sttp.tapir.internal.AnnotationsMacros.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package sttp.tapir.internal
import sttp.tapir._
import sttp.tapir.CodecFormat.TextPlain
import sttp.tapir.typelevel.ParamConcat
import sttp.model.{QueryParams, Header, StatusCode}
import sttp.model.headers.{Cookie, CookieWithMeta, CookieValueWithMeta}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.quoted.*
private[tapir] class AnnotationsMacros[T <: Product: Type](using q: Quotes) {
import quotes.reflect.*
private val caseClass = new CaseClass[q.type, T](using summon[Type[T]], q)
def deriveEndpointInputImpl: Expr[EndpointInput[T]] = {
// the path inputs must be defined in the order as they appear in the argument to @endpointInput
val pathSegments = caseClass
.map { case path =>
val pathWithoutLeadingSlash = if (path.startsWith("/")) path.drop(1) else path
val result = if (pathWithoutLeadingSlash.endsWith("/")) pathWithoutLeadingSlash.dropRight(1) else pathWithoutLeadingSlash
if (result.length == 0) Nil else result.split("/").toList
val fieldsWithIndex = caseClass.fields.zipWithIndex
val inputIdxToFieldIdx = mutable.Map.empty[Int, Int]
val pathInputs = { segment =>
if (segment.startsWith("{") && segment.endsWith("}")) {
val fieldName = segment.drop(1).dropRight(1)
fieldsWithIndex.find { case (f, _) => == fieldName && f.annotated(pathAnnotationSymbol) } match {
case Some((field, idx)) =>
field.tpe.asType match
case '[f] =>
inputIdxToFieldIdx += (inputIdxToFieldIdx.size -> idx)
wrapInput[f](field, makePathInput[f](field))
case None =>
report.errorAndAbort(s"${}.${fieldName} must have the @path annotation, as it is referenced from @endpointInput.")
} else {
val (pathFields, nonPathFields) = fieldsWithIndex.partition((f, _) => f.annotated(pathAnnotationSymbol))
if (inputIdxToFieldIdx.size != pathFields.size) {
report.errorAndAbort(s"Not all fields of ${} annotated with @path are captured in the path in @endpointInput.")
val nonPathInputs = { case (field, fieldIdx) =>
field.tpe.asType match
case '[f] =>
val input: Expr[EndpointInput.Single[f]] = field
.orElse(if (field.annotated(paramsAnnotationSymbol)) Some(makeQueryParamsInput[f](field)) else None)
.orElse(if (field.annotated(headersAnnotationSymbol)) Some(makeHeadersIO[f](field)) else None)
.orElse(if (field.annotated(cookiesAnnotationSymbol)) Some(makeCookiesIO[f](field)) else None)
.map(makeBearerAuthInput[f](field, field.annotation(securitySchemeNameAnnotationSymbol), _))
.map(makeBasicAuthInput[f](field, field.annotation(securitySchemeNameAnnotationSymbol), _))
.getOrElse {
s"All fields of ${} must be annotated with one of the annotations from sttp.tapir.annotations. No annotations for field: ${}."
inputIdxToFieldIdx += (inputIdxToFieldIdx.size -> fieldIdx)
wrapInput[f](field, input)
val result = (pathInputs ::: nonPathInputs).map(_.asTerm).reduceLeft { (left, right) =>
(left.tpe.asType, right.tpe.asType) match
case ('[EndpointInput[l]], '[EndpointInput[r]]) =>
// we need to summon explicitly to get the instance for the "real" l, r types
val concat = Expr.summon[ParamConcat[l, r]].get
concat.asTerm.tpe.asType match {
case '[ParamConcat.Aux[`l`, `r`, lr]] =>
${ left.asExprOf[EndpointInput[l]] }
.and(${ right.asExprOf[EndpointInput[r]] })(using $concat.asInstanceOf[ParamConcat.Aux[l, r, lr]])
result.tpe.asType match {
case '[EndpointInput[r]] =>
${ result.asExprOf[EndpointInput[r]] }.map[T](${ mapToTargetFunc[r](inputIdxToFieldIdx) })(${
def deriveEndpointOutputImpl: Expr[EndpointOutput[T]] = {
val fieldsWithIndex = caseClass.fields.zipWithIndex
val outputs = { case (field, fieldIdx) =>
field.tpe.asType match
case '[f] =>
val output: Expr[EndpointOutput.Single[f]] = field
.orElse(if (field.annotated(statusCodeAnnotationSymbol)) Some(makeStatusCodeOutput[f](field)) else None)
.orElse(if (field.annotated(headersAnnotationSymbol)) Some(makeHeadersIO[f](field)) else None)
.orElse(if (field.annotated(cookiesAnnotationSymbol)) Some(makeCookiesIO[f](field)) else None)
.orElse(if (field.annotated(setCookiesAnnotationSymbol)) Some(makeSetCookiesOutput[f](field)) else None)
.getOrElse {
s"All fields of ${} must be annotated with one of the annotations from sttp.tapir.annotations. No annotations for field: ${}."
'{ ${ addMetadataFromAnnotations[f](field, output) }.asInstanceOf[EndpointOutput.Single[f]] }
val result = { (left, right) =>
(left.tpe.asType, right.tpe.asType) match
case ('[EndpointOutput[l]], '[EndpointOutput[r]]) =>
// we need to summon explicitly to get the instance for the "real" l, r types
val concat = Expr.summon[ParamConcat[l, r]].get
concat.asTerm.tpe.asType match {
case '[ParamConcat.Aux[`l`, `r`, lr]] =>
${ left.asExprOf[EndpointOutput[l]] }
.and(${ right.asExprOf[EndpointOutput[r]] })(using $concat.asInstanceOf[ParamConcat.Aux[l, r, lr]])
result.tpe.asType match {
case '[EndpointOutput[r]] =>
val inputIdxToFieldIdx = mutable.Map((0 until outputs.size).map(i => (i, i)): _*)
${ result.asExprOf[EndpointOutput[r]] }.map[T](${ mapToTargetFunc[r](inputIdxToFieldIdx) })(${
// annotation symbols
private val endpointInputAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[EndpointIO.annotations.endpointInput].tpe.typeSymbol
private val pathAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[EndpointIO.annotations.path].tpe.typeSymbol
private val queryAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[EndpointIO.annotations.query].tpe.typeSymbol
private val headerAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[EndpointIO.annotations.header].tpe.typeSymbol
private val headersAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[EndpointIO.annotations.headers].tpe.typeSymbol
private val cookieAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[EndpointIO.annotations.cookie].tpe.typeSymbol
private val cookiesAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[EndpointIO.annotations.cookies].tpe.typeSymbol
private val setCookieAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[EndpointIO.annotations.setCookie].tpe.typeSymbol
private val setCookiesAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[EndpointIO.annotations.setCookies].tpe.typeSymbol
private val paramsAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[EndpointIO.annotations.params].tpe.typeSymbol
private val bearerAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[EndpointIO.annotations.bearer].tpe.typeSymbol
private val basicAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[EndpointIO.annotations.basic].tpe.typeSymbol
private val apikeyAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[EndpointIO.annotations.apikey].tpe.typeSymbol
private val securitySchemeNameAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[EndpointIO.annotations.securitySchemeName].tpe.typeSymbol
private val bodyAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[EndpointIO.annotations.body].tpe.typeSymbol
private val statusCodeAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[EndpointIO.annotations.statusCode].tpe.typeSymbol
private val descriptionAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[EndpointIO.annotations.description].tpe.typeSymbol
private val exampleAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[EndpointIO.annotations.example].tpe.typeSymbol
private val customiseAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[EndpointIO.annotations.customise].tpe.typeSymbol
// schema symbols
private val schemaDescriptionAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[Schema.annotations.description].tpe.typeSymbol
private val schemaEncodedExampleAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[Schema.annotations.encodedExample].tpe.typeSymbol
private val schemaDefaultAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[Schema.annotations.default].tpe.typeSymbol
private val schemaFormatAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[Schema.annotations.format].tpe.typeSymbol
private val schemaDeprecatedAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[Schema.annotations.deprecated].tpe.typeSymbol
private val schemaValidateAnnotationSymbol = TypeTree.of[Schema.annotations.validate].tpe.typeSymbol
// util
private def summonCodec[L: Type, H: Type, CF <: CodecFormat: Type](field: CaseClassField[q.type, T]): Expr[Codec[L, H, CF]] =
Expr.summon[Codec[L, H, CF]].getOrElse {
s"Cannot summon codec from: ${[L]}, to: ${[H]}, formatted as: ${[CF]}, for field: ${}."
private def summonMultipartCodec[H: Type](field: CaseClassField[q.type, T]): Expr[MultipartCodec[H]] =
Expr.summon[MultipartCodec[H]].getOrElse {
s"Cannot summon multipart codec for type: ${[H]}, for field: ${}."
// inputs & outputs
private def makeQueryInput[f: Type](field: CaseClassField[q.type, T])(altName: Option[String]): Expr[EndpointInput.Basic[f]] = {
val name = Expr(altName.getOrElse(
'{ query[f]($name)(using ${ summonCodec[List[String], f, TextPlain](field) }) }
private def makeHeaderIO[f: Type](field: CaseClassField[q.type, T])(altName: Option[String]): Expr[EndpointIO.Basic[f]] = {
val name = Expr(altName.getOrElse(
'{ header[f]($name)(using ${ summonCodec[List[String], f, TextPlain](field) }) }
private def makeCookieInput[f: Type](field: CaseClassField[q.type, T])(altName: Option[String]): Expr[EndpointInput.Basic[f]] = {
val name = Expr(altName.getOrElse(
'{ cookie[f]($name)(using ${ summonCodec[Option[String], f, TextPlain](field) }) }
private def makeBodyIO[f: Type](field: CaseClassField[q.type, T])(ann: Term): Expr[EndpointIO.Basic[f]] = {
val annExp = ann.asExprOf[EndpointIO.annotations.body[_, _]]
ann.tpe.asType match {
case '[EndpointIO.annotations.multipartBody] =>
val codec = summonMultipartCodec[f](field)
EndpointIO.Body[Seq[RawPart], f](
case '[EndpointIO.annotations.body[bt, cf]] =>
EndpointIO.Body[bt, f](
${ summonCodec[bt, f, cf](field) }.asInstanceOf[Codec[bt, f, CodecFormat]],
private def makeQueryParamsInput[f: Type](field: CaseClassField[q.type, T]): Expr[EndpointInput.Basic[f]] = {
summon[Type[f]] match {
case '[QueryParams] => '{ queryParams.asInstanceOf[EndpointInput.Basic[f]] }
case _ => report.errorAndAbort(annotationErrorMsg[f, QueryParams]("@params", field))
private def makeHeadersIO[f: Type](field: CaseClassField[q.type, T]): Expr[EndpointIO.Basic[f]] =
summon[Type[f]] match {
case '[List[Header]] => '{ headers.asInstanceOf[EndpointIO.Basic[f]] }
case _ => report.errorAndAbort(annotationErrorMsg[f, List[Header]]("@headers", field))
private def makeCookiesIO[f: Type](field: CaseClassField[q.type, T]): Expr[EndpointIO.Basic[f]] =
summon[Type[f]] match {
case '[List[Cookie]] => '{ cookies.asInstanceOf[EndpointIO.Basic[f]] }
case _ => report.errorAndAbort(annotationErrorMsg[f, List[Cookie]]("@cookies", field))
private def makePathInput[f: Type](field: CaseClassField[q.type, T]): Expr[EndpointInput.Basic[f]] = {
val name = Expr(
'{ path[f]($name)(using ${ summonCodec[String, f, TextPlain](field) }) }
private def makeFixedPath(segment: String): Expr[EndpointInput.Basic[Unit]] = '{ stringToPath(${ Expr(segment) }) }
private def makeStatusCodeOutput[f: Type](field: CaseClassField[q.type, T]): Expr[EndpointOutput.Basic[f]] = {
summon[Type[f]] match {
case '[StatusCode] => '{ statusCode.asInstanceOf[EndpointOutput.Basic[f]] }
case _ => report.errorAndAbort(annotationErrorMsg[f, StatusCode]("@statusCode", field))
private def makeSetCookieOutput[f: Type](field: CaseClassField[q.type, T])(altName: Option[String]): Expr[EndpointOutput.Basic[f]] = {
val name = Expr(altName.getOrElse(
summon[Type[f]] match {
case '[CookieValueWithMeta] => '{ setCookie($name).asInstanceOf[EndpointOutput.Basic[f]] }
case _ => report.errorAndAbort(annotationErrorMsg[f, CookieValueWithMeta]("@setCookie", field))
private def makeSetCookiesOutput[f: Type](field: CaseClassField[q.type, T]): Expr[EndpointOutput.Basic[f]] = {
summon[Type[f]] match {
case '[List[CookieWithMeta]] => '{ setCookies.asInstanceOf[EndpointOutput.Basic[f]] }
case _ => report.errorAndAbort(annotationErrorMsg[f, List[CookieWithMeta]]("@setCookies", field))
private def annotationErrorMsg[f: Type, e: Type](annName: String, field: CaseClassField[q.type, T]) =
s"Annotation $annName on ${} can be applied only to a field with type ${[e]}, but got: ${[f]}"
// auth inputs
private def makeBearerAuthInput[f: Type](
field: CaseClassField[q.type, T],
schemeName: Option[Term],
auth: Term
): Expr[EndpointInput.Single[f]] =
TapirAuth.bearer(${ auth.asExprOf[EndpointIO.annotations.bearer] }.challenge)(${
summonCodec[List[String], f, CodecFormat.TextPlain](field)
private def makeBasicAuthInput[f: Type](
field: CaseClassField[q.type, T],
schemeName: Option[Term],
auth: Term
): Expr[EndpointInput.Single[f]] =
TapirAuth.basic(${ auth.asExprOf[EndpointIO.annotations.basic] }.challenge)(${
summonCodec[List[String], f, CodecFormat.TextPlain](field)
// schema & auth wrappers
private def wrapInput[f: Type](field: CaseClassField[q.type, T], input: Expr[EndpointInput.Single[f]]): Expr[EndpointInput.Single[f]] = {
val input2 = '{ ${ addMetadataFromAnnotations[f](field, input) }.asInstanceOf[EndpointInput.Single[f]] }
wrapWithApiKey(input2, field.annotation(apikeyAnnotationSymbol), field.annotation(securitySchemeNameAnnotationSymbol))
private def wrapWithApiKey[f: Type](
input: Expr[EndpointInput.Single[f]],
apikey: Option[Term],
schemeName: Option[Term]
): Expr[EndpointInput.Single[f]] =
.map(ak =>
${ ak.asExprOf[EndpointIO.annotations.apikey] }.challenge,
private def setSecuritySchemeName[f: Type](
auth: Expr[EndpointInput.Auth[f, _]],
schemeName: Option[Term]
): Expr[EndpointInput.Single[f]] =
.map(s => '{ $auth.securitySchemeName(${ s.asExprOf[EndpointIO.annotations.securitySchemeName] }.name) })
private def addMetadataFromAnnotations[f: Type](
field: CaseClassField[q.type, T],
transput: Expr[EndpointTransput[f]]
): Expr[EndpointTransput[f]] = {
val transformations: List[Expr[EndpointTransput[f]] => Expr[EndpointTransput[f]]] = List(
t =>
.map(d => addMetadataToAtom(field, t, '{ i => i.description(${ Expr(d) }) }))
t =>
.map(e => addMetadataToAtom(field, t, '{ i => i.example(${ e.asExprOf[f] }) }))
t =>
.map(d => addMetadataToAtom(field, t, '{ i => i.schema(_.description(${ Expr(d) })) }))
t =>
.map(e => addMetadataToAtom(field, t, '{ i => i.schema(_.encodedExample(${ e.asExprOf[Any] })) }))
t =>
.map(d => addMetadataToAtom(field, t, '{ i => i.default(${ d.asExprOf[f] }) }))
t =>
.map(format => addMetadataToAtom(field, t, '{ i => i.schema(_.format(${ Expr(format) })) }))
t =>
if (field.annotated(schemaDeprecatedAnnotationSymbol)) then addMetadataToAtom(field, t, '{ i => i.deprecated() })
else t,
t =>
.map(v => addMetadataToAtom(field, t, '{ i => i.validate(${ v.asExprOf[Validator[f]] }) }))
t =>
.map(f => '{ AnnotationsMacros.customise($t, ${ f.asExprOf[EndpointTransput[_] => EndpointTransput[_]] }) })
transformations.foldLeft(transput)((t, f) => f(t))
private def addMetadataToAtom[f: Type](
field: CaseClassField[q.type, T],
transput: Expr[EndpointTransput[f]],
f: Expr[EndpointTransput.Atom[f] => Any]
): Expr[EndpointTransput[f]] = {
transput.asTerm.tpe.asType match {
// TODO: also handle Auth inputs, by adding the description to the nested input
case '[EndpointTransput.Atom[`f`]] =>
'{ $f($transput.asInstanceOf[EndpointTransput.Atom[f]]).asInstanceOf[EndpointTransput.Atom[f]] }
case t =>
s"Schema metadata can only be added to basic inputs/outputs, but got: ${ t)}, on field: ${}"
// mapping functions
// A - single arg or tuple, T - target type
private def mapToTargetFunc[A: Type](inputIdxToFieldIdx: mutable.Map[Int, Int]): Expr[A => T] = {
if (inputIdxToFieldIdx.size > 1) {
val fieldIdxToInputIdx =
def ctorArgs(tupleExpr: Expr[A]) = (0 until fieldIdxToInputIdx.size).map { idx =>
Select.unique(tupleExpr.asTerm, s"_${fieldIdxToInputIdx(idx) + 1}").asExprOf[Any]
'{ (a: A) => ${ caseClass.instanceFromValues(ctorArgs('a)) } }
} else {
'{ (a: A) => ${ caseClass.instanceFromValues('{ List(a) }) } }
private def mapFromTargetFunc[A: Type](inputIdxToFieldIdx: mutable.Map[Int, Int]): Expr[T => A] = {
def tupleArgs(tExpr: Expr[T]): Seq[Expr[Any]] = (0 until inputIdxToFieldIdx.size).map { idx =>
val field = caseClass.fields(inputIdxToFieldIdx(idx))
if (inputIdxToFieldIdx.size == 0) {
'{ (t: T) => ().asInstanceOf[A] }
} else if (inputIdxToFieldIdx.size > 1) {
'{ (t: T) => ${ Expr.ofTupleFromSeq(tupleArgs('t)) }.asInstanceOf[A] }
} else {
'{ (t: T) => ${ tupleArgs('t).head }.asInstanceOf[A] }
// TODO: make private[tapir] once Scala3 compilation is fixed
object AnnotationsMacros:
// we assume that the customisation function doesn't return a value of a different type
def customise[X <: EndpointTransput[_]](i: X, f: EndpointTransput[_] => EndpointTransput[_]): X = f(i).asInstanceOf[X]
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