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sttp.tapir.server.interceptor.log.ServerLog.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package sttp.tapir.server.interceptor.log
import sttp.tapir.model.ServerRequest
import sttp.tapir.server.interceptor.{DecodeFailureContext, DecodeSuccessContext, SecurityFailureContext}
import sttp.tapir.server.model.ServerResponse
import sttp.tapir.{AnyEndpoint, DecodeResult}
import java.time.Clock
/** Used by [[ServerLogInterceptor]] to log how a request was handled.
* @tparam F[_]
* Interpreter-specific effect type constructor.
trait ServerLog[F[_]] {
/** The type of the per-request token that is generated when a request is started and passed to callbacks when the request is completed.
* E.g. `Unit` or a timestamp (`Long`).
type TOKEN
/** Invoked when the request has been received to obtain the per-request token, such as the starting timestamp. */
def requestToken: TOKEN
/** Invoked when the request has been received. */
def requestReceived(request: ServerRequest, token: TOKEN): F[Unit]
/** Invoked when there's a decode failure for an input of the endpoint and the interpreter, or other interceptors, haven't provided a
* response.
def decodeFailureNotHandled(ctx: DecodeFailureContext, token: TOKEN): F[Unit]
/** Invoked when there's a decode failure for an input of the endpoint and the interpreter, or other interceptors, provided a response. */
def decodeFailureHandled(ctx: DecodeFailureContext, response: ServerResponse[_], token: TOKEN): F[Unit]
/** Invoked when the security logic fails and returns an error. */
def securityFailureHandled(ctx: SecurityFailureContext[F, _], response: ServerResponse[_], token: TOKEN): F[Unit]
/** Invoked when all inputs of the request have been decoded successfully and the endpoint handles the request by providing a response,
* with the given status code.
def requestHandled(ctx: DecodeSuccessContext[F, _, _, _], response: ServerResponse[_], token: TOKEN): F[Unit]
/** Invoked when an exception has been thrown when running the server logic or handling decode failures. */
def exception(ctx: ExceptionContext[_, _], ex: Throwable, token: TOKEN): F[Unit]
/** Allows defining a list of endpoints which should not log requestHandled. Exceptions, decode failures and security failures will still
* be logged.
def ignoreEndpoints: Set[AnyEndpoint] = Set.empty
case class DefaultServerLog[F[_]](
doLogWhenReceived: String => F[Unit],
doLogWhenHandled: (String, Option[Throwable]) => F[Unit],
doLogAllDecodeFailures: (String, Option[Throwable]) => F[Unit],
doLogExceptions: (String, Throwable) => F[Unit],
noLog: F[Unit],
logWhenReceived: Boolean = false,
logWhenHandled: Boolean = true,
logAllDecodeFailures: Boolean = false,
logLogicExceptions: Boolean = true,
showEndpoint: AnyEndpoint => String = _.showShort,
showRequest: ServerRequest => String = _.showShort,
showResponse: ServerResponse[_] => String = _.showShort,
includeTiming: Boolean = true,
clock: Clock = Clock.systemUTC(),
override val ignoreEndpoints: Set[AnyEndpoint] = Set.empty
) extends ServerLog[F] {
def doLogWhenReceived(f: String => F[Unit]): DefaultServerLog[F] = copy(doLogWhenReceived = f)
def doLogWhenHandled(f: (String, Option[Throwable]) => F[Unit]): DefaultServerLog[F] = copy(doLogWhenHandled = f)
def doLogAllDecodeFailures(f: (String, Option[Throwable]) => F[Unit]): DefaultServerLog[F] = copy(doLogAllDecodeFailures = f)
def doLogExceptions(f: (String, Throwable) => F[Unit]): DefaultServerLog[F] = copy(doLogExceptions = f)
def noLog(f: F[Unit]): DefaultServerLog[F] = copy(noLog = f)
def logWhenReceived(doLog: Boolean): DefaultServerLog[F] = copy(logWhenReceived = doLog)
def logWhenHandled(doLog: Boolean): DefaultServerLog[F] = copy(logWhenHandled = doLog)
def logAllDecodeFailures(doLog: Boolean): DefaultServerLog[F] = copy(logAllDecodeFailures = doLog)
def logLogicExceptions(doLog: Boolean): DefaultServerLog[F] = copy(logLogicExceptions = doLog)
def showEndpoint(s: AnyEndpoint => String): DefaultServerLog[F] = copy(showEndpoint = s)
def showRequest(s: ServerRequest => String): DefaultServerLog[F] = copy(showRequest = s)
def showResponse(s: ServerResponse[_] => String): DefaultServerLog[F] = copy(showResponse = s)
def includeTiming(doInclude: Boolean): DefaultServerLog[F] = copy(includeTiming = doInclude)
def clock(c: Clock): DefaultServerLog[F] = copy(clock = c)
def ignoreEndpoints(es: Seq[AnyEndpoint]): DefaultServerLog[F] = copy(ignoreEndpoints = es.toSet)
override type TOKEN = Long
override def requestToken: TOKEN = if (includeTiming) now() else 0
override def requestReceived(request: ServerRequest, token: TOKEN): F[Unit] =
if (logWhenReceived) doLogWhenReceived(s"Request received: ${showRequest(request)}") else noLog
override def decodeFailureNotHandled(ctx: DecodeFailureContext, token: TOKEN): F[Unit] =
if (logAllDecodeFailures)
s"Request: ${showRequest(ctx.request)}, not handled by: ${showEndpoint(ctx.endpoint)}${took(token)}; decode failure: ${ctx.failure}, on input: ${}",
else noLog
override def decodeFailureHandled(ctx: DecodeFailureContext, response: ServerResponse[_], token: TOKEN): F[Unit] =
if (logWhenHandled)
s"Request: ${showRequest(ctx.request)}, handled by: ${showEndpoint(
)}${took(token)}; decode failure: ${ctx.failure}, on input: ${}; response: ${showResponse(response)}",
else noLog
override def securityFailureHandled(ctx: SecurityFailureContext[F, _], response: ServerResponse[_], token: TOKEN): F[Unit] =
if (logWhenHandled)
s"Request: ${showRequest(ctx.request)}, handled by: ${showEndpoint(ctx.endpoint)}${took(token)}; security logic error response: ${showResponse(response)}",
else noLog
override def requestHandled(ctx: DecodeSuccessContext[F, _, _, _], response: ServerResponse[_], token: TOKEN): F[Unit] =
if (logWhenHandled)
s"Request: ${showRequest(ctx.request)}, handled by: ${showEndpoint(ctx.endpoint)}${took(token)}; response: ${showResponse(response)}",
else noLog
override def exception(ctx: ExceptionContext[_, _], ex: Throwable, token: TOKEN): F[Unit] =
if (logLogicExceptions)
doLogExceptions(s"Exception when handling request: ${showRequest(ctx.request)}, by: ${showEndpoint(ctx.endpoint)}${took(token)}", ex)
else noLog
private def now() = clock.instant().toEpochMilli
private def took(token: TOKEN): String = if (includeTiming) s", took: ${now() - token}ms" else ""
private def exception(ctx: DecodeFailureContext): Option[Throwable] =
ctx.failure match {
case DecodeResult.Error(_, error) => Some(error)
case _ => None