe"
object ResponseAsStreamUnsafe {
def apply[S](s: Streams[S]): GenericResponseAs[s.BinaryStream, S] = new ResponseAsStreamUnsafe(s)
case class ResponseAsInputStream[T](f: InputStream => T) extends GenericResponseAs[T, Any] {
override def show: String = s"as input stream"
case object ResponseAsInputStreamUnsafe extends GenericResponseAs[InputStream, Any] {
override def show: String = s"as input stream unsafe"
case class ResponseAsFile(output: SttpFile) extends GenericResponseAs[SttpFile, Any] {
override def show: String = s"as file: ${}"
sealed trait GenericWebSocketResponseAs[T, -R] extends GenericResponseAs[T, R]
case class ResponseAsWebSocket[F[_], T](f: (WebSocket[F], ResponseMetadata) => F[T])
extends GenericWebSocketResponseAs[T, WebSockets with Effect[F]] {
override def show: String = "as web socket"
case class ResponseAsWebSocketUnsafe[F[_]]()
extends GenericWebSocketResponseAs[WebSocket[F], WebSockets with Effect[F]] {
override def show: String = "as web socket unsafe"
case class ResponseAsWebSocketStream[S, Pipe[_, _]](s: Streams[S], p: Pipe[WebSocketFrame.Data[_], WebSocketFrame])
extends GenericWebSocketResponseAs[Unit, S with WebSockets] {
override def show: String = "as web socket stream"
case class ResponseAsFromMetadata[T, R](
conditions: List[ConditionalResponseAs[GenericResponseAs[T, R]]],
default: GenericResponseAs[T, R]
) extends GenericResponseAs[T, R] {
def apply(meta: ResponseMetadata): GenericResponseAs[T, R] =
conditions.find(mapping => mapping.condition(meta)).map(_.responseAs).getOrElse(default)
override def show: String = s"either(${( ::", ")})"
case class MappedResponseAs[T, T2, R](
raw: GenericResponseAs[T, R],
g: (T, ResponseMetadata) => T2,
showAs: Option[String]
) extends GenericResponseAs[T2, R] {
override def mapWithMetadata[T3](f: (T2, ResponseMetadata) => T3): GenericResponseAs[T3, R] =
MappedResponseAs[T, T3, R](raw, (t, h) => f(g(t, h), h), => s"mapped($s)"))
override def showAs(s: String): GenericResponseAs[T2, R] = this.copy(showAs = Some(s))
override def show: String = showAs.getOrElse(s"mapped(${})")
case class ResponseAsBoth[A, B, R](l: GenericResponseAs[A, R], r: GenericResponseAs[B, Any])
extends GenericResponseAs[(A, Option[B]), R] {
override def show: String = s"(${}, optionally ${})"
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