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sttp.tapir.Schema.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package sttp.tapir

import sttp.model.Part
import sttp.tapir.Schema.{SName, Title}
import sttp.tapir.SchemaType._
import sttp.tapir.generic.{Configuration, Derived}
import sttp.tapir.internal.{ValidatorSyntax, isBasicValue}
import sttp.tapir.macros.{SchemaCompanionMacros, SchemaMacros}
import sttp.tapir.model.Delimited

import java.math.{BigDecimal => JBigDecimal, BigInteger => JBigInteger}
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.time._
import java.util.{Date, UUID}
import scala.annotation.{StaticAnnotation, implicitNotFound}

/** Describes the type `T`: its low-level representation, meta-data and validation rules.
  * @param format
  *   The name of the format of the low-level representation of `T`.
  msg = """Could not find Schema for type ${T}.
Schemas can be derived automatically by adding: `import`, or manually using `Schema.derived[T]`.
The latter is also useful for debugging derivation errors.
You can find more details in the docs:
When integrating with a third-party datatype library remember to import respective schemas/codecs as described in"""
case class Schema[T](
    schemaType: SchemaType[T],
    name: Option[SName] = None,
    isOptional: Boolean = false,
    description: Option[String] = None,
    // The default value together with the value encoded to a raw format, which will then be directly rendered in the
    // documentation. This is needed as codecs for nested types aren't available. Similar to Validator.EncodeToRaw
    default: Option[(T, Option[Any])] = None,
    format: Option[String] = None,
    encodedExample: Option[Any] = None,
    deprecated: Boolean = false,
    hidden: Boolean = false,
    validator: Validator[T] = Validator.pass[T],
    attributes: AttributeMap = AttributeMap.Empty
) extends SchemaMacros[T] {

  def map[TT](f: T => Option[TT])(g: TT => T): Schema[TT] = copy(
    schemaType = schemaType.contramap(g),
    default = default.flatMap { case (t, raw) =>
      f(t).map(tt => (tt, raw))
    validator = validator.contramap(g)

  /** Adapt this schema to type `TT`. Only the meta-data is retained, except for default values and the validator (however, product
    * field/subtypes validators are retained). Run-time functionality:
    *   - traversing collection elements, product fields, or coproduct subtypes
    *   - validating an instance of type `TT` the top-level type is lost.
  def as[TT]: Schema[TT] = copy(
    schemaType =[TT],
    default = None,
    validator = Validator.pass

  /** Returns an optional version of this schema, with `isOptional` set to true. */
  def asOption: Schema[Option[T]] =
      schemaType = SOption(this)(identity),
      isOptional = true,
      format = format,
      deprecated = deprecated,
      hidden = hidden,
      attributes = attributes

  /** Returns an array version of this schema, with the schema type wrapped in [[SArray]]. Sets `isOptional` to true as the collection might
    * be empty.
  def asArray: Schema[Array[T]] =
      schemaType = SArray(this)(_.toIterable),
      isOptional = true,
      deprecated = deprecated,
      hidden = hidden,
      attributes = attributes

  /** Returns a collection version of this schema, with the schema type wrapped in [[SArray]]. Sets `isOptional` to true as the collection
    * might be empty.
  def asIterable[C[X] <: Iterable[X]]: Schema[C[T]] =
      schemaType = SArray(this)(identity),
      isOptional = true,
      deprecated = deprecated,
      hidden = hidden,
      attributes = attributes

  def name(name: SName): Schema[T] = copy(name = Some(name))
  def name(name: Option[SName]): Schema[T] = copy(name = name)

  def description(d: String): Schema[T] = copy(description = Some(d))

  def encodedExample(e: Any): Schema[T] = copy(encodedExample = Some(e))

  /** Adds a default value, which is used by [[Codec]] s during decoding and for documentation.
    * To represent the value in the documentation, an encoded form needs to be provided. The encoded form is inferred if missing and the
    * given value is of a basic type (number, string, etc.).
  def default(t: T, encoded: Option[Any] = None): Schema[T] = {
    val raw2 = encoded match {
      case None if isBasicValue(t) => Some(t)
      case _                       => encoded
    copy(default = Some((t, raw2)), isOptional = true)

  def format(f: String): Schema[T] = copy(format = Some(f))

  def deprecated(d: Boolean): Schema[T] = copy(deprecated = d)

  def hidden(h: Boolean): Schema[T] = copy(hidden = h)

  def title(t: String): Schema[T] = attribute(Title.Attribute, Title(t))

  def show: String = s"schema is $schemaType"

  def showValidators: Option[String] = {
    def showFieldValidators(fields: List[SProductField[T]]) = { => => s"${}->($fvs)")).collect { case Some(s) => s } match {
        case Nil => None
        case l   => Some(l.mkString(","))

    if (hasValidation) {
      val thisValidator =
      val childValidators = schemaType match {
        case SOption(element) => => s"elements($esv)")
        case SArray(element)  => => s"elements($esv)")
        case SProduct(fields) => showFieldValidators(fields)
        case SOpenProduct(fields, valueSchema) =>
          val fieldValidators = showFieldValidators(fields)
          val elementsValidators = => s"elements($esv)")

          (fieldValidators, elementsValidators) match {
            case (None, None)       => None
            case (None, Some(_))    => elementsValidators
            case (Some(_), None)    => fieldValidators
            case (Some(f), Some(e)) => Some(f + " " + e)

        case SCoproduct(subtypes, _) =>
 => => => s"${}->($svs)"))) match {
            case Nil => None
            case l   => Some(l.mkString(","))
        case SRef(_) => Some("recursive")
        case _       => None

      (thisValidator.toList ++ childValidators.toList) match {
        case Nil => None
        case l   => Some(l.mkString(","))
    } else None

  /** See [[modify]]: instead of a path expressed using code, accepts a path a sequence of `String`s. */
  def modifyUnsafe[U](fields: String*)(modify: Schema[U] => Schema[U]): Schema[T] = modifyAtPath(fields.toList, modify)

  private def modifyAtPath[U](fieldPath: List[String], modify: Schema[U] => Schema[U]): Schema[T] =
    fieldPath match {
      case Nil => modify(this.asInstanceOf[Schema[U]]).asInstanceOf[Schema[T]] // we don't have type-polymorphic functions
      case f :: fs =>
        def modifyFieldsAtPath(fields: List[SProductField[T]]) = {
 { field =>
            if ( == f) SProductField[T, field.FieldType](, field.schema.modifyAtPath(fs, modify), field.get)
            else field

        val schemaType2 = schemaType match {
          case s @ SArray(element) if f == Schema.ModifyCollectionElements  => SArray(element.modifyAtPath(fs, modify))(s.toIterable)
          case s @ SOption(element) if f == Schema.ModifyCollectionElements => SOption(element.modifyAtPath(fs, modify))(s.toOption)
          case s @ SProduct(fields) =>
            s.copy(fields = modifyFieldsAtPath(fields))
          case s @ SOpenProduct(fields, valueSchema) if f == Schema.ModifyCollectionElements =>
              fields = modifyFieldsAtPath(fields),
              valueSchema = valueSchema.modifyAtPath(fs, modify)
          case s @ SCoproduct(subtypes, _) =>
            s.copy(subtypes =, modify)))(s.subtypeSchema)
          case _ => schemaType
        copy(schemaType = schemaType2)

  /** Add a validator to this schema. If the validator contains a named enum validator:
    *   - the encode function is inferred if not yet defined, and the validators possible values are of a basic type
    *   - the name is set as the schema's name.
  def validate(v: Validator[T]): Schema[T] = {
    val v2 = v.inferEnumerationEncode
    // if there's an enum validator, propagating the name of the enumeration to the schema
    v2.asPrimitiveValidators.collectFirst { case Validator.Enumeration(_, _, Some(name)) => name } match {
      case Some(name) => copy(name = Some(name), validator = validator.and(v2))
      case None       => copy(validator = validator.and(v2))

  /** Apply defined validation rules to the given value. */
  def applyValidation(t: T): List[ValidationError[_]] = applyValidation(t, Map())

  private def applyValidation(t: T, objects: Map[SName, Schema[_]]): List[ValidationError[_]] = {
    val objects2 = name.fold(objects)(n => objects + (n -> this))

    def applyFieldsValidation(fields: List[SProductField[T]]) = {
      fields.flatMap(f => f.get(t).map(f.schema.applyValidation(_, objects2)).getOrElse(Nil).map(_.prependPath(

    // we avoid running validation for structures where there are no validation rules applied (recursively)
    if (hasValidation) {
      validator(t) ++ (schemaType match {
        case s @ SOption(element) => s.toOption(t).toList.flatMap(element.applyValidation(_, objects2))
        case s @ SArray(element)  => s.toIterable(t).flatMap(element.applyValidation(_, objects2))
        case s @ SProduct(_)      => applyFieldsValidation(s.fieldsWithValidation)
        case s @ SOpenProduct(_, valueSchema) =>
          applyFieldsValidation(s.fieldsWithValidation) ++
            s.mapFieldValues(t).flatMap { case (k, v) => valueSchema.applyValidation(v, objects2).map(_.prependPath(FieldName(k, k))) }
        case s @ SCoproduct(_, _) =>
            .map { case SchemaWithValue(s, v) => s.applyValidation(v, objects2) }
        case SRef(name) => objects.get(name).map(_.asInstanceOf[Schema[T]].applyValidation(t, objects2)).getOrElse(Nil)
        case _          => Nil
    } else Nil

  private[tapir] def hasValidation: Boolean = {
    (validator != Validator.pass) || (schemaType match {
      case SOption(element)                 => element.hasValidation
      case SArray(element)                  => element.hasValidation
      case s: SProduct[T]                   => s.fieldsWithValidation.nonEmpty
      case s @ SOpenProduct(_, valueSchema) => s.fieldsWithValidation.nonEmpty || valueSchema.hasValidation
      case SCoproduct(subtypes, _)          => subtypes.exists(_.hasValidation)
      case SRef(_)                          => true
      case _                                => false

  def attribute[A](k: AttributeKey[A]): Option[A] = attributes.get(k)
  def attribute[A](k: AttributeKey[A], v: A): Schema[T] = copy(attributes = attributes.put(k, v))

object Schema extends LowPrioritySchema with SchemaCompanionMacros {
  val ModifyCollectionElements = "each"

  /** Creates a schema for type `T`, where the low-level representation is a `String`. */
  def string[T]: Schema[T] = Schema(SString())

  /** Creates a schema for type `T`, where the low-level representation is binary. */
  def binary[T]: Schema[T] = Schema(SBinary())

  implicit val schemaForString: Schema[String] = Schema(SString())
  implicit val schemaForByte: Schema[Byte] = Schema(SInteger())
  implicit val schemaForShort: Schema[Short] = Schema(SInteger())
  implicit val schemaForInt: Schema[Int] = Schema(SInteger[Int]()).format("int32")
  implicit val schemaForLong: Schema[Long] = Schema(SInteger[Long]()).format("int64")
  implicit val schemaForFloat: Schema[Float] = Schema(SNumber[Float]()).format("float")
  implicit val schemaForDouble: Schema[Double] = Schema(SNumber[Double]()).format("double")
  implicit val schemaForBoolean: Schema[Boolean] = Schema(SBoolean())
  implicit val schemaForUnit: Schema[Unit] = Schema(SProduct.empty)
  implicit val schemaForFileRange: Schema[FileRange] = Schema(SBinary())
  implicit val schemaForByteArray: Schema[Array[Byte]] = Schema(SBinary())
  implicit val schemaForByteBuffer: Schema[ByteBuffer] = Schema(SBinary())
  implicit val schemaForInputStream: Schema[InputStream] = Schema(SBinary())
  implicit val schemaForInputStreamRange: Schema[InputStreamRange] = Schema(SchemaType.SBinary())
  implicit val schemaForInstant: Schema[Instant] = Schema(SDateTime())
  implicit val schemaForZonedDateTime: Schema[ZonedDateTime] = Schema(SDateTime())
  implicit val schemaForOffsetDateTime: Schema[OffsetDateTime] = Schema(SDateTime())
  implicit val schemaForDate: Schema[Date] = Schema(SDateTime())
  implicit val schemaForLocalDateTime: Schema[LocalDateTime] = Schema(SString())
  implicit val schemaForLocalDate: Schema[LocalDate] = Schema(SDate())
  implicit val schemaForZoneOffset: Schema[ZoneOffset] = Schema(SString())
  implicit val schemaForZoneId: Schema[ZoneId] = Schema(SString())
  implicit val schemaForJavaDuration: Schema[Duration] = Schema(SString())
  implicit val schemaForLocalTime: Schema[LocalTime] = Schema(SString())
  implicit val schemaForOffsetTime: Schema[OffsetTime] = Schema(SString())
  implicit val schemaForScalaDuration: Schema[scala.concurrent.duration.Duration] = Schema(SString())
  implicit val schemaForUUID: Schema[UUID] = Schema(SString[UUID]()).format("uuid")
  implicit val schemaForBigDecimal: Schema[BigDecimal] = Schema(SNumber())
  implicit val schemaForJBigDecimal: Schema[JBigDecimal] = Schema(SNumber())
  implicit val schemaForBigInt: Schema[BigInt] = Schema(SInteger())
  implicit val schemaForJBigInteger: Schema[JBigInteger] = Schema(SInteger())
  implicit val schemaForFile: Schema[TapirFile] = Schema(SBinary())

  implicit def schemaForOption[T: Schema]: Schema[Option[T]] = implicitly[Schema[T]].asOption
  implicit def schemaForArray[T: Schema]: Schema[Array[T]] = implicitly[Schema[T]].asArray
  implicit def schemaForIterable[T: Schema, C[X] <: Iterable[X]]: Schema[C[T]] = implicitly[Schema[T]].asIterable[C]
  implicit def schemaForPart[T: Schema]: Schema[Part[T]] = implicitly[Schema[T]].map(_ => None)(_.body)

  implicit def schemaForEither[A, B](implicit sa: Schema[A], sb: Schema[B]): Schema[Either[A, B]] = {
    Schema[Either[A, B]](
      SchemaType.SCoproduct(List(sa, sb), None) {
        case Left(v)  => Some(SchemaWithValue(sa, v))
        case Right(v) => Some(SchemaWithValue(sb, v))
      for {
        na <-
        nb <-
      } yield Schema.SName("Either", List(,

  implicit def schemaForDelimited[D <: String, T](implicit tSchema: Schema[T]): Schema[Delimited[D, T]] =
    tSchema.asIterable[List].map(l => Some(Delimited[D, T](l)))(_.values).attribute(Explode.Attribute, Explode(false))

  /** Corresponds to OpenAPI's `explode` parameter which should be used for delimited values. */
  case class Explode(explode: Boolean)
  object Explode {
    val Attribute: AttributeKey[Explode] = new AttributeKey[Explode]("sttp.tapir.Schema.Explode")

  /** Corresponds to JsonSchema's `title` parameter which should be used for defining title of the object. */
  case class Title(value: String)

  object Title {
    val Attribute: AttributeKey[Title] = new AttributeKey[Title]("sttp.tapir.Schema.Title")

  case class SName(fullName: String, typeParameterShortNames: List[String] = Nil) {
    def show: String = fullName + typeParameterShortNames.mkString("[", ",", "]")
  object SName {
    val Unit: SName = SName(fullName = "Unit")

  /** Annotations which are used during automatic schema derivation, or semi-automatic schema derivation using [[Schema.derived]]. */
  object annotations {
    class description(val text: String) extends StaticAnnotation with Serializable
    class encodedExample(val example: Any) extends StaticAnnotation with Serializable
    class default[T](val default: T, val encoded: Option[Any] = None) extends StaticAnnotation with Serializable
    class format(val format: String) extends StaticAnnotation with Serializable
    class deprecated extends StaticAnnotation with Serializable
    class hidden extends StaticAnnotation with Serializable
    class encodedName(val name: String) extends StaticAnnotation with Serializable
    class title(val name: String) extends StaticAnnotation with Serializable

    /** Adds the `v` validator to the schema using [[Schema.validate]]. Note that the type of the validator must match exactly the type of
      * the class/field. This is not checked at compile-time, and might cause run-time exceptions. To validate elements of collections or
      * [[Option]]s, use [[validateEach]].
    class validate[T](val v: Validator[T]) extends StaticAnnotation with Serializable

    /** Adds the `v` validators to elements of the schema, when the annotated class or field is a collection or [[Option]]. The type of the
      * validator must match exactly the type of the collection's elements. This is not checked at compile-time, and might cause run-time
      * exceptions. E.g. to validate that when an `Option[Int]` is defined, the value is smaller than 5, you should use:
      * {{{
      * case class Payload(
      *   @validateEach(Validator.max(4, exclusive = true))
      *   aField: Option[Int]
      * )
      * }}}
    class validateEach[T](val v: Validator[T]) extends StaticAnnotation with Serializable
    class customise(val f: Schema[_] => Schema[_]) extends StaticAnnotation with Serializable

  /** Wraps the given schema with a single-field product, where `fieldName` maps to `schema`.
    * The resulting schema has no name.
    * Useful when generating one-of schemas for coproducts, where to discriminate between child types a wrapper product is used. To
    * automatically derive such a schema for a sealed hierarchy, see [[Schema.oneOfWrapped]].
  def wrapWithSingleFieldProduct[T](schema: Schema[T], fieldName: FieldName): Schema[T] = Schema(
    schemaType = SchemaType.SProduct(List(SchemaType.SProductField[T, T](fieldName, schema, t => Some(t))))

  /** Wraps the given schema with a single-field product, where a field computed using the implicit [[Configuration]] maps to `schema`.
    * The resulting schema has no name.
    * Useful when generating one-of schemas for coproducts, where to discriminate between child types a wrapper product is used. To
    * automatically derive such a schema for a sealed hierarchy, see [[Schema.oneOfWrapped]].
  def wrapWithSingleFieldProduct[T](schema: Schema[T])(implicit conf: Configuration): Schema[T] =
    wrapWithSingleFieldProduct(schema, FieldName(conf.toDiscriminatorValue(

  /** A schema allowing anything: a number, string, object, etc. A [[SCoproduct]] with no specified subtypes.
    * @see
    *   [[anyObject]]
  def any[T]: Schema[T] = Schema(SCoproduct(Nil, None)(_ => None), None)

  /** A schema allowing any object. A [[SProduct]] with no specified fields.
    * @see
    *   [[any]]
  def anyObject[T]: Schema[T] = Schema(SProduct(Nil), None)

trait LowPrioritySchema {
  implicit def derivedSchema[T](implicit derived: Derived[Schema[T]]): Schema[T] = derived.value

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