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package sttp.tapir.json.pickler
import _root_.upickle.implicits.{ReadersVersionSpecific, macros => upickleMacros}
import sttp.tapir.{Schema, SchemaType}
import scala.deriving.Mirror
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
/** A modification of upickle.implicits.Readers, implemented in order to provide our custom JSON decoding and typeclass derivation logic:
* 1. A CaseClassReader[T] is built based on readers for child fields passed as an argument, instead of just summoning these readers.
* This allows us to operate on Picklers and use readers extracted from these Picklers. Summoning is now done on Pickler, not Reader
* level.
* 1. Default values can be passed as parameters, which are read from Schema annotations if present. Vanilla uPickle reads defaults only
* from case class defaults.
* 1. Subtype discriminator can be passed as a parameter, allowing specyfing custom key for discriminator field, as well as function for
* extracting discriminator value.
* 1. Schema is passed as a parameter, so that we can use its encodedName to transform field keys.
* 1. Configuration can be used for setting discrtiminator field name or decoding all field names according to custom function (allowing
* transformations like snake_case, etc.)
private[pickler] trait Readers extends ReadersVersionSpecific with UpickleHelpers {
case class LeafWrapper[T](leaf: TaggedReader.Leaf[T], r: Reader[T], leafTagValue: String) extends TaggedReader[T] {
override def findReader(s: String) = if (s == leafTagValue) r else null
override def annotate[V](rw: Reader[V], key: String, value: String) = {
LeafWrapper(new TaggedReader.Leaf[V](key, value, rw), rw, value)
inline def macroProductR[T](
schema: Schema[T],
childReaders: Tuple,
childDefaults: List[Option[Any]],
m: Mirror.ProductOf[T],
config: PicklerConfiguration
): Reader[T] =
val schemaFields = schema.schemaType.asInstanceOf[SchemaType.SProduct[T]].fields
val reader = new CaseClassReadereader[T](upickleMacros.paramsCount[T], upickleMacros.checkErrorMissingKeysCount[T]()) {
override def visitors0 = childReaders
override def fromProduct(p: Product): T = m.fromProduct(p)
override def keyToIndex(x: String): Int =
schemaFields.indexWhere( == x)
override def allKeysArray =
override def storeDefaults(x: _root_.upickle.implicits.BaseCaseObjectContext): Unit = {
macros.storeDefaultsTapir[T](x, childDefaults)
inline if upickleMacros.isSingleton[T] then
annotate[T](SingletonReader[T](upickleMacros.getSingleton[T]), config.discriminator, upickleMacros.tagName[T])
else if upickleMacros.isMemberOfSealedHierarchy[T] then annotate[T](reader, config.discriminator, upickleMacros.tagName[T])
else reader
inline def macroSumR[T](childPicklers: List[Pickler[_]], subtypeDiscriminator: SubtypeDiscriminator[T]): Reader[T] =
implicit val currentlyDeriving: _root_.upickle.core.CurrentlyDeriving[T] = new _root_.upickle.core.CurrentlyDeriving()
subtypeDiscriminator match {
case discriminator: CustomSubtypeDiscriminator[T] =>
// This part ensures that child product readers are replaced with product readers with proper "tag value".
// This value is used by uPickle internals to find a matching reader for given discriminator value.
// Originally product readers have this value set to class name when they are derived individually,
// so we need to 'fix' them here using discriminator settings.
val readersFromMapping = discriminator.mapping
.map { case (k, v) => (k, v.innerUpickle.reader) }
.map {
case (k, leaf) if leaf.isInstanceOf[LeafWrapper[_]] =>
.Leaf[T](discriminator.fieldName, discriminator.asString(k), leaf.asInstanceOf[LeafWrapper[_]].r.asInstanceOf[Reader[T]])
case (_, otherKindOfReader) =>
new TaggedReader.Node[T](discriminator.fieldName, readersFromMapping.asInstanceOf[Seq[TaggedReader[T]]]: _*)
case discriminator: DefaultSubtypeDiscriminator[T] =>
val readers = => {
(, cp.innerUpickle.reader) match {
case (Some(sName), wrappedReader: Readers#LeafWrapper[_]) =>
case _ =>
Reader.merge(subtypeDiscriminator.fieldName, readers: _*)