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package sttp.tapir.json.pickler
import sttp.tapir.internal.EnumerationMacros.*
import sttp.tapir.Codec.JsonCodec
import sttp.tapir.DecodeResult.Error.JsonDecodeException
import sttp.tapir.DecodeResult.{Error, Value}
import sttp.tapir.SchemaType.SProduct
import sttp.tapir.{Codec, Schema, SchemaAnnotations, Validator}
import scala.collection.Factory
import scala.compiletime.*
import scala.deriving.Mirror
import scala.quoted.*
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.{Failure, NotGiven, Success, Try}
import java.math.{BigDecimal as JBigDecimal, BigInteger as JBigInteger}
import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
import sttp.tapir.generic.Configuration
object Pickler:
/** Derive a [[Pickler]] instance for the given type, at compile-time. Depending on the derivation mode (auto / semi-auto), picklers for
* referenced types (e.g. via a field, enum case or subtype) will either be derived automatically, or will need to be provided manually.
* This method can either be used explicitly, in the definition of a `given`, or indirectly by adding a `... derives Pickler` modifier to
* a datatype definition.
* The in-scope [[PicklerConfiguration]] instance is used to customise field names and other behavior.
inline def derived[T: ClassTag](using PicklerConfiguration): Pickler[T] =
summonFrom {
case schema: Schema[T] => fromExistingSchemaAndRw[T](schema)
case m: Mirror.Of[T] => buildNewPickler[T]()
case _ => errorForType[T]("Cannot derive Pickler[%s], you need to provide both Schema and uPickle ReadWriter for this type.")
/** Create a coproduct pickler (e.g. for an `enum` or `sealed trait`), where the value of the discriminator between child types is a read
* of a field of the base type. The field, if not yet present, is added to each child schema.
* The picklers for the child types have to be provided explicitly with their value mappings in `mapping`.
* Note that if the discriminator value is some transformation of the child's type name (obtained using the implicit
* [[PicklerConfiguration]]), the coproduct schema can be derived automatically or semi-automatically.
* @param discriminatorPickler
* The pickler that is used when adding the discriminator as a field to child picklers (if it's not yet added).
inline def oneOfUsingField[T: ClassTag, V](inline extractorFn: T => V, inline asStringFn: V => String)(
mapping: (V, Pickler[_ <: T])*
)(using m: Mirror.Of[T], c: PicklerConfiguration, discriminatorPickler: Pickler[V]): Pickler[T] =
val paramMapping = mapping
type ParamV = V
val subtypeDiscriminator: SubtypeDiscriminator[T] = new CustomSubtypeDiscriminator[T] {
type V = ParamV
override lazy val fieldName = c.discriminator
override def extractor = extractorFn
override def asString = asStringFn
override lazy val mapping = paramMapping
summonFrom {
case schema: Schema[T] => fromExistingSchemaAndRw[T](schema)
case _ =>
inline m match {
case p: Mirror.ProductOf[T] =>
s"Unexpected product type (case class) ${implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass.getSimpleName()}, this method should only be used with sum types (like sealed hierarchy)"
case _: Mirror.SumOf[T] =>
inline if (isEnumeration[T])
error("oneOfUsingField cannot be used with enums. Try Pickler.derivedEnumeration instead.")
else {
given Schema[V] = discriminatorPickler.schema
given Configuration = c.genericDerivationConfig
val schema: Schema[T] = Schema.oneOfUsingField[T, V](extractorFn, asStringFn)( { case (v, p) =>
(v, p.schema)
}: _*
lazy val childPicklers: Tuple.Map[m.MirroredElemTypes, Pickler] = summonChildPicklerInstances[T, m.MirroredElemTypes]
picklerSum(schema, childPicklers, subtypeDiscriminator)
/** Creates a pickler for an enumeration, where the validator is derived using [[sttp.tapir.Validator.derivedEnumeration]]. This requires
* that this is an `enum`, where all cases are parameterless, or that all subtypes of the sealed hierarchy `T` are `object`s.
* This method cannot be a `given`, as there's no way to constraint the type `T` to be an enum / sealed trait or class enumeration, so
* that this would be invoked only when necessary.
inline def derivedEnumeration[T: ClassTag](using Mirror.Of[T]): CreateDerivedEnumerationPickler[T] =
inline erasedValue[T] match
case _: Null =>
error("Unexpected non-enum Null passed to derivedEnumeration")
case _: Nothing =>
error("Unexpected non-enum Nothing passed to derivedEnumeration")
case _: reflect.Enum =>
new CreateDerivedEnumerationPickler(Validator.derivedEnumeration[T], SchemaAnnotations.derived[T])
case _ =>
error("Unexpected non-enum type passed to derivedEnumeration")
inline given nonMirrorPickler[T](using PicklerConfiguration, NotGiven[Mirror.Of[T]]): Pickler[T] =
summonFrom {
case n: NotGiven[Mirror.Of[T]] =>
new TapirPickle[T] {
override lazy val reader = summonFrom {
case r: Reader[T] => r
case _ =>
"Use Pickler.derive[%s] instead of nonMirrorPickler. This method has to be in scope to resolve predefined picklers."
override lazy val writer = summonFrom {
case w: Writer[T] => w
case _ =>
"Use Pickler.derive[%s] instead of nonMirrorPickler. This method has to be in scope to resolve predefined picklers."
// It turns out that summoning a Pickler can sometimes fall into this branch, even if we explicitly state that we want a NotGiven in the method signature
case m: Mirror.Of[T] =>
"Found unexpected Mirror. Failed to summon a Pickler[%s]. Please report it as an issue at To avoid this issue, try using Pickler.derived or importing*"
given picklerForOption[T: Pickler](using PicklerConfiguration, Mirror.Of[T]): Pickler[Option[T]] =
given picklerForIterable[T: Pickler, C[X] <: Iterable[X]](using PicklerConfiguration, Mirror.Of[T], Factory[T, C[T]]): Pickler[C[T]] =
given picklerForEither[A, B](using pa: Pickler[A], pb: Pickler[B]): Pickler[Either[A, B]] =
given Schema[A] = pa.schema
given Schema[B] = pb.schema
val newSchema = summon[Schema[Either[A, B]]]
new Pickler[Either[A, B]](
new TapirPickle[Either[A, B]] {
given Reader[A] = pa.innerUpickle.reader.asInstanceOf[Reader[A]]
given Writer[A] = pa.innerUpickle.writer.asInstanceOf[Writer[A]]
given Reader[B] = pb.innerUpickle.reader.asInstanceOf[Reader[B]]
given Writer[B] = pb.innerUpickle.writer.asInstanceOf[Writer[B]]
override lazy val writer = summon[Writer[Either[A, B]]]
override lazy val reader = summon[Reader[Either[A, B]]]
given picklerForArray[T: Pickler: ClassTag]: Pickler[Array[T]] =
inline given picklerForStringMap[V](using pv: Pickler[V]): Pickler[Map[String, V]] =
given Schema[V] = pv.schema
val newSchema = Schema.schemaForMap[V]
new Pickler[Map[String, V]](
new TapirPickle[Map[String, V]] {
given Reader[V] = pv.innerUpickle.reader.asInstanceOf[Reader[V]]
given Writer[V] = pv.innerUpickle.writer.asInstanceOf[Writer[V]]
override lazy val writer = summon[Writer[Map[String, V]]]
override lazy val reader = summon[Reader[Map[String, V]]]
/** Create a pickler for a map with arbitrary keys. The pickler for the keys (`Pickler[K]`) should be string-like (that is, the schema
* type should be [[sttp.tapir.SchemaType.SString]]), however this cannot be verified at compile-time and is not verified at run-time.
* The given `keyToString` conversion function is used during validation.
* If you'd like this pickler to be available as a given type of keys, create an custom implicit, e.g.:
* {{{
* case class MyKey(value: String) extends AnyVal
* given picklerForMyMap: Pickler[Map[MyKey, MyValue]] = Pickler.picklerForMap[MyKey, MyValue](_.value)
* }}}
inline def picklerForMap[K, V](keyToString: K => String)(using pk: Pickler[K], pv: Pickler[V]): Pickler[Map[K, V]] =
given Schema[V] = pv.schema
val newSchema = Schema.schemaForMap[K, V](keyToString)
new Pickler[Map[K, V]](
new TapirPickle[Map[K, V]] {
given Reader[K] = pk.innerUpickle.reader.asInstanceOf[Reader[K]]
given Writer[K] = pk.innerUpickle.writer.asInstanceOf[Writer[K]]
given Reader[V] = pv.innerUpickle.reader.asInstanceOf[Reader[V]]
given Writer[V] = pv.innerUpickle.writer.asInstanceOf[Writer[V]]
override lazy val writer = summon[Writer[Map[K, V]]]
override lazy val reader = summon[Reader[Map[K, V]]]
given Pickler[JBigDecimal] = new Pickler[JBigDecimal](
new TapirPickle[JBigDecimal] {
override lazy val writer = summon[Writer[BigDecimal]].comap(jBd => BigDecimal(jBd))
override lazy val reader = summon[Reader[BigDecimal]].map(bd => bd.bigDecimal)
given Pickler[JBigInteger] = new Pickler[JBigInteger](
new TapirPickle[JBigInteger] {
override lazy val writer = summon[Writer[BigInt]].comap(jBi => BigInt(jBi))
override lazy val reader = summon[Reader[BigInt]].map(bi => bi.bigInteger)
inline given picklerForAnyVal[T <: AnyVal]: Pickler[T] = ${ picklerForAnyValImpl[T] }
private inline def errorForType[T](inline template: String): Null = ${ errorForTypeImpl[T]('template) }
private def errorForTypeImpl[T: Type](template: Expr[String])(using Quotes): Expr[Null] = {
import quotes.reflect.*
val templateStr = template.valueOrAbort
val typeName = TypeRepr.of[T].show
report.error(String.format(templateStr, typeName))
'{ null }
private def picklerForAnyValImpl[T: Type](using quotes: Quotes): Expr[Pickler[T]] =
import quotes.reflect.*
val tpe = TypeRepr.of[T]
val isValueCaseClass =
tpe.typeSymbol.isClassDef && && tpe.baseClasses.contains(Symbol.classSymbol("scala.AnyVal"))
if (!isValueCaseClass) {
'{ nonMirrorPickler[T] }
} else {
val field = tpe.typeSymbol.declaredFields.head
val fieldTpe = tpe.memberType(field)
fieldTpe.asType match
case '[f] =>
val basePickler = Expr.summon[Pickler[f]].getOrElse {
s"Cannot summon Pickler for value class ${}. Missing Pickler[${}] in implicit scope."
val newSchema: Schema[T] = ${ basePickler }[T]
new Pickler[T](
new TapirPickle[T] {
override lazy val writer = summonInline[Writer[f]].comap[T](
// writing object of type T means writing T.field
ccObj => ${ Select.unique(('ccObj).asTerm,[f] }
// a reader of type f (field) will read it and wrap into value object using the consutructor of T
override lazy val reader = summonInline[Reader[f]]
.map[T](fieldObj => ${ Apply(Select.unique(New(Inferred(tpe)), ""), List(('fieldObj).asTerm)).asExprOf[T] })
private inline def fromExistingSchemaAndRw[T](schema: Schema[T])(using ClassTag[T], PicklerConfiguration): Pickler[T] =
new TapirPickle[T] {
override lazy val reader: Reader[T] = summonFrom {
case foundR: _root_.upickle.core.Types#Reader[T] =>
case _ =>
"Found implicit Schema[%s] but couldn't find a uPickle Reader for this type. Either provide a Reader/ReadWriter, or remove the Schema from scope and let Pickler derive all on its own."
override lazy val writer: Writer[T] = summonFrom {
case foundW: _root_.upickle.core.Types#Writer[T] =>
case _ =>
"Found implicit Schema[%s] but couldn't find a uPickle Writer for this type. Either provide a Writer/ReadWriter, or remove the Schema from scope and let Pickler derive all on its own."
private[pickler] inline def buildNewPickler[T: ClassTag]()(using m: Mirror.Of[T], config: PicklerConfiguration): Pickler[T] =
inline m match
case p: Mirror.ProductOf[T] =>
// The lazy modifier is necessary for preventing infinite recursion in the derived instance for recursive types such as Lst
lazy val childPicklers: Tuple.Map[m.MirroredElemTypes, Pickler] = summonChildPicklerInstances[T, m.MirroredElemTypes]
picklerProduct(p, childPicklers)
case sum: Mirror.SumOf[T] =>
inline if (isEnumeration[T])
new CreateDerivedEnumerationPickler(Validator.derivedEnumeration[T], SchemaAnnotations.derived[T]).defaultStringBased(using sum)
given Configuration = config.genericDerivationConfig
val schema = Schema.derived[T]
lazy val childPicklers: Tuple.Map[m.MirroredElemTypes, Pickler] = summonChildPicklerInstances[T, m.MirroredElemTypes]
val discriminator: SubtypeDiscriminator[T] = DefaultSubtypeDiscriminator(config)
picklerSum(schema, childPicklers, discriminator)
private[pickler] inline def summonChildPicklerInstances[T: ClassTag, Fields <: Tuple](using
m: Mirror.Of[T],
c: PicklerConfiguration
): Tuple.Map[Fields, Pickler] =
inline erasedValue[Fields] match {
case _: (fieldType *: fieldTypesTail) =>
val processedHead = deriveOrSummon[T, fieldType]
val processedTail = summonChildPicklerInstances[T, fieldTypesTail]
Tuple.fromArray((processedHead +: processedTail.toArray)).asInstanceOf[Tuple.Map[Fields, Pickler]]
case _: EmptyTuple.type => EmptyTuple.asInstanceOf[Tuple.Map[Fields, Pickler]]
private inline def deriveOrSummon[T, FieldType](using PicklerConfiguration): Pickler[FieldType] =
inline erasedValue[FieldType] match
case _: T => deriveRec[T, FieldType]
case _ =>
summonFrom {
case p: Pickler[FieldType] => p
case _ =>
"Failed to summon Pickler[%s]. Try using Pickler.derived or importing*"
private inline def deriveRec[T, FieldType](using config: PicklerConfiguration): Pickler[FieldType] =
inline erasedValue[T] match
case _: FieldType => error("Infinite recursive derivation")
case _ => Pickler.derived[FieldType](using summonInline[ClassTag[FieldType]], config)
// Extract child RWs from child picklers
// create a new RW from scratch using children rw and fields of the product
// use provided existing schema
// use data from schema to customize the new schema
private inline def picklerProduct[T: ClassTag, TFields <: Tuple](
product: Mirror.ProductOf[T],
childPicklers: => Tuple.Map[TFields, Pickler]
config: PicklerConfiguration
): Pickler[T] =
lazy val derivedChildSchemas: Tuple.Map[TFields, Schema] =[t] => (p: t) => p.asInstanceOf[Pickler[t]].schema).asInstanceOf[Tuple.Map[TFields, Schema]]
val schema: Schema[T] = productSchema(derivedChildSchemas)
// only now schema fields are enriched properly
val enrichedChildSchemas = schema.schemaType.asInstanceOf[SProduct[T]]
val childDefaults =
val tapirPickle = new TapirPickle[T] {
override lazy val writer: Writer[T] =
schema,[a] => (obj: a) => obj.asInstanceOf[Pickler[a]].innerUpickle.writer).productIterator.toList,
override lazy val reader: Reader[T] =
schema,[a] => (obj: a) => obj.asInstanceOf[Pickler[a]].innerUpickle.reader),
Pickler[T](tapirPickle, schema)
private inline def productSchema[T, TFields <: Tuple](childSchemas: Tuple.Map[TFields, Schema])(using
config: PicklerConfiguration
): Schema[T] =
SchemaDerivation.productSchema(config.genericDerivationConfig, childSchemas)
private[tapir] inline def picklerSum[T: ClassTag, CP <: Tuple](
schema: Schema[T],
childPicklers: => CP,
subtypeDiscriminator: SubtypeDiscriminator[T]
m: Mirror.Of[T],
config: PicklerConfiguration
): Pickler[T] =
val childPicklersList = childPicklers.productIterator.toList.asInstanceOf[List[Pickler[_ <: T]]]
val tapirPickle = new TapirPickle[T] {
override lazy val writer: Writer[T] =
override lazy val reader: Reader[T] =
new Pickler[T](tapirPickle, schema)
/** A pickler combines the [[Schema]] of a type (which is used for documentation and validation of deserialized values), with a uPickle
* encoder/decoder ([[ReadWriter]]). The pickler module can derive both the schema, and the uPickle readwriters in a single go, using a
* common configuration API.
* An in-scope pickler instance is required by [[jsonBody]] (and its variants), but it can also be manually converted to a codec using
* [[Pickler.toCodec]].
@implicitNotFound(msg = """Could not summon a Pickler for type ${T}.
Picklers can be derived automatically by adding: `import*`, or manually using `Pickler.derived[T]`.
The latter is also useful for debugging derivation errors.
You can find more details in the docs:""")
case class Pickler[T](innerUpickle: TapirPickle[T], schema: Schema[T]):
def toCodec: JsonCodec[T] =
import innerUpickle._
given innerUpickle.Reader[T] = innerUpickle.reader
given innerUpickle.Writer[T] = innerUpickle.writer
given schemaT: Schema[T] = schema
Codec.json[T] { s =>
Try(read[T](s)) match {
case Success(v) => Value(v)
case Failure(e) => Error(s, JsonDecodeException(errors = List.empty, e))
} { t => write(t) }
def asOption: Pickler[Option[T]] =
val newSchema = schema.asOption
new Pickler[Option[T]](
new TapirPickle[Option[T]] {
given Reader[T] = innerUpickle.reader.asInstanceOf[Reader[T]]
given Writer[T] = innerUpickle.writer.asInstanceOf[Writer[T]]
override lazy val writer = summon[Writer[Option[T]]]
override lazy val reader = summon[Reader[Option[T]]]
def asIterable[C[X] <: Iterable[X]](using Factory[T, C[T]]): Pickler[C[T]] =
val newSchema = schema.asIterable[C]
new Pickler[C[T]](
new TapirPickle[C[T]] {
given Reader[T] = innerUpickle.reader.asInstanceOf[Reader[T]]
given Writer[T] = innerUpickle.writer.asInstanceOf[Writer[T]]
override lazy val writer = summon[Writer[C[T]]]
override lazy val reader = summon[Reader[C[T]]]
def asArray(using ct: ClassTag[T]): Pickler[Array[T]] =
val newSchema = schema.asArray
new Pickler[Array[T]](
new TapirPickle[Array[T]] {
given Reader[T] = innerUpickle.reader.asInstanceOf[Reader[T]]
given Writer[T] = innerUpickle.writer.asInstanceOf[Writer[T]]
override lazy val writer = summon[Writer[Array[T]]]
override lazy val reader = summon[Reader[Array[T]]]
given picklerToCodec[T](using p: Pickler[T]): JsonCodec[T] = p.toCodec