com.soundcloud.lsh.QueryLsh.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.soundcloud.lsh
import com.soundcloud.lsh.SparkImplicits._
import org.apache.spark.ReExports.BoundedPriorityQueue
import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributed.{CoordinateMatrix, IndexedRowMatrix, MatrixEntry}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.Random
case class SubBucket(bucketHash: Int, subBucketId: Int = -1)
* Standard Lsh implementation. The queryMatrix is hashed multiple times and exact hash matches are
* searched for in the dbMatrix. These candidates are used to compute the cosine distance.
* @param minCosineSimilarity minimum similarity two items need to have
* otherwise they are discarded from the result set
* @param dimensions number of random vectors (hyperplanes) to generate bit
* vectors of length d
* @param numNeighbours maximum number of catalogItems to be matched for a query when there is
* a matching LSH hash
* @param maxMatches maximum number of candidates to return for each query
* @param rounds number of hash rounds. The more the better the approximation but
* longer the computation.
* @param randomReplications The number of times that catalog set should be replicated in order
* to increase LSH recall.
* @param bucketSplittingPercentile The percentile of the query bucket size that is used as reference for the maximal
* bucket size. Any bucket bigger than that will be split in sub-buckets that are smaller.
class QueryLsh(minCosineSimilarity: Double,
dimensions: Int,
numNeighbours: Int,
maxMatches: Int,
rounds: Int,
randomReplications: Int = 0,
bucketSplittingPercentile: Double = 0.95)(sparkSession: SparkSession) extends QueryJoiner with Serializable {
override def join(queryMatrix: IndexedRowMatrix, catalogMatrix: IndexedRowMatrix): CoordinateMatrix = {
val numFeatures = queryMatrix.numCols().toInt
val neighbours = 0 until rounds map {
i =>
val randomMatrix = localRandomMatrix(dimensions, numFeatures)
val querySignatures: RDD[(Int, Signature)] = matrixToBitSet(queryMatrix, randomMatrix).
querySignatures.setName(s"querySignatures run $i").cache()
val bucketSplits: Map[Int, Int] = computeBucketSplits(querySignatures)
val bucketSplitsBc = sparkSession.sparkContext.broadcast(bucketSplits)
val splitQuerySignatures: RDD[(SubBucket, Signature)] = splitIntoSubBuckets(querySignatures, bucketSplitsBc)
val duplicatedCatalogSignatures: RDD[(SubBucket, Signature)] =
matrixToBitSet(catalogMatrix, randomMatrix).
andThen(replicateAndRehash(randomReplications, _)).
andThen(duplicateInSubBuckets(_, bucketSplitsBc))
joinWithRightBounded(numNeighbours, splitQuerySignatures, duplicatedCatalogSignatures).
flatMap {
case (query, catalog) =>
val cosine = Cosine(query.vector, catalog.vector)
if(cosine < minCosineSimilarity)
Some(MatrixEntry(query.index, catalog.index, cosine))
val mergedNeighbours = distinctTopK(neighbours.reduce(_ ++ _), maxMatches)
new CoordinateMatrix(mergedNeighbours)
private def distinctTopK(rdd: RDD[MatrixEntry], k: Int): RDD[MatrixEntry] = {
rdd.mapPartitions { partition =>
// It is assumed that the partitions do not contain duplicates (this is mostly true, but might be false if a query has been split in multiple subbuckets,
// and a catalog item is replicated in two subbuckets, and the two subbuckets end up in the same partition).
// As a result, we don't deduplicate before shuffling, and might have less than k unique items per partition in some cases.
val m = mutable.Map.empty[Long, BoundedPriorityQueue[MatrixEntry]]
for (entry <- partition) {
val key = entry.i
val queue = m.getOrElseUpdate(key, new BoundedPriorityQueue[MatrixEntry](k)(
queue += entry
}.reduceByKey { case (matches1, matches2) =>
// This is a pretty naive implementation of distinct+topk. It's likely possible to get better performance by writing a custom
// priority queue that has no duplicates.
val distinctMatches: Set[MatrixEntry] = matches1.toSet ++ matches2
new BoundedPriorityQueue[MatrixEntry](k)( ++= distinctMatches
private def duplicateInSubBuckets(signatures: RDD[Signature], bucketSplitsBc: Broadcast[Map[Int, Int]]): RDD[(SubBucket, Signature)] = {
val newCatalogSignatures = signatures.
flatMap { signature =>
val hash = signature.bitSet.hashCode()
bucketSplitsBc.value.get(hash) match {
case None => Seq((SubBucket(hash), signature))
case Some(numSplits) => 0 until numSplits map { i => (SubBucket(hash, i), signature) }
private def splitIntoSubBuckets(querySignatures: RDD[(Int, Signature)], bucketSplitsBc: Broadcast[Map[Int, Int]]): RDD[(SubBucket, Signature)] = {
querySignatures.mapPartitions { partition =>
val random = new Random() { case (hash, signature) =>
bucketSplitsBc.value.get(hash) match {
case None => (SubBucket(hash), signature)
case Some(numSplits) => (SubBucket(hash, random.nextInt(numSplits)), signature)
* Compute how many times each bucket needs to be split
* First, compute `bucketSplittingPercentile` percentile of bucket sizes, then determine the bucket splits so that
* no bucket is bigger than that percentile.
private def computeBucketSplits(querySignatures: RDD[(Int, Signature)]): Map[Int, Int] = {
import sparkSession.implicits._
val bucketSizes: RDD[(Int, Int)] = querySignatures.mapValues(_ => 1).reduceByKey(_ + _).cache
val Array(maxBucketSize) = bucketSizes.toDF("hash", "queryCount")
.stat.approxQuantile("queryCount", Array(bucketSplittingPercentile), 0.001)
val bucketSplits = bucketSizes.filter(_._2 > maxBucketSize).mapValues(_ / maxBucketSize.toInt + 1).collect().toMap
private def joinWithRightBounded[K: ClassTag, V: ClassTag, W: ClassTag]
(bound: Int, rdd1: RDD[(K, V)], rdd2: RDD[(K, W)]): RDD[(K, (V, W))] = {
rdd1.cogroup(rdd2).flatMapValues( pair =>
for (v <- pair._1.iterator; w <- pair._2.iterator.take(bound)) yield (v, w)
* Replicate data into neighboring hashes to increase recall.
* Each row of the RDD is replicated `replications` times by generating a new row and randomly
* flipping a bit of the hash to put it into a different neighboring hash bucket.
private def replicateAndRehash(replications: Int, sigs: RDD[Signature]): RDD[Signature] = {
if(replications==0) sigs
sigs.mapPartitions{ partition =>
val random = new Random()
partition.flatMap{ sig =>
val indices = (0 until sig.bitSet.numBits).toSeq
val selectedIndices = random.shuffle[Int, IndexedSeq](indices).take(replications)
val perturbedBitSets ={ix => val bitSet = BitSet(sig.bitSet); bitSet.flip(ix); bitSet}
sig +: => sig.copy(bitSet=bitSet))