sttp.tapir.server.interpreter.DecodeBasicInputs.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package sttp.tapir.server.interpreter
import sttp.model.headers.Cookie
import sttp.model.{ContentTypeRange, HeaderNames, MediaType, Method, QueryParams}
import sttp.tapir.internal._
import sttp.tapir.model.ServerRequest
import sttp.tapir.{DecodeResult, EndpointIO, EndpointInput, StreamBodyIO, oneOfBody}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
sealed trait DecodeBasicInputsResult
object DecodeBasicInputsResult {
/** @param basicInputsValues Values of basic inputs, in order as they are defined in the endpoint. */
case class Values(
basicInputsValues: Vector[Any],
bodyInputWithIndex: Option[(Either[EndpointIO.OneOfBody[_, _], EndpointIO.StreamBodyWrapper[_, _]], Int)]
) extends DecodeBasicInputsResult {
private def verifyNoBody(input: EndpointInput[_]): Unit = if (bodyInputWithIndex.isDefined) {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Double body definition: $input")
def addBodyInput[O](input: EndpointIO.Body[_, O], bodyIndex: Int): Values = {
copy(bodyInputWithIndex = Some((Left(oneOfBody(ContentTypeRange.AnyRange -> input)), bodyIndex)))
def addOneOfBodyInput(input: EndpointIO.OneOfBody[_, _], bodyIndex: Int): Values = {
copy(bodyInputWithIndex = Some((Left(input), bodyIndex)))
def addStreamingBodyInput(input: EndpointIO.StreamBodyWrapper[_, _], bodyIndex: Int): Values = {
copy(bodyInputWithIndex = Some((Right(input), bodyIndex)))
/** Sets the value of the body input, once it is known, if a body input is defined. */
def setBodyInputValue(v: Any): Values = bodyInputWithIndex match {
case Some((_, i)) => copy(basicInputsValues = basicInputsValues.updated(i, v))
case None => this
def setBasicInputValue(v: Any, i: Int): Values = copy(basicInputsValues = basicInputsValues.updated(i, v))
case class Failure(input: EndpointInput.Basic[_], failure: DecodeResult.Failure) extends DecodeBasicInputsResult
def higherPriorityFailure(l: DecodeBasicInputsResult, r: DecodeBasicInputsResult): Option[Failure] = (l, r) match {
case (f1: Failure, _: Values) => Some(f1)
case (_: Values, f2: Failure) => Some(f2)
case (f1: Failure, f2: Failure) => Some(if (basicInputSortIndex(f2.input) < basicInputSortIndex(f1.input)) f2 else f1)
case _ => None
/** @param previousLastPathInput
* The last path input from decoding a previous segment of inputs (security inputs), if any.
case class DecodeInputsContext(request: ServerRequest, pathSegments: List[String], previousLastPathInput: Option[EndpointInput.Basic[_]]) {
def method: Method = request.method
def nextPathSegment: (Option[String], DecodeInputsContext) =
pathSegments match {
case Nil => (None, this)
case h :: t => (Some(h), DecodeInputsContext(request, t, previousLastPathInput))
def header(name: String): List[String] = request.headers(name).toList
def headers: Seq[(String, String)] = => (, h.value))
def queryParameter(name: String): Seq[String] = queryParameters.getMulti(name).getOrElse(Nil)
val queryParameters: QueryParams = request.queryParameters
object DecodeInputsContext {
def apply(request: ServerRequest): DecodeInputsContext = DecodeInputsContext(request, request.pathSegments, None)
object DecodeBasicInputs {
case class IndexedBasicInput(input: EndpointInput.Basic[_], index: Int)
/** Decodes values of all basic inputs defined by the given `input`, and returns a map from the input to the input's value.
* An exception is the body input, which is not decoded. This is because typically bodies can be only read once. That's why, all non-body
* inputs are used to decide if a request matches the endpoint, or not. If a body input is present, it is also returned as part of the
* result.
* In case any of the decoding fails, the failure is returned together with the failing input.
* @param ctx
* The context, in which to decode the input. Contains the original request and progress in decoding the path
* @param matchWholePath
* Should the whole path be matched - that is, if the input doesn't exhaust the path, should a failure be reported
def apply(
input: EndpointInput[_],
ctx: DecodeInputsContext,
matchWholePath: Boolean = true
): (DecodeBasicInputsResult, DecodeInputsContext) = {
// The first decoding failure is returned.
// We decode in the following order: method, path, query, headers (incl. cookies), request, status, body
// An exact-path check is done after path & method matching
val basicInputs = input.asVectorOfBasicInputs() { case (el, i) => IndexedBasicInput(el, i) }
val methodInputs = basicInputs.filter(t => isRequestMethod(t.input))
val pathInputs = basicInputs.filter(t => isPath(t.input))
val otherInputs = basicInputs.filterNot(t => isRequestMethod(t.input) || isPath(t.input)).sortBy(t => basicInputSortIndex(t.input))
// we're using null as a placeholder for the future values. All except the body (which is determined by
// interpreter-specific code), should be filled by the end of this method.
matchOthers(methodInputs, _, _),
matchPath(pathInputs, _, _, matchWholePath),
matchOthers(otherInputs, _, _)
)(DecodeBasicInputsResult.Values(Vector.fill(basicInputs.size)(null), None), ctx)
/** We're decoding paths differently than other inputs. We first map all path segments to their decoding results (not checking if this is
* a successful or failed decoding at this stage). This is collected as the `decodedPathInputs` value.
* Once this is done, we check if there are remaining path segments. If yes - the decoding fails with a `Mismatch`.
* Hence, a failure due to a mismatch in the number of segments takes **priority** over any potential failures in decoding the segments.
private def matchPath(
pathInputs: Vector[IndexedBasicInput],
decodeValues: DecodeBasicInputsResult.Values,
ctx: DecodeInputsContext,
matchWholePath: Boolean
): (DecodeBasicInputsResult, DecodeInputsContext) = {
def matchPathInnerUsingLast(last: EndpointInput.Basic[_]) = matchPathInner(
index = 0,
pathInputs = pathInputs,
ctx = ctx.copy(previousLastPathInput = Some(last)),
decodeValues = decodeValues,
decodedPathInputs = new Array(pathInputs.size),
lastPathInput = last,
matchWholePath = matchWholePath
(pathInputs.initAndLast, ctx.previousLastPathInput) match {
case (None, None) =>
// Match everything if no path input is specified
(decodeValues, ctx)
case (Some((_, last)), _) =>
// There are more path inputs, match the path exactly and report errors against the last path input
case (_, Some(last)) =>
// There are no more path inputs, but some path has already been matched; match the path exactly and report
// possible errors against the last known path input
// Important: method uses a mutable Array[DecodeResult[_]] for performance
private def matchPathInner(
index: Int,
pathInputs: Vector[IndexedBasicInput],
ctx: DecodeInputsContext,
decodeValues: DecodeBasicInputsResult.Values,
decodedPathInputs: Array[DecodeResult[_]],
lastPathInput: EndpointInput.Basic[_],
matchWholePath: Boolean
): (DecodeBasicInputsResult, DecodeInputsContext) = {
if (index < pathInputs.size) {
val idxInput = pathInputs(index)
idxInput.input match {
case in @ EndpointInput.FixedPath(expectedSegment, codec, _) =>
val (nextSegment, newCtx) = ctx.nextPathSegment
nextSegment match {
case Some(seg) =>
if (seg == expectedSegment) {
decodedPathInputs(index) = codec.decode(seg)
matchPathInner(index + 1, pathInputs, newCtx, decodeValues, decodedPathInputs, idxInput.input, matchWholePath)
} else {
val failure = DecodeBasicInputsResult.Failure(in, DecodeResult.Mismatch(expectedSegment, seg))
(failure, newCtx)
case None =>
if (expectedSegment.isEmpty) {
// FixedPath("") matches an empty path
decodedPathInputs(index) = codec.decode("")
matchPathInner(index + 1, pathInputs, newCtx, decodeValues, decodedPathInputs, idxInput.input, matchWholePath)
} else {
// shape path mismatch - input path too short
val failure = DecodeBasicInputsResult.Failure(in, DecodeResult.Missing)
(failure, newCtx)
case in: EndpointInput.PathCapture[_] =>
val (nextSegment, newCtx) = ctx.nextPathSegment
nextSegment match {
case Some(seg) =>
decodedPathInputs(index) = in.codec.decode(seg)
matchPathInner(index + 1, pathInputs, newCtx, decodeValues, decodedPathInputs, idxInput.input, matchWholePath)
case None =>
val failure = DecodeBasicInputsResult.Failure(in, DecodeResult.Missing)
(failure, newCtx)
case i: EndpointInput.PathsCapture[_] =>
val (paths, newCtx) = collectRemainingPath(Vector.empty, ctx)
decodedPathInputs(index) = i.codec.decode(paths.toList)
matchPathInner(index + 1, pathInputs, newCtx, decodeValues, decodedPathInputs, idxInput.input, matchWholePath)
case in =>
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Unexpected EndpointInput ${} encountered. This is most likely a bug in the library")
} else {
val (extraSegmentOpt, newCtx) = ctx.nextPathSegment
extraSegmentOpt match {
case Some(_) if matchWholePath =>
// shape path mismatch - input path too long; there are more segments in the request path than expected by
// that input. Reporting a failure on the last path input.
val failure =
DecodeBasicInputsResult.Failure(lastPathInput, DecodeResult.Multiple(collectRemainingPath(Vector.empty, ctx)._1))
(failure, newCtx)
case _ =>
(foldDecodedPathInputs(0, pathInputs, decodedPathInputs, decodeValues), ctx)
// Important: method uses a mutable Array[DecodeResult[_]] for performance
private def foldDecodedPathInputs(
index: Int,
pathInputs: Vector[IndexedBasicInput],
decodedPathInputs: Array[DecodeResult[_]],
acc: DecodeBasicInputsResult.Values
): DecodeBasicInputsResult = {
if (index < pathInputs.size) {
val indexedInput = pathInputs(index)
decodedPathInputs(index) match {
case failure: DecodeResult.Failure =>
DecodeBasicInputsResult.Failure(indexedInput.input, failure)
case DecodeResult.Value(v) =>
foldDecodedPathInputs(index + 1, pathInputs, decodedPathInputs, acc.setBasicInputValue(v, indexedInput.index))
} else {
private def collectRemainingPath(acc: Vector[String], c: DecodeInputsContext): (Vector[String], DecodeInputsContext) =
c.nextPathSegment match {
case (Some(s), c2) => collectRemainingPath(acc :+ s, c2)
case (None, c2) => (acc, c2)
private def matchOthers(
inputs: Vector[IndexedBasicInput],
values: DecodeBasicInputsResult.Values,
ctx: DecodeInputsContext
): (DecodeBasicInputsResult, DecodeInputsContext) = {
inputs.headAndTail match {
case None => (values, ctx)
case Some((IndexedBasicInput(input @ EndpointIO.Body(_, _, _), index), inputsTail)) =>
matchOthers(inputsTail, values.addBodyInput(input, index), ctx)
case Some((IndexedBasicInput(input @ EndpointIO.OneOfBody(_, _), index), inputsTail)) =>
matchOthers(inputsTail, values.addOneOfBodyInput(input, index), ctx)
case Some((IndexedBasicInput(input @ EndpointIO.StreamBodyWrapper(StreamBodyIO(_, _, _, _, _)), index), inputsTail)) =>
matchOthers(inputsTail, values.addStreamingBodyInput(input, index), ctx)
case Some((indexedInput, inputsTail)) =>
val (result, ctx2) = matchOther(indexedInput.input, ctx)
result match {
case DecodeResult.Value(v) => matchOthers(inputsTail, values.setBasicInputValue(v, indexedInput.index), ctx2)
case failure: DecodeResult.Failure => (DecodeBasicInputsResult.Failure(indexedInput.input, failure), ctx2)
private def matchOther(input: EndpointInput.Basic[_], ctx: DecodeInputsContext): (DecodeResult[_], DecodeInputsContext) = {
input match {
case EndpointInput.FixedMethod(m, codec, _) =>
if (m == ctx.method) (codec.decode(()), ctx)
else (DecodeResult.Mismatch(m.method, ctx.method.method), ctx)
case EndpointIO.FixedHeader(h @ sttp.model.Header(n, v), codec, _) =>
if (ctx.header(n) == Nil) (DecodeResult.Missing, ctx)
else if (List(v) == ctx.header(n)) (codec.decode(()), ctx)
else if ( {
// do not compare Content-Type 'boundary' directive
val inMedia = MediaType.parse(ctx.header(n).head).map(_.copy(otherParameters = Map.empty))
val reqMedia = MediaType.parse(v).map(_.copy(otherParameters = Map.empty))
if (inMedia == reqMedia) (codec.decode(()), ctx)
else (DecodeResult.Mismatch(reqMedia.toString, inMedia.toString), ctx)
} else (DecodeResult.Mismatch(List(v).mkString, ctx.header(n).mkString), ctx)
case EndpointInput.Query(name, None, codec, _) =>
(codec.decode(ctx.queryParameter(name).toList), ctx)
case EndpointInput.Query(name, Some(flagValue), codec, _) =>
ctx.queryParameters.getMulti(name) match {
case Some(Seq()) | Some(Seq("")) => (DecodeResult.Value(flagValue), ctx)
case values => (codec.decode(values.getOrElse(Nil).toList), ctx)
case EndpointInput.QueryParams(codec, _) =>
(codec.decode(ctx.queryParameters), ctx)
case EndpointInput.Cookie(name, codec, _) =>
val allCookies = DecodeResult
.map(p =>
Cookie.parse(p._2) match {
case Left(e) => DecodeResult.Error(p._2, new RuntimeException(e))
case Right(c) => DecodeResult.Value(c)
val decodedCookieValue = == name).map(_.value)).flatMap(codec.decode)
(decodedCookieValue, ctx)
case EndpointIO.Header(name, codec, _) =>
(codec.decode(ctx.header(name)), ctx)
case EndpointIO.Headers(codec, _) =>
(codec.decode( _).tupled).toList), ctx)
case EndpointInput.ExtractFromRequest(codec, _) =>
(codec.decode(ctx.request), ctx)
case EndpointIO.Empty(codec, _) =>
(codec.decode(()), ctx)
case input =>
throw new IllegalStateException(
s"Unexpected EndpointInput ${} encountered. This is most likely a bug in the library"
private val isRequestMethod: EndpointInput.Basic[_] => Boolean = {
case _: EndpointInput.FixedMethod[_] => true
case _ => false
private val isPath: EndpointInput.Basic[_] => Boolean = {
case _: EndpointInput.FixedPath[_] => true
case _: EndpointInput.PathCapture[_] => true
case _: EndpointInput.PathsCapture[_] => true
case _ => false
private type DecodeInputResultTransform =
(DecodeBasicInputsResult.Values, DecodeInputsContext) => (DecodeBasicInputsResult, DecodeInputsContext)
private def compose(fs: DecodeInputResultTransform*): DecodeInputResultTransform = { (values, ctx) =>
fs match {
case f +: tail =>
f(values, ctx) match {
case (values2: DecodeBasicInputsResult.Values, ctx2) => compose(tail: _*)(values2, ctx2)
case r => r
case _ => (values, ctx)
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