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Portable UI with accelerated graphics support for Kotlin
package com.soywiz.korag
import com.soywiz.kds.*
import com.soywiz.kgl.KmlGl
import com.soywiz.klogger.*
import com.soywiz.kmem.*
import com.soywiz.korag.shader.*
import com.soywiz.korim.bitmap.*
import com.soywiz.korim.color.*
import com.soywiz.korio.async.*
import com.soywiz.korio.lang.*
import com.soywiz.korma.geom.*
import kotlin.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
interface AGFactory {
val supportsNativeFrame: Boolean
fun create(nativeControl: Any?, config: AGConfig): AG
fun createFastWindow(title: String, width: Int, height: Int): AGWindow
//fun createFastWindow(title: String, width: Int, height: Int, config: AGConfig): AGWindow
data class AGConfig(val antialiasHint: Boolean = true)
interface AGContainer {
val ag: AG
//data class Resized(var width: Int, var height: Int) {
// fun setSize(width: Int, height: Int): Resized = this.apply {
// this.width = width
// this.height = height
// }
fun repaint(): Unit
interface AGWindow : AGContainer {
interface AGFeatures {
val graphicExtensions: Set get() = emptySet()
val isInstancedSupported: Boolean get() = false
val isFloatTextureSupported: Boolean get() = false
abstract class AG : AGFeatures, Extra by Extra.Mixin() {
var contextVersion = 0
abstract val nativeComponent: Any
open fun contextLost() {"AG.contextLost()", this)
open val maxTextureSize = Size(2048, 2048)
open val devicePixelRatio: Double = 1.0
open val pixelsPerInch: Double get() = 96.0
open fun beforeDoRender() {
inline fun doRender(block: () -> Unit) {
setRenderBufferTemporally(mainRenderBuffer) {
open fun offscreenRendering(callback: () -> Unit) {
open fun repaint() {
open fun resized(width: Int, height: Int) {
mainRenderBuffer.setSize(0, 0, width, height, width, height)
open fun resized(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int, fullWidth: Int, fullHeight: Int) {
mainRenderBuffer.setSize(x, y, width, height, fullWidth, fullHeight)
open fun dispose() {
// On MacOS components, this will be the size of the component
open val backWidth: Int get() = mainRenderBuffer.width
open val backHeight: Int get() = mainRenderBuffer.height
// On MacOS components, this will be the full size of the window
val realBackWidth get() = mainRenderBuffer.fullWidth
val realBackHeight get() = mainRenderBuffer.fullHeight
val currentWidth: Int get() = currentRenderBuffer?.width ?: mainRenderBuffer.width
val currentHeight: Int get() = currentRenderBuffer?.height ?: mainRenderBuffer.height
//protected fun setViewport(v: IntArray) = setViewport(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3])
enum class BlendEquation {
enum class BlendFactor {
data class Scissor(
var x: Int, var y: Int,
var width: Int, var height: Int
) {
val rect: Rectangle = Rectangle()
get() {
field.setTo(x.toDouble(), y.toDouble(), width.toDouble(), height.toDouble())
return field
val top get() = y
val left get() = x
val right get() = x + width
val bottom get() = y + height
fun copyFrom(that: Scissor): Scissor = setTo(that.x, that.y, that.width, that.height)
fun setTo(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int): Scissor = this.apply {
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.width = width
this.height = height
data class Blending(
val srcRGB: BlendFactor,
val dstRGB: BlendFactor,
val srcA: BlendFactor = srcRGB,
val dstA: BlendFactor = dstRGB,
val eqRGB: BlendEquation = BlendEquation.ADD,
val eqA: BlendEquation = eqRGB
) {
constructor(src: BlendFactor, dst: BlendFactor, eq: BlendEquation = BlendEquation.ADD) : this(
src, dst,
src, dst,
eq, eq
val disabled: Boolean get() = srcRGB == BlendFactor.ONE && dstRGB == BlendFactor.ZERO && srcA == BlendFactor.ONE && dstA == BlendFactor.ZERO
val enabled: Boolean get() = !disabled
companion object {
val NONE = Blending(BlendFactor.ONE, BlendFactor.ZERO, BlendFactor.ONE, BlendFactor.ZERO)
val NORMAL = Blending(
val ADD = Blending(
BlendFactor.ONE, BlendFactor.ONE
interface BitmapSourceBase {
val rgba: Boolean
val width: Int
val height: Int
class SyncBitmapSource(
override val rgba: Boolean,
override val width: Int,
override val height: Int,
val gen: () -> Bitmap?
) : BitmapSourceBase {
companion object {
val NIL = SyncBitmapSource(true, 0, 0) { null }
override fun toString(): String = "SyncBitmapSource(rgba=$rgba, width=$width, height=$height)"
class AsyncBitmapSource(
val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext,
override val rgba: Boolean,
override val width: Int,
override val height: Int,
val gen: suspend () -> Bitmap?
) : BitmapSourceBase {
companion object {
val NIL = AsyncBitmapSource(EmptyCoroutineContext, true, 0, 0) { null }
var lastTextureId = 0
var createdTextureCount = 0
var deletedTextureCount = 0
enum class TextureKind { RGBA, LUMINANCE }
enum class TextureTargetKind { TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_3D, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP } //TODO: there are other possible values
//TODO: would it better if this was an interface ?
open inner class Texture : Closeable {
var isFbo = false
open val premultiplied = true
var requestMipmaps = false
var mipmaps = false; protected set
var source: BitmapSourceBase = SyncBitmapSource.NIL
private var uploaded: Boolean = false
private var generating: Boolean = false
private var generated: Boolean = false
private var tempBitmap: Bitmap? = null
var ready: Boolean = false; private set
val texId = lastTextureId++
init {
protected fun invalidate() {
uploaded = false
generating = false
generated = false
fun upload(bmp: Bitmap?, mipmaps: Boolean = false): Texture {
return upload(
if (bmp != null) SyncBitmapSource(
rgba = bmp.bpp > 8,
width = bmp.width,
height = bmp.height
) { bmp } else SyncBitmapSource.NIL, mipmaps)
fun upload(bmp: BitmapSlice?, mipmaps: Boolean = false): Texture {
// @TODO: Optimize to avoid copying?
return upload(bmp?.extract(), mipmaps)
fun upload(source: BitmapSourceBase, mipmaps: Boolean = false): Texture = this.apply {
this.source = source
this.requestMipmaps = mipmaps
protected open fun uploadedSource() {
open fun bind() {
open fun unbind() {
fun manualUpload() = this.apply {
uploaded = true
fun bindEnsuring() {
if (isFbo) return
val source = this.source
if (uploaded) return
if (!generating) {
generating = true
when (source) {
is SyncBitmapSource -> {
tempBitmap = source.gen()
generated = true
is AsyncBitmapSource -> {
launchImmediately(source.coroutineContext) {
tempBitmap = source.gen()
generated = true
if (generated) {
uploaded = true
generating = false
generated = false
actualSyncUpload(source, tempBitmap, requestMipmaps)
tempBitmap = null
ready = true
open fun actualSyncUpload(source: BitmapSourceBase, bmp: Bitmap?, requestMipmaps: Boolean) {
init {
//Console.log("CREATED TEXTURE: $texId")
private var alreadyClosed = false
override fun close() {
if (!alreadyClosed) {
alreadyClosed = true
source = SyncBitmapSource.NIL
tempBitmap = null
//Console.log("CLOSED TEXTURE: $texId")
private fun printTexStats() {
//Console.log("create=$createdCount, delete=$deletedCount, alive=${createdCount - deletedCount}")
data class TextureUnit(
var texture: AG.Texture? = null,
var linear: Boolean = true
open class Buffer(val kind: Kind) : Closeable {
enum class Kind { INDEX, VERTEX }
var dirty = false
protected var mem: FBuffer? = null
protected var memOffset: Int = 0
protected var memLength: Int = 0
open fun afterSetMem() {
fun upload(data: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = data.size): Buffer {
mem = FBuffer(length)
mem!!.setAlignedArrayInt8(0, data, offset, length)
memOffset = 0
memLength = length
dirty = true
return this
fun upload(data: FloatArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = data.size): Buffer {
mem = FBuffer(length * 4)
mem!!.setAlignedArrayFloat32(0, data, offset, length)
memOffset = 0
memLength = length * 4
dirty = true
return this
fun upload(data: IntArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = data.size): Buffer {
mem = FBuffer(length * 4)
mem!!.setAlignedArrayInt32(0, data, offset, length)
memOffset = 0
memLength = length * 4
dirty = true
return this
fun upload(data: ShortArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = data.size): Buffer {
mem = FBuffer(length * 2)
mem!!.setAlignedArrayInt16(0, data, offset, length)
memOffset = 0
memLength = length * 2
dirty = true
return this
fun upload(data: FBuffer, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = data.size): Buffer {
mem = data
memOffset = offset
memLength = length
dirty = true
return this
override fun close() {
mem = null
memOffset = 0
memLength = 0
dirty = true
enum class DrawType {
enum class IndexType {
@Deprecated("UINT is not always supported on webgl")
val dummyTexture by lazy { createTexture() }
fun createTexture(): Texture = createTexture(premultiplied = true)
fun createTexture(bmp: Bitmap, mipmaps: Boolean = false): Texture = createTexture(bmp.premultiplied).upload(bmp, mipmaps)
fun createTexture(bmp: BitmapSlice, mipmaps: Boolean = false): Texture =
createTexture(bmp.premultiplied).upload(bmp, mipmaps)
fun createTexture(bmp: Bitmap, mipmaps: Boolean = false, premultiplied: Boolean = true): Texture =
createTexture(premultiplied).upload(bmp, mipmaps)
open fun createTexture(premultiplied: Boolean): Texture = Texture()
open fun createTexture(targetKind: TextureTargetKind, init:Texture.(gl:KmlGl)->Unit): Texture = Texture()
open fun createBuffer(kind: Buffer.Kind) = Buffer(kind)
fun createIndexBuffer() = createBuffer(Buffer.Kind.INDEX)
fun createVertexBuffer() = createBuffer(Buffer.Kind.VERTEX)
fun createVertexData(vararg attributes: Attribute, layoutSize: Int? = null) = AG.VertexData(createVertexBuffer(), VertexLayout(*attributes, layoutSize = layoutSize))
fun createIndexBuffer(data: ShortArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = data.size - offset) =
createIndexBuffer().apply {
upload(data, offset, length)
fun createIndexBuffer(data: FBuffer, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = data.size - offset) =
createIndexBuffer().apply {
upload(data, offset, length)
fun createVertexBuffer(data: FloatArray, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = data.size - offset) =
createVertexBuffer().apply {
upload(data, offset, length)
fun createVertexBuffer(data: FBuffer, offset: Int = 0, length: Int = data.size - offset) =
createVertexBuffer().apply {
upload(data, offset, length)
enum class StencilOp {
enum class TriangleFace {
enum class CompareMode {
data class ColorMaskState(
var red: Boolean = true,
var green: Boolean = true,
var blue: Boolean = true,
var alpha: Boolean = true
) {
//val enabled = !red || !green || !blue || !alpha
enum class FrontFace {
data class RenderState(
var depthFunc: CompareMode = CompareMode.ALWAYS,
var depthMask: Boolean = true,
var depthNear: Float = 0f,
var depthFar: Float = 1f,
var lineWidth: Float = 1f,
var frontFace: FrontFace = FrontFace.BOTH
data class StencilState(
var enabled: Boolean = false,
var triangleFace: TriangleFace = TriangleFace.FRONT_AND_BACK,
var compareMode: CompareMode = CompareMode.ALWAYS,
var actionOnBothPass: StencilOp = StencilOp.KEEP,
var actionOnDepthFail: StencilOp = StencilOp.KEEP,
var actionOnDepthPassStencilFail: StencilOp = StencilOp.KEEP,
var referenceValue: Int = 0,
var readMask: Int = 0xFF,
var writeMask: Int = 0xFF
) {
fun copyFrom(other: StencilState) {
this.enabled = other.enabled
this.triangleFace = other.triangleFace
this.compareMode = other.compareMode
this.actionOnBothPass = other.actionOnBothPass
this.actionOnDepthFail = other.actionOnDepthFail
this.actionOnDepthPassStencilFail = other.actionOnDepthPassStencilFail
this.referenceValue = other.referenceValue
this.readMask = other.readMask
this.writeMask = other.writeMask
private val dummyRenderState = RenderState()
private val dummyStencilState = StencilState()
private val dummyColorMaskState = ColorMaskState()
//open val supportInstancedDrawing: Boolean get() = false
fun draw(
vertices: Buffer,
program: Program,
type: DrawType,
vertexLayout: VertexLayout,
vertexCount: Int,
indices: Buffer? = null,
indexType: IndexType = IndexType.USHORT,
offset: Int = 0,
blending: Blending = Blending.NORMAL,
uniforms: UniformValues = UniformValues.EMPTY,
stencil: StencilState = dummyStencilState,
colorMask: ColorMaskState = dummyColorMaskState,
renderState: RenderState = dummyRenderState,
scissor: Scissor? = null,
instances: Int = 1
) = draw(batch.also { batch ->
batch.vertices = vertices
batch.program = program
batch.type = type
batch.vertexLayout = vertexLayout
batch.vertexCount = vertexCount
batch.indices = indices
batch.indexType = indexType
batch.offset = offset
batch.blending = blending
batch.uniforms = uniforms
batch.stencil = stencil
batch.colorMask = colorMask
batch.renderState = renderState
batch.scissor = scissor
batch.instances = instances
fun drawV2(
vertexData: List,
program: Program,
type: DrawType,
vertexCount: Int,
indices: Buffer? = null,
indexType: IndexType = IndexType.USHORT,
offset: Int = 0,
blending: Blending = Blending.NORMAL,
uniforms: UniformValues = UniformValues.EMPTY,
stencil: StencilState = dummyStencilState,
colorMask: ColorMaskState = dummyColorMaskState,
renderState: RenderState = dummyRenderState,
scissor: Scissor? = null,
instances: Int = 1
) = draw(batch.also { batch ->
batch.vertexData = vertexData
batch.program = program
batch.type = type
batch.vertexCount = vertexCount
batch.indices = indices
batch.indexType = indexType
batch.offset = offset
batch.blending = blending
batch.uniforms = uniforms
batch.stencil = stencil
batch.colorMask = colorMask
batch.renderState = renderState
batch.scissor = scissor
batch.instances = instances
data class VertexData(
var buffer: Buffer = Buffer(Buffer.Kind.VERTEX),
var layout: VertexLayout = VertexLayout()
data class Batch constructor(
var vertexData: List = listOf(VertexData()),
var program: Program = DefaultShaders.PROGRAM_DEBUG,
var type: DrawType = DrawType.TRIANGLES,
var vertexCount: Int = 0,
var indices: Buffer? = null,
var indexType: IndexType = IndexType.USHORT,
var offset: Int = 0,
var blending: Blending = Blending.NORMAL,
var uniforms: UniformValues = UniformValues.EMPTY,
var stencil: StencilState = StencilState(),
var colorMask: ColorMaskState = ColorMaskState(),
var renderState: RenderState = RenderState(),
var scissor: Scissor? = null,
var instances: Int = 1
) {
private val singleVertexData = arrayListOf()
private fun ensureSingleVertexData() {
if (singleVertexData.isEmpty()) singleVertexData.add(VertexData())
vertexData = singleVertexData
@Deprecated("Use vertexData instead")
var vertices: Buffer
get() = (singleVertexData.firstOrNull() ?: vertexData.first()).buffer
set(value) {
singleVertexData[0].buffer = value
@Deprecated("Use vertexData instead")
var vertexLayout: VertexLayout
get() = (singleVertexData.firstOrNull() ?: vertexData.first()).layout
set(value) {
singleVertexData[0].layout = value
private val batch = Batch()
open fun draw(batch: Batch) {
open fun disposeTemporalPerFrameStuff() = Unit
val frameRenderBuffers = LinkedHashSet()
val renderBuffers = Pool() { createRenderBuffer() }
interface BaseRenderBuffer {
val x: Int
val y: Int
val width: Int
val height: Int
val fullWidth: Int
val fullHeight: Int
val scissor: RectangleInt?
fun setSize(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int, fullWidth: Int = width, fullHeight: Int = height)
fun init() = Unit
fun set() = Unit
fun unset() = Unit
fun scissor(scissor: RectangleInt?)
open class BaseRenderBufferImpl : BaseRenderBuffer {
override var x = 0
override var y = 0
override var width = 128
override var height = 128
override var fullWidth = 128
override var fullHeight = 128
private val _scissor = RectangleInt()
override var scissor: RectangleInt? = null
override fun setSize(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int, fullWidth: Int, fullHeight: Int) {
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.width = width
this.height = height
this.fullWidth = fullWidth
this.fullHeight = fullHeight
override fun scissor(scissor: RectangleInt?) {
this.scissor = scissor?.let { _scissor.setTo(it) }
val mainRenderBuffer: BaseRenderBuffer by lazy { createMainRenderBuffer() }
open fun createMainRenderBuffer() = BaseRenderBufferImpl()
open inner class RenderBuffer : Closeable, BaseRenderBufferImpl() {
open val id: Int = -1
private var cachedTexVersion = -1
private var _tex: Texture? = null
val tex: AG.Texture
get() {
if (cachedTexVersion != contextVersion) {
cachedTexVersion = contextVersion
_tex = [email protected](premultiplied = true).manualUpload().apply { isFbo = true }
return _tex!!
protected var dirty = false
override fun setSize(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int, fullWidth: Int, fullHeight: Int) {
super.setSize(x, y, width, height, fullWidth, fullHeight)
dirty = true
override fun set(): Unit = Unit
fun readBitmap(bmp: Bitmap32) = [email protected](bmp)
fun readDepth(width: Int, height: Int, out: FloatArray): Unit = [email protected](width, height, out)
override fun close() = Unit
open fun createRenderBuffer() = RenderBuffer()
fun flip() {
if (frameRenderBuffers.isNotEmpty()) frameRenderBuffers.clear()
protected open fun flipInternal() = Unit
open fun startFrame() {
open fun clear(
depth: Float = 1f,
stencil: Int = 0,
clearColor: Boolean = true,
clearDepth: Boolean = true,
clearStencil: Boolean = true
) = Unit
internal var currentRenderBuffer: BaseRenderBuffer? = null
val renderingToTexture get() = currentRenderBuffer !== mainRenderBuffer && currentRenderBuffer !== null
inline fun backupTexture(tex: Texture?, callback: () -> Unit) {
if (tex != null) {
readColorTexture(tex, backWidth, backHeight)
try {
} finally {
if (tex != null) drawTexture(tex)
inline fun setRenderBufferTemporally(rb: BaseRenderBuffer, callback: () -> Unit) {
val old = setRenderBuffer(rb)
try {
} finally {
inline fun renderToTexture(width: Int, height: Int, render: () -> Unit, use: (tex: Texture) -> Unit) {
val rb = renderBuffers.alloc()
frameRenderBuffers += rb
try {
rb.setSize(0, 0, width, height, width, height)
setRenderBufferTemporally(rb) {
clear(Colors.TRANSPARENT_BLACK) // transparent
} finally {
frameRenderBuffers -= rb
inline fun renderToBitmap(bmp: Bitmap32, render: () -> Unit) {
renderToTexture(bmp.width, bmp.height, {
}, {})
fun setRenderBuffer(renderBuffer: BaseRenderBuffer?): BaseRenderBuffer? {
val old = currentRenderBuffer
currentRenderBuffer = renderBuffer
return old
open fun readColor(bitmap: Bitmap32): Unit = TODO()
open fun readDepth(width: Int, height: Int, out: FloatArray): Unit = TODO()
open fun readDepth(out: FloatArray2): Unit = readDepth(out.width, out.height,
open fun readColorTexture(texture: Texture, width: Int = backWidth, height: Int = backHeight): Unit = TODO()
fun readColor() = Bitmap32(backWidth, backHeight).apply { readColor(this) }
fun readDepth() = FloatArray2(backWidth, backHeight) { 0f }.apply { readDepth(this) }
inner class TextureDrawer {
val vertices = createBuffer(AG.Buffer.Kind.VERTEX)
val vertexLayout = VertexLayout(DefaultShaders.a_Pos, DefaultShaders.a_Tex)
val verticesData = FBuffer(VERTEX_COUNT * vertexLayout.totalSize)
val program = Program(VertexShader {
DefaultShaders.apply {
v_Tex setTo a_Tex
out setTo vec4(a_Pos, 0f.lit, 1f.lit)
}, FragmentShader {
DefaultShaders.apply {
//out setTo vec4(1f, 1f, 0f, 1f)
out setTo texture2D(u_Tex, v_Tex["xy"])
val uniforms = UniformValues()
fun setVertex(n: Int, px: Float, py: Float, tx: Float, ty: Float) {
val offset = n * 4
verticesData.setAlignedFloat32(offset + 0, px)
verticesData.setAlignedFloat32(offset + 1, py)
verticesData.setAlignedFloat32(offset + 2, tx)
verticesData.setAlignedFloat32(offset + 3, ty)
fun draw(tex: Texture, left: Float, top: Float, right: Float, bottom: Float) {
//tex.upload(Bitmap32(32, 32) { x, y -> Colors.RED })
uniforms[DefaultShaders.u_Tex] = TextureUnit(tex)
val texLeft = -1f
val texRight = +1f
val texTop = -1f
val texBottom = +1f
setVertex(0, left, top, texLeft, texTop)
setVertex(1, right, top, texRight, texTop)
setVertex(2, left, bottom, texLeft, texBottom)
setVertex(3, right, bottom, texRight, texBottom)
vertices = vertices,
program = program,
type = AG.DrawType.TRIANGLE_STRIP,
vertexLayout = vertexLayout,
vertexCount = 4,
uniforms = uniforms,
blending = AG.Blending.NONE
val textureDrawer by lazy { TextureDrawer() }
val flipRenderTexture = true
fun drawTexture(tex: Texture) {
textureDrawer.draw(tex, -1f, +1f, +1f, -1f)
private val drawTempTexture: Texture by lazy { createTexture() }
fun drawBitmap(bmp: Bitmap) {
drawTempTexture.upload(bmp, mipmaps = false)
class UniformValues() {
companion object {
internal val EMPTY = UniformValues()
private val _uniforms = FastArrayList()
private val _values = FastArrayList()
val uniforms = _uniforms as List
val keys get() = uniforms
val values = _values as List
val size get() = _uniforms.size
constructor(vararg pairs: Pair) : this() {
for (pair in pairs) put(pair.first, pair.second)
operator fun plus(other: UniformValues): UniformValues {
return UniformValues().put(this).put(other)
fun clear() {
operator fun get(uniform: Uniform): Any? {
for (n in 0 until _uniforms.size) {
if (_uniforms[n].name == return _values[n]
return null
operator fun set(uniform: Uniform, value: Any) = put(uniform, value)
fun putOrRemove(uniform: Uniform, value: Any?) {
if (value == null) {
} else {
put(uniform, value)
fun put(uniform: Uniform, value: Any): UniformValues {
for (n in 0 until _uniforms.size) {
if (_uniforms[n].name == {
_values[n] = value
return this
return this
fun remove(uniform: Uniform) {
for (n in 0 until _uniforms.size) {
if (_uniforms[n].name == {
fun put(uniforms: UniformValues): UniformValues {
for (n in 0 until uniforms.size) {
this.put(uniforms._uniforms[n], uniforms._values[n])
return this
fun setTo(uniforms: UniformValues) {
override fun toString() = "{" + { "${it.first}=${it.second}" }.joinToString(", ") + "}"
fun AG.Blending.toRenderFboIntoBack() = this
fun AG.Blending.toRenderImageIntoFbo() = this
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