sttp.tapir.static.Resources.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package sttp.tapir.static
import sttp.model.MediaType
import sttp.monad.MonadError
import sttp.monad.syntax._
import{File, FileNotFoundException, InputStream}
import java.time.Instant
@deprecated("Use sttp.tapir.files.Resources", since = "1.3.0")
object Resources {
def apply[F[_]: MonadError](
classLoader: ClassLoader,
resourcePrefix: String,
options: ResourcesOptions[F] = ResourcesOptions.default[F]
): StaticInput => F[Either[StaticErrorOutput, StaticOutput[InputStream]]] = (resourcesInput: StaticInput) =>
resources(classLoader, resourcePrefix.split("/").toList, options)(resourcesInput)
private def resources[F[_]](
classLoader: ClassLoader,
resourcePrefix: List[String],
options: ResourcesOptions[F]
resourcesInput: StaticInput
m: MonadError[F]
): F[Either[StaticErrorOutput, StaticOutput[InputStream]]] = {
def notFound = (Left(StaticErrorOutput.NotFound): Either[StaticErrorOutput, StaticOutput[InputStream]]).unit
val nameComponents = resourcePrefix ++ resourcesInput.path
if (options.resourceFilter(nameComponents)) {
val useGzippedIfAvailable = options.useGzippedIfAvailable && resourcesInput.acceptEncoding.exists(_.equals("gzip"))
m.blocking {
resolveURL(classLoader, resourcePrefix, resourcesInput.path, options.defaultResource, useGzippedIfAvailable)
.map { case (url, mt, enc) => readResource(options.useETags, resourcesInput, url, mt, enc) }
}.handleError { case _: FileNotFoundException =>
} else notFound
private def resolveURL(
classLoader: ClassLoader,
resourcePrefix: List[String],
path: List[String],
default: Option[List[String]],
useGzippedIfAvailable: Boolean
): Option[(URL, MediaType, Option[String])] = {
val name = (resourcePrefix ++ path).mkString("/")
val result = (if (useGzippedIfAvailable) Option(classLoader.getResource(name + ".gz")).map((_, MediaType.ApplicationGzip, Some("gzip")))
else None)
.orElse(Option(classLoader.getResource(name)).map((_, contentTypeFromName(name), None)))
.orElse(default match {
case None => None
case Some(defaultPath) => resolveURL(classLoader, resourcePrefix, defaultPath, None, useGzippedIfAvailable)
// making sure that the resulting path contains the original requested path
if (result.exists(r => isDirectory(classLoader, name, r._1)))
resolveURL(classLoader, resourcePrefix, path :+ "index.html", default, useGzippedIfAvailable)
else result
private def isDirectory(classLoader: ClassLoader, name: String, nameResource: URL): Boolean = {
if (nameResource.getProtocol == "file") new File(nameResource.getPath).isDirectory
else classLoader.getResource(name + "/") != null
private def readResource[F[_]](
useETags: Boolean,
resourcesInput: StaticInput,
url: URL,
contentType: MediaType,
contentEncoding: Option[String]
): Either[StaticErrorOutput, StaticOutput[InputStream]] = {
val conn = url.openConnection()
val lastModified = conn.getLastModified
val length = conn.getContentLengthLong
val etag = if (useETags) Some(defaultETag(lastModified, length)) else None
if (isModified(resourcesInput, etag, lastModified))
.Found(conn.getInputStream, Some(Instant.ofEpochMilli(lastModified)), Some(length), Some(contentType), etag, contentEncoding)
else Right(StaticOutput.NotModified)
/** @param resourceFilter
* A resource will be exposed only if this function returns `true`.
* @param defaultResource
* path segments (relative to the resource prefix from which resources are read) of the resource to return in case the one requested by
* the user isn't found. This is useful for SPA apps, where the same main application resource needs to be returned regardless of the
* path.
@deprecated("Use new files API and FileOptions, see sttp.tapir.files.Resources", since = "1.3.0")
case class ResourcesOptions[F[_]](
useETags: Boolean,
useGzippedIfAvailable: Boolean,
resourceFilter: List[String] => Boolean,
defaultResource: Option[List[String]]
) {
def withUseGzippedIfAvailable: ResourcesOptions[F] = copy(useGzippedIfAvailable = true)
def withUseETags: ResourcesOptions[F] = copy(useETags = true)
/** A resource will be exposed only if this function returns `true`. */
def resourceFilter(f: List[String] => Boolean): ResourcesOptions[F] = copy(resourceFilter = f)
/** Path segments (relative to the resource prefix from which resources are read) of the resource to return in case the one requested by
* the user isn't found. This is useful for SPA apps, where the same main application resource needs to be returned regardless of the
* path.
def defaultResource(d: List[String]): ResourcesOptions[F] = copy(defaultResource = Some(d))
object ResourcesOptions {
def default[F[_]]: ResourcesOptions[F] = ResourcesOptions(useETags = true, useGzippedIfAvailable = false, _ => true, None)
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