sttp.tapir.Tapir.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package sttp.tapir
import sttp.capabilities.Streams
import sttp.model._
import sttp.model.headers.{Cookie, CookieValueWithMeta, CookieWithMeta, WWWAuthenticateChallenge}
import sttp.tapir.CodecFormat.{Json, OctetStream, TextPlain, Xml}
import sttp.tapir.EndpointOutput.OneOfVariant
import sttp.tapir.internal._
import sttp.tapir.macros.ModifyMacroSupport
import sttp.tapir.model.ServerRequest
import sttp.tapir.static.TapirStaticContentEndpoints
import sttp.tapir.typelevel.{ErasureSameAsType, MatchType}
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.charset.{Charset, StandardCharsets}
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
trait Tapir extends TapirExtensions with TapirComputedInputs with TapirStaticContentEndpoints with ModifyMacroSupport {
implicit def stringToPath(s: String): EndpointInput.FixedPath[Unit] = EndpointInput.FixedPath(s, Codec.idPlain(), EndpointIO.Info.empty)
def path[T: Codec[String, *, TextPlain]]: EndpointInput.PathCapture[T] =
EndpointInput.PathCapture(None, implicitly, EndpointIO.Info.empty)
def path[T: Codec[String, *, TextPlain]](name: String): EndpointInput.PathCapture[T] =
EndpointInput.PathCapture(Some(name), implicitly, EndpointIO.Info.empty)
def paths: EndpointInput.PathsCapture[List[String]] = EndpointInput.PathsCapture(Codec.idPlain(), EndpointIO.Info.empty)
/** A query parameter in any format, read using the given `codec`. */
def queryAnyFormat[T, CF <: CodecFormat](name: String, codec: Codec[List[String], T, CF]): EndpointInput.Query[T] =
EndpointInput.Query(name, None, codec, EndpointIO.Info.empty)
def query[T: Codec[List[String], *, TextPlain]](name: String): EndpointInput.Query[T] =
queryAnyFormat[T, TextPlain](name, implicitly)
def queryParams: EndpointInput.QueryParams[QueryParams] = EndpointInput.QueryParams(Codec.idPlain(), EndpointIO.Info.empty)
def header[T: Codec[List[String], *, TextPlain]](name: String): EndpointIO.Header[T] =
EndpointIO.Header(name, implicitly, EndpointIO.Info.empty)
def header(h: Header): EndpointIO.FixedHeader[Unit] = EndpointIO.FixedHeader(h, Codec.idPlain(), EndpointIO.Info.empty)
def header(name: String, value: String): EndpointIO.FixedHeader[Unit] = header(sttp.model.Header(name, value))
def headers: EndpointIO.Headers[List[sttp.model.Header]] = EndpointIO.Headers(Codec.idPlain(), EndpointIO.Info.empty)
def cookie[T: Codec[Option[String], *, TextPlain]](name: String): EndpointInput.Cookie[T] =
EndpointInput.Cookie(name, implicitly, EndpointIO.Info.empty)
def cookies: EndpointIO.Header[List[Cookie]] = header[List[Cookie]](HeaderNames.Cookie)
def setCookie(name: String): EndpointIO.Header[CookieValueWithMeta] = setCookieOpt(name).mapDecode {
case None => DecodeResult.Missing
case Some(v) => DecodeResult.Value(v)
def setCookieOpt(name: String): EndpointIO.Header[Option[CookieValueWithMeta]] = {
setCookies.mapDecode(cs =>
cs.filter( == name) match {
case Nil => DecodeResult.Value(None)
case List(c) => DecodeResult.Value(Some(c.valueWithMeta))
case l => DecodeResult.Multiple(
)(cvo => => CookieWithMeta(name, cv)).toList)
def setCookies: EndpointIO.Header[List[CookieWithMeta]] = header[List[CookieWithMeta]](HeaderNames.SetCookie)
def stringBody: EndpointIO.Body[String, String] = stringBody(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
def stringBody(charset: String): EndpointIO.Body[String, String] = stringBody(Charset.forName(charset))
def stringBody(charset: Charset): EndpointIO.Body[String, String] =
EndpointIO.Body(RawBodyType.StringBody(charset), Codec.string, EndpointIO.Info.empty)
/** A body in any format, read using the given `codec`, from a raw string read using UTF-8. */
def stringBodyUtf8AnyFormat[T, CF <: CodecFormat](codec: Codec[String, T, CF]): EndpointIO.Body[String, T] =
stringBodyAnyFormat[T, CF](codec, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
/** A body in any format, read using the given `codec`, from a raw string read using `charset`. */
def stringBodyAnyFormat[T, CF <: CodecFormat](codec: Codec[String, T, CF], charset: Charset): EndpointIO.Body[String, T] =
EndpointIO.Body(RawBodyType.StringBody(charset), codec, EndpointIO.Info.empty)
val htmlBodyUtf8: EndpointIO.Body[String, String] =
EndpointIO.Body(RawBodyType.StringBody(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), Codec.string.format(CodecFormat.TextHtml()), EndpointIO.Info.empty)
def plainBody[T: Codec[String, *, TextPlain]]: EndpointIO.Body[String, T] = plainBody(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
def plainBody[T: Codec[String, *, TextPlain]](charset: Charset): EndpointIO.Body[String, T] =
EndpointIO.Body(RawBodyType.StringBody(charset), implicitly, EndpointIO.Info.empty)
/** A body in the JSON format, read from a raw string using UTF-8. */
def stringJsonBody: EndpointIO.Body[String, String] = stringJsonBody(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
/** A body in the JSON format, read from a raw string using `charset`. */
def stringJsonBody(charset: Charset): EndpointIO.Body[String, String] =
stringBodyAnyFormat(Codec.string.format(CodecFormat.Json()), charset)
/** Requires an implicit [[Codec.JsonCodec]] in scope. Such a codec can be created using [[Codec.json]].
* However, json codecs are usually derived from json-library-specific implicits. That's why integrations with various json libraries
* define `jsonBody` methods, which directly require the library-specific implicits.
* Unless you have defined a custom json codec, the `jsonBody` methods should be used.
def customCodecJsonBody[T: Codec.JsonCodec]: EndpointIO.Body[String, T] = stringBodyUtf8AnyFormat(implicitly[Codec[String, T, Json]])
/** Requires an implicit [[Codec.XmlCodec]] in scope. Such a codec can be created using [[Codec.xml]]. */
def xmlBody[T: Codec.XmlCodec]: EndpointIO.Body[String, T] = stringBodyUtf8AnyFormat(implicitly[Codec[String, T, Xml]])
def rawBinaryBody[R](rbt: RawBodyType.Binary[R])(implicit codec: Codec[R, R, OctetStream]): EndpointIO.Body[R, R] =
EndpointIO.Body(rbt, codec, EndpointIO.Info.empty)
/** Usage: {{{binaryBody(RawBodyType.FileBody)[MyType]}}}, given that a codec between a file and `MyType` is available in the implicit
* scope.
def binaryBody[R](rbt: RawBodyType.Binary[R]): BinaryBodyPartiallyApplied[R] = new BinaryBodyPartiallyApplied(rbt)
class BinaryBodyPartiallyApplied[R](rbt: RawBodyType.Binary[R]) {
def apply[T: Codec[R, *, OctetStream]]: EndpointIO.Body[R, T] =
EndpointIO.Body(rbt, implicitly[Codec[R, T, OctetStream]], EndpointIO.Info.empty)
def byteArrayBody: EndpointIO.Body[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] = rawBinaryBody(RawBodyType.ByteArrayBody)
def byteBufferBody: EndpointIO.Body[ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer] = rawBinaryBody(RawBodyType.ByteBufferBody)
def inputStreamBody: EndpointIO.Body[InputStream, InputStream] = rawBinaryBody(RawBodyType.InputStreamBody)
def inputStreamRangeBody: EndpointIO.Body[InputStreamRange, InputStreamRange] = rawBinaryBody(RawBodyType.InputStreamRangeBody)
def fileRangeBody: EndpointIO.Body[FileRange, FileRange] = rawBinaryBody(RawBodyType.FileBody)
def fileBody: EndpointIO.Body[FileRange, TapirFile] = rawBinaryBody(RawBodyType.FileBody).map(_.file)(d => FileRange(d))
def formBody[T: Codec[String, *, CodecFormat.XWwwFormUrlencoded]]: EndpointIO.Body[String, T] =
stringBodyUtf8AnyFormat[T, CodecFormat.XWwwFormUrlencoded](implicitly)
def formBody[T: Codec[String, *, CodecFormat.XWwwFormUrlencoded]](charset: Charset): EndpointIO.Body[String, T] =
stringBodyAnyFormat[T, CodecFormat.XWwwFormUrlencoded](implicitly, charset)
val multipartBody: EndpointIO.Body[Seq[RawPart], Seq[Part[Array[Byte]]]] = multipartBody(MultipartCodec.Default)
def multipartBody[T](implicit multipartCodec: MultipartCodec[T]): EndpointIO.Body[Seq[RawPart], T] =
EndpointIO.Body(multipartCodec.rawBodyType, multipartCodec.codec, EndpointIO.Info.empty)
/** Creates a stream body with a binary schema.
* @param format
* The media type to use by default. Can be later overridden by providing a custom `Content-Type` header.
* @param s
* A supported streams implementation.
def streamBinaryBody[S](
s: Streams[S]
)(format: CodecFormat): StreamBodyIO[s.BinaryStream, s.BinaryStream, S] =
StreamBodyIO(s,, Schema.binary), EndpointIO.Info.empty, None, Nil)
/** Creates a stream body with a text schema.
* @param s
* A supported streams implementation.
* @param format
* The media type to use by default. Can be later overridden by providing a custom `Content-Type` header.
* @param charset
* An optional charset of the resulting stream's data, to be used in the content type.
def streamTextBody[S](
s: Streams[S]
)(format: CodecFormat, charset: Option[Charset] = None): StreamBodyIO[s.BinaryStream, s.BinaryStream, S] =
StreamBodyIO(s,, Schema.string), EndpointIO.Info.empty, charset, Nil)
/** Creates a stream body with the given schema.
* @param s
* A supported streams implementation.
* @param schema
* Schema of the body. This should be a schema for the "deserialized" stream.
* @param format
* The media type to use by default. Can be later overridden by providing a custom `Content-Type` header.
* @param charset
* An optional charset of the resulting stream's data, to be used in the content type.
def streamBody[S, T](
s: Streams[S]
)(schema: Schema[T], format: CodecFormat, charset: Option[Charset] = None): StreamBodyIO[s.BinaryStream, s.BinaryStream, S] =
StreamBodyIO(s,,[s.BinaryStream]), EndpointIO.Info.empty, charset, Nil)
// the intermediate class is needed so that the S type parameter can be inferred
final class WebSocketBodyBuilder[REQ, REQ_CF <: CodecFormat, RESP, RESP_CF <: CodecFormat] {
def apply[S](
s: Streams[S]
requests: Codec[WebSocketFrame, REQ, REQ_CF],
responses: Codec[WebSocketFrame, RESP, RESP_CF]
): WebSocketBodyOutput[s.Pipe[REQ, RESP], REQ, RESP, s.Pipe[REQ, RESP], S] =
Codec.idPlain(), // any codec format will do
concatenateFragmentedFrames = true,
ignorePong = true,
autoPongOnPing = true,
decodeCloseRequests = requests.schema.isOptional,
decodeCloseResponses = responses.schema.isOptional,
autoPing = Some((13.seconds,
/** @tparam REQ
* The type of messages that are sent to the server.
* @tparam REQ_CF
* The codec format (media type) of messages that are sent to the server.
* @tparam RESP
* The type of messages that are received from the server.
* @tparam RESP_CF
* The codec format (media type) of messages that are received from the server.
def webSocketBody[REQ, REQ_CF <: CodecFormat, RESP, RESP_CF <: CodecFormat]: WebSocketBodyBuilder[REQ, REQ_CF, RESP, RESP_CF] =
new WebSocketBodyBuilder[REQ, REQ_CF, RESP, RESP_CF]
def webSocketBodyRaw[S](
s: Streams[S]
): WebSocketBodyOutput[s.Pipe[WebSocketFrame, WebSocketFrame], WebSocketFrame, WebSocketFrame, s.Pipe[
], S] =
new WebSocketBodyBuilder[WebSocketFrame, CodecFormat, WebSocketFrame, CodecFormat]
/** Inputs which describe authentication credentials with metadata. */
def auth: TapirAuth.type = TapirAuth
/** Extract a value from a server request. This input is only used by server interpreters, it is ignored by documentation interpreters and
* the provided value is discarded by client interpreters.
def extractFromRequest[T](f: ServerRequest => T): EndpointInput.ExtractFromRequest[T] =
EndpointInput.ExtractFromRequest(Codec.idPlain[ServerRequest]().map(f)(_ => null), EndpointIO.Info.empty)
/** An output which maps to the status code in the response. */
def statusCode: EndpointOutput.StatusCode[sttp.model.StatusCode] =
EndpointOutput.StatusCode(Map.empty, Codec.idPlain(), EndpointIO.Info.empty)
/** An fixed status code output. */
def statusCode(statusCode: sttp.model.StatusCode): EndpointOutput.FixedStatusCode[Unit] =
EndpointOutput.FixedStatusCode(statusCode, Codec.idPlain(), EndpointIO.Info.empty)
/** An output which contains a number of variant outputs. Each variant can contain different outputs and represent different content. To
* describe an output which represents same content, but with different content types, use [[oneOfBody]].
* All possible outputs must have a common supertype (`T`). Typically, the supertype is a sealed trait, and the variants are implementing
* case classes.
* When encoding to a response, the first matching output is chosen, using the following rules:
* 1. the variant's `appliesTo` method, applied to the output value (as returned by the server logic) must return `true`.
* 1. when a fixed content type is specified by the output, it must match the request's `Accept` header (if present). This implements
* content negotiation.
* When decoding from a response, the first output which decodes successfully is chosen.
* The outputs might vary in status codes, headers (e.g. different content types), and body implementations. However, for bodies, only
* replayable ones can be used, and they need to have the same raw representation (e.g. all byte-array-base, or all file-based).
* Note that exhaustiveness of the variants (that all subtypes of `T` are covered) is not checked.
def oneOf[T](firstVariant: OneOfVariant[_ <: T], otherVariants: OneOfVariant[_ <: T]*): EndpointOutput.OneOf[T, T] =
EndpointOutput.OneOf[T, T](firstVariant +: otherVariants.toList,
/** Create a one-of-variant which uses `output` if the class of the provided value (when interpreting as a server) matches the runtime
* class of `T`.
* This will fail at compile-time if the type erasure of `T` is different from `T`, as a runtime check in this situation would give
* invalid results. In such cases, use [[oneOfVariantClassMatcher]], [[oneOfVariantValueMatcher]] or [[oneOfVariantFromMatchType]]
* instead.
* Should be used in [[oneOf]] output descriptions.
def oneOfVariant[T: ClassTag: ErasureSameAsType](output: EndpointOutput[T]): OneOfVariant[T] =
oneOfVariantClassMatcher(output, implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass)
/** Create a one-of-variant which uses `output` if the class of the provided value (when interpreting as a server) matches the runtime
* class of `T`. Adds a fixed status-code output with the given value.
* This will fail at compile-time if the type erasure of `T` is different from `T`, as a runtime check in this situation would give
* invalid results. In such cases, use [[oneOfVariantClassMatcher]], [[oneOfVariantValueMatcher]] or [[oneOfVariantFromMatchType]]
* instead.
* Should be used in [[oneOf]] output descriptions.
def oneOfVariant[T: ClassTag: ErasureSameAsType](code: StatusCode, output: EndpointOutput[T]): OneOfVariant[T] =
private val primitiveToBoxedClasses = Map[Class[_], Class[_]](
classOf[Byte] -> classOf[java.lang.Byte],
classOf[Short] -> classOf[java.lang.Short],
classOf[Char] -> classOf[java.lang.Character],
classOf[Int] -> classOf[java.lang.Integer],
classOf[Long] -> classOf[java.lang.Long],
classOf[Float] -> classOf[java.lang.Float],
classOf[Double] -> classOf[java.lang.Double],
classOf[Boolean] -> classOf[java.lang.Boolean],
java.lang.Void.TYPE -> classOf[scala.runtime.BoxedUnit]
/** Create a one-of-variant which uses `output` if the class of the provided value (when interpreting as a server) matches the given
* `runtimeClass`. Note that this does not take into account type erasure.
* Should be used in [[oneOf]] output descriptions.
def oneOfVariantClassMatcher[T](
output: EndpointOutput[T],
runtimeClass: Class[_]
): OneOfVariant[T] = {
// when used with a primitive type or Unit, the class tag will correspond to the primitive type, but at runtime
// we'll get boxed values
val rc = primitiveToBoxedClasses.getOrElse(runtimeClass, runtimeClass)
OneOfVariant(output, { (a: Any) => rc.isInstance(a) })
/** Create a one-of-variant which uses `output` i the class of the provided value (when interpreting as a server) matches the given
* `runtimeClass`. Note that this does not take into account type erasure. Adds a fixed status-code output with the given value.
* Should be used in [[oneOf]] output descriptions.
def oneOfVariantClassMatcher[T](
code: StatusCode,
output: EndpointOutput[T],
runtimeClass: Class[_]
): OneOfVariant[T] = oneOfVariantClassMatcher(statusCode(code).and(output), runtimeClass)
/** Create a one-of-variant which uses `output` if the provided value (when interpreting as a server matches the `matcher` predicate).
* Should be used in [[oneOf]] output descriptions.
def oneOfVariantValueMatcher[T](output: EndpointOutput[T])(
matcher: PartialFunction[Any, Boolean]
): OneOfVariant[T] =
OneOfVariant(output, matcher.lift.andThen(_.getOrElse(false)))
/** Create a one-of-variant which uses `output` if the provided value (when interpreting as a server matches the `matcher` predicate).
* Adds a fixed status-code output with the given value.
* Should be used in [[oneOf]] output descriptions.
def oneOfVariantValueMatcher[T](code: StatusCode, output: EndpointOutput[T])(
matcher: PartialFunction[Any, Boolean]
): OneOfVariant[T] =
OneOfVariant(statusCode(code).and(output), matcher.lift.andThen(_.getOrElse(false)))
/** Create a one-of-variant which `output` if the provided value exactly matches one of the values provided in the second argument list.
* Should be used in [[oneOf]] output descriptions.
def oneOfVariantExactMatcher[T: ClassTag](
output: EndpointOutput[T]
firstExactValue: T,
rest: T*
): OneOfVariant[T] =
oneOfVariantValueMatcher(output)(exactMatch(rest.toSet + firstExactValue))
/** Create a one-of-variant which uses `output` if the provided value exactly matches one of the values provided in the second argument
* list. Adds a fixed status-code output with the given value.
* Should be used in [[oneOf]] output descriptions.
def oneOfVariantExactMatcher[T: ClassTag](
code: StatusCode,
output: EndpointOutput[T]
firstExactValue: T,
rest: T*
): OneOfVariant[T] =
oneOfVariantValueMatcher(code, output)(exactMatch(rest.toSet + firstExactValue))
/** Create a one-of-variant which uses `output` if the provided value matches the target type, as checked by [[MatchType]]. Instances of
* [[MatchType]] are automatically derived and recursively check that classes of all fields match, to bypass issues caused by type
* erasure.
* Should be used in [[oneOf]] output descriptions.
def oneOfVariantFromMatchType[T: MatchType](output: EndpointOutput[T]): OneOfVariant[T] =
/** Create a one-of-variant which uses `output` if the provided value matches the target type, as checked by [[MatchType]]. Instances of
* [[MatchType]] are automatically derived and recursively check that classes of all fields match, to bypass issues caused by type
* erasure. Adds a fixed status-code output with the given value.
* Should be used in [[oneOf]] output descriptions.
def oneOfVariantFromMatchType[T: MatchType](code: StatusCode, output: EndpointOutput[T]): OneOfVariant[T] =
oneOfVariantValueMatcher(code, output)(implicitly[MatchType[T]].partial)
/** Create a fallback variant to be used in [[oneOf]] output descriptions. Multiple such variants can be specified, with different body
* content types.
def oneOfDefaultVariant[T](output: EndpointOutput[T]): OneOfVariant[T] = OneOfVariant(output, _ => true)
/** A body input or output, which can be one of the given variants. All variants should represent `T` instances using different content
* types. Hence, the content type is used as a discriminator to choose the appropriate variant.
* Should be used to describe an input or output which represents the same content, but using different content types. For an output
* which describes variants including possibly different outputs (representing different content), see [[oneOf]].
* The server behavior is as follows:
* - when encoding to a response, the first variant matching the request's `Accept` header is chosen (if present). Otherwise, the first
* variant is used. This implements content negotiation.
* - when decoding a request, the variant corresponding to the request's `Content-Type` header is chosen (if present). Otherwise, a
* decode failure is returned, which by default results in an `415 Unsupported Media Type` response.
* The client behavior is as follows:
* - when encoding a request, the first variant is used.
* - when decoding a response, the variant corresponding to the response's `Content-Type` header is chosen (if present). Otherwise, the
* first variant is used. For client interpreters to work correctly, all body variants must have the same raw type (e.g. all are
* string-based or all byte-array-based)
* All possible bodies must have the same type `T`. Typically, the bodies will vary in the [[Codec]]s that are used for the body.
def oneOfBody[T](first: EndpointIO.Body[_, T], others: EndpointIO.Body[_, T]*): EndpointIO.OneOfBody[T, T] =
EndpointIO.OneOfBody[T, T](
(first +: others.toList).map(b => EndpointIO.OneOfBodyVariant(ContentTypeRange.exactNoCharset(b.codec.format.mediaType), Left(b))),
/** Streaming variant of [[oneOfBody]]. */
def oneOfBody[T](first: EndpointIO.StreamBodyWrapper[_, T], others: EndpointIO.StreamBodyWrapper[_, T]*): EndpointIO.OneOfBody[T, T] =
EndpointIO.OneOfBody[T, T](
(first +: others.toList).map(b => EndpointIO.OneOfBodyVariant(ContentTypeRange.exactNoCharset(b.codec.format.mediaType), Right(b))),
/** See [[oneOfBody]].
* Allows explicitly specifying the content type range, for which each body will be used, instead of defaulting to the exact media type
* as specified by the body's codec. This is only used when choosing which body to decode.
def oneOfBody[T](
first: (ContentTypeRange, EndpointIO.Body[_, T]),
others: (ContentTypeRange, EndpointIO.Body[_, T])*
): EndpointIO.OneOfBody[T, T] =
EndpointIO.OneOfBody[T, T]((first +: others.toList).map { case (r, b) => EndpointIO.OneOfBodyVariant(r, Left(b)) },
/** Streaming variant of [[oneOfBody]].
* Allows explicitly specifying the content type range, for which each body will be used, instead of defaulting to the exact media type
* as specified by the body's codec. This is only used when choosing which body to decode.
def oneOfBody[T](
first: (ContentTypeRange, EndpointIO.StreamBodyWrapper[_, T]),
// this is needed so that the signature is different from the previous method
second: (ContentTypeRange, EndpointIO.StreamBodyWrapper[_, T]),
others: (ContentTypeRange, EndpointIO.StreamBodyWrapper[_, T])*
): EndpointIO.OneOfBody[T, T] =
EndpointIO.OneOfBody[T, T](
(first +: second +: others.toList).map { case (r, b) => EndpointIO.OneOfBodyVariant(r, Right(b)) },
private val emptyIO: EndpointIO.Empty[Unit] = EndpointIO.Empty(Codec.idPlain(), EndpointIO.Info.empty)
val emptyOutput: EndpointOutput.Atom[Unit] = emptyIO
/** An empty output. Useful if one of the [[oneOf]] branches of a coproduct type is a case object that should be mapped to an empty body.
def emptyOutputAs[T](value: T): EndpointOutput.Atom[T] = => value)(_ => ())
val emptyInput: EndpointInput[Unit] = emptyIO
/** An empty authentication input, to express the fact (for documentation) that authentication is optional, even in the presence of
* multiple optional authentication inputs (which by default are treated as alternatives).
val emptyAuth: EndpointInput.Auth[Unit, EndpointInput.AuthType.ApiKey] =
EndpointInput.Auth(emptyIO, WWWAuthenticateChallenge(""), EndpointInput.AuthType.ApiKey(), EndpointInput.AuthInfo.Empty)
val infallibleEndpoint: PublicEndpoint[Unit, Nothing, Unit, Any] =
Endpoint[Unit, Unit, Nothing, Unit, Any](
EndpointInfo(None, None, None, Vector.empty, deprecated = false, AttributeMap.Empty)
val endpoint: PublicEndpoint[Unit, Unit, Unit, Any] = infallibleEndpoint.copy(errorOutput = emptyOutput)
trait TapirComputedInputs { this: Tapir =>
def clientIp: EndpointInput[Option[String]] =
extractFromRequest(request =>
.orElse {
for {
r <- request.connectionInfo.remote
a <- Option(r.getAddress)
ha <- Option(a.getHostAddress)
} yield ha
def isWebSocket: EndpointInput[Boolean] =
extractFromRequest(request =>
(for {
connection <- request.header(HeaderNames.Connection)
upgrade <- request.header(HeaderNames.Upgrade)
} yield connection.equalsIgnoreCase("Upgrade") && upgrade.equalsIgnoreCase("websocket")).getOrElse(false)
/** An input which matches if the request URI ends with a trailing slash, otherwise the result is a decode failure on the path. Has no
* effect when used by documentation or client interpreters.
val noTrailingSlash: EndpointInput[Unit] = extractFromRequest(_.uri.path).mapDecode(ps =>
if (ps.lastOption.contains("")) DecodeResult.Mismatch("", "/") else DecodeResult.Value(())
)(_ => Nil)
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