sttp.tapir.files.Resources.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package sttp.tapir.files
import sttp.model.MediaType
import sttp.monad.MonadError
import sttp.monad.syntax._
import sttp.tapir.InputStreamRange
import sttp.tapir.RangeValue
import sttp.tapir.files.StaticInput
import Files._
object Resources {
def head[F[_]](
classLoader: ClassLoader,
resourcePrefix: String,
options: FilesOptions[F] = FilesOptions.default[F]
): MonadError[F] => StaticInput => F[Either[StaticErrorOutput, StaticOutput[Unit]]] = { implicit monad => filesInput =>
get(classLoader, resourcePrefix, options)(monad)(filesInput)
def get[F[_]](
classLoader: ClassLoader,
resourcePrefix: String,
options: FilesOptions[F] = FilesOptions.default[F]
): MonadError[F] => StaticInput => F[Either[StaticErrorOutput, StaticOutput[InputStreamRange]]] = { implicit monad => filesInput =>
val resolveUrlFn: ResolveUrlFn = resolveResourceUrl(classLoader, resourcePrefix.split("/").toList, filesInput, options)
files(filesInput, options, resolveUrlFn, resourceRangeFromUrl)
private def resourceRangeFromUrl(
url: URL,
range: Option[RangeValue]
): InputStreamRange = InputStreamRange(
() => url.openStream(),
/** Creates a function of type ResolveUrlFn, which is capable of taking a relative path as a list of string segments, and finding the
* actual full Url of a file available as a resource under a classLoader, considering additional parameters. For example, with a root
* resource prefix of /config/files/ it can create a function which takies List("dir1", "dir2", "file.txt") and tries to resolve
* /config/files/dir1/dir2/file.txt into a resource Url. The final resolved file may also be resolved to a pre-gzipped sibling, an
* index.html file, or a default file given as a fallback, all depending on additional parameters. See also Files.resolveSystemPathUrl
* for an equivalent of this function but for files from the filesystem.
* @param classLoader
* the class loader that will be used to call .getResource
* @param resourcePrefix
* root resource path prefix represented as string segments
* @param input
* request input parameters like path and headers, used together with options to apply filtering and look for possible pre-gzipped
* files if they are accepted
* @param options
* additional options of the endpoint, defining filtering rules and pre-gzipped file support
* @return
* a function which can be used in general file resolution logic. This function takes path segments and an optional default fallback
* path segments and tries to resolve the file, then returns its full Url.
private def resolveResourceUrl[F[_]](
classLoader: ClassLoader,
resourcePrefix: List[String],
input: StaticInput,
options: FilesOptions[F]
): ResolveUrlFn = {
val nameComponents = resourcePrefix ++ input.path
def resolveRec(path: List[String], default: Option[List[String]]): Option[ResolvedUrl] = {
val name = (resourcePrefix ++ path).mkString("/")
val resultOpt = (if (useGzippedIfAvailable(input, options))
Option(classLoader.getResource(name + ".gz")).map(ResolvedUrl(_, contentTypeFromName(name), Some("gzip")))
else None)
.orElse(Option(classLoader.getResource(name)).map(ResolvedUrl(_, contentTypeFromName(name), None)))
.orElse(default match {
case None => None
case Some(defaultPath) =>
resolveRec(path = defaultPath, default = None)
// making sure that the resulting path contains the original requested path
if (resultOpt.exists(r => isDirectory(classLoader, name, r.url)))
resolveRec(path :+ "index.html", default)
else resultOpt
if (!options.fileFilter(nameComponents))
(_, _) => LeftUrlNotFound
Function.untupled((resolveRec _).tupled.andThen(
private def isDirectory(classLoader: ClassLoader, name: String, nameResource: URL): Boolean = {
if (nameResource.getProtocol == "file") new File(nameResource.getPath).isDirectory
else classLoader.getResource(name + "/") != null