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sttp.tapir.server.interceptor.decodefailure.DecodeFailureHandler.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package sttp.tapir.server.interceptor.decodefailure

import sttp.model.{Header, HeaderNames, StatusCode}
import sttp.monad.MonadError
import sttp.tapir.DecodeResult.Error.{JsonDecodeException, MultipartDecodeException}
import sttp.tapir.DecodeResult._
import sttp.tapir.internal.RichEndpoint
import sttp.tapir.server.interceptor.DecodeFailureContext
import sttp.tapir.server.model.ValuedEndpointOutput
import sttp.tapir.{DecodeResult, EndpointIO, EndpointInput, ValidationError, Validator, server, _}

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import sttp.capabilities.StreamMaxLengthExceededException

trait DecodeFailureHandler[F[_]] {

  /** Given the context in which a decode failure occurred (the request, the input and the failure), returns an optional response to the
    * request. `None` indicates that no action should be taken, and the request might be passed for decoding to other endpoints.
    * Inputs are decoded in the following order: path, method, query, headers, body. Hence, if there's a decode failure on a query
    * parameter, any method & path inputs of the input must have matched and must have been decoded successfully.
  def apply(ctx: DecodeFailureContext)(implicit monad: MonadError[F]): F[Option[ValuedEndpointOutput[_]]]

object DecodeFailureHandler {
  def apply[F[_]](f: DecodeFailureContext => F[Option[ValuedEndpointOutput[_]]]): DecodeFailureHandler[F] =
    new DecodeFailureHandler[F] {
      override def apply(ctx: DecodeFailureContext)(implicit monad: MonadError[F]): F[Option[ValuedEndpointOutput[_]]] =

  def pure[F[_]](f: DecodeFailureContext => Option[ValuedEndpointOutput[_]]): DecodeFailureHandler[F] =
    new DecodeFailureHandler[F] {
      override def apply(ctx: DecodeFailureContext)(implicit monad: MonadError[F]): F[Option[ValuedEndpointOutput[_]]] =

/** A decode failure handler, which:
  *   - decides whether the given decode failure should lead to a response (and if so, with which status code and headers), using `respond`
  *   - in case a response is sent, creates the message using `failureMessage`
  *   - in case a response is sent, creates the response using `response`, given the status code, headers, and the created failure message.
  *     By default, the headers might include authentication challenge.
case class DefaultDecodeFailureHandler[F[_]](
    respond: DecodeFailureContext => Option[(StatusCode, List[Header])],
    failureMessage: DecodeFailureContext => String,
    response: (StatusCode, List[Header], String) => ValuedEndpointOutput[_]
) extends DecodeFailureHandler[F] {
  def apply(ctx: DecodeFailureContext)(implicit monad: MonadError[F]): F[Option[ValuedEndpointOutput[_]]] =
      respond(ctx).map { case (sc, hs) =>
        val failureMsg = failureMessage(ctx)
        response(sc, hs, failureMsg)

  def response(messageOutput: String => ValuedEndpointOutput[_]): DefaultDecodeFailureHandler[F] =
    copy(response = (s, h, m) => messageOutput(m).prepend(statusCode.and(headers), (s, h)))

object DefaultDecodeFailureHandler {

  /** The default implementation of the [[DecodeFailureHandler]].
    * A 400 (bad request) is returned if a query, header or body input can't be decoded (for any reason), or if decoding a path capture
    * causes a validation error.
    * A 401 (unauthorized) is returned when an authentication input (created using [[Tapir.auth]]) cannot be decoded. The appropriate
    * `WWW-Authenticate` headers are included.
    * Otherwise (e.g. if the method, a path segment, or path capture is missing, there's a mismatch or a decode error), `None` is returned,
    * which is a signal to try the next endpoint.
    * The error messages contain information about the source of the decode error, and optionally the validation error detail that caused
    * the failure.
    * The default decode failure handler can be customised by providing alternate functions for deciding whether a response should be sent,
    * creating the error message and creating the response.
    * Furthermore, how decode failures are handled can be adjusted globally by changing the flags passed to [[respond]]. By default, if the
    * shape of the path for an endpoint matches the request, but decoding a path capture causes an error (e.g. a `path[Int]("amount")`
    * cannot be parsed), the next endpoint is tried. However, if there's a validation error (e.g. a `path[Kind]("kind")`, where `Kind` is an
    * enum, and a value outside the enumeration values is provided), a 400 response is sent.
    * Finally, behavior can be adjusted per-endpoint-input, by setting an attribute. Import the [[OnDecodeFailure]] object and use the
    * [[OnDecodeFailure.RichEndpointTransput.onDecodeFailureNextEndpoint]] extension method.
    * This is only used for failures that occur when decoding inputs, not for exceptions that happen when the server logic is invoked.
    * Exceptions can be either handled by the server logic, and converted to an error output value. Uncaught exceptions can be handled using
    * the [[sttp.tapir.server.interceptor.exception.ExceptionInterceptor]].
  def apply[F[_]]: DefaultDecodeFailureHandler[F] = DefaultDecodeFailureHandler[F](
    failureResponse _

  /** A [[default]] handler which responds with a `404 Not Found`, instead of a `401 Unauthorized` or `400 Bad Request`, in case any input
    * fails to decode, and the endpoint contains authentication inputs (created using [[Tapir.auth]]). No `WWW-Authenticate` headers are
    * sent.
    * Hence, the information if the endpoint exists, but needs authentication is hidden from the client. However, the existence of the
    * endpoint might still be revealed using timing attacks.
  def hideEndpointsWithAuth[F[_]]: DefaultDecodeFailureHandler[F] =
    DefaultDecodeFailureHandler[F].copy(respond = ctx => respondNotFoundIfHasAuth(ctx, respond(ctx)))

  def failureResponse(c: StatusCode, hs: List[Header], m: String): ValuedEndpointOutput[_] =
    server.model.ValuedEndpointOutput(statusCode.and(headers).and(stringBody), (c, hs, m))

  def respond(
      ctx: DecodeFailureContext
  ): Option[(StatusCode, List[Header])] = {
    (failingInput(ctx), ctx.failure) match {
      case (i: EndpointTransput.Atom[_], _) if i.attribute(OnDecodeFailure.key).contains(OnDecodeFailureNextEndpointAttribute()) => None
      case (_: EndpointInput.Query[_], _)       => respondBadRequest
      case (_: EndpointInput.QueryParams[_], _) => respondBadRequest
      case (_: EndpointInput.Cookie[_], _)      => respondBadRequest
      case (h: EndpointIO.Header[_], _: DecodeResult.Mismatch) if == HeaderNames.ContentType =>
      case (_: EndpointIO.Header[_], _) => respondBadRequest
      case (fh: EndpointIO.FixedHeader[_], _: DecodeResult.Mismatch) if == HeaderNames.ContentType =>
      case (_: EndpointIO.FixedHeader[_], _)                               => respondBadRequest
      case (_: EndpointIO.Headers[_], _)                                   => respondBadRequest
      case (_, DecodeResult.Error(_, _: StreamMaxLengthExceededException)) => respondPayloadTooLarge
      case (_: EndpointIO.Body[_, _], _)                                   => respondBadRequest
      case (_: EndpointIO.OneOfBody[_, _], _: DecodeResult.Mismatch)       => respondUnsupportedMediaType
      case (_: EndpointIO.StreamBodyWrapper[_, _], _)                      => respondBadRequest
      // we assume that the only decode failure that might happen during path segment decoding is an error
      // a non-standard path decoder might return Missing/Multiple/Mismatch, but that would be indistinguishable from
      // a path shape mismatch
      case (_: EndpointInput.PathCapture[_], _: DecodeResult.Error | _: DecodeResult.InvalidValue) =>
      case (_: EndpointInput.PathsCapture[_], _) => respondBadRequest
      // if the failing input contains an authentication input (potentially nested), sending its challenge
      case (FirstAuth(a), _) => Some((StatusCode.Unauthorized, Header.wwwAuthenticate(a.challenge)))
      // other basic endpoints - the request doesn't match, but not returning a response (trying other endpoints)
      case (_: EndpointInput.Basic[_], _) => None
      // all other inputs (tuples, mapped) - responding with bad request
      case _ => respondBadRequest
  private val respondBadRequest = Some(onlyStatus(StatusCode.BadRequest))
  private val respondUnsupportedMediaType = Some(onlyStatus(StatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType))
  private val respondPayloadTooLarge = Some(onlyStatus(StatusCode.PayloadTooLarge))

  def respondNotFoundIfHasAuth(
      ctx: DecodeFailureContext,
      response: Option[(StatusCode, List[Header])]
  ): Option[(StatusCode, List[Header])] = { r =>
    val e = ctx.endpoint
    if (e.auths.nonEmpty) {
      // all responses (both 400 and 401) are converted to a not-found
    } else r

  private def onlyStatus(status: StatusCode): (StatusCode, List[Header]) = (status, Nil)

  private def failingInput(ctx: DecodeFailureContext) = {
    import sttp.tapir.internal.RichEndpointInput
    ctx.failure match {
      case DecodeResult.Missing =>
        def missingAuth(i: EndpointInput[_]) = i.pathTo(ctx.failingInput).collectFirst { case a: EndpointInput.Auth[_, _] =>
      case _ => ctx.failingInput

  private object FirstAuth {
    def unapply(input: EndpointInput[_]): Option[EndpointInput.Auth[_, _]] = input match {
      case a: EndpointInput.Auth[_, _]           => Some(a)
      case EndpointInput.MappedPair(input, _)    => unapply(input)
      case EndpointIO.MappedPair(input, _)       => unapply(input)
      case EndpointInput.Pair(left, right, _, _) => unapply(left).orElse(unapply(right))
      case EndpointIO.Pair(left, right, _, _)    => unapply(left).orElse(unapply(right))
      case _                                     => None

  /** Default messages for [[DecodeResult.Failure]] s. */
  object FailureMessages {

    /** Describes the source of the failure: in which part of the request did the failure occur. */
    def failureSourceMessage(input: EndpointInput[_]): String =
      input match {
        case EndpointInput.FixedMethod(_, _, _)      => s"Invalid value for: method"
        case EndpointInput.FixedPath(_, _, _)        => s"Invalid value for: path segment"
        case EndpointInput.PathCapture(name, _, _)   => s"Invalid value for: path parameter ${name.getOrElse("?")}"
        case EndpointInput.PathsCapture(_, _)        => s"Invalid value for: path"
        case EndpointInput.Query(name, _, _, _)      => s"Invalid value for: query parameter $name"
        case EndpointInput.QueryParams(_, _)         => "Invalid value for: query parameters"
        case EndpointInput.Cookie(name, _, _)        => s"Invalid value for: cookie $name"
        case _: EndpointInput.ExtractFromRequest[_]  => "Invalid value"
        case a: EndpointInput.Auth[_, _]             => failureSourceMessage(a.input)
        case _: EndpointInput.MappedPair[_, _, _, _] => "Invalid value"
        case _: EndpointIO.Body[_, _]                => s"Invalid value for: body"
        case _: EndpointIO.StreamBodyWrapper[_, _]   => s"Invalid value for: body"
        case EndpointIO.Header(name, _, _)           => s"Invalid value for: header $name"
        case EndpointIO.FixedHeader(name, _, _)      => s"Invalid value for: header $name"
        case EndpointIO.Headers(_, _)                => s"Invalid value for: headers"
        case _                                       => "Invalid value"

    def failureDetailMessage(failure: DecodeResult.Failure): Option[String] = failure match {
      case InvalidValue(errors) if errors.nonEmpty => Some(ValidationMessages.validationErrorsMessage(errors))
      case Error(_, JsonDecodeException(errors, _)) if errors.nonEmpty =>
            .map { error =>
              val at = if (error.path.nonEmpty) s" at '${".")}'" else ""
              error.msg + at
            .mkString(", ")
      case Error(_, MultipartDecodeException(partFailures)) =>
            .map { case (partName, partDecodeFailure) =>
              combineSourceAndDetail(s"part: $partName", failureDetailMessage(partDecodeFailure))
            .mkString(", ")
      case Missing                                              => Some("missing")
      case Multiple(_)                                          => Some("multiple values")
      case Mismatch(_, _)                                       => Some("value mismatch")
      case Error(_, StreamMaxLengthExceededException(maxBytes)) => Some(s"Content length limit: $maxBytes bytes")
      case _: Error                                             => None
      case _: InvalidValue                                      => None

    def combineSourceAndDetail(source: String, detail: Option[String]): String =
      detail match {
        case None    => source
        case Some(d) => s"$source ($d)"

    /** Default message describing the source of a decode failure, alongside with optional validation/decode failure details. */
    def failureMessage(ctx: DecodeFailureContext): String = {
      val base = failureSourceMessage(ctx.failingInput)
      val detail = failureDetailMessage(ctx.failure)
      combineSourceAndDetail(base, detail)

  /** Default messages when the decode failure is due to a validation error. */
  object ValidationMessages {

    /** Default message describing why a value is invalid.
      * @param valueName
      *   Name of the validated value to be used in error messages
    def invalidValueMessage[T](ve: ValidationError[T], valueName: String): String = {
      ve.customMessage match {
        case Some(message) => s"expected $valueName to pass validation: $message, but got: ${ve.invalidValue}"
        case None =>
          ve.validator match {
            case Validator.Min(value, exclusive) =>
              s"expected $valueName to be greater than ${if (exclusive) "" else "or equal to "}$value, but got ${ve.invalidValue}"
            case Validator.Max(value, exclusive) =>
              s"expected $valueName to be less than ${if (exclusive) "" else "or equal to "}$value, but got ${ve.invalidValue}"
            case Validator.Pattern(value) => s"expected $valueName to match: $value, but got: ${quoteIfString(ve.invalidValue)}"
            case Validator.MinLength(value, _) =>
              s"expected $valueName to have length greater than or equal to $value, but got: ${quoteIfString(ve.invalidValue)}"
            case Validator.MaxLength(value, _) =>
              s"expected $valueName to have length less than or equal to $value, but got: ${quoteIfString(ve.invalidValue)}"
            case Validator.MinSize(value) =>
              s"expected size of $valueName to be greater than or equal to $value, but got ${size(ve.invalidValue)}"
            case Validator.MaxSize(value) =>
              s"expected size of $valueName to be less than or equal to $value, but got ${size(ve.invalidValue)}"
            case Validator.Custom(_, _) => s"expected $valueName to pass validation, but got: ${quoteIfString(ve.invalidValue)}"
            case Validator.Enumeration(possibleValues, encode, _) =>
              val encodedPossibleValues =
                encode.fold( => possibleValues.flatMap(e(_).toList).map(_.toString))
              s"expected $valueName to be one of ${encodedPossibleValues.mkString("(", ", ", ")")}, but got: ${quoteIfString(ve.invalidValue)}"

    /** Default message describing the path to an invalid value. This is the path inside the validated object, e.g.
      * ``.
    def pathMessage(path: List[FieldName]): Option[String] =
      path match {
        case Nil => None
        case l   => Some("."))

    /** Default message describing the validation error: which value is invalid, and why. */
    def validationErrorMessage(ve: ValidationError[_]): String = invalidValueMessage(ve, pathMessage(ve.path).getOrElse("value"))

    /** Default message describing a list of validation errors: which values are invalid, and why. */
    def validationErrorsMessage(ve: List[ValidationError[_]]): String =", ")

    private def quoteIfString(v: Any): Any = v match {
      case s: String => s""""$s""""
      case _         => v

    private def size(v: Any): Any = v match {
      case i: Iterable[_] => i.size
      case _              => v

  private[decodefailure] case class OnDecodeFailureNextEndpointAttribute()

  object OnDecodeFailure {
    private[decodefailure] val key: AttributeKey[OnDecodeFailureNextEndpointAttribute] = AttributeKey[OnDecodeFailureNextEndpointAttribute]

    implicit class RichEndpointTransput[ET <: EndpointTransput.Atom[_]](val et: ET) extends AnyVal {
      def onDecodeFailureNextEndpoint: ET = et.attribute(key, OnDecodeFailureNextEndpointAttribute()).asInstanceOf[ET]

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