sttp.client4.request.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package sttp.client4
import sttp.model.{Header, Method, Part, RequestMetadata, Uri}
import sttp.capabilities.{Effect, Streams, WebSockets}
import sttp.client4.internal.{ToCurlConverter, ToRfc2616Converter}
import scala.collection.immutable.Seq
/** A generic description of an HTTP request, along with a description of how the response body should be handled.
* Client code should use concrete subtypes of this trait. The [[Request.send]], [[StreamRequest.send]],
* [[WebSocketRequest.send]] or [[WebSocketStreamRequest.send]] methods should be used to send the request, providing
* an instance of the appropriate [[Backend]] subtype.
* However, the request can aso be sent using the [[GenericBackend.send]] method, which provides a superset of the
* required capabilities.
* @tparam T
* The target type, to which the response body should be read.
* @tparam R
* The backend capabilities required by the request or response description. This might be `Any` (no requirements),
* [[sttp.capabilities.Effect]] (the backend must support the given effect type), [[sttp.capabilities.Streams]] (the
* ability to send and receive streaming bodies) or [[sttp.capabilities.WebSockets]] (the ability to handle websocket
* requests).
trait GenericRequest[+T, -R] extends RequestBuilder[GenericRequest[T, R]] with RequestMetadata {
def body: GenericRequestBody[R]
def response: ResponseAsDelegate[T, R]
def mapResponse[T2](f: T => T2): GenericRequest[T2, R]
def toCurl: String = ToCurlConverter(this)
def toCurl(sensitiveHeaders: Set[String]): String = ToCurlConverter(this, sensitiveHeaders)
def toCurl(omitAcceptEncoding: Boolean): String = ToCurlConverter(this, omitAcceptEncoding)
def toCurl(sensitiveHeaders: Set[String], omitAcceptEncoding: Boolean): String =
ToCurlConverter(this, sensitiveHeaders, omitAcceptEncoding)
def toRfc2616Format: String = ToRfc2616Converter.requestToRfc2616(this)
def toRfc2616Format(sensitiveHeaders: Set[String]): String =
ToRfc2616Converter.requestToRfc2616(this, sensitiveHeaders)
/** Metadata of the request, which doesn't retain the request body, or the response handling specification. */
def onlyMetadata: RequestMetadata = {
val m = method
val u = uri
val h = headers
new RequestMetadata {
override val method: Method = m
override val uri: Uri = u
override val headers: Seq[Header] = h
def isWebSocket: Boolean = (this: Any) match {
case _: WebSocketRequest[_, _] => true
case _: WebSocketStreamRequest[_, _] => true
case _ => false
/** Describes an HTTP request, along with a description of how the response body should be handled.
* The request can be sent using an instance of [[SyncBackend]] or [[Backend]] with the [[send]] method.
* @param response
* Description of how the response body should be handled. Needs to be specified upfront so that the response is
* always consumed and hence there are no requirements on client code to consume it.
* @param tags
* Request-specific tags which can be used by backends for logging, metrics, etc. Empty by default.
* @tparam T
* The target type, to which the response body should be read.
case class Request[T](
method: Method,
uri: Uri,
body: BasicBody,
headers: Seq[Header],
response: ResponseAs[T],
options: RequestOptions,
tags: Map[String, Any]
) extends GenericRequest[T, Any]
with RequestBuilder[Request[T]] {
override def showBasic: String = s"$method $uri"
override def method(method: Method, uri: Uri): Request[T] = copy(uri = uri, method = method)
override def withHeaders(headers: Seq[Header]): Request[T] = copy(headers = headers)
override def withOptions(options: RequestOptions): Request[T] = copy(options = options)
override def withTags(tags: Map[String, Any]): Request[T] = copy(tags = tags)
override protected def copyWithBody(body: BasicBody): Request[T] = copy(body = body)
def multipartStreamBody[S](ps: Seq[Part[BodyPart[S]]]): StreamRequest[T, S] =
StreamRequest(method, uri, MultipartStreamBody(ps), headers, StreamResponseAs(response.delegate), options, tags)
def multipartStreamBody[S](p1: Part[BodyPart[S]], ps: Part[BodyPart[S]]*): StreamRequest[T, S] =
MultipartStreamBody(p1 :: ps.toList),
def streamBody[S](s: Streams[S])(b: s.BinaryStream): StreamRequest[T, S] =
StreamRequest(method, uri, StreamBody(s)(b), headers, StreamResponseAs(response.delegate), options, tags)
/** Specifies the target type to which the response body should be read. Note that this replaces any previous
* specifications, which also includes any previous `mapResponse` invocations.
def response[T2](ra: ResponseAs[T2]): Request[T2] = copy[T2](response = ra)
def mapResponse[T2](f: T => T2): Request[T2] = response(
/** Specifies that this is a WebSocket request. A [[WebSocketBackend]] will be required to send this request. */
def response[F[_], T2](ra: WebSocketResponseAs[F, T2]): WebSocketRequest[F, T2] =
WebSocketRequest(method, uri, body, headers, ra, options, tags)
/** Specifies that the response body should be processed using a non-blocking, asynchronous stream, as witnessed by
* the `S` capability. A [[StreamBackend]] will be required to send this request.
def response[T2, S](ra: StreamResponseAs[T2, S]): StreamRequest[T2, S] =
StreamRequest(method, uri, body, headers, ra, options, tags)
/** Specifies that this is a WebSocket request, and the WebSocket will be processed using a non-blocking, asynchronous
* stream, as witnessed by the `S` capability. A [[WebSocketStreamBackend]] will be required to send this request.
def response[T2, S](ra: WebSocketStreamResponseAs[T2, S]): WebSocketStreamRequest[T2, S] =
WebSocketStreamRequest(method, uri, body, headers, ra, options, tags)
/** Sends the request, using the given backend.
* @return
* An `F`-effect, containing a [[Response]], with the body handled as specified by this request (see
* [[Request.response]]). Effects might include asynchronous computations (e.g. [[scala.concurrent.Future]]), pure
* effect descriptions (`IO`), or error wrappers (e.g. [[TryBackend]]). Exceptions are represented as failed
* effects (e.g. failed futures).
* The response body is deserialized as specified by this request (see [[Request.response]]).
* Known exceptions are converted by backends to one of [[SttpClientException]]. Other exceptions are thrown
* unchanged.
def send[F[_]](backend: Backend[F]): F[Response[T]] = backend.send(this)
/** Sends the request synchronously, using the given backend.
* @return
* A [[Response]], with the body handled as specified by this request (see [[Request.response]]).
* The response body is deserialized as specified by this request (see [[Request.response]]).
* Known exceptions are converted by backends to one of [[SttpClientException]]. Other exceptions are thrown
* unchanged.
def send(backend: SyncBackend): Response[T] = backend.send(this)
object Request {
implicit class RichRequestTEither[A, B](r: Request[Either[A, B]]) {
def mapResponseRight[B2](f: B => B2): Request[Either[A, B2]] = r.copy(response = r.response.mapRight(f))
def responseGetRight: Request[B] = r.copy(response = r.response.getRight)
implicit class RichRequestTEitherResponseException[HE, DE, B](
r: Request[Either[ResponseException[HE, DE], B]]
) {
def responseGetEither: Request[Either[HE, B]] = r.copy(response = r.response.getEither)
/** Describes an HTTP request, along with a description of how the response body should be handled. Either the request
* or response body uses non-blocking, asynchronous streams.
* The request can be sent using an instance of [[StreamBackend]] with the [[send]] method.
* @param response
* Description of how the response body should be handled. Needs to be specified upfront so that the response is
* always consumed and hence there are no requirements on client code to consume it.
* @param tags
* Request-specific tags which can be used by backends for logging, metrics, etc. Empty by default.
* @tparam T
* The target type, to which the response body should be read. If the response body is streamed, this might be the
* value obtained by processing the entire stream.
* @tparam R
* The capabilities required to send this request: a subtype of [[Streams]], and optionally an [[Effect]].
final case class StreamRequest[T, R](
method: Method,
uri: Uri,
body: GenericRequestBody[R],
headers: Seq[Header],
response: StreamResponseAs[T, R],
options: RequestOptions,
tags: Map[String, Any]
) extends GenericRequest[T, R]
with RequestBuilder[StreamRequest[T, R]] {
override def showBasic: String = s"$method $uri"
override def method(method: Method, uri: Uri): StreamRequest[T, R] = copy(method = method, uri = uri)
override def withHeaders(headers: Seq[Header]): StreamRequest[T, R] = copy(headers = headers)
override def withOptions(options: RequestOptions): StreamRequest[T, R] = copy(options = options)
override def withTags(tags: Map[String, Any]): StreamRequest[T, R] = copy(tags = tags)
override protected def copyWithBody(body: BasicBody): StreamRequest[T, R] = copy(body = body)
/** Specifies the target type to which the response body should be read. Note that this replaces any previous
* specifications, which also includes any previous `mapResponse` invocations.
def response[T2](ra: ResponseAs[T2]): StreamRequest[T2, R] = copy(response = new StreamResponseAs(ra.delegate))
/** Specifies that the response body should be processed using a non-blocking, asynchronous stream, as witnessed by
* the `R2` capability. This capability must be a subset of any capabilities required by previously (`R`). A
* [[StreamBackend]] will be required to send this request.
def response[T2, R2 <: R](ra: StreamResponseAs[T2, R2]): StreamRequest[T2, R2] = copy(response = ra)
/** Specifies that this is a WebSocket request. A [[WebSocketStreamBackend]] will be required to send this request. */
def response[T2, F[_]](ra: WebSocketResponseAs[F, T2]): WebSocketStreamRequest[T2, Effect[F] with R] =
WebSocketStreamResponseAs[T2, Effect[F] with R](ra.delegate),
def mapResponse[T2](f: T => T2): StreamRequest[T2, R] = copy(response =
/** Sends the request, using the given backend.
* The required capabilities `R` must be a subset of the capabilities `P` provided by the backend. That is, the
* supported streams type must match, as well as the optional effect type.
* @return
* An `F`-effect, containing a [[Response]], with the body handled as specified by this request (see
* [[Request.response]]). Effects might include asynchronous computations (e.g. [[scala.concurrent.Future]]), pure
* effect descriptions (`IO`), or error wrappers (e.g. [[TryBackend]]). Exceptions are represented as failed
* effects (e.g. failed futures).
* The response body is deserialized as specified by this request (see [[Request.response]]).
* Known exceptions are converted by backends to one of [[SttpClientException]]. Other exceptions are thrown
* unchanged.
def send[F[_], P](backend: StreamBackend[F, P])(implicit ev: P with Effect[F] <:< R): F[Response[T]] =
backend.send(this.asInstanceOf[StreamRequest[T, P with Effect[F]]]) // as witnessed by ev
/** Describes an HTTP WebSocket request.
* The request can be sent using an instance of [[WebSocketBackend]] with the [[send]] method.
* @param response
* Description of how the WebSocket should be handled. Needs to be specified upfront so that the response is always
* consumed and hence there are no requirements on client code to consume it.
* @param tags
* Request-specific tags which can be used by backends for logging, metrics, etc. Empty by default.
* @tparam F
* The effect type used to process the WebSocket. Might include asynchronous computations (e.g.
* [[scala.concurrent.Future]]), pure effect descriptions (`IO`), or synchronous computations ([[Identity]]).
* @tparam T
* The target type, to which the response body should be read. If the WebSocket interactions are described entirely
* by the response description, this might be `Unit`. Otherwise, this can be a [[]] instance.
final case class WebSocketRequest[F[_], T](
method: Method,
uri: Uri,
body: BasicBody,
headers: Seq[Header],
response: WebSocketResponseAs[F, T],
options: RequestOptions,
tags: Map[String, Any]
) extends GenericRequest[T, WebSockets with Effect[F]]
with RequestBuilder[WebSocketRequest[F, T]] {
override def showBasic: String = s"$method (WebSocket) $uri"
override def method(method: Method, uri: Uri): WebSocketRequest[F, T] = copy(method = method, uri = uri)
override def withHeaders(headers: Seq[Header]): WebSocketRequest[F, T] = copy(headers = headers)
override def withOptions(options: RequestOptions): WebSocketRequest[F, T] = copy(options = options)
override def withTags(tags: Map[String, Any]): WebSocketRequest[F, T] = copy(tags = tags)
override protected def copyWithBody(body: BasicBody): WebSocketRequest[F, T] = copy(body = body)
def streamBody[S](s: Streams[S])(b: s.BinaryStream): WebSocketStreamRequest[T, Effect[F] with S] =
WebSocketStreamResponseAs[T, Effect[F] with S](response.delegate),
def mapResponse[T2](f: T => T2): WebSocketRequest[F, T2] = copy(response =
/** Sends the WebSocket request, using the given backend.
* @return
* An `F`-effect, containing a [[Response]], with the body handled as specified by this request (see
* [[Request.response]]). Effects might include asynchronous computations (e.g. [[scala.concurrent.Future]]), pure
* effect descriptions (`IO`), or error wrappers (e.g. [[TryBackend]]). Exceptions are represented as failed
* effects (e.g. failed futures).
* The response WebSocket is handled as specified by this request (see [[Request.response]]).
* Known exceptions are converted by backends to one of [[SttpClientException]]. Other exceptions are thrown
* unchanged.
def send(backend: WebSocketBackend[F]): F[Response[T]] = backend.send(this)
/** Sends the WebSocket request synchronously, using the given backend.
* @return
* A [[Response]], with the body handled as specified by this request (see [[Request.response]]).
* The response WebSocket is handled as specified by this request (see [[Request.response]]).
* Known exceptions are converted by backends to one of [[SttpClientException]]. Other exceptions are thrown
* unchanged.
def send(backend: WebSocketSyncBackend)(implicit ev: Identity[T] =:= F[T]): Response[T] =
backend.send(this.asInstanceOf[WebSocketRequest[Identity, T]]) // as witnessed by ev
/** Describes an HTTP WebSocket request. Either the request body, or the WebSocket handling uses non-blocking,
* asynchronous streams.
* The request can be sent using an instance of [[WebSocketStreamBackend]] with the [[send]] method.
* @param response
* Description of how the WebSocket should be handled. Needs to be specified upfront so that the response is always
* consumed and hence there are no requirements on client code to consume it.
* @param tags
* Request-specific tags which can be used by backends for logging, metrics, etc. Empty by default.
* @tparam T
* The target type, to which the response body should be read. If the WebSocket interactions are described entirely
* by the response description, this might be `Unit`. Otherwise, this can be an `S` stream of frames or mapped
* WebSocket messages.
* @tparam S
* The stream capability required to send this request, a subtype of [[Streams]].
final case class WebSocketStreamRequest[T, S](
method: Method,
uri: Uri,
body: GenericRequestBody[S],
headers: Seq[Header],
response: WebSocketStreamResponseAs[T, S],
options: RequestOptions,
tags: Map[String, Any]
) extends GenericRequest[T, S with WebSockets]
with RequestBuilder[WebSocketStreamRequest[T, S]] {
override def showBasic: String = s"$method (WebSocket) $uri"
override def method(method: Method, uri: Uri): WebSocketStreamRequest[T, S] = copy(method = method, uri = uri)
override def withHeaders(headers: Seq[Header]): WebSocketStreamRequest[T, S] = copy(headers = headers)
override def withOptions(options: RequestOptions): WebSocketStreamRequest[T, S] = copy(options = options)
override def withTags(tags: Map[String, Any]): WebSocketStreamRequest[T, S] = copy(tags = tags)
override protected def copyWithBody(body: BasicBody): WebSocketStreamRequest[T, S] = copy(body = body)
def mapResponse[T2](f: T => T2): WebSocketStreamRequest[T2, S] = copy(response =
/** Sends the WebSocket request, using the given backend.
* The required streams capability `S` must match the streams supported by the backend.
* @return
* An `F`-effect, containing a [[Response]], with the body handled as specified by this request (see
* [[Request.response]]). Effects might include asynchronous computations (e.g. [[scala.concurrent.Future]]), pure
* effect descriptions (`IO`), or error wrappers (e.g. [[TryBackend]]). Exceptions are represented as failed
* effects (e.g. failed futures).
* The response WebSocket is handled as specified by this request (see [[Request.response]]).
* Known exceptions are converted by backends to one of [[SttpClientException]]. Other exceptions are thrown
* unchanged.
def send[F[_]](backend: WebSocketStreamBackend[F, S]): F[Response[T]] = backend.send(this)
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