sttp.tapir.server.http4s.Http4sWebSockets.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package sttp.tapir.server.http4s
import cats.effect.Temporal
import cats.{Applicative, Monad}
import cats.syntax.all._
import fs2._
import fs2.concurrent.Channel
import org.http4s.websocket.{WebSocketFrame => Http4sWebSocketFrame}
import scodec.bits.ByteVector
import sttp.capabilities.fs2.Fs2Streams
import sttp.tapir.model.WebSocketFrameDecodeFailure
import sttp.tapir.{DecodeResult, WebSocketBodyOutput}
import cats.effect.implicits._
private[http4s] object Http4sWebSockets {
def pipeToBody[F[_]: Temporal, REQ, RESP](
pipe: Pipe[F, REQ, RESP],
o: WebSocketBodyOutput[Pipe[F, REQ, RESP], REQ, RESP, _, Fs2Streams[F]]
): F[Pipe[F, Http4sWebSocketFrame, Http4sWebSocketFrame]] = {
if ((!o.autoPongOnPing) && o.autoPing.isEmpty) {
// fast track: lift Http4sWebSocketFrames into REQ, run through pipe, convert RESP back to Http4sWebSocketFrame
(in: Stream[F, Http4sWebSocketFrame]) =>
val decodeClose = optionallyDecodeClose(in, o.decodeCloseRequests)
val sttpFrames =
val concatenated = optionallyConcatenateFrames(sttpFrames, o.concatenateFragmentedFrames)
val ignorePongs = optionallyIgnorePong(concatenated, o.ignorePong)
.map { f =>
o.requests.decode(f) match {
case x: DecodeResult.Value[REQ] => x.v
case failure: DecodeResult.Failure => throw new WebSocketFrameDecodeFailure(f, failure)
.mapChunks( => frameToHttp4sFrame(o.responses.encode(r))))
else {
// concurrently merge business logic response, autoPings, autoPongOnPing
// use fs2.Channel to perform the merge (more efficient than Stream#mergeHaltL / Stream#parJoin)
Channel.bounded[F, Chunk[Http4sWebSocketFrame]](64).map { c => (in: Stream[F, Http4sWebSocketFrame]) =>
val decodeClose = optionallyDecodeClose(in, o.decodeCloseRequests)
val sttpFrames =
val concatenated = optionallyConcatenateFrames(sttpFrames, o.concatenateFragmentedFrames)
val ignorePongs = optionallyIgnorePong(concatenated, o.ignorePong)
val autoPongs = optionallyAutoPong(ignorePongs, c, o.autoPongOnPing)
val autoPings = o.autoPing match {
case Some((interval, frame)) => (c.send(Chunk.singleton(frameToHttp4sFrame(frame))) >> Temporal[F].sleep(interval)).foreverM[Unit]
case None => Applicative[F].unit
val outputProducer = autoPongs
.map { f =>
o.requests.decode(f) match {
case x: DecodeResult.Value[REQ] => x.v
case failure: DecodeResult.Failure => throw new WebSocketFrameDecodeFailure(f, failure)
.foreach(chunk => c.send( => frameToHttp4sFrame(o.responses.encode(r)))).void)
val outcomes = (outputProducer.guarantee(c.close.void), autoPings).parTupled.void
.bracket(Temporal[F].start(outcomes))(f => f.cancel >> f.joinWithUnit) >>
private def http4sFrameToFrame(f: Http4sWebSocketFrame): WebSocketFrame =
f match {
case t: Http4sWebSocketFrame.Text => WebSocketFrame.Text(t.str, t.last, None)
case x: Http4sWebSocketFrame.Ping => WebSocketFrame.Ping(
case x: Http4sWebSocketFrame.Pong => WebSocketFrame.Pong(
case c: Http4sWebSocketFrame.Close => WebSocketFrame.Close(c.closeCode, "")
case _ => WebSocketFrame.Binary(, f.last, None)
private def frameToHttp4sFrame(w: WebSocketFrame): Http4sWebSocketFrame =
w match {
case x: WebSocketFrame.Text => Http4sWebSocketFrame.Text(x.payload, x.finalFragment)
case x: WebSocketFrame.Binary => Http4sWebSocketFrame.Binary(ByteVector(x.payload), x.finalFragment)
case x: WebSocketFrame.Ping => Http4sWebSocketFrame.Ping(ByteVector(x.payload))
case x: WebSocketFrame.Pong => Http4sWebSocketFrame.Pong(ByteVector(x.payload))
case x: WebSocketFrame.Close => Http4sWebSocketFrame.Close(x.statusCode, x.reasonText).fold(throw _, identity)
private def optionallyConcatenateFrames[F[_]](s: Stream[F, WebSocketFrame], doConcatenate: Boolean): Stream[F, WebSocketFrame] =
if (doConcatenate) {
type Accumulator = Option[Either[Array[Byte], String]]
s.mapAccumulate(None: Accumulator) {
case (None, f: WebSocketFrame.Ping) => (None, Some(f))
case (None, f: WebSocketFrame.Pong) => (None, Some(f))
case (None, f: WebSocketFrame.Close) => (None, Some(f))
case (None, f: WebSocketFrame.Data[_]) if f.finalFragment => (None, Some(f))
case (None, f: WebSocketFrame.Text) => (Some(Right(f.payload)), None)
case (None, f: WebSocketFrame.Binary) => (Some(Left(f.payload)), None)
case (Some(Left(acc)), f: WebSocketFrame.Binary) if f.finalFragment => (None, Some(f.copy(payload = acc ++ f.payload)))
case (Some(Left(acc)), f: WebSocketFrame.Binary) if !f.finalFragment => (Some(Left(acc ++ f.payload)), None)
case (Some(Right(acc)), f: WebSocketFrame.Text) if f.finalFragment => (None, Some(f.copy(payload = acc + f.payload)))
case (Some(Right(acc)), f: WebSocketFrame.Text) if !f.finalFragment => (Some(Right(acc + f.payload)), None)
case (acc, f) => throw new IllegalStateException(s"Cannot accumulate web socket frames. Accumulator: $acc, frame: $f.")
}.collect { case (_, Some(f)) => f }
} else s
private def optionallyIgnorePong[F[_]](s: Stream[F, WebSocketFrame], doIgnore: Boolean): Stream[F, WebSocketFrame] = {
if (doIgnore) {
s.filter {
case _: WebSocketFrame.Pong => false
case _ => true
} else s
private def optionallyAutoPong[F[_]: Monad](
s: Stream[F, WebSocketFrame],
c: Channel[F, Chunk[Http4sWebSocketFrame]],
doAuto: Boolean
): Stream[F, WebSocketFrame] =
if (doAuto) {
val trueF = true.pure[F]
s.evalFilter {
case ping: WebSocketFrame.Ping => c.send(Chunk.singleton(frameToHttp4sFrame(WebSocketFrame.Pong(ping.payload)))).map(_ => false)
case _ => trueF
} else s
private def optionallyDecodeClose[F[_]](s: Stream[F, Http4sWebSocketFrame], doDecodeClose: Boolean): Stream[F, Http4sWebSocketFrame] =
if (!doDecodeClose) {
s.takeWhile {
case _: Http4sWebSocketFrame.Close => false
case _ => true
} else s