sttp.model.UriInterpolator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package sttp.model
import sttp.model.internal.{ArrayView, FastCharSet, FastCharMap, ParseUtils, Rfc3986, Singleton}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable.VectorBuilder
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
trait UriInterpolator {
implicit class UriContext(val sc: StringContext) {
/** Parse the given string (with embedded expressions) as an uri.
* Any values embedded in the URI using the `${...}` syntax will be URL-encoded, taking into account the context.
* Parts of the URI given as literal strings (not embedded values), are assumed to be URL-encoded and thus will be
* decoded when creating the `Uri` instance.
* Embedded values can be optional for hosts (subdomains) query parameters and the fragment. If the value is
* `None`, the appropriate URI component will be removed.
* Sequences in the host part will be expanded to a subdomain sequence, and sequences in the path will be expanded
* to path components. Maps, sequences of tuples and sequences of values can be embedded in the query part. They
* will be expanded into query parameters. Maps and sequences of tuples can also contain optional values, for which
* mappings will be removed if `None`.
* All components of the URI can be embedded from values: scheme, username/password, host, port, path, query and
* fragment. The embedded values won't be further parsed, with the exception of the `:` in the host part, which is
* commonly used to pass in both the host and port.
* If a string containing the protocol is embedded at the very beginning, it will not be escaped, allowing to embed
* entire addresses as prefixes, e.g.: `uri"$endpoint/login"`, where `val endpoint = ""`.
* This is useful when a base URI is stored in a value, and can then be used as a base for constructing more
* specific URIs.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* In case of a validation error. For a safe version, see [[Uri.parse()]].
def uri(args: Any*): Uri = UriInterpolator.interpolate(sc, args: _*)
object UriInterpolator {
private val startingUri = Uri(None, None, Uri.EmptyPath, Nil, None)
// Dynamic class tag resultion uses `synchronized` and can block threads.
// Cache the class tag locally to avoid it.
private implicit val tokenClassTag: ClassTag[Token] = ClassTag(classOf[Token])
private val builders = List(
private val emptyStringToken = StringToken("")
def interpolate(sc: StringContext, args: Any*): Uri = {
val isScEmptyString =""))
val areArgsEmptyString = args.forall(_.equals(""))
if (isScEmptyString && areArgsEmptyString) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty string is not valid uri")
val tokens = tokenize(sc, args: _*)
val (uri, leftTokens) =
builders.foldLeft((startingUri, filterNulls(tokens))) { case ((u, t), builder) =>
builder.fromTokens(u, t)
if (leftTokens.nonEmpty) {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Tokens left after building the whole uri: $leftTokens, result so far: $uri")
private def tokenize(sc: StringContext, args: Any*): ArrayBuffer[Token] = {
val strings =
val expressions = args.iterator
// Mutable container is chosen to make less allocations during tokenization.
// This buffer may contain nulls. Take into account it when accessing elements in 'tokens'.
// Null may appear in buffer when some token is removed from container (for example,
// function tokenizeStringRemoveEmptyPrefix)
val tokens = new ArrayBuffer[Token](32)
var tokenizer = Tokenizer.Scheme.tokenize(tokens,
while (strings.hasNext) {
val nextExpression =
val nextExpressionStr = nextExpression.toString
val nextStr =
// Special case: the interpolation starts with an expression, which contains a whole URI. This URI can be
// absolute - in which case the expression should contain ://; or relative - in which case, the next string
// token can't be the scheme separator ://.
// Parsing the expression as if its string value was embedded in the interpolated string. This way it's possible
// to extend existing URIs. Without special-casing the embedded URI would be escaped and become part of the host
// as a whole.
if (
tokens.size == 1 && tokens
.startsWith(List(emptyStringToken)) && (nextExpressionStr.contains("://") || !nextStr.contains("://"))
) {
def tokenizeExpressionAsString(): Unit =
tokenizer = tokenizer.tokenize(tokens, nextExpression.toString)
def tokenizeStringRemoveEmptyPrefix(): Unit = {
val initLength = tokens.size
tokenizer = tokenizer.tokenize(tokens, nextStr)
// we need to remove empty tokens around exp as well - however here
// by hand, as the expression token is unwrapped, so removeEmptyTokensAroundExp
// won't handle this.
if (initLength < tokens.size && tokens(initLength) == emptyStringToken) {
// just assign tombstone to avoid moving the rest of tokens
tokens.update(initLength, null)
def isSlash(t: Token) = t == SlashInPath || t == PathStart
// remove trailing slash when path is added to an interpolated uri:
// val a = uri"" // notice the trailing slash
// val b = uri"$a/xy" // ""
for {
(slashInPathIdx, _) <- nextNonNull(tokens, initLength).filter(_._2 == SlashInPath)
(emptyStringTokenIdx, _) <- lastNonNull(tokens, initLength - 1).filter(_._2 == emptyStringToken)
_ <- lastNonNull(tokens, emptyStringTokenIdx - 1).filter(tuple => isSlash(tuple._2))
} {
tokens.update(slashInPathIdx, null)
tokens.update(emptyStringTokenIdx, null)
} else {
tokens += ExpressionToken(nextExpression)
tokenizer = tokenizer.tokenize(tokens, nextStr)
tokenizer.endToken.foreach(tokens += _)
private sealed trait Token
private case class StringToken(s: String) extends Token
private case class ExpressionToken(e: Any) extends Token
private case object SchemeEnd extends Token
private case object ColonInAuthority extends Token
private case object AtInAuthority extends Token
private case object DotInAuthority extends Token
private case object AuthorityEnd extends Token
private case object PathStart extends Token
private case object SlashInPath extends Token
private case object QueryStart extends Token
private case object AmpInQuery extends Token
private case object EqInQuery extends Token
private case object FragmentStart extends Token
private sealed trait Tokenizer {
// Tokenizes string 's' into tokens. New tokens are added into mutable
// scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer 'buffer'.
// Returns tokenizer which can handle continuation of URI.
def tokenize(buffer: ArrayBuffer[Token], s: String): Tokenizer
def endToken: Option[Token] = None // token to add if the input is exhausted
private object Tokenizer {
object Scheme extends Tokenizer {
private val alphabet = Set(('a' to 'z'): _*) ++ Set(('A' to 'Z'): _*)
private val firstChar = FastCharSet(alphabet)
private val nonFirstChars = FastCharSet(alphabet ++ Set(('0' to '9'): _*) ++ Set('+', '.', '-'))
// This is equivalent to such regular expression "[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9+.-]*"
private def findPrefix(s: String): Option[String] = {
val len = s.length()
if (len == 0 || !firstChar.contains(s.charAt(0))) {
} else {
var i = 1
while (i < len && nonFirstChars.contains(s.charAt(i))) {
i += 1
Some(s.substring(0, i))
override def tokenize(buffer: ArrayBuffer[Token], s: String): Tokenizer = {
findPrefix(s) match {
// #59: if the entire string matches the pattern, then there's no scheme terminator (`:`). This means there's
// no scheme, hence - tokenizing as a relative uri.
case Some(scheme) if scheme.length == s.length => AfterScheme.tokenize(buffer, scheme)
case _ if s.isEmpty =>
// scheme (or another component) might be continued
buffer += emptyStringToken
case Some(scheme) if s(scheme.length) == ':' =>
val rest = s.substring(scheme.length + 1)
buffer += StringToken(scheme)
buffer += SchemeEnd
AfterScheme.tokenize(buffer, rest)
case _ if s.startsWith(":") => // there was an expression token before, end of scheme
buffer += SchemeEnd
AfterScheme.tokenize(buffer, s.substring(1))
case _ => // no scheme
AfterScheme.tokenize(buffer, s)
override def endToken: Option[Token] = Some(SchemeEnd)
object AfterScheme extends Tokenizer {
private val AuthorityTerminators = FastCharSet(Set('/', '?', '#'))
override def tokenize(buffer: ArrayBuffer[Token], s: String): Tokenizer = {
if (s == "") {
buffer += emptyStringToken
} else if (s.startsWith("//")) {
Authority.tokenize(buffer, s.substring(2)) // uri with authority
} else { // uri without authority
val first = s(0)
if (AuthorityTerminators.contains(first)) {
val (tokenizer, token) = separatorTokenizerAndToken(first)
if (token == PathStart) {
// absolute path in a relative uri, adding an empty string token so that the absolute path is preserved
// (might be a continuation if there was no scheme)
buffer += emptyStringToken
buffer += SlashInPath
} else {
buffer += token
tokenizer.tokenize(buffer, s.substring(1))
} else {
// non-slash-initiated path (might be a continuation if there was no scheme)
Path.tokenize(buffer, s)
object Authority extends Tokenizer {
private val HexChars = FastCharSet(Set(('0' to '9'): _*) ++ Set(('a' to 'f'): _*) ++ Set(('A' to 'F'): _*) + ':')
private def isIpV6Like(str: String): Boolean = {
val len = str.length()
len > 2 && str.charAt(0) == '[' && str.charAt(len - 1) == ']' && (1 until (len - 1)).forall(i =>
private val terminators = FastCharSet(Set('/', '?', '#'))
private val separators =
FastCharMap[Token](Map(':' -> ColonInAuthority, '@' -> AtInAuthority, '.' -> DotInAuthority))
private val escapeSeparators = Some(('[', ']'))
override def tokenize(buffer: ArrayBuffer[Token], s: String): Tokenizer = {
val initSize = buffer.size
val tokenizer = tokenizeTerminatedFragment(
(initSize until buffer.size).foreach { idx =>
buffer(idx) match {
case StringToken(s) if isIpV6Like(s) =>
// removing the [] which are used to surround ipv6 addresses in URLs
buffer.update(idx, StringToken(s.substring(1, s.length() - 1)))
case _ => ()
override def endToken: Option[Token] = Some(AuthorityEnd)
object Path extends Tokenizer {
private val terminators = FastCharSet(Set('?', '#'))
private val separators = FastCharMap[Token](Map('/' -> SlashInPath))
override def tokenize(buffer: ArrayBuffer[Token], s: String): Tokenizer =
object Query extends Tokenizer {
private val terminators = FastCharSet(Set('#'))
private val separators = FastCharMap[Token](Map('&' -> AmpInQuery, '=' -> EqInQuery))
override def tokenize(buffer: ArrayBuffer[Token], s: String): Tokenizer =
object Fragment extends Tokenizer {
override def tokenize(buffer: ArrayBuffer[Token], s: String): Tokenizer = {
buffer += StringToken(s)
/** Tokenize the given string up to any of the given terminator characters by splitting it using the given
* separators and translating each separator to a token.
* The rest of the string, after the terminators, is tokenized using a tokenizer determined by the type of the
* terminator.
* @param separatorsEscape
* A context-specific pair of escape characters (start/stop), in which separators are not taken into account.
private def tokenizeTerminatedFragment(
s: String,
current: Tokenizer,
buffer: ArrayBuffer[Token],
terminators: FastCharSet,
separatorsToTokens: FastCharMap[Token],
separatorsEscape: Option[(Char, Char)] = None
): Tokenizer = {
def tokenizeFragment(f: String): Unit = {
val initLength = buffer.size
splitPreserveSeparators(buffer, f, separatorsToTokens.keySet, separatorsEscape)
(initLength until buffer.size).foreach { idx =>
buffer(idx) match {
case StringToken(s) =>
s.headOption.flatMap(separatorsToTokens.get).foreach(buffer.update(idx, _))
case _ => ()
// first checking if the fragment doesn't end; e.g. the authority is
// terminated by /, ?, # or end of string (there might be other /, ?,
// # later on e.g. in the query).
// See:
split(s, terminators, None) match {
case Right((fragment, separator, rest)) =>
current.endToken.foreach(buffer += _)
tokenizeAfterSeparator(buffer, separator, rest)
case Left(fragment) =>
private def tokenizeAfterSeparator(
acc: ArrayBuffer[Token],
separator: Char,
s: String
): Tokenizer = {
val (next, separatorToken) = separatorTokenizerAndToken(separator)
acc += separatorToken
next.tokenize(acc, s)
private def separatorTokenizerAndToken(separator: Char): (Tokenizer, Token) =
separator match {
case '/' => (Path, PathStart)
case '?' => (Query, QueryStart)
case '#' => (Fragment, FragmentStart)
private def splitPreserveSeparators(
acc: ArrayBuffer[Token],
s: String,
sep: FastCharSet,
escape: Option[(Char, Char)]
): Unit = {
def doSplit(s: String): Unit = {
split(s, sep, escape) match {
case Left(x) =>
acc += StringToken(x)
case Right((before, separator, after)) =>
acc += StringToken(before)
acc += StringToken(separator.toString())
private def split(
s: String,
sep: FastCharSet,
escape: Option[(Char, Char)]
): Either[String, (String, Char, String)] = {
escape match {
case None => splitNoEscape(s, sep)
case Some(e) => splitWithEscape(s, sep, e)
private def splitNoEscape(s: String, sep: FastCharSet): Either[String, (String, Char, String)] = {
val i = s.indexWhere(sep.contains)
if (i == -1) Left(s)
else Right((s.substring(0, i), s.charAt(i), s.substring(i + 1)))
private def splitWithEscape(
s: String,
sep: FastCharSet,
escape: (Char, Char)
): Either[String, (String, Char, String)] = {
val sLength = s.length
def run(i: Int, inEscape: Boolean): Either[String, (String, Char, String)] = {
if (i == sLength) Left(s)
else {
val c = s(i)
if (inEscape && c == escape._2) {
run(i + 1, inEscape = false)
} else if (!inEscape && c == escape._1) {
run(i + 1, inEscape = true)
} else if (!inEscape && sep.contains(c)) {
Right((s.substring(0, i), s.charAt(i), s.substring(i + 1)))
} else run(i + 1, inEscape)
run(0, inEscape = false)
private sealed trait UriBuilder {
def fromTokens(u: Uri, t: ArrayView[Token]): (Uri, ArrayView[Token])
def fromTokens(u: Uri, t: Vector[Token]): (Uri, Vector[Token]) = {
val (uri, restTokens) = fromTokens(u, ArrayView(t))
(uri, restTokens.toVector)
private object UriBuilder {
case object Scheme extends UriBuilder {
override def fromTokens(u: Uri, t: ArrayView[Token]): (Uri, ArrayView[Token]) = {
split(t, SchemeEnd) match {
case Left(_) => (u, t)
case Right((schemeTokens, _, otherTokens)) =>
val scheme = tokensToString(schemeTokens)
(u.scheme(scheme), otherTokens)
case object UserInfo extends UriBuilder {
override def fromTokens(u: Uri, t: ArrayView[Token]): (Uri, ArrayView[Token]) = {
split(t, AtInAuthority) match {
case Left(tt) => (u, tt)
case Right((uiTokens, _, otherTokens)) =>
(uiFromTokens(u, uiTokens), otherTokens)
private def uiFromTokens(u: Uri, uiTokens: ArrayView[Token]): Uri = {
val uiTokensWithDots = {
case DotInAuthority => StringToken(".")
case x => x
split(uiTokensWithDots, ColonInAuthority) match {
case Left(tt) => uiFromTokens(u, tt, ArrayView.empty)
case Right((usernameTokens, _, passwordTokens)) =>
uiFromTokens(u, usernameTokens, passwordTokens)
private def uiFromTokens(u: Uri, usernameTokens: ArrayView[Token], passwordTokens: ArrayView[Token]): Uri = {
(tokensToStringOpt(usernameTokens), tokensToStringOpt(passwordTokens)) match {
case (Some(un), Some(p)) => u.userInfo(un, p)
case (Some(un), None) => u.userInfo(un)
case (None, Some(p)) => u.userInfo("", p)
case (None, None) => u
case object HostPort extends UriBuilder {
override def fromTokens(u: Uri, t: ArrayView[Token]): (Uri, ArrayView[Token]) = {
split(t, AuthorityEnd) match {
case Left(tt) if tt.lastOption.contains(AuthorityEnd) => (hostPortFromTokens(u, tt), ArrayView.empty)
case Left(tt) => (u, tt)
case Right((hpTokens, _, otherTokens)) => (hostPortFromTokens(u, hpTokens), otherTokens)
private def hostPortFromTokens(u: Uri, rawHpTokens: ArrayView[Token]): Uri = {
if (rawHpTokens.isEmpty) {
u // no authority
} else {
hostPortFromNonemptyTokens(u, rawHpTokens)
private def hostPortFromNonemptyTokens(u: Uri, rawHpTokens: ArrayView[Token]): Uri = {
// Special case: if the host/port part contains an expression token,
// which has a string representation which contains a colon (:), then
// we assume that the intention was to embed the port and host separately,
// not to escape the colon in the host name.
val hpTokens = rawHpTokens.flatMapLike {
case e: ExpressionToken =>
val es = anyToString(e.e)
es.split(":", 2) match {
case Array(h, p) if p.nonEmpty && p.forall(_.isDigit) =>
StringToken(h) :: ColonInAuthority :: StringToken(p) :: Nil
case _ => e :: Nil
case t => t :: Nil
if (hpTokens.startsWith(emptyStringToken) && hpTokens.drop(1).startsWith(DotInAuthority)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("incorrect hostname")
if (hpTokens.count(_ == ColonInAuthority) > 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("port specified multiple times")
split(hpTokens, ColonInAuthority) match {
case Left(tt) => hostFromTokens(u, tt)
case Right((hostTokens, _, portTokens)) =>
portFromTokens(hostFromTokens(u, hostTokens), portTokens)
private def hostFromTokens(u: Uri, tokens: ArrayView[Token]): Uri = {
val hostFragments = tokensToStringSeq(tokens)"."))
private def portFromTokens(u: Uri, tokens: ArrayView[Token]): Uri = {
case object Path extends UriBuilder {
val queryOrFragmentSeparators = Set[Token](QueryStart, FragmentStart)
override def fromTokens(u: Uri, t: ArrayView[Token]): (Uri, ArrayView[Token]) = {
val noSchemeAndAuthority = u.scheme.isEmpty && u.authority.isEmpty
val (uu, tt) = withoutAbsolutePathPrefixTokens(t) match {
case Some(tt) if noSchemeAndAuthority =>
// the uri is relative and starts with a /, which will be parsed as an empty initial component - removing
(u, PathStart +: tt)
case _ if noSchemeAndAuthority && t.headOption.contains(PathStart) =>
// the uri is relative and the path is relative as well - doesn't start with /
(u.copy(pathSegments = Uri.RelativePath(Nil)), t)
case _ => (u, t)
fromStartingToken(uu, tt, PathStart, queryOrFragmentSeparators, pathFromTokens)
private def pathFromTokens(u: Uri, tokens: ArrayView[Token]): Uri = {
private def withoutAbsolutePathPrefixTokens(t: ArrayView[Token]): Option[ArrayView[Token]] =
if (t.startsWith(PathStart)) {
// there might be multiple empty string tokens, in case of an initial expression token with an absolute path
val t2 = t.drop(1).dropWhile(_ == emptyStringToken)
if (t2.startsWith(SlashInPath)) Some(t2.drop(1)) else None
} else None
case object Query extends UriBuilder {
import Uri.{QuerySegment => QF}
val fragmentSeparator = Set[Token](FragmentStart)
override def fromTokens(u: Uri, t: ArrayView[Token]): (Uri, ArrayView[Token]) =
fromStartingToken(u, t, QueryStart, fragmentSeparator, queryFromTokens)
private def queryFromTokens(u: Uri, tokens: ArrayView[Token]): Uri = {
val qfs =
splitToGroups(tokens, AmpInQuery)
u.copy(querySegments = qfs)
private def queryMappingsFromTokens(tokens: ArrayView[Token]): Vector[QF] = {
def expressionPairToQueryFragment(ke: Any, ve: Any): Option[QF.KeyValue] =
for {
k <- anyToStringOpt(ke)
v <- anyToStringOpt(ve)
} yield QF.KeyValue(k, v)
def seqToQueryFragments(s: Seq[_]): Vector[QF] = {
s.flatMap {
case (ke, ve) => expressionPairToQueryFragment(ke, ve)
case ve => anyToStringOpt(ve).map(QF.Value(_))
split(tokens, EqInQuery) match {
case Left(Singleton(ExpressionToken(e: Map[_, _]))) =>
case Left(Singleton(ExpressionToken(e: Seq[_]))) =>
case Left(Singleton(ExpressionToken(mqp: QueryParams))) =>
case Left(t) => tokensToStringOpt(t, decodePlusAsSpace = true).map(QF.Value(_)).toVector
case Right((leftEq, _, rightEq)) =>
tokensToStringOpt(leftEq, decodePlusAsSpace = true) match {
case Some(k) =>
tokensToStringSeq(rightEq, decodePlusAsSpace = true).map(QF.KeyValue(k, _)).toVector
case None =>
case object Fragment extends UriBuilder {
override def fromTokens(u: Uri, t: ArrayView[Token]): (Uri, ArrayView[Token]) =
if (t.startsWith(FragmentStart)) {
(u.fragment(tokensToStringOpt(t.drop(1))), ArrayView.empty)
} else {
(u, t)
/** Parse a prefix of tokens `t` into a component of a URI. The component is only present in the tokens if there's a
* `startingToken`; otherwise the component is skipped.
* The component is terminated by any of `nextComponentTokens`.
private def fromStartingToken(
u: Uri,
t: ArrayView[Token],
startingToken: Token,
nextComponentTokens: Set[Token],
componentFromTokens: (Uri, ArrayView[Token]) => Uri
): (Uri, ArrayView[Token]) =
if (t.startsWith(startingToken)) {
val tt = t.drop(1)
if (nextComponentTokens.size == 1) {
split(tt, match {
case Left(ttt) =>
(componentFromTokens(u, ttt), ArrayView.empty)
case Right((componentTokens, _, otherTokens)) =>
(componentFromTokens(u, componentTokens), otherTokens.shiftLeft)
} else {
tt.indexWhere(nextComponentTokens) match {
case -1 =>
(componentFromTokens(u, tt), ArrayView.empty)
case i =>
(componentFromTokens(u, tt.take(i)), tt.drop(i))
} else {
(u, t)
private def anyToString(a: Any): String = anyToStringOpt(a).getOrElse("")
private def anyToStringOpt(a: Any): Option[String] =
a match {
case None => None
case null => None
case Some(x) => Some(x.toString)
case x => Some(x.toString)
#102: the + sign should be decoded into a space only when it's part of the query. Otherwise, it should be
kept as-is.
private def tokensToStringSeq(tokens: ArrayView[Token], decodePlusAsSpace: Boolean = false): Seq[String] = {
#40: when converting tokens to a string sequence, we have to look at
groups of string/expression (value) tokens separated by others. If there
are multiple tokens in each such group, their string representations
should be concatenated (corresponds to e.g. $x$y). A single
collection-valued token should be expanded.
def isValueToken(t: Token) =
t match {
case ExpressionToken(_) => true
case StringToken(_) => true
case EqInQuery => true // #64: query values can contain = signs as well
case _ => false
val b = new VectorBuilder[String]()
def doToSeq(ts: ArrayView[Token]): Unit = {
val tsWithValuesPrefix = ts.dropWhile(to => !isValueToken(to))
val (valueTs, tailTs) = tsWithValuesPrefix.span(isValueToken)
if (valueTs.nonEmpty) {
valueTs match {
case Singleton(ExpressionToken(s: Iterable[_])) =>
b ++= s.flatMap(anyToStringOpt)
case Singleton(ExpressionToken(s: Array[_])) =>
b ++= s.flatMap(anyToStringOpt)
case valueTs if(valueTs.size == 1) =>
// This case is equivalent to the next one but optimizes for the
// frequent scenario where the sequence contains a single element.
valueTs.get(0) match {
case StringToken(s) => b += decode(s, decodePlusAsSpace)
case ExpressionToken(e) => anyToStringOpt(e).foreach(b += _)
case EqInQuery => b += "="
case _ =>
case valueTs =>
val mbStr = valueTs mkStringOpt {
case StringToken(s) => Some(decode(s, decodePlusAsSpace))
case ExpressionToken(e) => anyToStringOpt(e)
case EqInQuery => Some("=")
case _ => None
mbStr.foreach(b += _)
private def tokensToStringOpt(t: ArrayView[Token], decodePlusAsSpace: Boolean = false): Option[String] =
if (t.isEmpty) {
} else {
t match {
case Singleton(ExpressionToken(e)) => anyToStringOpt(e)
case t => Some(tokensToString(t, decodePlusAsSpace))
private def tokensToString(t: ArrayView[Token], decodePlusAsSpace: Boolean = false): String =
t.mkString {
case StringToken(s) => decode(s, decodePlusAsSpace)
case ExpressionToken(e) => anyToString(e)
case _ => ""
private def split[T](v: ArrayView[T], sep: T): Either[ArrayView[T], (ArrayView[T], T, ArrayView[T])] = {
val i = v.indexOf(sep)
if (i == -1) Left(v) else Right((v.take(i), v.get(i), v.drop(i + 1)))
private def splitToGroups[T](v: ArrayView[T], sep: T): Vector[ArrayView[T]] = {
val resultSize = v.count(_ == sep)
val b = new VectorBuilder[ArrayView[T]]()
b.sizeHint(resultSize + 1)
def doSplit(vv: ArrayView[T]): Unit = {
vv.indexOf(sep) match {
case -1 => b += vv
case i => {
b += vv.take(i)
doSplit(vv.drop(i + 1))
private def decode(s: String, decodePlusAsSpace: Boolean): String = Rfc3986.decode(decodePlusAsSpace)(s)
/** After tokenizing, there might be extra empty string tokens (`StringToken("")`) before and after expressions. For
* example, `key=$value` will tokenize to:
* `Vector(StringToken("key"), EqInQuery, StringToken(""), ExpressionToken(value))`
* These empty string tokens need to be removed so that e.g. extra key-value mappings are not generated.
private def removeEmptyTokensAroundExp(tokens: ArrayBuffer[Token]): Unit = {
var prevWasEmptyString = false
var prevWasExpression = false
(0 until tokens.size).foreach { idx =>
tokens(idx) match {
case `emptyStringToken` =>
// if previous token was expression then remove current one (empty string)
if (prevWasExpression) {
tokens.update(idx, null)
prevWasExpression = false
} else {
prevWasEmptyString = true
case ExpressionToken(_) =>
// if previous token was empty string then remove it because current token is expression
if (prevWasEmptyString) {
tokens.update(idx - 1, null)
prevWasEmptyString = false
prevWasExpression = true
case null =>
case _ =>
prevWasExpression = false
prevWasEmptyString = false
/** In relative URIs or URIs without authority, there might be no explicit path start (`/`). Adding it so that the
* second pass of parsing can depend on the `PathStart` token being available.
private def addPathStartAfterAuthorityOrSchemeEnd(tokens: ArrayBuffer[Token]): Unit = {
val endIndex = tokens.indexOf(AuthorityEnd) match {
case -1 => tokens.indexOf(SchemeEnd)
case n => n
nextNonNull(tokens, endIndex + 1).foreach { case (_, afterEndIndex) =>
if (afterEndIndex != PathStart && afterEndIndex != QueryStart && afterEndIndex != FragmentStart) {
// no start token after authority/scheme end - inserting
if (endIndex == -1) {
} else {
tokens.insert(endIndex + 1, PathStart)
private def filterNulls(tokens: ArrayBuffer[Token]): ArrayView[Token] = {
val array = new Array[Token](tokens.size)
var i = 0
tokens.foreach { token =>
if (token != null) {
array.update(i, token)
i += 1
new ArrayView(array, 0, i)
private def lastNonNull[T](tokens: ArrayBuffer[T], from: Int): Option[(Int, T)] = {
val idx = tokens.lastIndexWhere(_ != null, from)
if (idx == -1) {
} else {
Some((idx, tokens(idx)))
private def nextNonNull[T](tokens: ArrayBuffer[T], from: Int): Option[(Int, T)] = {
val idx = tokens.indexWhere(_ != null, from)
if (idx == -1) {
} else {
Some((idx, tokens(idx)))
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