commonMain.korlibs.logger.Logger.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package korlibs.logger
import kotlinx.atomicfu.locks.*
import kotlin.time.*
* Utility to log messages.
* In order to set loggers at runtime. Set environment variables:
* ```
* LOG_$loggerName=debug
* ```
* For setting the default log level to something else:
* ```
* LOG_LEVEL=debug
* ```
class Logger private constructor(val name: String, val normalizedName: String, val dummy: Boolean) {
var nativeLogger: Any? = null
var optLevel: Level? = null
var optOutput: Output? = null
/** [Level] of this [Logger]. If not set, it will use the [Logger.defaultLevel] */
var level: Level
get() = optLevel ?: defaultLevel ?: Level.WARN
set(value) { optLevel = value }
/** [Output] of this [Logger]. If not set, it will use the [Logger.defaultOutput] */
var output: Output
get() = optOutput ?: defaultOutput
set(value) { optOutput = value }
///** Check if the [level] is set for this [Logger] */
val isLocalLevelSet: Boolean get() = optLevel != null
///** Check if the [output] is set for this [Logger] */
val isLocalOutputSet: Boolean get() = optOutput != null
companion object {
private val Logger_lock = SynchronizedObject()
private val Logger_loggers = HashMap()
/** The default [Level] used for all [Logger] that doesn't have its [Logger.level] set */
var defaultLevel: Level? = null
/** The default [Output] used for all [Logger] that doesn't have its [Logger.output] set */
var defaultOutput: Output = DefaultLogOutput
/** Gets a [Logger] from its [name] */
operator fun invoke(name: String): Logger = synchronized(Logger_lock) {
val normalizedName = normalizeName(name)
if (Logger_loggers[normalizedName] == null) {
val logger = Logger(name, normalizedName, true)
miniEnvironmentVariablesUC["LOG_$normalizedName"]?.also {
logger.level = Level[it]
if (Logger_loggers.isEmpty()) {
miniEnvironmentVariablesUC["LOG_LEVEL"]?.also {
defaultLevel = Level[it]
Logger_loggers[normalizedName] = logger
return Logger_loggers[normalizedName]!!
private fun normalizeName(name: String): String = name.replace('.', '_').replace('/', '_').uppercase()
/** Gets a [Logger] from its [KClass.simpleName] */
inline operator fun invoke(): Logger = invoke(T::class.simpleName ?: "NoClassName")
/** Logging [Level] */
enum class Level(val index: Int) {
NONE(0), FATAL(1), ERROR(2),
WARN(3), INFO(4), DEBUG(5), TRACE(6);
companion object {
val BY_NAME = values().associateBy { }
operator fun get(name: String): Level = BY_NAME[name.uppercase()] ?: NONE
/** Logging [Output] to handle logs */
interface Output {
fun output(logger: Logger, level: Level, msg: Any?)
/** Default [Output] to emit logs over the [Console] */
object ConsoleLogOutput : Output {
override fun output(logger: Logger, level: Level, msg: Any?) {
when (level) {
Level.ERROR -> Console.error(, msg)
Level.WARN -> Console.warn(, msg)
else -> Console.log(, msg)
/** Returns if this [Logger] has at least level [Level] */
fun isEnabled(level: Level): Boolean = level.index <= this.level.index
/** Returns if this [Logger] has at least level [Level.FATAL] */
inline val isFatalEnabled: Boolean get() = isEnabled(Level.FATAL)
/** Returns if this [Logger] has at least level [Level.ERROR] */
inline val isErrorEnabled: Boolean get() = isEnabled(Level.ERROR)
/** Returns if this [Logger] has at least level [Level.WARN] */
inline val isWarnEnabled: Boolean get() = isEnabled(Level.WARN)
/** Returns if this [Logger] has at least level [Level.INFO] */
inline val isInfoEnabled: Boolean get() = isEnabled(Level.INFO)
/** Returns if this [Logger] has at least level [Level.DEBUG] */
inline val isDebugEnabled: Boolean get() = isEnabled(Level.DEBUG)
/** Returns if this [Logger] has at least level [Level.TRACE] */
inline val isTraceEnabled: Boolean get() = isEnabled(Level.TRACE)
/** Traces the lazily executed [msg] if the [Logger.level] is at least [level] */
inline fun log(level: Level, msg: () -> Any?) { if (isEnabled(level)) actualLog(level, msg()) }
/** Traces the lazily executed [msg] if the [Logger.level] is at least [Level.FATAL] */
inline fun fatal(msg: () -> Any?) = log(Level.FATAL, msg)
/** Traces the lazily executed [msg] if the [Logger.level] is at least [Level.ERROR] */
inline fun error(msg: () -> Any?) = log(Level.ERROR, msg)
/** Traces the lazily executed [msg] if the [Logger.level] is at least [Level.WARN] */
inline fun warn(msg: () -> Any?) = log(Level.WARN, msg)
/** Traces the lazily executed [msg] if the [Logger.level] is at least [Level.INFO] */
inline fun info(msg: () -> Any?) = log(Level.INFO, msg)
/** Traces the lazily executed [msg] if the [Logger.level] is at least [Level.DEBUG] */
inline fun debug(msg: () -> Any?) = log(Level.DEBUG, msg)
/** Traces the lazily executed [msg] if the [Logger.level] is at least [Level.TRACE] */
inline fun trace(msg: () -> Any?) = log(Level.TRACE, msg)
inline fun logTime(name: String, level: Level = Level.INFO, block: () -> T): T {
val (value, time) = measureTimedValue(block)
log(level) { "$name: $time" }
return value
internal fun actualLog(level: Level, msg: Any?) { output.output(this, level, msg) }
/** Sets the [Logger.level] */
fun Logger.setLevel(level: Logger.Level): Logger = this.apply { this.level = level }
/** Sets the [Logger.output] */
fun Logger.setOutput(output: Logger.Output): Logger = this.apply { this.output = output }
internal expect val miniEnvironmentVariables: Map //= mapOf()
private var _miniEnvironmentVariablesUC: Map? = null
internal val miniEnvironmentVariablesUC: Map get() {
if (_miniEnvironmentVariablesUC == null) {
_miniEnvironmentVariablesUC = miniEnvironmentVariables.mapKeys { it.key.uppercase() }
return _miniEnvironmentVariablesUC!!
expect object DefaultLogOutput : Logger.Output
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