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Big Number Library for Kotlin
package com.soywiz.kbignum
import com.soywiz.kbignum.internal.*
import kotlin.math.*
import kotlin.time.*
* @TODO: Use JVM BigInteger and JS BigInt
class CommonBigInt private constructor(val data: UInt16ArrayZeroPad, override val signum: Int, var dummy: Boolean) : BigInt, BigIntConstructor by CommonBigInt {
val isSmall get() = data.size <= 1
val maxBits get() = data.size * CHUNK_BITS
val significantBits get() = maxBits - leadingZeros()
companion object : BigIntCompanion {
internal const val CHUNK_BITS = Short.SIZE_BITS // UInt16ArrayZeroPad
val ZERO = CommonBigInt(uint16ArrayZeroPadOf(), 0, true)
val MINUS_ONE = CommonBigInt(uint16ArrayZeroPadOf(1), -1, true)
val ONE = CommonBigInt(uint16ArrayZeroPadOf(1), 1, true)
val TWO = CommonBigInt(uint16ArrayZeroPadOf(2), 1, true)
val TEN = CommonBigInt(uint16ArrayZeroPadOf(10), 1, true)
val SMALL = CommonBigInt(uint16ArrayZeroPadOf(UINT16_MASK), 1, true)
operator fun invoke(data: UInt16ArrayZeroPad, signum: Int): CommonBigInt {
// Trim leading zeros
var maxN = 0
for (n in data.size - 1 downTo 0) {
if (data[n] != 0) {
maxN = n + 1
if (maxN == 0) return ZERO
return CommonBigInt(data.copyOf(maxN), signum, false)
override fun create(value: Int): CommonBigInt = when (value) {
0 -> ZERO
1 -> ONE
2 -> TWO
else -> {
val magnitude = value.toLong().absoluteValue
(magnitude ushr 0).toInt(),
(magnitude ushr 16).toInt()
), value.sign
//if (value == 0) return CommonBigInt(uint16ArrayZeroPadOf(), 0, true)
override operator fun invoke(value: Int): CommonBigInt = create(value)
override operator fun invoke(value: Long): CommonBigInt = create(value) as CommonBigInt
override operator fun invoke(value: String): CommonBigInt = create(value) as CommonBigInt
override operator fun invoke(value: String, radix: Int): CommonBigInt = create(value, radix) as CommonBigInt
fun countBits(): Int {
var count = 0
for (n in 0 until data.size) count += data[n].bitCount()
return count
/** Number of leadingZeros with the size of [maxBits] */
fun leadingZeros(): Int {
if (isZero) return maxBits
for (n in 0 until data.size) {
val dataN = data[data.size - n - 1]
if (dataN != 0) {
//println("dataN: $dataN : trailingZeros=${dataN.trailingZeros()}")
return (16 * n) + (dataN.leadingZeros() - 16)
return maxBits
/** Number of trailingZeros with the size of [maxBits] */
fun trailingZeros(): Int {
if (isZero) return maxBits
for (n in 0 until data.size) {
val dataN = data[n]
if (dataN != 0) {
return 16 * n + dataN.trailingZeros()
return maxBits
override operator fun plus(other: BigInt): CommonBigInt {
other as CommonBigInt
val l = this
val r = other
return when {
l.isZero -> r
r.isZero -> l
l.isNegative && r.isPositive -> r - l.absoluteValue
l.isPositive && r.isNegative -> l - r.absoluteValue
l.isNegative && r.isNegative -> -(l.absoluteValue + r.absoluteValue)
else -> CommonBigInt(UnsignedBigInt.add(,, signum)
override operator fun minus(other: BigInt): CommonBigInt {
other as CommonBigInt
val l = this
val r = other
return when {
r.isZero -> l
l.isZero -> -r
l.isNegative && r.isNegative -> r.abs() - l.abs() // (-l) - (-r) == (-l) + (r) == (r - l)
l.isNegative && r.isPositive -> -(l.absoluteValue + r) // -l - r == -(l + r)
l.isPositive && r.isNegative -> l + r.absoluteValue // l - (-r) == l + r
l.isPositive && r.isPositive && l < r -> -(r - l)
else -> CommonBigInt(UnsignedBigInt.sub(,, 1)
override infix fun pow(exponent: BigInt): CommonBigInt {
exponent as CommonBigInt
if (exponent.isNegative) throw BigIntOverflowException("Negative exponent")
if (exponent.isZero) return ONE
if (exponent == ONE) return this
var base = this
var expBit = 0
val expMaxBits = exponent.significantBits
//println("$exponent -> maxBits=${exponent.maxBits}, leadingZeros=${exponent.leadingZeros()}, trailingZeros=${exponent.trailingZeros()}, expMaxBits=$expMaxBits")
if (expMaxBits < 32) return pow(exponent.toInt())
var result = ONE
while (expBit < expMaxBits) {
if (exponent.getBit(expBit)) result *= base
base *= base
return result
override infix fun pow(exponent: Int): CommonBigInt = powWithStats(exponent, null)
override fun square(): CommonBigInt {
return this * this
fun powWithStats(exponent: Int, stats: OpStats?): CommonBigInt {
//return this pow
if (exponent < 0) throw BigIntOverflowException("Negative exponent")
if (exponent == 0) return ONE
if (exponent == 1) return this
var result = ONE
var base = this
var exp = exponent
var iterCount = 0
var multCount = 0
while (exp != 0) {
if ((exp and 1) != 0) {
result *= base
base = base.square()
exp /= 2
stats?.set(iterations = iterCount, bigMultiplications = multCount)
return result
data class OpStats(var iterations: Int = 0, var bigMultiplications: Int = 0) {
fun set(iterations: Int = 0, bigMultiplications: Int = 0) {
this.iterations = iterations
this.bigMultiplications = bigMultiplications
fun mulWithStats(other: CommonBigInt, stats: OpStats?): CommonBigInt {
stats?.iterations = 0
return when {
this.isZero || other.isZero -> ZERO
this == ONE -> other
other == ONE -> this
this == TWO -> other shl 1
other == TWO -> this shl 1
other.countBits() == 1 -> CommonBigInt(
(this shl other.trailingZeros()).data,
if (this.signum == other.signum) +1 else -1
else -> CommonBigInt(
UnsignedBigInt.mul(,, stats),
if (this.signum == other.signum) +1 else -1
override operator fun times(other: BigInt): CommonBigInt = mulWithStats(other as CommonBigInt, null)
override operator fun div(other: BigInt): CommonBigInt = divRem(other as CommonBigInt).div
override operator fun rem(other: BigInt): CommonBigInt = divRem(other as CommonBigInt).rem
fun withBit(bit: Int, set: Boolean = true): CommonBigInt {
// return if (set) this or (ONE shl bit) else this and (ONE shl bit).inv()
val bitShift = (bit % 16)
val bitMask = 1 shl bitShift
val wordPos = bit / 16
val out = CommonBigInt(data.copyOf(max(data.size, wordPos + 1)), if (signum == 0) 1 else signum, dummy)
val outData =
outData[wordPos] = if (set) outData[wordPos] or bitMask else outData[wordPos] and bitMask.inv()
return out
// Assumes positive non-zero values this > 0 && other > 0
data class DivRem(val div: CommonBigInt, val rem: CommonBigInt)
fun divRem(other: CommonBigInt): DivRem {
return when {
this.isZero -> DivRem(
other.isZero -> throw BigIntDivisionByZeroException("Division by zero")
this.isNegative && other.isNegative -> this.absoluteValue.divRem(other.absoluteValue).let {
DivRem(it.div, -it.rem)
this.isNegative && other.isPositive -> this.absoluteValue.divRem(other.absoluteValue).let {
DivRem(-it.div, -it.rem)
this.isPositive && other.isNegative -> this.absoluteValue.divRem(other.absoluteValue).let {
DivRem(-it.div, it.rem)
other == ONE -> DivRem(this, ZERO)
other == TWO -> DivRem(this shr 1, CommonBigInt(this.getBitInt(0)) as CommonBigInt)
other <= SMALL -> UnsignedBigInt.divRemSmall(, other.toInt()).let {
CommonBigInt(it.div, signum),
CommonBigInt(it.rem) as CommonBigInt
other.countBits() == 1 -> {
val bits = other.trailingZeros()
DivRem(this shr bits, this and ((ONE shl bits) - ONE))
else -> this.divRemBig(other)
// Simple euclidean division
private fun divRemBig(other: CommonBigInt): DivRem {
if (this.isZero) return DivRem(ZERO, ZERO)
if (other.isZero) throw BigIntDivisionByZeroException("division by zero")
if (this.isNegative || other.isNegative) throw BigIntInvalidOperationException("Non positive numbers")
val lbits = this.significantBits
val rbits = other.significantBits
var rem = this
var divisor = other
var divisorShift = 0
var res = ZERO
val initialShiftBits = lbits - rbits + 1
divisorShift += initialShiftBits
divisor = divisor shl initialShiftBits
while (divisorShift >= 0) {
if (divisor.isZero) throw BigIntDivisionByZeroException("divisor is zero!")
if (divisor <= rem) {
res = res.withBit(divisorShift)
rem -= divisor
divisor = divisor shr 1
return DivRem(res, rem)
fun getBitInt(n: Int): Int = ((data[n / 16] ushr (n % 16)) and 1)
fun getBit(n: Int): Boolean = getBitInt(n) != 0
override infix fun shl(count: Int): CommonBigInt {
if (count < 0) return this shr (-count)
val blockShift = count / 16
val smallShift = count % 16
val out = UInt16ArrayZeroPad(data.size + blockShift + 1)
var carry = 0
val count_rcp = 16 - smallShift
for (n in 0 until data.size + 1) {
val v = data[n]
out[n + blockShift] = ((carry) or (v shl smallShift))
carry = v ushr count_rcp
if (carry != 0) throw BigIntException("ERROR!")
return CommonBigInt(out, signum)
override infix fun shr(count: Int): CommonBigInt {
//if (this.isNegative) return -(this.absoluteValue shr count) - 1
if (count < 0) return this shl (-count)
val blockShift = count / 16
val smallShift = count % 16
val out = UInt16ArrayZeroPad(data.size - blockShift)
var carry = 0
val count_rcp = 16 - smallShift
val LOW_MASK = (1 shl smallShift) - 1
for (n in data.size - 1 downTo blockShift) {
val v = data[n]
out[n - blockShift] = ((carry shl count_rcp) or (v ushr smallShift))
carry = v and LOW_MASK
return CommonBigInt(out, signum)
override operator fun compareTo(that: BigInt): Int {
that as CommonBigInt
if (this.isNegative && that.isPositiveOrZero) return -1
if (this.isPositiveOrZero && that.isNegative) return +1
val resUnsigned =,
return if (this.isNegative && that.isNegative) -resUnsigned else resUnsigned
override fun hashCode(): Int = * this.signum
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = (other is CommonBigInt) && this.signum == other.signum &&
val absoluteValue get() = abs()
override fun abs() = if (this.isZero) ZERO else if (this.isPositive) this else CommonBigInt(, 1)
override operator fun unaryPlus(): CommonBigInt = this
override operator fun unaryMinus(): CommonBigInt = CommonBigInt(, -signum, false)
fun mulAddSmall(mul: Int, add: Int): CommonBigInt {
if ((mul and 0xFFFF) == mul && (add and 0xFFFF) == add) {
val temp = UInt16ArrayZeroPad( + 1))
UnsignedBigInt.inplaceSmallMulAdd(temp, mul, add)
return CommonBigInt(temp, if (temp.isAllZero) 0 else if (signum == 0) 1 else signum)
val out = this * CommonBigInt(mul)
return if (add == 0) out else out + CommonBigInt(add)
override operator fun plus(other: Int): CommonBigInt = plus(CommonBigInt(other))
override operator fun minus(other: Int): CommonBigInt = minus(CommonBigInt(other))
override operator fun times(other: Int): CommonBigInt = mulAddSmall(other, 0)
override operator fun times(other: Long): CommonBigInt = times(CommonBigInt(other))
override operator fun div(other: Int): CommonBigInt = div(CommonBigInt(other))
override operator fun rem(other: Int): CommonBigInt = rem(CommonBigInt(other))
override infix fun and(other: BigInt): CommonBigInt = bitwise(other as CommonBigInt, Int::and)
override infix fun or(other: BigInt): CommonBigInt = bitwise(other as CommonBigInt, Int::or)
override infix fun xor(other: BigInt): CommonBigInt = bitwise(other as CommonBigInt, Int::xor)
override fun inv(): CommonBigInt = CommonBigInt(
UInt16ArrayZeroPad( {
for (n in 0 until it.size) it[n] =[n].inv()
}, 1
private inline fun bitwise(other: CommonBigInt, op: (a: Int, b: Int) -> Int): CommonBigInt {
return CommonBigInt(
UInt16ArrayZeroPad(max(, {
for (n in 0 until it.size) it[n] = op([n],[n])
}, 1
override fun toString() = toString(10)
override fun toString(radix: Int): String {
// @TODO: Estimate digits
val sb = StringBuilder()
toString(sb, radix)
return sb.toString()
fun toString(sb: StringBuilder, radix: Int) {
if (this.isZero) {
if (this.isNegative) {
when (radix) {
// @TODO: Generalize to power of two radix
2 -> toUnsignedString2(sb)
16 -> toUnsignedString16(sb)
else -> toUnsignedStringGeneric(sb, radix)
private fun toUnsignedString2(sb: StringBuilder) {
val mb = maxBits
var started = false
for (n in 0 until mb) {
val bit = getBit(mb - n - 1)
if (!started && !bit) continue
sb.append(if (bit) '1' else '0')
started = true
private fun toUnsignedString16(sb: StringBuilder) {
var started = false
for (n in 0 until data.size) {
val i = data.size - 1 - n
val value = data[i]
for (m in 0 until 4) {
val digit = (value ushr 12 - (4 * m)) and 0xF
if (digit == 0 && !started) continue
started = true
private fun toUnsignedStringGeneric(sb: StringBuilder, radix: Int) {
if (radix !in 2..26) throw BigIntInvalidFormatException("Invalid radix $radix!")
// Divide and conquer
//if ( > 20) return
val out = StringBuilder()
var num = this
// Optimize with mutable data
while (num != ZERO) {
val result = UnsignedBigInt.divRemSmall(, radix)
num = CommonBigInt(result.div, 1)
override fun toInt(): Int {
if (significantBits > 31) throw BigIntOverflowException("Can't represent CommonBigInt($this) as integer: maxBits=$maxBits, significantBits=$significantBits, trailingZeros=${trailingZeros()}")
val magnitude = ([0].toLong() or ([1].toLong() shl 16)) * signum
return magnitude.toInt()
fun toBigNum(): BigNum = BigNum(this, 0)
class UInt16ArrayZeroPad internal constructor(val data: IntArray) {
val isAllZero: Boolean get() = data.all { it == 0 }
val size get() = data.size
constructor(size: Int) : this(IntArray(max(1, size)))
operator fun get(index: Int): Int {
if (index !in data.indices) return 0
return data[index]
operator fun set(index: Int, value: Int) {
if (index !in data.indices) {
if (value != 0) error("Trying to set a value different to 0 to index $index in UInt16ArrayZeroPad")
data[index] = value and UINT16_MASK
fun contentEquals(other: UInt16ArrayZeroPad) =
fun copyOf(size: Int = this.size): UInt16ArrayZeroPad = UInt16ArrayZeroPad(data.copyOf(size))
override fun toString(): String = "${data.toList()}"
internal fun uint16ArrayZeroPadOf(vararg values: Int) =
UInt16ArrayZeroPad(values.size).apply { for (n in 0 until values.size) this[n] = values[n] }
private fun digit(v: Int): Char {
if (v in 0..9) return '0' + v
if (v in 10..26) return 'a' + (v - 10)
throw BigIntInvalidFormatException("Invalid digit $v")
internal fun digit(c: Char): Int {
return when (c) {
in '0'..'9' -> c - '0'
in 'a'..'z' -> c - 'a' + 10
in 'A'..'Z' -> c - 'A' + 10
else -> throw BigIntInvalidFormatException("Invalid digit '$c'")
internal fun digit(c: Char, radix: Int): Int {
val d = digit(c)
if (d >= radix) throw BigIntInvalidFormatException("Character '$c' interpreted as $d not in the radix=$radix")
return d
internal object UnsignedBigInt {
inline fun carriedOp(out: UInt16ArrayZeroPad, signedCarry: Boolean, op: (index: Int) -> Int) {
var carry = 0
for (n in 0 until {
val product = op(n) + carry
val res = product and UINT16_MASK[n] = res
carry = if (signedCarry) product shr UINT16_SHIFT else product ushr UINT16_SHIFT
if (carry != 0) error("Overflow in carriedOp")
fun inplaceSmallMulAdd(v: UInt16ArrayZeroPad, mul: Int, add: Int) {
if (mul != 1) carriedOp(v, signedCarry = false) { v[it] * mul }
if (add != 0) carriedOp(v, signedCarry = false) { if (it == 0) v[it] + add else v[it] + 0 }
fun add(l: UInt16ArrayZeroPad, r: UInt16ArrayZeroPad): UInt16ArrayZeroPad {
val out = UInt16ArrayZeroPad(max(l.size, r.size) + 1)
carriedOp(out, signedCarry = false) { l[it] + r[it] }
return out
// l >= 0 && r >= 0 && l >= r
fun sub(l: UInt16ArrayZeroPad, r: UInt16ArrayZeroPad): UInt16ArrayZeroPad {
val out = UInt16ArrayZeroPad(max(l.size, r.size) + 1)
carriedOp(out, signedCarry = true) { l[it] - r[it] }
return out
// l >= 0 && r >= 0
// TODO optimize using the Karatsuba algorithm:
// TODO: -
fun mul(l: UInt16ArrayZeroPad, r: UInt16ArrayZeroPad, stats: CommonBigInt.OpStats?): UInt16ArrayZeroPad {
var its = 0
val out = UInt16ArrayZeroPad(l.size + r.size + 1)
for (rn in 0 until r.size) {
var carry = 0
for (ln in 0 until l.size + 1) {
val n = ln + rn
val res = out[n] + (l[ln] * r[rn]) + carry
out[n] = res and UINT16_MASK
carry = res ushr 16
if (carry != 0) throw BigIntOverflowException("carry expected to be zero at this point")
stats?.iterations = its
return out
class DivRemSmall(val div: UInt16ArrayZeroPad, val rem: Int)
fun divRemSmall(value: UInt16ArrayZeroPad, r: Int): DivRemSmall {
val length = value.size
var rem = 0
val qq = UInt16ArrayZeroPad(value.size)
for (n in 0 until length) {
val i = length - 1 - n
val dd = (rem shl 16) + value[i]
val q = dd / r
rem = dd - q * r
qq[i] = q
return DivRemSmall(qq, rem)
fun compare(l: UInt16ArrayZeroPad, r: UInt16ArrayZeroPad): Int {
for (n in max(l.size, r.size) - 1 downTo 0) {
val vl = l[n]
val vr = r[n]
if (vl < vr) return -1
if (vl > vr) return +1
return 0
private const val UINT16_MASK = 0xFFFF
private const val UINT16_SHIFT = 16
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