Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import magnolia1.*
import sttp.tapir.SchemaType.*
import sttp.tapir.generic.Configuration
import sttp.tapir.internal.IterableToListMap
import sttp.tapir.{FieldName, Schema, SchemaType}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.deriving.Mirror
trait SchemaMagnoliaDerivation {
inline def derived[T](using genericDerivationConfig: Configuration, m: Mirror.Of[T]): Schema[T] = {
val derivation = new Derivation[Schema] {
type Typeclass[T] = Schema[T]
override def join[T](ctx: CaseClass[Schema, T]): Schema[T] = {
withCache(ctx.typeInfo, ctx.annotations) {
val result =
if (ctx.isValueClass) {
require(ctx.params.nonEmpty, s"Cannot derive schema for generic value class: ${ctx.typeInfo.owner}")
val valueSchema = ctx.params.head.typeclass
Schema[T](schemaType = valueSchema.schemaType.asInstanceOf[SchemaType[T]], format = valueSchema.format)
} else {
// Not using inherited annotations when generating type name, we don't want @encodedName to be inherited for types
Schema[T](schemaType = productSchemaType(ctx), name = Some(typeNameToSchemaName(ctx.typeInfo, ctx.annotations)))
enrichSchema(result, mergeAnnotations(ctx.annotations, ctx.inheritedAnnotations))
private def productSchemaType[T](ctx: CaseClass[Schema, T]): SProduct[T] =
SProduct( { p =>
val annotations = mergeAnnotations(p.annotations, p.inheritedAnnotations)
val pSchema = enrichSchema(p.typeclass, annotations)
val encodedName = getEncodedName(annotations).getOrElse(genericDerivationConfig.toEncodedName(p.label))
SProductField[T, p.PType](FieldName(p.label, encodedName), pSchema, t => Some(p.deref(t)))
private def typeNameToSchemaName(typeName: TypeInfo, annotations: Seq[Any]): Schema.SName = {
def allTypeArguments(tn: TypeInfo): Seq[TypeInfo] = tn.typeParams.toList.flatMap(tn2 => tn2 +: allTypeArguments(tn2))
annotations.collectFirst { case ann: Schema.annotations.encodedName => } match {
case Some(altName) =>
Schema.SName(altName, Nil)
case None =>
Schema.SName(typeName.full, allTypeArguments(typeName).map(_.full).toList)
private def subtypeNameToSchemaName(subtype: SealedTrait.Subtype[Typeclass, _, ?]): Schema.SName =
typeNameToSchemaName(subtype.typeInfo, subtype.annotations)
private def getEncodedName(annotations: Seq[Any]): Option[String] =
annotations.collectFirst { case ann: Schema.annotations.encodedName => }
private def enrichSchema[X](schema: Schema[X], annotations: Seq[Any]): Schema[X] = {
annotations.foldLeft(schema) {
case (schema, ann: Schema.annotations.description) => schema.description(ann.text)
case (schema, ann: Schema.annotations.encodedExample) => schema.encodedExample(ann.example)
case (schema, ann: Schema.annotations.default[X @unchecked]) => schema.default(ann.default, ann.encoded)
case (schema, ann: Schema.annotations.validate[X @unchecked]) => schema.validate(ann.v)
case (schema, ann: Schema.annotations.validateEach[X @unchecked]) =>
schema.modifyUnsafe(Schema.ModifyCollectionElements)((_: Schema[X]).validate(ann.v))
case (schema, ann: Schema.annotations.format) => schema.format(ann.format)
case (schema, ann: Schema.annotations.title) => schema.title(
case (schema, _: Schema.annotations.deprecated) => schema.deprecated(true)
case (schema, ann: Schema.annotations.customise) => ann.f(schema).asInstanceOf[Schema[X]]
case (schema, _) => schema
override def split[T](ctx: SealedTrait[Schema, T]): Schema[T] = {
withCache(ctx.typeInfo, ctx.annotations) {
val subtypesByName =
.map(s =>
typeNameToSchemaName(s.typeInfo, s.annotations) -> s.typeclass
val baseCoproduct = SCoproduct(subtypesByName.values.toList, None)((t: T) =>
ctx.choose(t) { v =>
subtypesByName.get(subtypeNameToSchemaName(v.subtype)).map(s => SchemaWithValue(s, v.value))
val coproduct = genericDerivationConfig.discriminator match {
case Some(d) =>
val discriminatorMapping: Map[String, SRef[_]] = { s =>
val schemaName = subtypeNameToSchemaName(s)
genericDerivationConfig.toDiscriminatorValue(schemaName) -> SRef(schemaName)
baseCoproduct.addDiscriminatorField(FieldName(d), discriminatorMapping = discriminatorMapping)
case None => baseCoproduct
Schema(schemaType = coproduct, name = Some(typeNameToSchemaName(ctx.typeInfo, ctx.annotations)))
private def mergeAnnotations[T](primary: Seq[Any], inherited: Seq[Any]): Seq[Any] =
primary ++ inherited.distinct.filter {
// skip inherited annotation from definition if defined in implementation
case a if primary.exists(_.getClass.equals(a.getClass)) => false
case _ => true
/** To avoid recursive loops, we keep track of the fully qualified names of types for which derivation is in progress using a mutable
* Set.
private def withCache[T](typeName: TypeInfo, annotations: Seq[Any])(f: => Schema[T]): Schema[T] = {
val cacheKey = typeName.full
var inProgress = deriveCache.get()
val newCache = inProgress == null
if (newCache) {
inProgress = mutable.Set[String]()
if (inProgress.contains(cacheKey)) {
Schema[T](SRef(typeNameToSchemaName(typeName, annotations)))
} else {
try {
val schema = f
} finally {
if (newCache) {
object SchemaMagnoliaDerivation {
private[auto] val deriveCache: ThreadLocal[mutable.Set[String]] = new ThreadLocal()
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