sttp.tapir.server.ziohttp.ZioHttpInterpreter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package sttp.tapir.server.ziohttp
import sttp.capabilities.WebSockets
import sttp.capabilities.zio.ZioStreams
import sttp.model.{Header => SttpHeader}
import sttp.monad.MonadError
import sttp.tapir.EndpointInput
import sttp.tapir.internal.RichEndpointInput
import sttp.tapir.server.interceptor.RequestResult
import sttp.tapir.server.interceptor.reject.RejectInterceptor
import sttp.tapir.server.interpreter.ServerInterpreter
import sttp.tapir.server.model.ServerResponse
import sttp.tapir.ztapir._
import zio._
import zio.http.codec.PathCodec
import zio.http.{Header => ZioHttpHeader, Headers => ZioHttpHeaders, _}
import scala.util.chaining._
trait ZioHttpInterpreter[R] {
def zioHttpServerOptions: ZioHttpServerOptions[R] = ZioHttpServerOptions.default
def toHttp[R2](se: ZServerEndpoint[R2, ZioStreams with WebSockets]): Routes[R & R2, Response] =
def toHttp[R2](ses: List[ZServerEndpoint[R2, ZioStreams with WebSockets]]): Routes[R & R2, Response] = {
implicit val bodyListener: ZioHttpBodyListener[R & R2] = new ZioHttpBodyListener[R & R2]
implicit val monadError: MonadError[RIO[R & R2, *]] = new RIOMonadError[R & R2]
val widenedSes =[R & R2])
val widenedServerOptions = zioHttpServerOptions.widen[R & R2]
val zioHttpRequestBody = new ZioHttpRequestBody(widenedServerOptions)
val zioHttpResponseBody = new ZioHttpToResponseBody
val interceptors = RejectInterceptor.disableWhenSingleEndpoint(widenedServerOptions.interceptors, widenedSes)
def handleRequest(req: Request, filteredEndpoints: List[ZServerEndpoint[R & R2, ZioStreams with WebSockets]]) =
Handler.fromZIO {
val interpreter = new ServerInterpreter[ZioStreams with WebSockets, RIO[R & R2, *], ZioResponseBody, ZioStreams](
_ => filteredEndpoints,
val serverRequest = ZioHttpServerRequest(req)
cause => ZIO.logErrorCause(cause) *>,
case RequestResult.Response(resp) =>
resp.body match {
case None => handleHttpResponse(resp, None)
case Some(Right(body)) => handleHttpResponse(resp, Some(body))
case Some(Left(body)) => handleWebSocketResponse(body, zioHttpServerOptions.customWebSocketConfig(serverRequest))
case RequestResult.Failure(_) => ZIO.succeed(Response.notFound)
// here we'll keep the endpoint together with the meta-data needed to create the zio-http routing information
case class ServerEndpointWithPattern(
index: Int,
pathTemplate: Vector[String],
routePattern: RoutePattern[Any], // the Any here is a way to work around the type checker
endpoint: ZServerEndpoint[R & R2, ZioStreams with WebSockets]
def toPattern(se: ZServerEndpoint[R & R2, ZioStreams with WebSockets], index: Int): ServerEndpointWithPattern = {
val e = se.endpoint
val inputs = e.securityInput.and(e.input).asVectorOfBasicInputs()
// Creating the path template - no-trailing-slash inputs are treated as wildcard inputs, as they are usually
// accompanied by endpoints which handle wildcard path inputs, when the `/` is present (to serve files). They
// need to end up in the same group (see below), so that they are disambiguated by Tapir's logic.
val pathTemplate = inputs.foldLeft(Vector.empty[String]) { case (p, component) =>
component match {
case _: EndpointInput.PathCapture[_] => p :+ "?"
case _: EndpointInput.PathsCapture[_] => p :+ "..."
case i: EndpointInput.ExtractFromRequest[_] if i.attribute(NoTrailingSlash.Attribute).getOrElse(false) => p :+ "..."
case i: EndpointInput.FixedPath[_] => p :+ s"{${i.s}}"
case _ => p
val hasPath = inputs.exists {
case _: EndpointInput.PathCapture[_] => true
case _: EndpointInput.PathsCapture[_] => true
case _: EndpointInput.FixedPath[_] => true
case _ => false
val hasNoTrailingSlash = inputs.exists {
case i: EndpointInput.ExtractFromRequest[_] if i.attribute(NoTrailingSlash.Attribute).getOrElse(false) => true
case _ => false
val routePattern: RoutePattern[Any] = if (hasPath) {
val initialPattern = RoutePattern(Method.ANY, PathCodec.empty).asInstanceOf[RoutePattern[Any]]
// The second tuple parameter specifies if PathCodec.trailing should be added to the route's pattern. It can
// be added either because of a PathsCapture, or because of an noTrailingSlash input.
val (p, addTrailing) = inputs
.foldLeft((initialPattern, hasNoTrailingSlash)) { case ((p, addTrailing), component) =>
component match {
case i: EndpointInput.PathCapture[_] =>
((p / PathCodec.string("?"))).asInstanceOf[RoutePattern[Any]], addTrailing)
case _: EndpointInput.PathsCapture[_] => (p, true)
case i: EndpointInput.FixedPath[_] => (p / PathCodec.literal(i.s), addTrailing)
case _ => (p, addTrailing)
if (addTrailing) (p / PathCodec.trailing).asInstanceOf[RoutePattern[Any]] else p
} else {
// if there are no path inputs, we return a catch-all
RoutePattern(Method.ANY, PathCodec.trailing).asInstanceOf[RoutePattern[Any]]
ServerEndpointWithPattern(index, pathTemplate, routePattern, se)
/** `t1` and `t2` are both path templates as created by `toPattern` above. Each path template is a vector of: ? | ... | {string}. This
* method checks if `t1` is at least as general as `t2`, that is if each request that matches `t2` also matches `t1`
def isAtLeastAsGeneralAs(t1: Vector[String], t2: Vector[String]): Boolean = (t1, t2) match {
case ("..." +: _, _) => true
case (_, "..." +: _) => false
case ("?" +: tail1, "?" +: tail2) => isAtLeastAsGeneralAs(tail1, tail2)
case ("?" +: tail1, _ +: tail2) => isAtLeastAsGeneralAs(tail1, tail2)
case (_ +: _, "?" +: _) => false
case (p1 +: tail1, p2 +: tail2) => (p1 == p2) && isAtLeastAsGeneralAs(tail1, tail2)
case (Vector(), Vector()) => true
case _ => false
/** For each server endpoint, find the most general template among all the templates in the list, and use it for the endpoint, along
* with the `RoutePattern` corresponding to that template.
def generaliseTemplates(endpoints: List[ServerEndpointWithPattern]): List[ServerEndpointWithPattern] = {
// de-duplicating the path templates
val allTemplates: List[(Vector[String], RoutePattern[Any])] = => (se.pathTemplate, se.routePattern)).toMap.toList { se =>
val mostGeneral: (Vector[String], RoutePattern[Any]) =
allTemplates.foldLeft((se.pathTemplate, se.routePattern)) {
case ((mostGeneralTemplate, mostGeneralPattern), (template, pattern)) =>
if (template != mostGeneralTemplate && isAtLeastAsGeneralAs(template, mostGeneralTemplate)) {
(template, pattern)
} else {
(mostGeneralTemplate, mostGeneralPattern)
se.copy(pathTemplate = mostGeneral._1, routePattern = mostGeneral._2)
// Generating a path tempalte for each endpoint, and then finding the most general template among all of the
// endpoints. Once this is done, grouping the endpoints by path template. This way, if there are multiple endpoints
// with/without trailing slash or with path wildcards, they will end up in the same group, and they will be
// disambiguated by the Tapir logic. That's because there's no way currently to create a zio-http route pattern
// which would match on no-trailing-slashes. A group also includes multiple endpoints with different methods, but
// same path.
val widenedSesGroupedByPathTemplate =
.map { case (se, index) => toPattern(se, index) }
// we try to maintain the order of endpoints as passed by the user; this order might be changed if there are
// endpoints with/without trailing slashes, or with different methods, which are not passed as subsequent
// values in the original `ses` list
val handlers: List[Route[R & R2, Response]] = { sesWithPattern =>
val pattern = sesWithPattern.head.routePattern
val endpoints = sesWithPattern.sortBy(_.index).map(_.endpoint)
// The pattern that we generate should be the same for all endpoints in a group
Route.handledIgnoreParams(pattern)(Handler.fromFunctionHandler { (request: Request) => handleRequest(request, endpoints) })
private def handleWebSocketResponse(
webSocketHandler: WebSocketHandler,
webSocketConfig: Option[WebSocketConfig]
): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Response] = {
val app = Handler.webSocket { channel =>
for {
channelEventsQueue <- zio.Queue.unbounded[WebSocketChannelEvent]
messageReceptionFiber <- channel.receiveAll { message => channelEventsQueue.offer(message) }.fork
webSocketStream <- webSocketHandler(stream.ZStream.fromQueue(channelEventsQueue))
_ <- webSocketStream.mapZIO(channel.send).runDrain
} yield messageReceptionFiber.join
private def handleHttpResponse(
resp: ServerResponse[ZioResponseBody],
body: Option[ZioHttpResponseBody]
): UIO[Response] = {
val baseHeaders = resp.headers.groupBy(
val allHeaders = body.flatMap(_.contentLength) match {
case Some(contentLength) if resp.contentLength.isEmpty => ZioHttpHeader.ContentLength(contentLength) :: baseHeaders
case _ => baseHeaders
val statusCode = resp.code.code
.map {
case ZioStreamHttpResponseBody(stream, Some(contentLength)) => ZIO.succeed(Body.fromStream(stream, contentLength))
case ZioStreamHttpResponseBody(stream, None) => ZIO.succeed(Body.fromStreamChunked(stream))
case ZioMultipartHttpResponseBody(formFields) => Body.fromMultipartFormUUID(Form(Chunk.fromIterable(formFields)))
case ZioRawHttpResponseBody(chunk, _) => ZIO.succeed(Body.fromChunk(chunk))
.map(zioBody => Response(status = Status.fromInt(statusCode), headers = ZioHttpHeaders(allHeaders), body = zioBody))
private def sttpToZioHttpHeader(hl: (String, Seq[SttpHeader])): Seq[ZioHttpHeader] = {
hl._1.toLowerCase match {
case "set-cookie" => { rawValue =>
ZioHttpHeader.SetCookie.parse(rawValue).toOption.getOrElse {
ZioHttpHeader.Custom(hl._1, rawValue)
case _ => List(ZioHttpHeader.Custom(hl._1,", ")))
object ZioHttpInterpreter {
def apply[R](serverOptions: ZioHttpServerOptions[R]): ZioHttpInterpreter[R] =
new ZioHttpInterpreter[R] {
override def zioHttpServerOptions: ZioHttpServerOptions[R] = serverOptions
def apply(): ZioHttpInterpreter[Any] =
new ZioHttpInterpreter[Any] {
override def zioHttpServerOptions: ZioHttpServerOptions[Any] = ZioHttpServerOptions.default[Any]
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