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import sttp.apispec.{Schema => ASchema, _}
import sttp.tapir.Schema.{SName, Title, UniqueItems}
import sttp.tapir.Validator.EncodeToRaw
import{tDefaultToADefault, tExampleToAExample}
import{DocsExtensions, exampleValue}
import sttp.tapir.internal._
import sttp.tapir.{Codec, Validator, Schema => TSchema, SchemaType => TSchemaType}
/** Converts a tapir schema to an OpenAPI/AsyncAPI schema, using `toSchemaReference` to resolve references. */
private[docs] class TSchemaToASchema(
fallbackSchemaTitle: SName => String,
toSchemaReference: ToSchemaReference,
markOptionsAsNullable: Boolean
) {
def apply[T](codec: Codec[T, _, _]): ASchema = apply(codec.schema, allowReference = true)
/** @param allowReference
* Can a reference schema be generated, if this is a named schema - should be `false` for top-level component definitions (otherwise
* the definitions are infinitely recursive)
def apply[T](schema: TSchema[T], allowReference: Boolean, isOptionElement: Boolean = false): ASchema = {
val nullable = markOptionsAsNullable && isOptionElement
val result = match {
case Some(name) if allowReference =>, name)
case _ =>
schema.schemaType match {
case TSchemaType.SInteger() => ASchema(SchemaType.Integer)
case TSchemaType.SNumber() => ASchema(SchemaType.Number)
case TSchemaType.SBoolean() => ASchema(SchemaType.Boolean)
case TSchemaType.SString() => ASchema(SchemaType.String)
case TSchemaType.SProduct(fields) if schema.attribute(TSchema.Tuple.Attribute).map(_.isTuple).getOrElse(false) =>
prefixItems = Some( => apply(f.schema, allowReference = true)))
case p @ TSchemaType.SProduct(fields) =>
required =,
properties = extractProperties(fields)
case TSchemaType.SArray(el) => ASchema(SchemaType.Array).copy(items = Some(apply(el, allowReference = true)))
case opt @ TSchemaType.SOption(nested @ TSchema(_, Some(name), _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)) =>
// #3288: in case there are multiple different customisations of the nested schema, we need to propagate the
// metadata to properly customise the reference. These are also propagated in ToKeyedSchemas when computing
// the initial list of schemas.
val propagated = propagateMetadataForOption(schema, opt).element
val ref =, name)
if (!markOptionsAsNullable) ref else ref.nullable
case TSchemaType.SOption(el) => apply(el, allowReference = true, isOptionElement = true)
case TSchemaType.SBinary() => ASchema(SchemaType.String).copy(format = Some(SchemaFormat.Binary))
case TSchemaType.SDate() => ASchema(SchemaType.String).copy(format = Some(SchemaFormat.Date))
case TSchemaType.SDateTime() => ASchema(SchemaType.String).copy(format = Some(SchemaFormat.DateTime))
case TSchemaType.SRef(fullName) => toSchemaReference.mapDirect(fullName)
case TSchemaType.SCoproduct(schemas, d) =>
.map(apply(_, allowReference = true))
.sortBy {
case schema if schema.$ref.isDefined => schema.$ref.get
case schema =>
.collect {
case List(t) => t.value
case List(t, SchemaType.Null) => t.value
.getOrElse("") + schema.toString
case p @ TSchemaType.SOpenProduct(fields, valueSchema) =>
required =,
properties = extractProperties(fields),
additionalProperties = Some(apply(valueSchema, allowReference = true)).filterNot(_ => valueSchema.hidden)
if (result.$ref.isEmpty) {
// only customising non-reference schemas; references might get enriched with some meta-data if there
// are multiple different customisations of the referenced schema in ToSchemaReference (#1203)
val primitiveValidators = schema.validator.asPrimitiveValidators
val schemaIsWholeNumber = schema.schemaType match {
case TSchemaType.SInteger() => true
case _ => false
var s = result
s = if (nullable) s.nullable else s
s = addMetadata(s, schema)
s = addAttributes(s, schema)
s = addConstraints(s, primitiveValidators, schemaIsWholeNumber)
} else result
private def extractProperties[T](fields: List[TSchemaType.SProductField[T]]) = {
.map(f => -> apply(f.schema, allowReference = true))
private def addAttributes(oschema: ASchema, tschema: TSchema[_]): ASchema = {
val titleFromAttr = tschema.attributes.get(Title.Attribute).map(_.value)
// The primary motivation for using schema name as fallback title is to improve Swagger UX with
// `oneOf` schemas in OpenAPI 3.1. See for details.
def fallbackTitle =
val const = tschema.attribute(TSchema.EncodedDiscriminatorValue.Attribute).map(_.v).map(v => ExampleSingleValue(v))
.copy(title = titleFromAttr.orElse(fallbackTitle))
.copy(uniqueItems = tschema.attribute(UniqueItems.Attribute).map(_.uniqueItems))
.copy(const = const)
private def addMetadata(oschema: ASchema, tschema: TSchema[_]): ASchema = {
description = tschema.description.orElse(oschema.description),
default = tDefaultToADefault(tschema).orElse(oschema.default),
examples = tExampleToAExample(tschema).map(List(_)).orElse(oschema.examples),
format = tschema.format.orElse(oschema.format),
deprecated = (if (tschema.deprecated) Some(true) else None).orElse(oschema.deprecated),
extensions = DocsExtensions.fromIterable(tschema.docsExtensions)
private def addConstraints(
oschema: ASchema,
vs: Seq[Validator.Primitive[_]],
schemaIsWholeNumber: Boolean
): ASchema = vs.foldLeft(oschema)(addConstraints(_, _, schemaIsWholeNumber))
private def addConstraints(aschema: ASchema, v: Validator.Primitive[_], wholeNumbers: Boolean): ASchema = {
v match {
case m @ Validator.Min(v, false) =>
aschema.copy(minimum = Some(toBigDecimal(v, m.valueIsNumeric, wholeNumbers)))
case m @ Validator.Min(v, true) =>
aschema.copy(exclusiveMinimum = Some(toBigDecimal(v, m.valueIsNumeric, wholeNumbers)))
case m @ Validator.Max(v, false) =>
aschema.copy(maximum = Some(toBigDecimal(v, m.valueIsNumeric, wholeNumbers)))
case m @ Validator.Max(v, true) =>
aschema.copy(exclusiveMaximum = Some(toBigDecimal(v, m.valueIsNumeric, wholeNumbers)))
case Validator.Pattern(value) => aschema.copy(pattern = Some(Pattern(value)))
case Validator.MinLength(value, _) => aschema.copy(minLength = Some(value))
case Validator.MaxLength(value, _) => aschema.copy(maxLength = Some(value))
case Validator.MinSize(value) => aschema.copy(minItems = Some(value))
case Validator.MaxSize(value) => aschema.copy(maxItems = Some(value))
case Validator.Custom(_, _) => aschema
case Validator.Enumeration(_, None, _) => aschema
case Validator.Enumeration(v, Some(encode), _) => addEnumeration(aschema, v, encode)
private def addEnumeration[T](aschema: ASchema, v: List[T], encode: EncodeToRaw[T]): ASchema = {
val values = v.flatMap(x => encode(x).map(ExampleSingleValue.apply))
aschema.copy(`enum` = if (values.nonEmpty) Some(values) else None)
private def toBigDecimal[N](v: N, vIsNumeric: Numeric[N], schemaIsWholeNumber: Boolean): BigDecimal = {
v match {
case x: Int => BigDecimal(x)
case x: Long => BigDecimal(x)
case x: Float => BigDecimal(x.toDouble)
case x: Double => BigDecimal(x)
case x: BigInt => BigDecimal(x)
case x: java.math.BigInteger => BigDecimal(x)
case x: BigDecimal => x
case x: java.math.BigDecimal => BigDecimal(x)
case _ if schemaIsWholeNumber => BigDecimal(vIsNumeric.toLong(v))
case _ => BigDecimal(vIsNumeric.toDouble(v))
private def tDiscriminatorToADiscriminator(discriminator: TSchemaType.SDiscriminator): Discriminator = {
val schemas = Some(
.flatMap { case (k, TSchemaType.SRef(fullName)) =>
toSchemaReference.mapDiscriminator(fullName).$ -> _)
Discriminator(, schemas)
object TSchemaToASchema {
def tDefaultToADefault(schema: TSchema[_]): Option[ExampleValue] = schema.default.flatMap { case (_, raw) =>
raw.flatMap(r => exampleValue(schema, r))
def tExampleToAExample(schema: TSchema[_]): Option[ExampleValue] = schema.encodedExample.flatMap(exampleValue(schema, _))
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