sttp.tapir.Validator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package sttp.tapir
import sttp.tapir.Schema.SName
import sttp.tapir.macros.ValidatorMacros
import scala.collection.immutable
sealed trait Validator[T] {
def apply(t: T): List[ValidationError[_]]
def contramap[TT](g: TT => T): Validator[TT] = Validator.Mapped(this, g)
def and(other: Validator[T]): Validator[T] = Validator.all(this, other)
def or(other: Validator[T]): Validator[T] = Validator.any(this, other)
def show: Option[String] =
object Validator extends ValidatorMacros {
// Used to capture encoding of a value to a raw format, which will then be directly rendered as a string in
// documentation. This is needed as codecs for nested types aren't available.
type EncodeToRaw[T] = T => Option[scala.Any]
private val _pass: Validator[Nothing] = all()
private val _reject: Validator[Nothing] = any()
// -------------------------------------- SMART CONSTRUCTORS --------------------------------------
def all[T](v: Validator[T]*): Validator[T] = if (v.size == 1) v.head else All[T](v.toList)
def any[T](v: Validator[T]*): Validator[T] = if (v.size == 1) v.head else Any[T](v.toList)
/** A validator instance that always pass. */
def pass[T]: Validator[T] = _pass.asInstanceOf[Validator[T]]
/** A validator instance that always reject. */
def reject[T]: Validator[T] = _reject.asInstanceOf[Validator[T]]
def min[T: Numeric](value: T, exclusive: Boolean = false): Validator.Primitive[T] = Min(value, exclusive)
def max[T: Numeric](value: T, exclusive: Boolean = false): Validator.Primitive[T] = Max(value, exclusive)
def positive[T: Numeric]: Validator.Primitive[T] = Min(implicitly[Numeric[T]].zero, exclusive = true)
def positiveOrZero[T: Numeric]: Validator.Primitive[T] = Min(implicitly[Numeric[T]].zero, exclusive = false)
def negative[T: Numeric]: Validator.Primitive[T] = Max(implicitly[Numeric[T]].zero, exclusive = true)
def inRange[T: Numeric](min: T, max: T, minExclusive: Boolean = false, maxExclusive: Boolean = false): Validator[T] =
Min(min, minExclusive).and(Max(max, maxExclusive))
// string
def pattern[T <: String](value: String): Validator.Primitive[T] = Pattern(value)
/** Create a validator for minimum length constraints on strings.
* @param value
* The minimum allowed length.
def minLength[T <: String](value: Int): Validator.Primitive[T] = minLength(value, countCodePoints = false)
/** Create a validator for minimum length constraints on strings.
* @param value
* The minimum allowed length.
* @param countCodePoints
* A boolean parameter that determines whether the validation will consider code points or character count. When set to true, the
* validator will consider characters that are represented using two code units (a surrogate pair) in UTF-16 encoding allowing for a
* more accurate length validation for strings containing such characters (like emojis). Defaults to false, where length is validated
* based on the number of `Char` values in the string.
def minLength[T <: String](value: Int, countCodePoints: Boolean): Validator.Primitive[T] =
MinLength(value, countCodePoints)
/** Create a validator for maximum length constraints on strings.
* @param value
* The maximum allowed length.
def maxLength[T <: String](value: Int): Validator.Primitive[T] = maxLength(value, countCodePoints = false)
/** Create a validator for maximum length constraints on strings.
* @param value
* The maximum allowed length.
* @param countCodePoints
* A boolean parameter that determines whether the validation will consider code points or character count. When set to true, the
* validator will consider characters that are represented using two code units (a surrogate pair) in UTF-16 encoding allowing for a
* more accurate length validation for strings containing such characters (like emojis). Defaults to false, where length is validated
* based on the number of `Char` values in the string.
def maxLength[T <: String](value: Int, countCodePoints: Boolean): Validator.Primitive[T] =
MaxLength(value, countCodePoints)
/** Create a validator for fixed length constraints on strings.
* @param value
* The fixed allowed length.
def fixedLength[T <: String](value: Int): Validator[T] = fixedLength(value, countCodePoints = false)
/** Create a validator for fixed length constraints on strings.
* @param value
* The fixed allowed length.
* @param countCodePoints
* A boolean parameter that determines whether the validation will consider code points or character count. When set to true, the
* validator will consider characters that are represented using two code units (a surrogate pair) in UTF-16 encoding allowing for a
* more accurate length validation for strings containing such characters (like emojis). Defaults to false, where length is validated
* based on the number of `Char` values in the string.
def fixedLength[T <: String](value: Int, countCodePoints: Boolean): Validator[T] =
MinLength(value, countCodePoints).and(MaxLength(value, countCodePoints))
def nonEmptyString[T <: String]: Validator.Primitive[T] = MinLength(1)
// iterable
def minSize[T, C[_] <: Iterable[_]](value: Int): Validator.Primitive[C[T]] = MinSize(value)
def maxSize[T, C[_] <: Iterable[_]](value: Int): Validator.Primitive[C[T]] = MaxSize(value)
def nonEmpty[T, C[_] <: Iterable[_]]: Validator.Primitive[C[T]] = MinSize(1)
def fixedSize[T, C[_] <: Iterable[_]](value: Int): Validator[C[T]] = MinSize(value).and(MaxSize(value))
// enum
/** Create an enumeration validator, with the given possible values.
* To represent the enumerated values in documentation, an encoding function needs to be provided. This can be done:
* - by using the overloaded [[enumeration]] method with an `encode` parameter
* - by adding an encode function on an [[Validator.Enumeration]] instance using one of the `.encode` functions
* - by adding the validator directly to a codec (see [[Mapping.addEncodeToEnumValidator]])
* - when the values possible values are of a basic type (numbers, strings), the encode function is inferred if not present, when being
* added to the schema, see [[Schema.validate]]
def enumeration[T](possibleValues: List[T]): Validator.Enumeration[T] = Enumeration(possibleValues, None, None)
/** Create an enumeration validator, with the given possible values, an optional encoding function (so that the enumerated values can be
* represented in documentation), and an optional name (to create a reusable documentation component).
* @param encode
* Specify how values of this type can be encoded to a raw value, which will be used for documentation.
def enumeration[T](possibleValues: List[T], encode: EncodeToRaw[T], name: Option[SName] = None): Validator.Enumeration[T] =
Enumeration(possibleValues, Some(encode), name)
/** Create a custom validator.
* @param validationLogic
* The logic of the validator
* @param showMessage
* Description of the validator used when invoking [[]].
def custom[T](validationLogic: T => ValidationResult, showMessage: Option[String] = None): Validator[T] =
Custom(validationLogic, showMessage)
// ---------- PRIMITIVE ----------
sealed trait Primitive[T] extends Validator[T] {
def doValidate(t: T): ValidationResult
override def apply(t: T): List[ValidationError[T]] = doValidate(t) match {
case ValidationResult.Valid => Nil
case ValidationResult.Invalid(customMessages) =>
customMessages match {
case Nil => List(ValidationError(this, t, Nil, None))
case l => => ValidationError(this, t, Nil, Some(m)))
case class Min[T](value: T, exclusive: Boolean)(implicit val valueIsNumeric: Numeric[T]) extends Primitive[T] {
override def doValidate(t: T): ValidationResult =
ValidationResult.validWhen(implicitly[Numeric[T]].gt(t, value) || (!exclusive && implicitly[Numeric[T]].equiv(t, value)))
case class Max[T](value: T, exclusive: Boolean)(implicit val valueIsNumeric: Numeric[T]) extends Primitive[T] {
override def doValidate(t: T): ValidationResult =
ValidationResult.validWhen(implicitly[Numeric[T]].lt(t, value) || (!exclusive && implicitly[Numeric[T]].equiv(t, value)))
case class Pattern[T <: String](value: String) extends Primitive[T] {
override def doValidate(t: T): ValidationResult = ValidationResult.validWhen(t.matches(value))
case class MinLength[T <: String](value: Int, countCodePoints: Boolean) extends Primitive[T] {
// The auxiliary constructor, custom copy methods, and the custom apply method in the companion object
// have been introduced to maintain binary compatibility while adding a new field to the case class
def this(value: Int) = this(value, false)
def copy[TT <: String](value: Int): MinLength[TT] = MinLength[TT](value, false)
def copy[TT <: String](value: Int = this.value, countCodePoints: Boolean = this.countCodePoints): MinLength[TT] =
MinLength[TT](value, countCodePoints)
override def doValidate(t: T): ValidationResult = {
val size = if (countCodePoints) t.codePointCount(0, t.size) else t.size
ValidationResult.validWhen(size >= value)
object MinLength {
def apply[T <: String](value: Int) = new MinLength[T](value, false)
case class MaxLength[T <: String](value: Int, countCodePoints: Boolean) extends Primitive[T] {
// The auxiliary constructor, custom copy methods, and the custom apply method in the companion object
// have been introduced to maintain binary compatibility while adding a new field to the case class
def this(value: Int) = this(value, false)
def copy[TT <: String](value: Int): MaxLength[TT] = MaxLength[TT](value, false)
def copy[TT <: String](value: Int = this.value, countCodePoints: Boolean = this.countCodePoints): MaxLength[TT] =
MaxLength[TT](value, countCodePoints)
override def doValidate(t: T): ValidationResult = {
val size = if (countCodePoints) t.codePointCount(0, t.size) else t.size
ValidationResult.validWhen(size <= value)
object MaxLength {
def apply[T <: String](value: Int) = new MaxLength[T](value, false)
case class MinSize[T, C[_] <: Iterable[_]](value: Int) extends Primitive[C[T]] {
override def doValidate(t: C[T]): ValidationResult = ValidationResult.validWhen(t.size >= value)
case class MaxSize[T, C[_] <: Iterable[_]](value: Int) extends Primitive[C[T]] {
override def doValidate(t: C[T]): ValidationResult = ValidationResult.validWhen(t.size <= value)
case class Custom[T](validationLogic: T => ValidationResult, showMessage: Option[String] = None) extends Primitive[T] {
override def doValidate(t: T): ValidationResult = validationLogic(t)
case class Enumeration[T](possibleValues: List[T], encode: Option[EncodeToRaw[T]], name: Option[SName]) extends Primitive[T] {
override def doValidate(t: T): ValidationResult = ValidationResult.validWhen(possibleValues.contains(t))
/** Specify how values of this type can be encoded to a raw value (typically a [[String]]). This encoding will be used when generating
* documentation.
def encode(e: T => scala.Any): Enumeration[T] = copy(encode = Some(v => Some(e(v))))
/** Specify that values of this type should be encoded to a raw value using an in-scope plain codec. This encoding will be used when
* generating documentation.
def encodeWithPlainCodec(implicit c: Codec.PlainCodec[T]): Enumeration[T] = copy(encode = Some(v => Some(c.encode(v))))
/** Specify that values of this type should be encoded to a raw value using an in-scope codec of the given format. This encoding will be
* used when generating documentation.
def encodeWithCodec[CF <: CodecFormat](implicit c: Codec[String, T, CF]): Enumeration[T] = copy(encode = Some(v => Some(c.encode(v))))
case class Mapped[TT, T](wrapped: Validator[T], g: TT => T) extends Validator[TT] {
override def apply(t: TT): List[ValidationError[_]] = wrapped.apply(g(t))
case class All[T](validators: immutable.Seq[Validator[T]]) extends Validator[T] {
override def apply(t: T): List[ValidationError[_]] = validators.flatMap(_.apply(t)).toList
override def contramap[TT](g: TT => T): Validator[TT] = if (validators.isEmpty) this.asInstanceOf[Validator[TT]] else super.contramap(g)
override def and(other: Validator[T]): Validator[T] = if (validators.isEmpty) other else All(validators :+ other)
case class Any[T](validators: immutable.Seq[Validator[T]]) extends Validator[T] {
override def apply(t: T): List[ValidationError[_]] = {
val results =
if (results.exists(_.isEmpty)) {
} else if (validators.nonEmpty) {
} else {
List(ValidationError[T](Any.PrimitiveRejectValidator, t))
override def contramap[TT](g: TT => T): Validator[TT] = if (validators.isEmpty) Any(Nil) else super.contramap(g)
override def or(other: Validator[T]): Validator[T] = if (validators.isEmpty) other else Any(validators :+ other)
object Any {
private val _primitiveRejectValidator: Primitive[scala.Any] = Custom(_ => ValidationResult.Invalid("Validation rejected"))
private[tapir] def PrimitiveRejectValidator[T]: Primitive[T] = _primitiveRejectValidator.asInstanceOf[Primitive[T]]
def show[T](v: Validator[T]): Option[String] = {
v match {
case Min(value, exclusive) => Some(s"${if (exclusive) ">" else ">="}$value")
case Max(value, exclusive) => Some(s"${if (exclusive) "<" else "<="}$value")
case Pattern(value) => Some(s"~$value")
case MinLength(value, _) => Some(s"length>=$value")
case MaxLength(value, _) => Some(s"length<=$value")
case MinSize(value) => Some(s"size>=$value")
case MaxSize(value) => Some(s"size<=$value")
case Custom(_, showMessage) => showMessage.orElse(Some("custom"))
case Enumeration(possibleValues, _, _) => Some(s"in(${possibleValues.mkString(",")}")
case Mapped(wrapped, _) => show(wrapped)
case All(validators) =>
validators.flatMap(show(_)) match {
case immutable.Seq() => None
case immutable.Seq(s) => Some(s)
case ss => Some(s"all(${ss.mkString(",")})")
case Any(validators) =>
validators.flatMap(show(_)) match {
case immutable.Seq() => Some("reject")
case immutable.Seq(s) => Some(s)
case ss => Some(s"any(${ss.mkString(",")})")
sealed trait ValidationResult
object ValidationResult {
case object Valid extends ValidationResult
case class Invalid(customMessage: List[String] = Nil) extends ValidationResult
object Invalid {
def apply(customMessage: String): Invalid = Invalid(List(customMessage))
def apply(customMessage: String, customMessages: String*): Invalid = Invalid(customMessage :: customMessages.toList)
def validWhen(condition: Boolean): ValidationResult = if (condition) Valid else Invalid()
case class ValidationError[T](
validator: Validator.Primitive[T],
invalidValue: Any, // this isn't T, as we might want to report that a value can't be decoded as an enumeration member
path: List[FieldName] = Nil,
customMessage: Option[String] = None
) {
def prependPath(f: FieldName): ValidationError[T] = copy(path = f :: path)
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