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package sttp.tapir.server.netty
import{Epoll, EpollEventLoopGroup, EpollServerSocketChannel}
import{KQueue, KQueueEventLoopGroup, KQueueServerSocketChannel}
import{ChannelHandler, ChannelPipeline, EventLoopGroup, ServerChannel}
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpServerCodec
import io.netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler
import io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext
import org.playframework.netty.http.HttpStreamsServerHandler
import sttp.tapir.server.netty.NettyConfig.EventLoopConfig
import scala.concurrent.duration._
/** Netty configuration, used by [[NettyFutureServer]] and other server implementations to configure the networking layer, the Netty
* processing pipeline, and start & stop the server.
* @param maxConnections
* The maximum number of concurrent connections allowed by the server. Any connections above this limit will be closed right after they
* are opened.
* @param addLoggingHandler
* Should a low-level logging handler, [[io.netty.handler.logging.LoggingHandler]], be added to the Netty pipeline. This is independent
* from the logging interceptor configured through the server options.
* @param initPipeline
* The function to create the Netty pipeline, using the configuration instance, the pipeline created so far, and the handler which
* contains tapir's server processing logic.
* @param requestTimeout
* The maximum duration, to wait for a response before considering the request timed out.
* @throws ReadTimeoutException
* when no data is read from Netty within the specified period of time for a request.
* @param connectionTimeout
* Specifies the maximum duration within which a connection between a client and a server must be established.
* @param socketTimeout
* Refers to the duration for which a socket operation will wait before throwing an exception if no data is received or sent. Socket
* timeout also effectively establishes a read timeout.
* @param lingerTimeout
* Sets the delay for which the Netty waits, while data is being transmitted, before closing a socket after receiving a call to close the
* socket
* @param gracefulShutdownTimeout
* If set, attempts to wait for a given time for all in-flight requests to complete, before proceeding with shutting down the server. If
* `None`, closes the channels and terminates the server without waiting.
case class NettyConfig(
host: String,
port: Int,
shutdownEventLoopGroupOnClose: Boolean,
maxConnections: Option[Int],
socketBacklog: Int,
requestTimeout: Option[FiniteDuration],
connectionTimeout: Option[FiniteDuration],
socketTimeout: Option[FiniteDuration],
lingerTimeout: Option[FiniteDuration],
socketKeepAlive: Boolean,
addLoggingHandler: Boolean,
sslContext: Option[SslContext],
eventLoopConfig: EventLoopConfig,
socketConfig: NettySocketConfig,
initPipeline: NettyConfig => (ChannelPipeline, ChannelHandler) => Unit,
gracefulShutdownTimeout: Option[FiniteDuration]
) {
def host(h: String): NettyConfig = copy(host = h)
def port(p: Int): NettyConfig = copy(port = p)
def randomPort: NettyConfig = copy(port = 0)
def withShutdownEventLoopGroupOnClose: NettyConfig = copy(shutdownEventLoopGroupOnClose = true)
def withDontShutdownEventLoopGroupOnClose: NettyConfig = copy(shutdownEventLoopGroupOnClose = false)
def maxConnections(m: Int): NettyConfig = copy(maxConnections = Some(m))
def socketBacklog(s: Int): NettyConfig = copy(socketBacklog = s)
def requestTimeout(r: FiniteDuration): NettyConfig = copy(requestTimeout = Some(r))
def connectionTimeout(c: FiniteDuration): NettyConfig = copy(connectionTimeout = Some(c))
def socketTimeout(s: FiniteDuration): NettyConfig = copy(socketTimeout = Some(s))
def lingerTimeout(l: FiniteDuration): NettyConfig = copy(requestTimeout = Some(l))
def withSocketKeepAlive: NettyConfig = copy(socketKeepAlive = true)
def withNoSocketKeepAlive: NettyConfig = copy(socketKeepAlive = false)
def withAddLoggingHandler: NettyConfig = copy(addLoggingHandler = true)
def withNoLoggingHandler: NettyConfig = copy(addLoggingHandler = false)
def sslContext(s: SslContext): NettyConfig = copy(sslContext = Some(s))
def noSslContext: NettyConfig = copy(sslContext = None)
def socketConfig(config: NettySocketConfig) = copy(socketConfig = config)
def eventLoopConfig(elc: EventLoopConfig): NettyConfig = copy(eventLoopConfig = elc)
def eventLoopGroup(elg: EventLoopGroup): NettyConfig = copy(eventLoopConfig = EventLoopConfig.useExisting(elg))
def initPipeline(f: NettyConfig => (ChannelPipeline, ChannelHandler) => Unit): NettyConfig = copy(initPipeline = f)
def withGracefulShutdownTimeout(t: FiniteDuration) = copy(gracefulShutdownTimeout = Some(t))
def noGracefulShutdown = copy(gracefulShutdownTimeout = None)
object NettyConfig {
def default: NettyConfig = NettyConfig(
host = "localhost",
port = 8080,
shutdownEventLoopGroupOnClose = true,
socketBacklog = 128,
socketKeepAlive = true,
requestTimeout = Some(20.seconds),
connectionTimeout = Some(10.seconds),
socketTimeout = Some(60.seconds),
lingerTimeout = Some(60.seconds),
gracefulShutdownTimeout = Some(10.seconds),
maxConnections = None,
addLoggingHandler = false,
sslContext = None,
eventLoopConfig =,
socketConfig = NettySocketConfig.default,
initPipeline = cfg => defaultInitPipeline(cfg)(_, _)
def defaultInitPipeline(cfg: NettyConfig)(pipeline: ChannelPipeline, handler: ChannelHandler): Unit = {
cfg.sslContext.foreach(s => pipeline.addLast(s.newHandler(
pipeline.addLast(new HttpServerCodec())
pipeline.addLast(new HttpStreamsServerHandler())
if (cfg.addLoggingHandler) pipeline.addLast(new LoggingHandler())
case class EventLoopConfig(initEventLoopGroup: () => EventLoopGroup, serverChannel: Class[_ <: ServerChannel])
object EventLoopConfig {
val nio: EventLoopConfig = EventLoopConfig(() => new NioEventLoopGroup(), classOf[NioServerSocketChannel])
val epoll: EventLoopConfig = EventLoopConfig(() => new EpollEventLoopGroup(), classOf[EpollServerSocketChannel])
val kqueue: EventLoopConfig = EventLoopConfig(() => new KQueueEventLoopGroup(), classOf[KQueueServerSocketChannel])
def auto: EventLoopConfig = if (Epoll.isAvailable) {
} else if (KQueue.isAvailable) {
} else {
def useExisting(g: EventLoopGroup): EventLoopConfig = g match {
case _: NioEventLoopGroup => EventLoopConfig(() => g, classOf[NioServerSocketChannel])
case _: EpollEventLoopGroup => EventLoopConfig(() => g, classOf[EpollServerSocketChannel])
case _: KQueueEventLoopGroup => EventLoopConfig(() => g, classOf[KQueueServerSocketChannel])
case other => throw new Exception(s"Unexpected EventLoopGroup of class ${other.getClass} provided")