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package com.softwaremill.react.kafka
import java.util.{Properties, UUID}
import kafka.message.{DefaultCompressionCodec, NoCompressionCodec, SnappyCompressionCodec}
import kafka.producer.ProducerConfig
import kafka.serializer.Encoder
object ProducerProperties {
* Producer Properties
* brokerList
* This is for bootstrapping and the producer will only use it for getting metadata (topics, partitions and replicas).
* The socket connections for sending the actual data will be established based on the broker information returned in
* the metadata. The format is host1:port1,host2:port2, and the list can be a subset of brokers or a VIP pointing to a
* subset of brokers.
* topic
* The high-level API hides the details of brokers from the consumer and allows consuming off the cluster of machines
* without concern for the underlying topology. It also maintains the state of what has been consumed. The high-level API
* also provides the ability to subscribe to topics that match a filter expression (i.e., either a whitelist or a blacklist
* regular expression). This topic is a whitelist only but can change with re-factoring below on the filterSpec
* clientId
* The client id is a user-specified string sent in each request to help trace calls. It should logically identify
* the application making the request.
def apply[T](
brokerList: String,
topic: String,
clientId: String,
encoder: Encoder[T],
partitionizer: T => Option[Array[Byte]]
): ProducerProperties[T] = {
val props = Map[String, String](
"" -> brokerList,
// defaults
"compression.codec" -> DefaultCompressionCodec.codec.toString,
"" -> clientId,
"message.send.max.retries" -> 3.toString,
"request.required.acks" -> -1.toString,
"producer.type" -> "sync"
new ProducerProperties(props, topic, clientId, encoder, partitionizer)
def apply[T](brokerList: String, topic: String, clientId: String, encoder: Encoder[T]): ProducerProperties[T] = {
val props = Map[String, String](
"" -> brokerList,
// defaults
"compression.codec" -> DefaultCompressionCodec.codec.toString,
"" -> clientId,
"message.send.max.retries" -> 3.toString,
"request.required.acks" -> -1.toString,
"producer.type" -> "sync"
new ProducerProperties(props, topic, clientId, encoder, (_: T) => None)
case class ProducerProperties[T](
private val params: Map[String, String],
topic: String,
clientId: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString,
encoder: Encoder[T],
partitionizer: T => Option[Array[Byte]] = (_: T) => None
) {
* Asynchronous Mode
* The number of messages to send in one batch when using async mode.
* The producer will wait until either this number of messages are ready
* to send or bufferMaxMs timeout is reached.
def asynchronous(batchSize: Int = 200, bufferMaxMs: Int = 500): ProducerProperties[T] = {
val p = params + (
"producer.type" -> "async",
"batch.num.messages" -> batchSize.toString,
"" -> bufferMaxMs.toString
copy(params = p)
* No Compression
* Allows you to turn off the compression codec for all data generated by this producer.
def noCompression(): ProducerProperties[T] = {
copy(params = params + ("compression.codec" -> NoCompressionCodec.codec.toString))
* Use Snappy Compression instead of the default compression
def useSnappyCompression(): ProducerProperties[T] = {
copy(params = params + ("compression.codec" -> SnappyCompressionCodec.codec.toString))
* messageSendMaxRetries
* This property will cause the producer to automatically retry a failed send request.
* This property specifies the number of retries when such failures occur. Note that
* setting a non-zero value here can lead to duplicates in the case of network errors
* that cause a message to be sent but the acknowledgment to be lost.
def messageSendMaxRetries(num: Int): ProducerProperties[T] = {
copy(params = params + ("message.send.max.retries" -> num.toString))
* requestRequiredAcks
* 0) which means that the producer never waits for an acknowledgment from the broker (the same behavior as 0.7).
* This option provides the lowest latency but the weakest durability guarantees (some data will be lost when a server fails).
* 1) which means that the producer gets an acknowledgment after the leader replica has received the data. This option provides
* better durability as the client waits until the server acknowledges the request as successful (only messages that were
* written to the now-dead leader but not yet replicated will be lost).
* -1) which means that the producer gets an acknowledgment after all in-sync replicas have received the data. This option
* provides the best durability, we guarantee that no messages will be lost as long as at least one in sync replica remains.
def requestRequiredAcks(value: Int): ProducerProperties[T] = {
copy(params = params + ("request.required.acks" -> value.toString))
* Set any additional properties as needed
def setProperty(key: String, value: String): ProducerProperties[T] = copy(params = params + (key -> value))
def setProperties(values: (String, String)*): ProducerProperties[T] = copy(params = params ++ values)
* Generate the Kafka ProducerConfig object
def toProducerConfig: ProducerConfig = {
new ProducerConfig(params.foldLeft(new Properties()) { (props, param) => props.put(param._1, param._2); props })
* Dump current props for debugging
def dump: String = { e => f"${e._1}%-20s : ${e._2.toString}" }.mkString("\n")