sttp.tapir.server.akkahttp.AkkaServerRequest.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package sttp.tapir.server.akkahttp
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.RequestContext
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.{`Content-Length`, `Content-Type`}
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{Uri => AkkaUri}
import sttp.model.Uri.{Authority, FragmentSegment, HostSegment, PathSegments, QuerySegment}
import sttp.model.{Header, Method, QueryParams, Uri}
import sttp.tapir.{AttributeKey, AttributeMap}
import sttp.tapir.model.{ConnectionInfo, ServerRequest}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable.Seq
private[akkahttp] case class AkkaServerRequest(ctx: RequestContext, attributes: AttributeMap = AttributeMap.Empty) extends ServerRequest {
override def protocol: String = ctx.request.protocol.value
override lazy val connectionInfo: ConnectionInfo = ConnectionInfo(None, None, None)
override def underlying: Any = ctx
override lazy val pathSegments: List[String] = {
def run(p: AkkaUri.Path, acc: List[String]): List[String] = p match {
case AkkaUri.Path.Slash(pathTail) => run(pathTail, acc)
case AkkaUri.Path.Segment(s, pathTail) => run(pathTail, s :: acc)
case _ => acc.reverse
run(ctx.unmatchedPath, Nil)
override lazy val queryParameters: QueryParams = QueryParams.fromMultiMap(ctx.request.uri.query().toMultiMap)
override lazy val method: Method = Method(ctx.request.method.value.toUpperCase)
private def queryToSegments(query: AkkaUri.Query): List[QuerySegment] = {
def run(q: AkkaUri.Query, acc: List[QuerySegment]): List[QuerySegment] = q match {
case AkkaUri.Query.Cons(k, v, tail) => {
if (k.isEmpty)
run(tail, QuerySegment.Value(v) :: acc)
else if (v.isEmpty)
run(tail, QuerySegment.Value(k) :: acc)
run(tail, QuerySegment.KeyValue(k, v) :: acc)
case AkkaUri.Query.Empty => acc.reverse
run(query, Nil)
override lazy val showShort: String = s"$method ${ctx.request.uri.path}${ctx.request.uri.rawQueryString.getOrElse("")}"
override lazy val uri: Uri = {
val pekkoUri = ctx.request.uri
// UserInfo is available only as a raw string, but we can skip it as it's not needed
Some(Authority(userInfo = None, HostSegment(, Some(pekkoUri.effectivePort))),
PathSegments.absoluteOrEmptyS(pathSegments ++ (if (pekkoUri.path.endsWithSlash) Seq("") else Nil)),
queryToSegments(ctx.request.uri.query()), => FragmentSegment(f))
private val EmptyContentType = "none/none"
// Add low-level headers that have been removed by akka-http.
override lazy val headers: Seq[Header] = {
val contentLength =`Content-Length`(_))
val contentType = `Content-Type`(ctx.request.entity.contentType)
val akkaHeaders = contentType :: contentLength.toList ++ ctx.request.headers
akkaHeaders.filterNot(_.value == EmptyContentType).map(h => Header(, h.value()))
override def attribute[T](k: AttributeKey[T]): Option[T] = attributes.get(k)
override def attribute[T](k: AttributeKey[T], v: T): AkkaServerRequest = copy(attributes = attributes.put(k, v))
override def withUnderlying(underlying: Any): ServerRequest = AkkaServerRequest(ctx = underlying.asInstanceOf[RequestContext], attributes)
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