Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import korlibs.datastructure.*
import korlibs.math.*
import korlibs.memory.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.*
import kotlin.math.*
interface AsyncBaseStream : AsyncCloseable {
interface AsyncInputOpenable {
suspend fun openRead(): AsyncInputStream
suspend inline fun AsyncInputOpenable.openUse(block: (AsyncInputStream) -> T): T = openRead().use(block)
interface AsyncInputStream : AsyncBaseStream {
suspend fun read(buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, len: Int = buffer.size - offset): Int
suspend fun read(): Int = ByteArray(1).let { if (read(it, 0, 1) > 0) it[0].toInt() and 0xFF else -1 }
//suspend fun read(): Int
interface AsyncOutputStream : AsyncBaseStream {
suspend fun write(buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, len: Int = buffer.size - offset)
suspend fun write(byte: Int) = ByteArray(1).let { it[0] = byte.toByte(); write(it, 0, 1) }
//suspend fun write(byte: Int)
open class DummyAsyncOutputStream : AsyncOutputStream {
companion object : DummyAsyncOutputStream()
override suspend fun write(buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int, len: Int) = Unit
override suspend fun write(byte: Int) = Unit
override suspend fun close() = Unit
interface AsyncGetPositionStream : AsyncBaseStream {
suspend fun getPosition(): Long = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
interface AsyncPositionStream : AsyncGetPositionStream {
suspend fun setPosition(value: Long): Unit = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
interface AsyncGetLengthStream : AsyncBaseStream {
suspend fun hasLength() = try { getLength() >= 0L } catch (t: UnsupportedOperationException) { false }
suspend fun getLength(): Long = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
interface AsyncLengthStream : AsyncGetLengthStream {
suspend fun setLength(value: Long): Unit = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
interface AsyncPositionLengthStream : AsyncPositionStream, AsyncLengthStream {
suspend fun hasAvailable() = hasLength()
suspend fun getAvailable(): Long = getLength() - getPosition()
suspend fun eof(): Boolean = hasAvailable() && this.getAvailable() <= 0L
interface AsyncInputStreamWithLength : AsyncInputStream, AsyncGetPositionStream, AsyncGetLengthStream {
interface AsyncRAInputStream {
suspend fun read(position: Long, buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int, len: Int): Int
interface AsyncRAOutputStream {
suspend fun write(position: Long, buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int, len: Int)
open class AsyncStreamBase : AsyncCloseable, AsyncRAInputStream, AsyncRAOutputStream, AsyncLengthStream {
//var refCount = 0
override suspend fun read(position: Long, buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int, len: Int): Int =
throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override suspend fun write(position: Long, buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int, len: Int): Unit =
throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override suspend fun setLength(value: Long): Unit = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override suspend fun getLength(): Long = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override suspend fun close(): Unit = Unit
fun AsyncStreamBase.toAsyncStream(position: Long = 0L): AsyncStream = AsyncStream(this, position)
class AsyncStream(val base: AsyncStreamBase, var position: Long = 0L, val queue: Boolean = false) : Extra by Extra.Mixin(), AsyncInputStream, AsyncInputStreamWithLength, AsyncOutputStream, AsyncPositionLengthStream, AsyncCloseable {
override fun toString(): String = "AsyncStream($base, position=$position)"
private val readQueue = Mutex()
private val writeQueue = Mutex()
override suspend fun read(buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int, len: Int): Int = when {
queue -> readQueue.withLock { readInternal(buffer, offset, len) }
else -> readInternal(buffer, offset, len)
override suspend fun write(buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int, len: Int): Unit = when {
queue -> writeQueue.withLock { writeInternal(buffer, offset, len) }
else -> writeInternal(buffer, offset, len)
private suspend fun readInternal(buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int, len: Int): Int {
val read =, buffer, offset, len)
if (read >= 0) position += read
return read
private suspend fun writeInternal(buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int, len: Int) {
base.write(position, buffer, offset, len)
position += len
override suspend fun hasLength(): Boolean = base.hasLength()
override suspend fun setPosition(value: Long) { this.position = value }
override suspend fun getPosition(): Long = this.position
override suspend fun setLength(value: Long): Unit = base.setLength(value)
override suspend fun getLength(): Long = base.getLength()
suspend fun size(): Long = base.getLength()
override suspend fun close(): Unit = base.close()
fun duplicate(): AsyncStream = AsyncStream(base, position)
//fun SyncStream._toAsync(dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher? = Dispatchers.Unconfined): AsyncStream = this.base._toAsync(dispatcher).toAsyncStream(this.position)
//fun SyncStreamBase._toAsync(dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher? = Dispatchers.Unconfined): AsyncStreamBase = when (this) {
// //is MemorySyncStreamBase -> MemoryAsyncStreamBase(
// else -> SyncAsyncStreamBase(this, dispatcher)
//suspend fun AsyncInputStream.copyTo(target: AsyncOutputStream, chunkSize: Int = 256 * 1024): Long {
suspend fun AsyncInputStream.copyTo(target: AsyncOutputStream, chunkSize: Int = 8 * 1024 * 1024): Long {
// Optimization to reduce suspensions
if (this is AsyncStream && base is MemoryAsyncStreamBase) {
val base = base as MemoryAsyncStreamBase
target.write(, position.toInt(), base.ilength - position.toInt())
return base.ilength.toLong()
val rchunkSize = if (this is AsyncGetLengthStream) min(this.getLength(), chunkSize.toLong()).toInt() else chunkSize
var totalCount = 0L
this.consume(autoclose = false, temp = ByteArray(rchunkSize)) { data, offset, size ->
//println("write. offset=$offset, size=$size")
target.write(data, offset, size)
totalCount += size
return totalCount
suspend inline fun AsyncInputStream.consume(autoclose: Boolean = true, temp: ByteArray = ByteArray(0x10000), block: (data: ByteArray, offset: Int, size: Int) -> Unit) {
try {
while (true) {
val read = read(temp, 0, temp.size)
if (read <= 0) break
block(temp, 0, read)
} finally {
if (autoclose) close()
suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readBytesUpTo(out: ByteArray, offset: Int, len: Int): Int {
var total = 0
var pending = len
var offset = offset
while (true) {
val result = read(out, offset, pending)
if (result <= 0) break
offset += result
pending -= result
total += result
return total
suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readBytesUpToCopy(out: ByteArray): ByteArray {
val pos = readBytesUpTo(out, 0, out.size)
return if (out.size == pos) out else out.copyOf(pos)
suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readBytesUpTo(len: Int): ByteArray {
val BYTES_TEMP_SIZE = 0x1000
if (len <= BYTES_TEMP_SIZE) return readBytesUpToCopy(ByteArray(len))
if (this is AsyncPositionLengthStream) return readBytesUpToCopy(ByteArray(min(len, this.getAvailable().toIntClamp())))
var pending = len
val temp = ByteArray(BYTES_TEMP_SIZE)
val bout = ByteArrayBuilder()
while (pending > 0) {
val read =, 0, min(temp.size, pending))
if (read <= 0) break
bout.append(temp, 0, read)
pending -= read
return bout.toByteArray()
class BufferedAsyncInputStream(val stream: AsyncInputStream, bufferBits: Int = 10) : AsyncInputStreamWithLength {
//val bufferedData = SimpleBytesDeque()
val bufferedData = SimpleBytesDeque(bufferBits)
suspend fun buffer(count: Int): Boolean {
val temp = if (count <= bufferedData.tempBuffer.size) bufferedData.tempBuffer else ByteArray(count)
val len =, 0, count)
if (len <= 0) return false
bufferedData.write(temp, 0, len)
return true
suspend fun ensure(count: Int): Boolean {
if (bufferedData.availableRead < count) return buffer(count)
return true
suspend fun readBytesUntil(byte: Byte, including: Boolean = true): ByteArray {
val builder = ByteArrayBuilder()
val temp = bufferedData.tempBuffer
loop@while (true) {
if (bufferedData.availableRead <= 0) break@loop
val len = bufferedData.peek(temp)
for (n in 0 until len) {
if (temp[n] == byte) {
bufferedData.skip(n + 1)
builder.append(temp, 0, n + (if (including) 1 else 0))
builder.append(temp, 0, len)
return builder.toByteArray()
suspend fun readLine(includeLineEnding: Boolean = true): String =
readBytesUntil('\n'.code.toByte(), including = includeLineEnding).decodeToString()
override suspend fun read(buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int, len: Int): Int {
if (bufferedData.availableRead > 0) {
return, offset, len)
return, offset, len)
override suspend fun close() = stream.close()
override suspend fun hasLength(): Boolean =(stream as? AsyncGetLengthStream)?.hasLength() ?: super.hasLength()
override suspend fun getPosition(): Long = (stream as? AsyncGetPositionStream)?.getPosition() ?: super.getPosition()
override suspend fun getLength(): Long = (stream as? AsyncGetLengthStream)?.getLength() ?: super.getLength()
suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readExact(buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int, len: Int) {
var remaining = len
var coffset = offset
val reader = this
while (remaining > 0) {
val read =, coffset, remaining)
if (read < 0) break
if (read == 0) throw EOFException("Not enough data. Expected=$len, Read=${len - remaining}, Remaining=$remaining")
coffset += read
remaining -= read
suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readBytesExact(len: Int): ByteArray = ByteArray(len).apply { readExact(this, 0, len) }
suspend inline fun AsyncInputStream.readChunks(temp: ByteArray = ByteArray(1024), block: (bytes: ByteArray, len: Int) -> Unit) {
while (true) {
val r =, 0, temp.size)
if (r <= 0) break
block(temp, r)
suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readAll(): ByteArray {
return try {
when {
this is AsyncGetPositionStream && this is AsyncGetLengthStream && this.hasLength() -> {
val available = this.getLength() - this.getPosition()
this is AsyncStream && this.hasAvailable() -> {
val available = this.getAvailable().toInt()
else -> {
val out = ByteArrayBuilder()
readChunks { bytes, len -> out.append(bytes, 0, len) }
} finally {
// readAll alias
suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readAvailable(): ByteArray = readAll()
suspend fun AsyncInputStream.skip(count: Int) {
if (this is AsyncPositionLengthStream) {
this.setPosition(this.getPosition() + count)
} else {
val temp = ByteArray(min(0x1000, count))
var remaining = count
while (remaining > 0) {
val toRead = min(remaining, count)
readTempExact(toRead, temp)
remaining -= toRead
private suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readTempExact(len: Int, temp: ByteArray): ByteArray =
temp.apply { readExact(temp, 0, len) }
//suspend private fun AsyncInputStream.readTempExact(len: Int): ByteArray = readTempExact(len, BYTES_TEMP)
fun AsyncBaseStream.toAsyncStream(): AsyncStream {
val input = this as? AsyncInputStream
val output = this as? AsyncOutputStream
val rlenSet = this as? AsyncLengthStream
val rlenGet = this as? AsyncGetLengthStream
val closeable = this
return object : AsyncStreamBase() {
var expectedPosition: Long = 0L
//val events = arrayListOf()
override suspend fun read(position: Long, buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int, len: Int): Int {
if (input == null) throw UnsupportedOperationException()
//events += "before_read:actualPosition=$position,position=$expectedPosition"
val read =, offset, len)
//events += "read:$read"
if (read > 0) expectedPosition += read
return read
override suspend fun write(position: Long, buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int, len: Int) {
if (output == null) throw UnsupportedOperationException()
output.write(buffer, offset, len)
expectedPosition += len
private fun checkPosition(position: Long) {
if (position != expectedPosition) {
throw SeekNotSupportedException()
override suspend fun setLength(value: Long) = rlenSet?.setLength(value) ?: throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override suspend fun getLength(): Long = rlenGet?.getLength() ?: throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override suspend fun close() = closeable.close()
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