Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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import sttp.tapir.Schema.Title
import sttp.tapir.{Codec, Schema => TSchema, SchemaType => TSchemaType}
private[docs] object ToKeyedSchemas {
def apply[T](codec: Codec[_, T, _]): List[KeyedSchema] = apply(codec.schema)
def apply(schema: TSchema[_]): List[KeyedSchema] = {
val thisSchema = SchemaKey(schema).map(_ -> schema).toList
val nestedSchemas = schema match {
case TSchema(TSchemaType.SArray(o), _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) => apply(o)
case t @ TSchema(o: TSchemaType.SOption[_, _], _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) =>
// #1168: if there's an optional field which is an object, with metadata defined (such as description), this
// needs to be propagated to the target object, so that it isn't omitted.
apply(propagateMetadataForOption(t, o).element)
case TSchema(st: TSchemaType.SProduct[_], _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) => productSchemas(st)
case TSchema(st: TSchemaType.SCoproduct[_], _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) => coproductSchemas(st)
case TSchema(st: TSchemaType.SOpenProduct[_, _], _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) => apply(st.valueSchema)
case _ => List.empty
thisSchema ++ nestedSchemas
private def productSchemas[T](st: TSchemaType.SProduct[T]): List[KeyedSchema] = st.fields.flatMap(a => apply(a.schema))
private def coproductSchemas[T](st: TSchemaType.SCoproduct[T]): List[KeyedSchema] = st.subtypes.flatMap(apply)
/** Keeps only the first object data for each [[SchemaKey]]. In case of recursive objects, the first one is the most complete as it
* contains the built-up structure, unlike subsequent ones, which only represent leaves (#354, later extended for #2358, so that the
* schemas have a secondary key - the product fields (if any)).
* There might also be multiple copies of the same schema due to independent usage-site customisations (e.g. description). In this case,
* we combine the schemas, reverting all per-usage customisable properties to their default values. These properties should be added when
* creating a reference schema (#1203).
def uniqueCombined(objs: Iterable[KeyedSchema]): Iterable[KeyedSchema] = {
val grouped = objs.groupBy(_._1)
// taking care to maintain the original order of keys in objs { key =>
(key, grouped(key).map(_._2).reduce(combine))
/** Combines the two schemas, reverting all per-usage customisable properties to their default values, if their values diverge. */
private def combine(s1: TSchema[_], s2: TSchema[_]): TSchema[_] = {
var result = s1
if (s1.description != s2.description) result = result.copy(description = None)
if (s1.default != s2.default) result = result.copy(default = None)
if (s1.encodedExample != s2.encodedExample) result = result.copy(encodedExample = None)
if (s1.deprecated != s2.deprecated) result = result.deprecated(false)
if (s1.attributes.get(Title.Attribute) != s2.attributes.get(Title.Attribute))
result = result.copy(attributes = result.attributes.remove(Title.Attribute))
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