sttp.tapir.redoc.bundle.RedocInterpreter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package sttp.tapir.redoc.bundle
import sttp.apispec.openapi.{Info, OpenAPI}
import sttp.apispec.openapi.circe.yaml._
import sttp.tapir.AnyEndpoint
import{OpenAPIDocsInterpreter, OpenAPIDocsOptions}
import sttp.tapir.redoc.{Redoc, RedocUIOptions}
import sttp.tapir.server.ServerEndpoint
trait RedocInterpreter {
def openAPIInterpreterOptions: OpenAPIDocsOptions
def customiseDocsModel: OpenAPI => OpenAPI
def redocUIOptions: RedocUIOptions
def addServerWhenContextPathPresent: Boolean
def fromEndpoints[F[_]](
endpoints: List[AnyEndpoint],
info: Info,
docsExtensions: List[DocsExtension[_]]
): List[ServerEndpoint[Any, F]] = {
val openapi0 = OpenAPIDocsInterpreter(openAPIInterpreterOptions).toOpenAPI(endpoints, info, docsExtensions)
val openapi1 = if (addServerWhenContextPathPresent && redocUIOptions.contextPath.nonEmpty) {
} else openapi0
val openapi = customiseDocsModel(openapi1)
val yaml = openapi.toYaml
Redoc(info.title, yaml, redocUIOptions)
def fromEndpoints[F[_]](
endpoints: List[AnyEndpoint],
info: Info
): List[ServerEndpoint[Any, F]] = fromEndpoints(endpoints, info, Nil)
def fromEndpoints[F[_]](
endpoints: List[AnyEndpoint],
title: String,
version: String
): List[ServerEndpoint[Any, F]] = fromEndpoints(endpoints, Info(title, version), Nil)
def fromServerEndpoints[F[_]](
endpoints: List[ServerEndpoint[_, F]],
info: Info,
docsExtensions: List[DocsExtension[_]]
): List[ServerEndpoint[Any, F]] = fromEndpoints(, info, docsExtensions)
def fromServerEndpoints[F[_]](
endpoints: List[ServerEndpoint[_, F]],
info: Info
): List[ServerEndpoint[Any, F]] = fromEndpoints(, info, Nil)
def fromServerEndpoints[F[_]](
endpoints: List[ServerEndpoint[_, F]],
title: String,
version: String
): List[ServerEndpoint[Any, F]] =
fromEndpoints(, Info(title, version), Nil)
object RedocInterpreter {
/** Allows interpreting lists of [[sttp.tapir.Endpoint]]s or [[ServerEndpoint]]s as Redoc docs. The docs will be serialised in the yaml
* format, and will be available using the configured `prefix` path, by default `/docs`.
* Usage: pass the result of `RedocInterpreter().fromEndpoints[F]` to your server interpreter.
* @param openAPIInterpreterOptions
* The options that will be passed to the [[OpenAPIDocsInterpreter]].
* @param customiseDocsModel
* A function which can customise the [[OpenAPI]] model created by the [[OpenAPIDocsInterpreter]] for the given endpoints, allowing
* adding e.g. server information.
* @param redocUIOptions
* Options passed to [[Redoc]] to customise how the documentation is exposed, e.g. the path.
* @param addServerWhenContextPathPresent
* Should a default server entry be added to the generated [[OpenAPI]] model pointing to the context path, if a non-empty context path
* is specified in `swaggerUIOptions`. In presence of a context path, either the endpoints need to be prefixed with the context path,
* or a server entry must be added, for invocations from within the Swagger UI to work properly. Defaults to `true`.
def apply(
openAPIInterpreterOptions: OpenAPIDocsOptions = OpenAPIDocsOptions.default,
customiseDocsModel: OpenAPI => OpenAPI = identity,
redocUIOptions: RedocUIOptions = RedocUIOptions.default,
addServerWhenContextPathPresent: Boolean = true
): RedocInterpreter = {
val opts = openAPIInterpreterOptions
val cdm = customiseDocsModel
val r = redocUIOptions
val aswcpp = addServerWhenContextPathPresent
new RedocInterpreter {
override val openAPIInterpreterOptions: OpenAPIDocsOptions = opts
override val customiseDocsModel: OpenAPI => OpenAPI = cdm
override val redocUIOptions: RedocUIOptions = r
override val addServerWhenContextPathPresent: Boolean = aswcpp