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Portable UI with accelerated graphics support for Kotlin
import korlibs.datastructure.*
import korlibs.memory.*
import kotlin.reflect.*
enum class VarKind(val bytesSize: Int) {
//BYTE(1), UNSIGNED_BYTE(1), SHORT(2), UNSIGNED_SHORT(2), INT(4), FLOAT(4) // @TODO: This cause problems on Kotlin/Native Objective-C header.h
data class FuncDecl(
override val name: String,
override val rettype: VarType,
override val args: List>,
val stm: Program.Stm
) : Program.FuncRef, Program.FuncRef0, Program.FuncRef1, Program.FuncRef2, Program.FuncRef3, Program.FuncRef4, Program.FuncRef5, Program.FuncRefN {
val ref: Program.FuncRef = this
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): FuncDecl = this
interface VarTypeAccessor {
val TVOID: VarType get() = VarType.TVOID
val Mat2: VarType get() = VarType.Mat2
val Mat3: VarType get() = VarType.Mat3
val Mat4: VarType get() = VarType.Mat4
val Sampler1D: VarType get() = VarType.Sampler1D
val Sampler2D: VarType get() = VarType.Sampler2D
val Sampler3D: VarType get() = VarType.Sampler3D
val SamplerCube: VarType get() = VarType.SamplerCube
val Int1: VarType get() = VarType.Int1
val Float1: VarType get() = VarType.Float1
val Float2: VarType get() = VarType.Float2
val Float3: VarType get() = VarType.Float3
val Float4: VarType get() = VarType.Float4
val Short1: VarType get() = VarType.Short1
val Short2: VarType get() = VarType.Short2
val Short3: VarType get() = VarType.Short3
val Short4: VarType get() = VarType.Short4
val Bool1: VarType get() = VarType.Bool1
val Byte4: VarType get() = VarType.Byte4
val SByte1: VarType get() = VarType.SByte1
val SByte2: VarType get() = VarType.SByte2
val SByte3: VarType get() = VarType.SByte3
val SByte4: VarType get() = VarType.SByte4
val UByte1: VarType get() = VarType.UByte1
val UByte2: VarType get() = VarType.UByte2
val UByte3: VarType get() = VarType.UByte3
val UByte4: VarType get() = VarType.UByte4
val SShort1: VarType get() = VarType.SShort1
val SShort2: VarType get() = VarType.SShort2
val SShort3: VarType get() = VarType.SShort3
val SShort4: VarType get() = VarType.SShort4
val UShort1: VarType get() = VarType.UShort1
val UShort2: VarType get() = VarType.UShort2
val UShort3: VarType get() = VarType.UShort3
val UShort4: VarType get() = VarType.UShort4
val SInt1: VarType get() = VarType.SInt1
val SInt2: VarType get() = VarType.SInt2
val SInt3: VarType get() = VarType.SInt3
val SInt4: VarType get() = VarType.SInt4
enum class SamplerVarType(val vtype: VarType) {
enum class VarType(val kind: VarKind, val elementCount: Int, val isMatrix: Boolean = false) {
TVOID(VarKind.TBYTE, elementCount = 0),
Mat2(VarKind.TFLOAT, elementCount = 4, isMatrix = true),
Mat3(VarKind.TFLOAT, elementCount = 9, isMatrix = true),
Mat4(VarKind.TFLOAT, elementCount = 16, isMatrix = true),
//TODO: need to have a way of indicating Float/Int/UInt variations + more types of sampler to add
Sampler1D(VarKind.TINT, elementCount = 1),
Sampler2D(VarKind.TINT, elementCount = 1),
Sampler3D(VarKind.TINT, elementCount = 1),
SamplerCube(VarKind.TINT, elementCount = 1),
Int1(VarKind.TINT, elementCount = 1),
Float1(VarKind.TFLOAT, elementCount = 1),
Float2(VarKind.TFLOAT, elementCount = 2),
Float3(VarKind.TFLOAT, elementCount = 3),
Float4(VarKind.TFLOAT, elementCount = 4),
Short1(VarKind.TSHORT, elementCount = 1),
Short2(VarKind.TSHORT, elementCount = 2),
Short3(VarKind.TSHORT, elementCount = 3),
Short4(VarKind.TSHORT, elementCount = 4),
Bool1(VarKind.TBOOL, elementCount = 1),
Bool2(VarKind.TBOOL, elementCount = 2),
Bool3(VarKind.TBOOL, elementCount = 3),
Bool4(VarKind.TBOOL, elementCount = 4),
Byte4(VarKind.TUNSIGNED_BYTE, elementCount = 4), // OLD: Is this right?
SByte1(VarKind.TBYTE, elementCount = 1),
SByte2(VarKind.TBYTE, elementCount = 2),
SByte3(VarKind.TBYTE, elementCount = 3),
SByte4(VarKind.TBYTE, elementCount = 4),
UByte1(VarKind.TUNSIGNED_BYTE, elementCount = 1),
UByte2(VarKind.TUNSIGNED_BYTE, elementCount = 2),
UByte3(VarKind.TUNSIGNED_BYTE, elementCount = 3),
UByte4(VarKind.TUNSIGNED_BYTE, elementCount = 4),
SShort1(VarKind.TSHORT, elementCount = 1),
SShort2(VarKind.TSHORT, elementCount = 2),
SShort3(VarKind.TSHORT, elementCount = 3),
SShort4(VarKind.TSHORT, elementCount = 4),
UShort1(VarKind.TUNSIGNED_SHORT, elementCount = 1),
UShort2(VarKind.TUNSIGNED_SHORT, elementCount = 2),
UShort3(VarKind.TUNSIGNED_SHORT, elementCount = 3),
UShort4(VarKind.TUNSIGNED_SHORT, elementCount = 4),
SInt1(VarKind.TINT, elementCount = 1),
SInt2(VarKind.TINT, elementCount = 2),
SInt3(VarKind.TINT, elementCount = 3),
SInt4(VarKind.TINT, elementCount = 4),
fun withElementCount(length: Int): VarType {
return when (kind) {
VarKind.TBYTE -> BYTE(length)
VarKind.TSHORT -> SHORT(length)
VarKind.TINT -> INT(length)
VarKind.TFLOAT -> FLOAT(length)
else -> TODO()
val isSampler: Boolean get() = this == Sampler1D || this == Sampler2D || this == Sampler3D || this == SamplerCube
val bytesSize: Int = kind.bytesSize * elementCount
companion object {
@Deprecated("", ReplaceWith("VarType.Sampler2D", ""))
val TextureUnit get() = Sampler2D
fun BYTE(count: Int) =
when (count) { 0 -> TVOID; 1 -> SByte1; 2 -> SByte2; 3 -> SByte3; 4 -> SByte4; else -> invalidOp; }
fun UBYTE(count: Int) =
when (count) { 0 -> TVOID; 1 -> UByte1; 2 -> UByte2; 3 -> UByte3; 4 -> UByte4; else -> invalidOp; }
fun SHORT(count: Int) =
when (count) { 0 -> TVOID; 1 -> SShort1; 2 -> SShort2; 3 -> SShort3; 4 -> SShort4; else -> invalidOp; }
fun USHORT(count: Int) =
when (count) { 0 -> TVOID; 1 -> UShort1; 2 -> UShort2; 3 -> UShort3; 4 -> UShort4; else -> invalidOp; }
fun INT(count: Int) =
when (count) { 0 -> TVOID; 1 -> SInt1; 2 -> SInt2; 3 -> SInt3; 4 -> SInt4; else -> invalidOp; }
fun FLOAT(count: Int) =
when (count) { 0 -> TVOID; 1 -> Float1; 2 -> Float2; 3 -> Float3; 4 -> Float4; else -> invalidOp; }
//val out_Position = Output("gl_Position", VarType.Float4)
//val out_FragColor = Output("gl_FragColor", VarType.Float4)
enum class ShaderType {
open class Operand(open val type: VarType) {
val elementCount get() = type.elementCount
enum class Precision { DEFAULT, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH }
open class OperandWithArray(type: VarType, val arrayCount: Int) : Operand(type) {
val kind: VarKind = type.kind
val stride: Int = type.elementCount
val totalElements: Int = stride * arrayCount
val totalBytes: Int = type.bytesSize * arrayCount
sealed class Variable(val name: String, type: VarType, arrayCount: Int, val precision: Precision = Precision.DEFAULT) : OperandWithArray(type, arrayCount) {
constructor(name: String, type: VarType, precision: Precision = Precision.DEFAULT) : this(name, type, 1, precision)
val indexNames = Array(arrayCount) { "$name[$it]" }
var id: Int = 0
var data: Any? = null
inline fun mequals(other: Any?) = (other is T) && ( == && (this.type == other.type) && (this.arrayCount == other.arrayCount) && ( ==
inline fun mhashcode() = id.hashCode() + (type.hashCode() * 7) + (name.hashCode() * 11)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = mequals(other)
override fun hashCode(): Int = mhashcode()
sealed class VariableWithOffset(
name: String,
type: VarType,
arrayCount: Int,
precision: Precision = Precision.DEFAULT,
val offset: Int? = null,
) : Variable(name, type, arrayCount, precision) {
open class Attribute(
name: String,
type: VarType,
val normalized: Boolean,
offset: Int? = null,
val active: Boolean = true,
precision: Precision = Precision.DEFAULT,
val divisor: Int = 0,
val fixedLocation: Int
) : VariableWithOffset(name, type, 1, precision, offset) {
name: String,
type: VarType,
normalized: Boolean,
precision: Precision = Precision.DEFAULT,
fixedLocation: Int
) : this(name, type, normalized, null, true, precision, fixedLocation = fixedLocation)
fun copy(
name: String =,
type: VarType = this.type,
normalized: Boolean = this.normalized,
offset: Int? = this.offset,
active: Boolean =,
precision: Precision = this.precision,
divisor: Int = this.divisor,
fixedLocation: Int = this.fixedLocation,
) = Attribute(name, type, normalized, offset, active, precision, divisor, fixedLocation = fixedLocation)
fun inactived() = copy(active = false)
fun withDivisor(divisor: Int) = copy(divisor = divisor)
fun withFixedLocation(fixedLocation: Int) = copy(fixedLocation = fixedLocation)
override fun toString(): String = "Attribute($name)"
fun toStringEx(): String = "Attribute($name, type=$type, normalized=$normalized, offset=$offset, active=$active, precision=$precision, divisor=$divisor, fixedLocation=$fixedLocation)"
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = mequals(other) && this.normalized == (other as Attribute).normalized && this.offset == other.offset && ==
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var out = mhashcode()
out *= 7; out += normalized.hashCode()
out *= 7; out += offset.hashCode()
out *= 7; out += active.hashCode()
return out
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): Attribute = this
class Provider(val type: VarType, val normalized: Boolean, val precision: Precision = Precision.DEFAULT, val fixedLocation: Int) {
operator fun provideDelegate(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): Attribute = Attribute(, type, normalized, precision, fixedLocation)
fun Attribute(
type: VarType,
normalized: Boolean,
precision: Precision = Precision.DEFAULT,
fixedLocation: Int,
): Attribute.Provider = Attribute.Provider(type, normalized, precision, fixedLocation)
open class Varying(name: String, type: VarType, arrayCount: Int, precision: Precision = Precision.DEFAULT) : Variable(name, type, arrayCount, precision) {
constructor(name: String, type: VarType, precision: Precision = Precision.DEFAULT) : this(name, type, 1, precision)
override fun toString(): String = "Varying($name)"
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = mequals(other)
override fun hashCode(): Int = mhashcode()
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): Varying = this
class Provider(val type: VarType, val arrayCount: Int, val precision: Precision = Precision.DEFAULT) {
operator fun provideDelegate(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): Varying = Varying(, type, arrayCount, precision)
fun Varying(type: VarType, arrayCount: Int = 1, precision: Precision = Precision.DEFAULT): Varying.Provider = Varying.Provider(type, arrayCount, precision)
fun Sampler(index: Int, stype: SamplerVarType): Sampler.Provider = Sampler.Provider(index, stype)
open class Sampler(
name: String,
val index: Int,
val stype: SamplerVarType
) : Variable(name, stype.vtype) {
override fun toString(): String = "Sampler($name, $index, $stype)"
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = mequals(other)
override fun hashCode(): Int = mhashcode()
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): Sampler = this
class Provider(val index: Int, val stype: SamplerVarType) {
operator fun provideDelegate(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): Sampler = Sampler(, index, stype)
open class Uniform(
name: String, type: VarType, arrayCount: Int, precision: Precision = Precision.DEFAULT, offset: Int? = null,
val typedUniform: TypedUniform<*>
) : VariableWithOffset(
name, type, arrayCount, precision, offset
) {
init {
if (type.isSampler) error("Can't create uniform '$name' with a sampler type '$type', please use `Sampler` class instead")
val totalElementCount: Int get() = type.elementCount * arrayCount
//constructor(name: String, type: VarType, precision: Precision = Precision.DEFAULT) : this(name, type, 1, precision)
override fun toString(): String = "Uniform($name)"
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = mequals(other)
override fun hashCode(): Int = mhashcode()
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): Uniform = this
//class Provider(val type: VarType, val arrayCount: Int, val precision: Precision = Precision.DEFAULT) {
// operator fun provideDelegate(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): Uniform = Uniform(, type, arrayCount, precision)
class UniformBlockBase(val fixedLocation: Int = -1)
//fun Uniform(type: VarType, arrayCount: Int = 1, precision: Precision = Precision.DEFAULT): Uniform.Provider = Uniform.Provider(type, arrayCount, precision)
open class Temp(id: Int, type: VarType, arrayCount: Int, precision: Precision = Precision.DEFAULT) : Variable("temp$id", type, arrayCount, precision) {
constructor(id: Int, type: VarType, precision: Precision = Precision.DEFAULT) : this(id, type, 1, precision)
override fun toString(): String = "Temp($name)"
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = mequals(other)
override fun hashCode(): Int = mhashcode()
open class Arg(name: String, type: VarType, arrayCount: Int = 1, precision: Precision = Precision.DEFAULT) : Variable(name, type, arrayCount, precision) {
override fun toString(): String = "Arg($name)"
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = mequals(other)
override fun hashCode(): Int = mhashcode()
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): Arg = this
object Output : Varying("out", VarType.Float4) {
override fun toString(): String = "Output"
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = mequals(other)
override fun hashCode(): Int = mhashcode()
inline fun Shader.appending(block: Program.Builder.() -> Unit): FragmentShader {
// @TODO: Raw shaders don't support appending
if (this.isRaw) return this
val pair = ProgramBuilderDefault().WITH(this).also(block)._buildFuncs()
return Shader(this.type, pair.first, pair.second)
inline fun Program.replacingVertex(extraName: String, block: ProgramBuilderDefault.() -> Unit): Program =
this.copy(vertex = VertexShader(block), name = "$name-$extraName")
inline fun Program.replacingFragment(extraName: String, block: ProgramBuilderDefault.() -> Unit): Program =
this.copy(fragment = FragmentShader(block), name = "$name-$extraName")
inline fun Program.appendingVertex(extraName: String, block: Program.Builder.() -> Unit): Program =
this.copy(vertex = this.vertex.appending(block), name = "$name-$extraName")
inline fun Program.appendingFragment(extraName: String, block: Program.Builder.() -> Unit): Program =
this.copy(fragment = this.fragment.appending(block), name = "$name-$extraName")
data class UniformInProgram(val uniform: Uniform, val index: Int)
data class Program(val vertex: VertexShader, val fragment: FragmentShader, val name: String = "program-${}-${}") : Closeable {
val uniforms = (vertex.uniforms + fragment.uniforms)
val typedUniforms = (vertex.typedUniforms + fragment.typedUniforms)
val uniformBlocks = { it.block }.distinct()
val samplers = (vertex.samplers + fragment.samplers)
// @TODO: Proper indices
val uniformsToIndex = uniforms.withIndex().associate { it.value to UniformInProgram(it.value, it.index) }
val attributes = vertex.attributes + fragment.attributes
val cachedHashCode = (vertex.hashCode() * 11) + (fragment.hashCode() * 7) + name.hashCode()
override fun hashCode(): Int = cachedHashCode
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = (this === other) || ((other is Program) && (this.vertex == other.vertex)
&& (this.fragment == other.fragment) && ( ==
override fun close() {
override fun toString(): String =
"Program(name=$name, attributes=${ { }}, uniforms=${ { }})"
data class Ternary(val cond: Operand, val otrue: Operand, val ofalse: Operand) : Operand(otrue.type)
data class Unop(val op: String, val right: Operand) : Operand(right.type) {
fun toBinop(): Binop {
val left = when (right.type.kind) {
VarKind.TINT -> IntLiteral(0)
else -> FloatLiteral(0f)
return Binop(left, op, right)
data class Binop(val left: Operand, val op: String, val right: Operand) : Operand(left.type)
data class IntLiteral(val value: Int) : Operand(VarType.Int1)
data class FloatLiteral(val value: Float) : Operand(VarType.Float1)
data class BoolLiteral(val value: Boolean) : Operand(VarType.Bool1)
data class Vector(override val type: VarType, val ops: Array) : Operand(type) {
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = (other is Vector) && (this.type == other.type) && (this.ops.contentEquals(other.ops))
override fun hashCode(): Int = (type.hashCode() * 7) + (ops.contentHashCode())
data class Swizzle(val left: Operand, val swizzle: String) : Operand(left.type.withElementCount(swizzle.length))
data class ArrayAccess(val left: Operand, val index: Operand) : Operand(left.type)
abstract class BaseFunc(type: VarType) : Operand(type) {
abstract val name: String
abstract val ops: List
data class Func(override val name: String, override val ops: List, override val type: VarType = VarType.Float1) : BaseFunc(type) {
constructor(name: String, vararg ops: Operand, type: VarType = VarType.Float1) : this(name, ops.toList(), type)
open class CustomFunc(open val ref: FuncRef, override val ops: List) : BaseFunc(ref.rettype) {
override val name: String get() =
data class CustomFunc0(override val ref: FuncRef) : CustomFunc(ref, listOf())
data class CustomFunc1(override val ref: FuncRef, val p0: Operand) : CustomFunc(ref, listOf(p0))
data class CustomFunc2(override val ref: FuncRef, val p0: Operand, val p1: Operand) : CustomFunc(ref, listOf(p0, p1))
data class CustomFunc3(override val ref: FuncRef, val p0: Operand, val p1: Operand, val p2: Operand) : CustomFunc(ref, listOf(p0, p1, p2))
data class CustomFunc4(override val ref: FuncRef, val p0: Operand, val p1: Operand, val p2: Operand, val p3: Operand) : CustomFunc(ref, listOf(p0, p1, p2, p3))
data class CustomFunc5(override val ref: FuncRef, val p0: Operand, val p1: Operand, val p2: Operand, val p3: Operand, val p4: Operand) : CustomFunc(ref, listOf(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4))
data class CustomFuncN(override val ref: FuncRef, override val ops: List) : CustomFunc(ref, ops)
interface FuncRef {
val name: String
val rettype: VarType
val args: List>
interface FuncRef0 : FuncRef
interface FuncRef1 : FuncRef
interface FuncRef2 : FuncRef
interface FuncRef3 : FuncRef
interface FuncRef4 : FuncRef
interface FuncRef5 : FuncRef
interface FuncRefN : FuncRef
sealed class Stm {
data class Stms(val stms: List) : Stm()
data class Set(val to: Operand, val from: Operand) : Stm()
data class Return(val result: Operand?) : Stm()
object Break : Stm() {
override fun toString(): String = "Break"
object Continue : Stm() {
override fun toString(): String = "Continue"
object Discard : Stm() {
override fun toString(): String = "Discard"
data class If(val cond: Operand, val tbody: Stm, var fbody: Stm? = null) : Stm()
data class ForSimple(val loopVar: Variable, val min: Operand, val maxExclusive: Operand, val body: Stm) : Stm()
data class Raw(val strings: Map, val other: Stm? = null) : Stm() {
fun stringOrNull(name: String): String? = strings[name]
fun string(name: String, default: String = ""): String = stringOrNull(name) ?: default
class BuilderContext {
val outputFuncs: ArrayList = arrayListOf()
var tempLastId = 3
interface ExpressionBuilder {
companion object {
@PublishedApi internal val INSTANCE = object : ExpressionBuilder {}
inline operator fun invoke(block: ExpressionBuilder.() -> T): T = block(INSTANCE)
//infix fun Operand.set(to: Operand) = Stm.Set(this, to)
val out: Output get() = Output
//fun out(to: Operand) = Stm.Set(if (type == ShaderType.VERTEX) out_Position else out_FragColor, to)
fun sin(arg: Operand): Operand = Func("sin", arg)
fun cos(arg: Operand): Operand = Func("cos", arg)
fun tan(arg: Operand): Operand = Func("tan", arg)
fun asin(arg: Operand): Operand = Func("asin", arg)
fun acos(arg: Operand): Operand = Func("acos", arg)
fun atan(y_over_x: Operand): Operand = Func("atan", y_over_x)
fun atan(y: Operand, x: Operand): Operand = Func("atan", y, x)
// @TODO: (IF chain)
//fun atan2(a: Operand, b: Operand): Operand = atan(a / b) * 2f.lit
fun radians(arg: Operand): Operand = Func("radians", arg)
fun degrees(arg: Operand): Operand = Func("degrees", arg)
// Sampling
fun texture2D(sampler: Operand, coord: Operand): Operand = Func("texture2D", sampler, coord, type = VarType.Float4)
fun texture(sampler: Operand, P: Operand): Operand = Func("texture", sampler, P)
fun func(name: String, vararg args: Operand): Operand = Func(name, * { it }.toTypedArray())
fun TERNARY(cond: Operand, otrue: Operand, ofalse: Operand): Operand = Ternary(cond, otrue, ofalse)
fun int(v: Operand): Operand = Func("int", v)
fun float(v: Operand): Operand = Func("float", v)
fun pow(b: Operand, e: Operand): Operand = Func("pow", b, e)
fun exp(v: Operand): Operand = Func("exp", v)
fun exp2(v: Operand): Operand = Func("exp2", v)
fun log(v: Operand): Operand = Func("log", v)
fun log2(v: Operand): Operand = Func("log2", v)
fun sqrt(v: Operand): Operand = Func("sqrt", v)
fun inversesqrt(v: Operand): Operand = Func("inversesqrt", v)
fun abs(v: Operand): Operand = Func("abs", v)
fun sign(v: Operand): Operand = Func("sign", v)
fun ceil(v: Operand): Operand = Func("ceil", v)
fun floor(v: Operand): Operand = Func("floor", v)
/** The fractional part of v. This is calculated as v - floor(v). */
fun fract(v: Operand): Operand = Func("fract", v)
fun clamp01(v: Operand): Operand = clamp(v, 0f.lit, 1f.lit)
fun clamp(v: Operand, min: Operand, max: Operand): Operand = Func("clamp", v, min, max)
fun min(a: Operand, b: Operand): Operand = Func("min", a, b)
fun max(a: Operand, b: Operand): Operand = Func("max", a, b)
fun mod(a: Operand, b: Operand): Operand = Func("mod", a, b)
//fun lerp(a: Operand, b: Operand, c: Operand): Operand = Func("lerp", a, b, c)
// #extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
fun fwidth(a: Operand): Operand = Func("fwidth", a)
fun dFdx(a: Operand): Operand = Func("dFdx", a)
fun dFdy(a: Operand): Operand = Func("dFdy", a)
//@JvmName("modInfix") infix fun Operand.mod(that: Operand): Operand = mod(this, that)
fun mix(a: Operand, b: Operand, step: Operand): Operand =
Func("mix", a, b, step)
fun step(a: Operand, b: Operand): Operand = Func("step", a, b)
fun smoothstep(a: Operand, b: Operand, c: Operand): Operand =
Func("smoothstep", a, b, c)
fun length(a: Operand): Operand = Func("length", a)
fun distance(a: Operand, b: Operand): Operand = Func("distance", a, b)
fun dot(a: Operand, b: Operand): Operand = Func("dot", a, b)
fun cross(a: Operand, b: Operand): Operand = Func("cross", a, b)
fun normalize(a: Operand): Operand = Func("normalize", a)
fun faceforward(a: Operand, b: Operand, c: Operand): Operand =
Func("faceforward", a, b, c)
fun reflect(a: Operand, b: Operand): Operand = Func("reflect", a, b)
fun refract(a: Operand, b: Operand, c: Operand): Operand =
Func("refract", a, b, c)
val Int.lit: IntLiteral get() = IntLiteral(this)
@Deprecated("", ReplaceWith("this.toFloat().lit"))
val Double.lit: FloatLiteral get() = this.toFloat().lit
val Float.lit: FloatLiteral get() = FloatLiteral(this)
val Boolean.lit: BoolLiteral get() = BoolLiteral(this)
//val Number.lit: Operand get() = this // @TODO: With Kotlin.JS you cannot differentiate Int, Float, Double with 'is'. Since it generates typeof $receiver === 'number' for all of them
fun lit(type: VarType, vararg ops: Operand): Operand = Vector(type, ops)
fun vec1(vararg ops: Operand): Operand = Vector(VarType.Float1, ops)
fun vec2(vararg ops: Operand): Operand = Vector(VarType.Float2, ops)
fun vec3(vararg ops: Operand): Operand = Vector(VarType.Float3, ops)
fun vec4(vararg ops: Operand): Operand = Vector(VarType.Float4, ops)
fun mat2(vararg ops: Operand): Operand = Vector(VarType.Mat2, ops)
fun mat3(vararg ops: Operand): Operand = Vector(VarType.Mat3, ops)
fun mat4(vararg ops: Operand): Operand = Vector(VarType.Mat4, ops)
fun vec1(vararg ops: Float): Operand = Vector(VarType.Float1, Array(ops.size) { ops[it].lit })
fun vec2(vararg ops: Float): Operand = Vector(VarType.Float2, Array(ops.size) { ops[it].lit })
fun vec3(vararg ops: Float): Operand = Vector(VarType.Float3, Array(ops.size) { ops[it].lit })
fun vec4(vararg ops: Float): Operand = Vector(VarType.Float4, Array(ops.size) { ops[it].lit })
//fun Operand.swizzle(swizzle: String): Operand = Swizzle(this, swizzle)
operator fun Operand.get(index: Int): Operand {
return when {
this.type.isMatrix -> ArrayAccess(this, index.lit)
else -> when (index) {
0 -> this.x
1 -> this.y
2 -> this.z
3 -> this.w
else -> error("Invalid index $index")
operator fun Operand.get(swizzle: String): Operand = Swizzle(this, swizzle)
val Operand.x: Operand get() = this["x"]
val Operand.y: Operand get() = this["y"]
val Operand.z: Operand get() = this["z"]
val Operand.w: Operand get() = this["w"]
val Operand.r: Operand get() = this["x"]
val Operand.g: Operand get() = this["y"]
val Operand.b: Operand get() = this["z"]
val Operand.a: Operand get() = this["w"]
operator fun Operand.unaryMinus(): Operand = Unop("-", this)
fun Operand.not(): Operand = Unop("!", this)
operator fun Operand.minus(that: Operand): Operand = Binop(this, "-", that)
operator fun Operand): Operand = Binop(this, "+", that)
operator fun Operand.times(that: Operand): Operand = Binop(this, "*", that)
operator fun Operand.div(that: Operand): Operand = Binop(this, "/", that)
operator fun Operand.rem(that: Operand): Operand = Binop(this, "%", that)
infix fun Operand.eq(that: Operand): Operand = Binop(this, "==", that)
infix fun Operand): Operand = Binop(this, "!=", that)
infix fun Operand): Operand = Binop(this, "<", that)
infix fun Operand.le(that: Operand): Operand = Binop(this, "<=", that)
infix fun Operand): Operand = Binop(this, ">", that)
infix fun Operand): Operand = Binop(this, ">=", that)
operator fun Float.minus(that: Operand): Operand = this.lit.minus(that)
operator fun Operand): Operand =
operator fun Float.times(that: Operand): Operand = this.lit.times(that)
operator fun Float.div(that: Operand): Operand = this.lit.div(that)
operator fun Float.rem(that: Operand): Operand = this.lit.rem(that)
operator fun Operand.minus(that: Float): Operand = this.minus(that.lit)
operator fun Float): Operand =
operator fun Operand.times(that: Float): Operand = this.times(that.lit)
operator fun Operand.div(that: Float): Operand = this.div(that.lit)
operator fun Operand.rem(that: Float): Operand = this.rem(that.lit)
infix fun Operand.eq(that: Float): Operand = this.eq(that.lit)
infix fun Float): Operand =
infix fun Float): Operand =
infix fun Operand.le(that: Float): Operand = this.le(that.lit)
infix fun Float): Operand =
infix fun Float): Operand =
infix fun Operand.and(that: Operand): Operand = Binop(this, "&&", that)
infix fun Operand.or(that: Operand): Operand = Binop(this, "||", that)
fun Operand.inRange(low: Operand, high: Operand): Operand {
return (this ge low) and (this lt high)
open class Builder(
private val context: BuilderContext = BuilderContext()
) : VarTypeAccessor, ExpressionBuilder {
internal val outputStms: ArrayList = arrayListOf()
constructor(parent: Builder) : this(parent.context)
//fun createChildBuilder(): Builder = Builder(type)
fun createChildBuilder(): Builder = Builder(this)
fun createChildFuncBuilder(): FuncBuilder = FuncBuilder(this)
fun _build(): Stm = Stm.Stms(outputStms.toList())
fun _funcs(): List {
val funcs = LinkedHashMap()
object : Visitor(Unit) {
override fun visit(func: CustomFunc) {
funcs[] = func.ref as FuncDecl
for (func in context.outputFuncs) {
funcs[] = func
return funcs.values.toList()
fun _buildFuncs(): Pair> = _build() to _funcs()
//inner class BuildIf(val stmIf: Stm.If) {
// fun ELSEIF(cond: Operand, callback: Builder.() -> Unit): BuildIf {
// //val body = Builder(type)
// //body.callback()
// //outputStms += Stm.If(cond, Stm.Stms(body.outputStms))
// TODO()
// }
// infix fun ELSE(callback: Builder.() -> Unit) {
// //val body = Builder(type)
// //body.callback()
// //outputStms += Stm.If(cond, Stm.Stms(body.outputStms))
// TODO()
// }
class FuncBuilder(parent: Builder) : Builder(parent) {
val args = arrayListOf()
fun ARG(name: String, type: VarType): Arg {
return Arg(name, type).also { args += it }
fun ARG(type: VarType): ArgProvider = ArgProvider(type, this)
class ArgProvider(val type: VarType, val builder: FuncBuilder) {
operator fun provideDelegate(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): Arg =
Arg(, type).also { builder.args += it }
//fun RETURN(expr: Operand) {
// outputStms.add(Stm.Return(expr))
fun FUNC(name: String, rettype: VarType, block: FuncBuilder.() -> Unit): FuncRefN {
val funcBuild = createChildFuncBuilder().apply(block)
return FuncDecl(name, rettype, { to it.type }, funcBuild._build()).also {
context.outputFuncs += it
// NOTE: dummy: Unit = Unit is there to force returns to be a named argument
fun FUNCN(returns: VarType, block: FuncBuilder.() -> Unit): FuncProvider = FuncProvider(returns, emptyList(), this) { block() }
fun FUNC(dummy: Unit = Unit, returns: VarType, block: FuncBuilder.() -> Unit): FuncProvider = FuncProvider(returns, listOf(), this) { block() }
fun FUNC(p0: VarType, dummy: Unit = Unit, returns: VarType, block: FuncBuilder.(p0: Arg) -> Unit): FuncProvider = FuncProvider(returns, listOf(p0), this) { block(it[0]) }
fun FUNC(p0: VarType, p1: VarType, dummy: Unit = Unit, returns: VarType, block: FuncBuilder.(p0: Arg, p1: Arg) -> Unit): FuncProvider = FuncProvider(returns, listOf(p0, p1), this) { block(it[0], it[1]) }
fun FUNC(p0: VarType, p1: VarType, p2: VarType, dummy: Unit = Unit, returns: VarType, block: FuncBuilder.(p0: Arg, p1: Arg, p2: Arg) -> Unit): FuncProvider = FuncProvider(returns, listOf(p0, p1, p2), this) { block(it[0], it[1], it[2]) }
fun FUNC(
p0: VarType,
p1: VarType,
p2: VarType,
p3: VarType,
dummy: Unit = Unit,
returns: VarType,
block: FuncBuilder.(p0: Arg, p1: Arg, p2: Arg, p3: Arg) -> Unit
): FuncProvider = FuncProvider(returns, listOf(p0, p1, p2, p3), this) { block(it[0], it[1], it[2], it[3]) }
fun FUNC(
p0: VarType,
p1: VarType,
p2: VarType,
p3: VarType,
p4: VarType,
dummy: Unit = Unit,
returns: VarType,
block: FuncBuilder.(p0: Arg, p1: Arg, p2: Arg, p3: Arg, p4: Arg) -> Unit
): FuncProvider = FuncProvider(returns, listOf(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4), this) { block(it[0], it[1], it[2], it[3], it[4]) }
fun TEMP(type: VarType): Temp = Temp(context.tempLastId++, type)
class FuncDeclGetter(val decl: FuncDecl) {
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T = decl as T
class FuncProvider(val rettype: VarType, val varTypes: List, val builder: Program.Builder, val block: FuncBuilder.(args: List) -> Unit) {
operator fun provideDelegate(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): FuncDeclGetter {
return FuncDeclGetter(builder.FUNC(, rettype) {
val args = varTypes.mapIndexed { index, type -> ARG("p$index", type) }
block(this, args)
} as FuncDecl)
operator fun FuncRefN.invoke(vararg operands: Operand): CustomFunc = CustomFunc(this, operands.toList())
operator fun FuncRef0.invoke(): CustomFunc = CustomFunc(this, listOf())
operator fun FuncRef1.invoke(p0: Operand): CustomFunc = CustomFunc(this, listOf(p0))
operator fun FuncRef2.invoke(p0: Operand, p1: Operand): CustomFunc = CustomFunc(this, listOf(p0, p1))
operator fun FuncRef3.invoke(p0: Operand, p1: Operand, p2: Operand): CustomFunc = CustomFunc(this, listOf(p0, p1, p2))
operator fun FuncRef4.invoke(p0: Operand, p1: Operand, p2: Operand, p3: Operand): CustomFunc = CustomFunc(this, listOf(p0, p1, p2, p3))
operator fun FuncRef5.invoke(p0: Operand, p1: Operand, p2: Operand, p3: Operand, p4: Operand): CustomFunc = CustomFunc(this, listOf(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4))
// infix // Single value parameter
@Deprecated("Experimental, doesn't work yet")
fun Stm.If.ELSE_IF(cond: Operand, callback: Builder.() -> Unit): Stm.If {
val body = createChildBuilder()
val ifBody = IF(cond) {
this.fbody = ifBody
return ifBody
infix fun Stm.If.ELSE(callback: Builder.() -> Unit) {
val body = createChildBuilder()
this.fbody = body._build()
inline fun IF(cond: Operand, callback: Builder.() -> Unit): Stm.If {
val body = createChildBuilder()
val stmIf = Stm.If(cond, body._build())
outputStms += stmIf
return stmIf
inline fun FOR_0_UNTIL(len: Operand, callback: Builder.(Operand) -> Unit): Stm.ForSimple {
val temp = createTemp(VarType.Int1)
val body = createChildBuilder().apply { callback(temp) }
val stmFor = Stm.ForSimple(temp, 0.lit, len, body._build())
outputStms += stmFor
return stmFor
// This construct is compatible with WebGL 1
inline fun FOR_0_UNTIL_FIXED(len: Int, callback: Builder.(Operand) -> Unit): Stm.ForSimple {
return FOR_0_UNTIL(len.lit, callback)
// This construct is compatible with WebGL 1
inline fun FOR_0_UNTIL_FIXED_BREAK(len: Operand, maxLen: Int = 1024, callback: Builder.(Operand) -> Unit): Stm.ForSimple {
return FOR_0_UNTIL_FIXED(maxLen) { x ->
IF(x ge len) {
fun IF_ELSE_BINARY_LOOKUP(ref: Operand, min: Int, max: Int, block: Builder.(Int) -> Unit) {
if (min >= max) {
} else if (max - min <= 1) {
IF(ref eq min.toFloat().lit) { block(min) } ELSE { block(max) }
} else {
val middle = ((min + max) / 2)
IF(ref le middle.toFloat().lit) {
IF_ELSE_BINARY_LOOKUP(ref, min, middle, block)
} ELSE {
IF_ELSE_BINARY_LOOKUP(ref, middle + 1, max, block)
fun IF_ELSE_LIST(ref: Operand, min: Int, max: Int, block: Builder.(Int) -> Unit) {
if (min >= max) {
} else {
IF(ref eq min.toFloat().lit) { block(min) } ELSE { IF_ELSE_LIST(ref, min + 1, max, block) }
fun WITH(shader: Shader): Builder {
return this
fun PUT(shader: Shader) {
if (shader.stm is Stm.Stms) {
} else {
fun SET(target: Operand, expr: Operand) { outputStms += Stm.Set(target, expr) }
fun DISCARD() { outputStms += Stm.Discard }
fun BREAK() { outputStms += Stm.Break }
fun CONTINUE() { outputStms += Stm.Continue }
fun RETURN(operand: Operand? = null) { outputStms += Stm.Return(operand) }
fun createTemp(type: VarType, arrayCount: Int) = Temp(context.tempLastId++, type, arrayCount)
fun createTemp(type: VarType) = Temp(context.tempLastId++, type, 1)
@Deprecated("", ReplaceWith("SET(this, from)"))
infix fun Operand.set(from: Operand) { SET(this, from) }
@Deprecated("", ReplaceWith("SET(this, from)"))
infix fun Operand.setTo(from: Operand) { SET(this, from) }
@Deprecated("", ReplaceWith("SET(this, from)"))
fun Operand.assign(from: Operand) { SET(this, from) }
open class Visitor(val default: E) {
open fun visit(func: FuncDecl) {
open fun visit(stms: List) {
for (stm in stms) visit(stm)
open fun visit(stm: Stm?) = when (stm) {
null -> Unit
is Stm.Stms -> visit(stm)
is Stm.Set -> visit(stm)
is Stm.If -> visit(stm)
is Stm.ForSimple -> visit(stm)
is Stm.Discard -> visit(stm)
is Stm.Continue -> visit(stm)
is Stm.Break -> visit(stm)
is Stm.Raw -> visit(stm)
is Stm.Return -> visit(stm)
open fun visit(stms: Stm.Stms) {
for (stm in stms.stms) visit(stm)
open fun visit(stm: Stm.If) {
open fun visit(stm: Stm.ForSimple) {
open fun visit(stm: Stm.Set) {
open fun visit(stm: Stm.Discard) {
open fun visit(stm: Stm.Break) {
open fun visit(stm: Stm.Continue) {
open fun visit(stm: Stm.Raw) {
open fun visit(stm: Stm.Return) {
stm.result?.let { visit(it) }
open fun visit(operand: Operand): E = when (operand) {
is Variable -> visit(operand)
is Unop -> visit(operand)
is Binop -> visit(operand)
is Ternary -> visit(operand)
is BoolLiteral -> visit(operand)
is IntLiteral -> visit(operand)
is FloatLiteral -> visit(operand)
is Vector -> visit(operand)
is Swizzle -> visit(operand)
is ArrayAccess -> visit(operand)
is BaseFunc -> visit(operand)
else -> invalidOp("Don't know how to visit operand $operand")
open fun visit(func: BaseFunc): E {
for (op in func.ops) visit(op)
return when (func) {
is Func -> visit(func)
is CustomFunc -> visit(func)
else -> invalidOp("Don't know how to visit func $func")
open fun visit(func: Func): E {
return default
open fun visit(func: CustomFunc): E {
return default
open fun visit(operand: Variable): E = when (operand) {
is Attribute -> visit(operand)
is Varying -> visit(operand)
is Sampler -> visit(operand)
is Uniform -> visit(operand)
is TypedUniform<*> -> visit(operand)
is Output -> visit(operand)
is Temp -> visit(operand)
is Arg -> visit(operand)
open fun visit(temp: Temp): E = default
open fun visit(arg: Arg): E = default
open fun visit(attribute: Attribute): E = default
open fun visit(varying: Varying): E = default
open fun visit(uniform: Uniform): E = default
open fun visit(sampler: Sampler): E = default
//open fun visit(uniform: NewTypedUniform<*>): E = default
open fun visit(typedUniform: TypedUniform<*>): E = visit(typedUniform.uniform)
open fun visit(output: Output): E = default
open fun visit(operand: Unop): E {
return default
open fun visit(operand: Binop): E {
return default
open fun visit(operand: Ternary): E {
return default
open fun visit(operand: Swizzle): E {
return default
open fun visit(operand: ArrayAccess): E {
return default
open fun visit(operand: Vector): E {
for (op in operand.ops) visit(op)
return default
open fun visit(operand: IntLiteral): E = default
open fun visit(operand: FloatLiteral): E = default
open fun visit(operand: BoolLiteral): E = default
data class Shader(val type: ShaderType, val stm: Program.Stm, val functions: List, val name: String? = null) {
private val stmHashCode = stm.hashCode()
private val functionsHashCode = functions.hashCode()
private val cachedHashCode = (type.hashCode() * 17) + stmHashCode + (functionsHashCode * 53)
val isRaw get() = stm is Program.Stm.Raw
val globals = GlobalsProgramVisitor().also { it.visit(stm) }
val uniforms = globals.uniforms
val typedUniforms = globals.typedUniforms
val attributes = globals.attributes
val samplers = globals.samplers
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = (this === other) || (other is Shader && (this.type == other.type) && (this.cachedHashCode == other.cachedHashCode) && (this.stm == other.stm) && (this.functions == other.functions))
override fun hashCode(): Int = cachedHashCode
typealias VertexShader = Shader
typealias FragmentShader = Shader
fun VertexShader(stm: Program.Stm, funcs: List = listOf()): Shader = Shader(ShaderType.VERTEX, stm, funcs)
fun VertexShader(info: Pair>): Shader = VertexShader(info.first, info.second)
fun FragmentShader(stm: Program.Stm, funcs: List = listOf()): Shader = Shader(ShaderType.FRAGMENT, stm, funcs)
fun FragmentShader(info: Pair>): Shader = FragmentShader(info.first, info.second)
fun VertexShader(rawStrings: Map, stm: Program.Stm? = null) = VertexShader(Program.Stm.Raw(rawStrings, stm))
fun FragmentShader(rawStrings: Map, stm: Program.Stm? = null) = FragmentShader(Program.Stm.Raw(rawStrings, stm))
private const val NAME_GLSL = "GLSL"
@Deprecated("Use VertexShaderRawGlSl instead")
fun VertexShader(stm: Program.Stm, glsl: String) = VertexShader(mapOf(NAME_GLSL to glsl), stm)
@Deprecated("Use FragmentShaderRawGlSl instead")
fun FragmentShader(stm: Program.Stm, glsl: String) = FragmentShader(mapOf(NAME_GLSL to glsl), stm)
inline fun VertexShader(callback: ProgramBuilderDefault.() -> Unit): VertexShader {
val builder = ProgramBuilderDefault()
return VertexShader(builder._buildFuncs())
inline fun FragmentShader(callback: ProgramBuilderDefault.() -> Unit): FragmentShader {
val builder = ProgramBuilderDefault()
return FragmentShader(builder._buildFuncs())
typealias VertexLayout = ProgramLayout
inline val ProgramLayout.attributes: List get() = items
inline val ProgramLayout.attributePositions: IntArrayList get() = _positions
open class ProgramLayout(
@PublishedApi internal val items: List,
private val layoutSize: Int?,
val fixedLocation: Int = -1
) {
constructor(variables: List) : this(variables, null)
constructor(vararg variables: TVariable, layoutSize: Int? = null) : this(variables.toFastList(), layoutSize)
private var _lastPos: Int = 0
val alignments: IntArrayList = items.mapInt {
val a = it.type.kind.bytesSize
if (a <= 1) 1 else a
@PublishedApi internal val _positions: IntArrayList = items.mapInt {
_lastPos = when {
it.offset != null -> it.offset
else -> _lastPos.nextAlignedTo(it.type.kind.bytesSize)
val out = _lastPos
_lastPos += it.type.bytesSize
val maxAlignment: Int = alignments.maxOrNull() ?: 1
/** Size in bytes for each vertex */
val totalSize: Int = layoutSize ?: _lastPos.nextAlignedTo(maxAlignment)
protected fun names(): String = items.joinToString(", ") { }
override fun toString(): String = "${this::class.portableSimpleName}[${names()}, fixedLocation=$fixedLocation]"
class UniformBlock(uniforms: List, fixedLocation: Int) : ProgramLayout(uniforms, null, fixedLocation = fixedLocation) {
constructor(vararg uniforms: Uniform, fixedLocation: Int) : this(uniforms.toList(), fixedLocation)
companion object {
val EMPTY = UniformBlock(fixedLocation = -1)
//typealias UniformLayout = ProgramLayout
//typealias UniformBlock = ProgramLayout
inline val ProgramLayout.uniforms: List get() = items
inline val ProgramLayout.uniformPositions: IntArrayList get() = _positions