commonMain.korlibs.number.Int53.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package korlibs.number
import korlibs.number.internal.*
import kotlin.math.ceil
import kotlin.math.floor
* Represents and integral value of 52-bits + sign using a Double as internal representation.
* Trying to avoid allocations on the JS target by not using [Long] when 53 bits is enough.
public inline class Int53(public val value: Double) : Comparable {
public companion object {
// Double.fromBits(0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFFL)
//val MAX_VALUE = Int53(Double.fromBits(0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFFL)) // 2**52 - 1
public val MAX_VALUE: Int53 = Int53(4503599627370495.0) // 2**52 - 1
public val MIN_VALUE: Int53 = Int53(-4503599627370495.0) // -(2**52 - 1)
private val MAX_UINT32 = 4294967295.0
public fun fromDoubleClamped(value: Double): Int53 = when {
value > MAX_VALUE.value -> MAX_VALUE
value < MIN_VALUE.value -> MIN_VALUE
else -> Int53(if (value < 0.0) ceil(value) else floor(value))
// @TODO: Do not use Long to do this
public fun fromLowHigh(low: Int, high: Int): Int53 {
return (low.toLong() or ((high and 0x1FFFFF).signExtend(21).toLong() shl 32)).toInt53()
//if ((high and 0x80000) != 0) {
// // Negative
// val uhigh = ((high).inv() and 0xFFFFF).toDouble()
// val ulow = low.inv().toUInt().toDouble()
// val svalue = -(ulow + (uhigh * 4294967296)) - 1
// return fromDoubleClamped(svalue)
//} else {
// return fromDoubleClamped(low.toUInt().toDouble() + ((high and 0xFFFFF) * 4294967296))
// @TODO: Do not use Long to do this
//val high: Int get() = ((double.toRawBits() ushr 32) and 20.mask().toLong()).toInt()
public val high: Int get() = ((long ushr 32) and 21.mask().toLong()).toInt()
public val low: Int get() {
return long.toInt()
//var v = this
//val llow = (v % 0x10000).toInt()
//v /= 0x10000
//val lhigh = (v % 0x10000).toInt()
//return llow or (lhigh shl 16)
public operator fun unaryMinus(): Int53 = Int53(-value)
public operator fun unaryPlus(): Int53 = Int53(+value)
// @TODO: handle overflows
public operator fun plus(other: Double): Int53 = fromDoubleClamped(this.value + other)
public operator fun plus(other: Int): Int53 = this + other.toDouble()
public operator fun plus(other: Int53): Int53 = this + other.toDouble()
public operator fun plus(other: Float): Int53 = this + other.toDouble()
public operator fun minus(other: Double): Int53 = fromDoubleClamped(this.value - other)
public operator fun minus(other: Int): Int53 = this - other.toDouble()
public operator fun minus(other: Int53): Int53 = this - other.toDouble()
public operator fun minus(other: Float): Int53 = this - other.toDouble()
public operator fun times(other: Double): Int53 = fromDoubleClamped(this.value * other)
public operator fun times(other: Int): Int53 = this * other.toDouble()
public operator fun times(other: Int53): Int53 = this * other.toDouble()
public operator fun times(other: Float): Int53 = this * other.toDouble()
public operator fun div(other: Double): Int53 = fromDoubleClamped(this.value / other)
public operator fun div(other: Int): Int53 = this / other.toDouble()
public operator fun div(other: Int53): Int53 = this / other.toDouble()
public operator fun div(other: Float): Int53 = this / other.toDouble()
public operator fun rem(other: Double): Int53 = fromDoubleClamped(this.value % other.toDouble())
public operator fun rem(other: Int): Int53 = this % other.toDouble()
public operator fun rem(other: Int53): Int53 = this % other.toDouble()
public operator fun rem(other: Float): Int53 = this % other.toDouble()
public infix fun and(other: Int53): Int53 = Int53.fromLowHigh(this.low and other.low, this.high and other.high)
public infix fun or(other: Int53): Int53 = Int53.fromLowHigh(this.low or other.low, this.high or other.high)
public infix fun xor(other: Int53): Int53 = Int53.fromLowHigh(this.low xor other.low, this.high xor other.high)
public fun inv(): Int53 = Int53.fromLowHigh(this.low.inv(), this.high.inv())
public val int: Int get() = value.toInt()
public val long: Long get() = value.toLong()
public val double: Double get() = value
public fun toInt(): Int = int
public fun toLong(): Long = long
public fun toDouble(): Double = double
public fun compareTo(other: Double): Int = this.value.compareTo(other)
public fun compareTo(other: Int): Int = this.compareTo(other.toDouble())
override fun compareTo(other: Int53): Int = this.compareTo(other.toDouble())
public fun compareTo(other: Float): Int = this.compareTo(other.toDouble())
// @TODO: We are casting to Long that might allocate on JS
override fun toString(): String = value.toLong().toString().removeSuffix(".0")
public inline fun String.toInt53(): Int53 = this.toDouble().toInt53()
public inline fun String.toInt53OrNull(): Int53? = this.toDoubleOrNull()?.toInt53()
public inline fun Int.toInt53(): Int53 = Int53.fromDoubleClamped(this.toDouble())
public inline fun Double.toInt53(): Int53 = Int53.fromDoubleClamped(this)
public inline fun Long.toInt53(): Int53 = Int53.fromDoubleClamped(this.toDouble())
public inline fun Number.toInt53(): Int53 = Int53.fromDoubleClamped(this.toDouble())