sttp.tapir.server.jdkhttp.JdkHttpServer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package sttp.tapir.server.jdkhttp
import sttp.shared.Identity
import sttp.tapir.server.ServerEndpoint
import java.util.concurrent.Executor
case class JdkHttpServer(
endpoints: Vector[ServerEndpoint[Any, Identity]] = Vector.empty,
options: JdkHttpServerOptions = JdkHttpServerOptions.Default
) {
/** Sets the port to which the server will be bound. */
def port(port: Int): JdkHttpServer = copy(options = options.copy(port = port))
/** Sets the hostname to which the server will be bound. */
def host(host: String): JdkHttpServer = copy(options = options.copy(host = host))
/** Allows you to configure the Executor which will be used to handle HTTP requests. By default uses a
* single thread (a calling thread executor to be precise) executor to handle traffic which might be fine for local toy projects.
* If you intend to use this HTTP server for any deployments that will run under load it's absolutely necessary to set an executor that
* will use proper thread pool to handle the load. Recommended approach is to use `JdkHttpServerOptions.httpExecutor` method to create a
* ThreadPoolExecutor that will scale under load. You can also use an Executor returned from any of the constructors in the
* `java.util.concurrent.Executors` class.
* Alternatively, if running with a JDK 19+ you can leverage Project Loom and use `Executors.newVirtualThreadPerTaskExecutor()` to run
* each request on a virtual thread. This however means it is possible for your server to be overloaded with work as each request will be
* given a thread with no backpressure on how many should be executed in parallel.
def executor(executor: Executor): JdkHttpServer = copy(options = options.copy(executor = Some(executor)))
/** Sets the base path under which your endpoints will be mounted, so if you have an endpoint configured to respond to /hello path and
* base path set to /api your endpoint will in fact respond under /api/hello path.
* The default base path is "/".
def basePath(path: String): JdkHttpServer = copy(options = options.copy(basePath = path))
/** Sets the size of server's tcp connection backlog. This is the maximum number of queued incoming connections to allow on the listening
* socket. Queued TCP connections exceeding this limit may be rejected by the TCP implementation. If set to 0 or less the system default
* for backlog size will be used. Default is 0.
def backlogSize(size: Int): JdkHttpServer = copy(options = options.copy(backlogSize = size))
/** Takes an instance of [[]], which is a thin wrapper around [[]] to
* configure the SSL termination for this server.
def https(httpsConfigurator: HttpsConfigurator): JdkHttpServer =
copy(options = options.copy(httpsConfigurator = Some(httpsConfigurator)))
/** Replace the options - any modifications to the host, prot, executor etc. will be replaced with what is configured in the given options
* instance. Useful for customising interceptors.
def options(o: JdkHttpServerOptions): JdkHttpServer = copy(options = o)
def addEndpoint(se: ServerEndpoint[Any, Identity]): JdkHttpServer = addEndpoints(List(se))
def addEndpoints(ses: List[ServerEndpoint[Any, Identity]]): JdkHttpServer =
copy(endpoints = endpoints ++ ses)
/** Use this if you want to add more routes manually, outside of the routes defined with tapir. Afterwards it is necessary to call
* `HttpServer.start()` to actually start the server.
def setup(): HttpServer = {
val socketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(, options.port)
val server = options.httpsConfigurator match {
case Some(httpsConfig) =>
val server = HttpsServer.create(socketAddress, options.backlogSize)
case None =>
HttpServer.create(socketAddress, options.backlogSize)
val handler = JdkHttpServerInterpreter(options).toHandler(endpoints.toList)
options.executor.foreach { executor => server.setExecutor(executor) }
server.createContext(options.basePath, handler)
/** Setup and start the server in the background. */
def start(): HttpServer = {
val server = setup()