commonMain.korlibs.math.geom.Angle.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package korlibs.math.geom
import korlibs.math.*
import korlibs.math.interpolation.*
import korlibs.math.range.*
import korlibs.number.*
import kotlin.math.*
@PublishedApi internal const val PI2 = PI * 2.0
@PublishedApi internal const val DEG2RAD = PI / 180.0
@PublishedApi internal const val RAD2DEG = 180.0 / PI
@PublishedApi internal fun Angle_shortDistanceTo(from: Angle, to: Angle): Angle {
val r0 = from.ratio.toDouble() umod 1.0
val r1 = to.ratio.toDouble() umod 1.0
val diff = (r1 - r0 + 0.5) % 1.0 - 0.5
return if (diff < -0.5) Angle.fromRatio(diff + 1.0) else Angle.fromRatio(diff)
@PublishedApi internal fun Angle_longDistanceTo(from: Angle, to: Angle): Angle {
val short = Angle_shortDistanceTo(from, to)
return when {
short == Angle.ZERO -> Angle.ZERO
short < Angle.ZERO -> Angle.FULL + short
else -> -Angle.FULL + short
@PublishedApi internal fun Angle_between(x0: Double, y0: Double, x1: Double, y1: Double, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Angle {
val angle = Angle.atan2(y1 - y0, x1 - x0)
return (if (angle < Angle.ZERO) angle + Angle.FULL else angle).adjustFromUp(up)
@PublishedApi internal fun Angle.adjustFromUp(up: Vector2D): Angle {
return if (up.y > 0) this else -this
* Represents an [Angle], [ratio] is in [0, 1] range, [radians] is in [0, 2PI] range, and [degrees] in [0, 360] range
* The internal representation is in [0, 1] range to reduce rounding errors, since floating points can represent
* a lot of values in that range.
* The equivalent old [Angle] constructor is now [Angle.fromRadians]
* Angles advance counter-clock-wise, starting with 0.degrees representing the right vector:
* Depending on what the up vector means, then numeric values of sin might be negated.
* 0.degrees represent right: up=Vector2.UP: cos =+1, sin= 0 || up=Vector2.UP_SCREEN: cos =+1, sin= 0
* 90.degrees represents up: up=Vector2.UP: cos = 0, sin=+1 || up=Vector2.UP_SCREEN: cos = 0, sin=-1
* 180.degrees represents left: up=Vector2.UP: cos =-1, sin= 0 || up=Vector2.UP_SCREEN: cos =-1, sin= 0
* 270.degrees represents down: up=Vector2.UP: cos = 0, sin=-1 || up=Vector2.UP_SCREEN: cos = 0, sin=+1
inline class Angle @PublishedApi internal constructor(
/** [0..1] ratio -> [0..360] degrees */
val radians: Double
) : Comparable, IsAlmostEquals {
@PublishedApi inline internal val internal: Double get() = radians
/** [0..PI * 2] radians -> [0..360] degrees */
val ratio: Ratio get() = radiansToRatio(radians)
/** [0..360] degrees -> [0..PI * 2] radians -> [0..1] ratio */
val degrees: Double get() = radiansToDegrees(radians)
val cosine: Double get() = kotlin.math.cos(radians)
val sine: Double get() = kotlin.math.sin(radians)
val tangent: Double get() = kotlin.math.tan(radians)
fun cosine(up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Double = adjustFromUp(up).cosine
fun sine(up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Double = adjustFromUp(up).sine
fun tangent(up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Double = adjustFromUp(up).tangent
val absoluteValue: Angle get() = Angle(internal.absoluteValue)
fun shortDistanceTo(other: Angle): Angle = Angle.shortDistanceTo(this, other)
fun longDistanceTo(other: Angle): Angle = Angle.longDistanceTo(this, other)
operator fun times(scale: Double): Angle = Angle(this.internal * scale)
operator fun div(scale: Double): Angle = Angle(this.internal / scale)
operator fun times(scale: Float): Angle = Angle(this.internal * scale)
operator fun div(scale: Float): Angle = Angle(this.internal / scale)
operator fun times(scale: Int): Angle = Angle(this.internal * scale)
operator fun div(scale: Int): Angle = Angle(this.internal / scale)
operator fun rem(angle: Angle): Angle = Angle(this.internal % angle.internal)
infix fun umod(angle: Angle): Angle = Angle(this.internal umod angle.internal)
operator fun div(other: Angle): Double = this.internal / other.internal // Ratio
operator fun plus(other: Angle): Angle = Angle(this.internal + other.internal)
operator fun minus(other: Angle): Angle = Angle(this.internal - other.internal)
operator fun unaryMinus(): Angle = Angle(-internal)
operator fun unaryPlus(): Angle = Angle(+internal)
fun inBetweenInclusive(min: Angle, max: Angle): Boolean = inBetween(min, max, inclusive = true)
fun inBetweenExclusive(min: Angle, max: Angle): Boolean = inBetween(min, max, inclusive = false)
infix fun inBetween(range: ClosedRange): Boolean = inBetween(range.start, range.endInclusive, inclusive = true)
infix fun inBetween(range: OpenRange): Boolean = inBetween(range.start, range.endExclusive, inclusive = false)
fun inBetween(min: Angle, max: Angle, inclusive: Boolean): Boolean {
val nthis = this.normalized
val nmin = min.normalized
val nmax = max.normalized
return when {
nmin > nmax -> nthis >= nmin || (if (inclusive) nthis <= nmax else nthis < nmax)
else -> nthis >= nmin && (if (inclusive) nthis <= nmax else nthis < nmax)
override fun isAlmostEquals(other: Angle, epsilon: Double): Boolean = this.radians.isAlmostEquals(other.radians, epsilon)
fun isAlmostZero(epsilon: Double = 0.001): Boolean = isAlmostEquals(ZERO, epsilon)
/** Normalize between 0..1 ... 0..(PI*2).radians ... 0..360.degrees */
val normalized: Angle get() = fromRatio(ratio.toDouble() umod 1.0)
/** Normalize between -.5..+.5 ... -PI..+PI.radians ... -180..+180.degrees */
val normalizedHalf: Angle get() {
val res = normalized
return if (res > Angle.HALF) -Angle.FULL + res else res
override operator fun compareTo(other: Angle): Int = this.ratio.compareTo(other.ratio)
//override fun compareTo(other: Angle): Int {
// //return this.radians.compareTo(other.radians) // @TODO: Double.compareTo calls EnterFrame/LeaveFrame! because it uses a Double companion object
// val left = this.ratio
// val right = other.ratio
// // @TODO: Handle infinite/NaN? Though usually this won't happen
// if (left < right) return -1
// if (left > right) return +1
// return 0
override fun toString(): String = "${degrees.roundDecimalPlaces(2).niceStr}.degrees"
companion object {
val EPSILON = Angle.fromRatio(0.00001)
val ZERO = Angle.fromRatio(0.0)
val QUARTER = Angle.fromRatio(0.25)
val HALF = Angle.fromRatio(0.5)
val THREE_QUARTERS = Angle.fromRatio(0.75)
val FULL = Angle.fromRatio(1.0)
inline fun fromRatio(ratio: Float): Angle = Angle(ratioToRadians(ratio.toRatio()))
inline fun fromRatio(ratio: Double): Angle = Angle(ratioToRadians(ratio.toRatio()))
inline fun fromRatio(ratio: Ratio): Angle = Angle(ratioToRadians(ratio))
inline fun fromRadians(radians: Double): Angle = Angle(radians)
inline fun fromRadians(radians: Float) = Angle(radians.toDouble())
inline fun fromRadians(radians: Int) = Angle(radians.toDouble())
inline fun fromDegrees(degrees: Double): Angle = Angle(degreesToRadians(degrees))
inline fun fromDegrees(degrees: Float) = Angle(degreesToRadians(degrees.toDouble()))
inline fun fromDegrees(degrees: Int) = Angle(degreesToRadians(degrees.toDouble()))
@Deprecated("", ReplaceWith("Angle.fromRatio(ratio).cosineD"))
inline fun cos01(ratio: Double): Double = Angle.fromRatio(ratio).cosine
@Deprecated("", ReplaceWith("Angle.fromRatio(ratio).sineD"))
inline fun sin01(ratio: Double): Double = Angle.fromRatio(ratio).sine
@Deprecated("", ReplaceWith("Angle.fromRatio(ratio).tangentD"))
inline fun tan01(ratio: Double): Double = Angle.fromRatio(ratio).tangent
inline fun atan2(x: Float, y: Float, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Angle = fromRadians(kotlin.math.atan2(x, y)).adjustFromUp(up)
inline fun atan2(x: Double, y: Double, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Angle = fromRadians(kotlin.math.atan2(x, y)).adjustFromUp(up)
inline fun atan2(p: Point, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Angle = atan2(p.x, p.y, up)
inline fun asin(v: Double): Angle = kotlin.math.asin(v).radians
inline fun asin(v: Float): Angle = kotlin.math.asin(v).radians
inline fun acos(v: Double): Angle = kotlin.math.acos(v).radians
inline fun acos(v: Float): Angle = kotlin.math.acos(v).radians
fun arcCosine(v: Double): Angle = kotlin.math.acos(v).radians
fun arcCosine(v: Float): Angle = kotlin.math.acos(v).radians
fun arcSine(v: Double): Angle = kotlin.math.asin(v).radians
fun arcSine(v: Float): Angle = kotlin.math.asin(v).radians
fun arcTangent(x: Double, y: Double): Angle = kotlin.math.atan2(x, y).radians
fun arcTangent(x: Float, y: Float): Angle = kotlin.math.atan2(x, y).radians
fun arcTangent(v: Vector2F): Angle = kotlin.math.atan2(v.x, v.y).radians
inline fun ratioToDegrees(ratio: Ratio): Double = ratio * 360.0
inline fun ratioToRadians(ratio: Ratio): Double = ratio * PI2
inline fun degreesToRatio(degrees: Double): Ratio = Ratio(degrees / 360.0)
inline fun degreesToRadians(degrees: Double): Double = degrees * DEG2RAD
inline fun radiansToRatio(radians: Double): Ratio = Ratio(radians / PI2)
inline fun radiansToDegrees(radians: Double): Double = radians * RAD2DEG
inline fun shortDistanceTo(from: Angle, to: Angle): Angle = Angle_shortDistanceTo(from, to)
inline fun longDistanceTo(from: Angle, to: Angle): Angle = Angle_longDistanceTo(from, to)
inline fun between(x0: Double, y0: Double, x1: Double, y1: Double, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Angle = Angle_between(x0, y0, x1, y1, up)
inline fun between(x0: Int, y0: Int, x1: Int, y1: Int, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Angle = between(x0.toDouble(), y0.toDouble(), x1.toDouble(), y1.toDouble(), up)
inline fun between(x0: Float, y0: Float, x1: Float, y1: Float, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Angle = between(x0.toDouble(), y0.toDouble(), x1.toDouble(), y1.toDouble(), up)
inline fun between(p0: Point, p1: Point, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Angle = between(p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y, up)
inline fun between(p0: Vector2F, p1: Vector2F, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Angle = between(p0.x, p0.y, p1.x, p1.y, up)
inline fun between(ox: Double, oy: Double, x1: Double, y1: Double, x2: Double, y2: Double, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Angle = between(x1 - ox, y1 - oy, x2 - ox, y2 - oy, up)
inline fun between(ox: Float, oy: Float, x1: Float, y1: Float, x2: Float, y2: Float, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Angle = between(x1 - ox, y1 - oy, x2 - ox, y2 - oy, up)
inline fun between(o: Point, v1: Point, v2: Point, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Angle = between(o.x, o.y, v1.x, v1.y, v2.x, v2.y, up)
inline fun between(o: Vector2F, v1: Vector2F, v2: Vector2F, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Angle = between(o.x, o.y, v1.x, v1.y, v2.x, v2.y, up)
inline fun cos(angle: Angle, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Double = angle.cosine(up)
inline fun sin(angle: Angle, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Double = angle.sine(up)
inline fun tan(angle: Angle, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Double = angle.tangent(up)
inline fun cosf(angle: Angle, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Float = angle.cosine(up).toFloat()
inline fun sinf(angle: Angle, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Float = angle.sine(up).toFloat()
inline fun tanf(angle: Angle, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Float = angle.tangent(up).toFloat()
inline fun abs(angle: Angle): Angle = angle.absoluteValue
inline fun min(a: Angle, b: Angle): Angle = Angle(min(a.internal, b.internal))
inline fun max(a: Angle, b: Angle): Angle = Angle(max(a.internal, b.internal))
fun Angle.clamp(min: Angle, max: Angle): Angle = min(max(this, min), max)
operator fun ClosedRange.contains(angle: Angle): Boolean = angle.inBetween(this.start, this.endInclusive, inclusive = true)
operator fun OpenRange.contains(angle: Angle): Boolean = angle.inBetween(this.start, this.endExclusive, inclusive = false)
infix fun Angle.until(other: Angle): OpenRange = OpenRange(this, other)
val Double.degrees: Angle get() = Angle.fromDegrees(this)
val Double.radians: Angle get() = Angle.fromRadians(this)
val Int.degrees: Angle get() = Angle.fromDegrees(this)
val Int.radians: Angle get() = Angle.fromRadians(this)
val Float.degrees: Angle get() = Angle.fromDegrees(this)
val Float.radians: Angle get() = Angle.fromRadians(this)
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