com.soundcloud.lsh.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.soundcloud
import java.util.Random
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributed.{MatrixEntry, IndexedRow, IndexedRowMatrix}
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Matrices, Matrix, Vector}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
package object lsh {
* An id with it's hash encoding.
final case class SparseSignature(index: Long, bitSet: BitSet) extends Ordered[SparseSignature] {
override def compare(that: SparseSignature): Int = bitSetComparator(this.bitSet, that.bitSet)
* An id with it's hash encoding and original vector.
final case class Signature(index: Long, vector: Vector, bitSet: BitSet) extends Ordered[Signature] {
override def compare(that: Signature): Int = bitSetComparator(this.bitSet, that.bitSet)
* Compares two bit sets according to the first different bit
def bitSetComparator(a: BitSet, b: BitSet): Int = {
val xor = a ^ b
val firstDifference = xor.nextSetBit(0)
if (firstDifference >= 0) {
if (a.get(firstDifference)) // if the difference is set to 1 on a
} else {
* Returns a string representation of a BitSet
def bitSetToString(bs: BitSet): String = bs.iterator.mkString(",")
* Returns a local k by d matrix with random gaussian entries mean=0.0 and
* std=1.0
* This is a k by d matrix as it is multiplied by the input matrix
def localRandomMatrix(d: Int, numFeatures: Int): Matrix = {
val randomGenerator = new Random()
val values = Array.fill(numFeatures * d)(randomGenerator.nextGaussian())
Matrices.dense(numFeatures, d, values)
* Converts a given input matrix to a bit set representation using random hyperplanes
def matrixToBitSet(inputMatrix: IndexedRowMatrix, localRandomMatrix: Matrix): RDD[Signature] = {
val bitSets = inputMatrix.multiply(localRandomMatrix) {
indexedRow =>
(indexedRow.index, vectorToBitSet(indexedRow.vector))
val originalVectors = { row => (row.index, row.vector) }
bitSets.join(originalVectors).map {
case (id, (bitSet, vector)) =>
Signature(id, vector, bitSet)
* Converts a given input matrix to a bit set representation using random hyperplanes
def matrixToBitSetSparse(inputMatrix: IndexedRowMatrix, localRandomMatrix: Matrix): RDD[SparseSignature] = {
inputMatrix.multiply(localRandomMatrix) {
indexedRow: IndexedRow =>
val bitSet = vectorToBitSet(indexedRow.vector)
SparseSignature(indexedRow.index, bitSet)
* Converts a vector to a bit set by replacing all values of x with sign(x)
def vectorToBitSet(vector: Vector): BitSet = {
val bitSet = new BitSet(vector.size) {
case ((value: Double, index: Int)) =>
if (math.signum(value) > 0)
* Approximates the cosine distance of two bit sets using their hamming
* distance
def hammingToCosine(hammingDistance: Int, d: Double): Double = {
val pr = 1.0 - (hammingDistance / d)
math.cos((1.0 - pr) * math.Pi)
* Returns the hamming distance between two bit vectors
def hamming(vec1: BitSet, vec2: BitSet): Int = {
(vec1 ^ vec2).cardinality()
* Compares two bit sets for their equality
def bitSetIsEqual(vec1: BitSet, vec2: BitSet): Boolean = {
hamming(vec1, vec2) == 0
* Take distinct matrix entry values based on the indices only.
* The actual values are discarded.
def distinct(matrix: RDD[MatrixEntry]): RDD[MatrixEntry] = {
matrix.keyBy(m => (m.i, m.j)).reduceByKey((x, y) => x).values