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org.sparklinedata.druid.jscodegen.JSCodeGenerator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.sparklinedata.druid.jscodegen

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils
import org.apache.spark.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.util.ExprUtil
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
import org.sparklinedata.druid.DruidQueryBuilder
import org.sparklinedata.druid.jscodegen.JSDateTimeCtx._
import org.sparklinedata.druid.metadata._

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.language.reflectiveCalls

// TODO: Track nullability of each JSEXpr & and add null check if rqd.
//       Metrics & Time DIM can't be null; Non TIME_DIM DIM or VCOLS of Metric/TIME_DIM
//       using conditional exprs can have NULL values.
case class JSCodeGenerator(dqb: DruidQueryBuilder, e: Expression, mulInParamsAllowed: Boolean,
                           metricAllowed: Boolean, tz_id: String,
                           retType: DataType = StringType) extends Logging {
  private[this] var uid: Int = 0

  private[jscodegen] def makeUniqueVarName: String = {
    uid += 1
    "v" + uid

  private[this] var inParams: mutable.HashSet[String] = mutable.HashSet()
  private[jscodegen] val dateTimeCtx = new JSDateTimeCtx(tz_id, this)

  private[jscodegen] def fnElements: Option[(String, String)] =
    for (fnb <- genExprCode(e) if inParams.nonEmpty;
         rStmt <- JSCast(fnb, retType, this).castCode) yield {
            ${rStmt.linesSoFar}""".stripMargin, rStmt.getRef)

  def fnCode: Option[String] =
    for (fne <- fnElements) yield {
      s"""function (${fnParams.mkString(", ")}) {


  def fnParams = inParams.toList

  private[jscodegen] def SPIntegralNumeric(t: DataType): Boolean = t match {
    case ShortType | IntegerType | LongType => true
    case _ => false

  private[this] def genExprCode(oe: Any): Option[JSExpr] = {
    if (oe.isInstanceOf[Expression]) {
      val e: Expression = oe.asInstanceOf[Expression]
      e match {
        case AttributeReference(nm, dT, _, _) =>
          for (dD <- dqb.druidColumn(nm);
               v =
               if ((dD.isTimeDimension ||
                 (metricAllowed && dD.isMetric) ||
                 dD.isDimension()) && validInParams(v))) yield {
             * If dim is __time, treat it like a String
             * TODO : why, should be treated like a timestamp
             * else if the Spark and Druid datatypes for a column don't match then
             * add in a cast for the generated JavaScript.
            if ( dD.isTimeDimension ) {
              Some(new JSExpr(v, StringType, true))
            } else if (DruidDataType.sparkDataType(dD.dataType) == dT ) {
              Some(new JSExpr(v, e.dataType, dD.isTimeDimension))
            } else {
              val jE = new JSExpr(v, DruidDataType.sparkDataType(dD.dataType),
              val cs = JSCast(jE, e.dataType, this).castCode
     cs =>
                JSExpr(cs.fnVar, cs.linesSoFar, cs.getRef, e.dataType)
        case Literal(null, dataType) => Some(new JSExpr("null", dataType))
        case Literal(value, dataType) => {
          dataType match {
            case IntegerType | LongType | ShortType | DoubleType | FloatType =>
              Some(new JSExpr(value.toString, dataType))
            case StringType => Some(new JSExpr(s""""${e.toString}"""", dataType))
            case NullType => Some(new JSExpr("null", dataType))
            case DateType if value.isInstanceOf[Int] =>
              Some(new JSExpr(noDaysToDateCode(value.toString), dataType))
            case TimestampType if value.isInstanceOf[Long] =>
              // Spark gives values in micro seconds - we convert it to Milli
              Some(new JSExpr(longToISODTCode(value.asInstanceOf[Long]/1000, dateTimeCtx),
            case _ => JSCast(
              new JSExpr(value.toString, StringType), dataType, this).castCode

        case Cast(s, dt) => Some(genCastExprCode(s, dt)).flatten

        case Concat(eLst) =>
          // TODO: Use FoldLeft
          var nExprsTrfrm: Int = 0
          var cJSFn: Option[JSExpr] = None
          for (ex <- eLst; exCode <- genExprCode(ex)) {
            nExprsTrfrm += 1
            if (cJSFn.isEmpty) {
              cJSFn = Some(exCode)
            } else {
              cJSFn = Some(JSExpr(None,
                s"${cJSFn.get.linesSoFar} ${exCode.linesSoFar} ",
          if (nExprsTrfrm == eLst.size) {
          } else {
        case Upper(u) =>
          for (exCode <- genExprCode(u) if u.dataType.isInstanceOf[StringType]) yield
              exCode.linesSoFar, s"(${exCode.getRef}).toUpperCase()", StringType)
        case Lower(l) =>
          for (exCode <- genExprCode(l) if l.dataType.isInstanceOf[StringType]) yield
              exCode.linesSoFar, s"(${exCode.getRef}).toLowerCase()", StringType)
        case Substring(str, pos, len) =>
          for (strcode <- genExprCode(str); cstrCode <- JSCast(strcode, StringType, this).castCode;
               posL <- genExprCode(pos) if pos.isInstanceOf[Literal];
               pos = posL.getRef.toInt; if pos >= 0;
               lenL <- genExprCode(len) if len.isInstanceOf[Literal];
               len = lenL.getRef.toInt; if len > 0;
               start: Int = if (pos > 0) pos - 1 else 0;
               end: Int = if (len == Integer.MAX_VALUE) len else (start + len);
               if end > start) yield {
            if (len == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
              str match {
                case AttributeReference(_, _, _, _) => JSExpr(None,
                  s"""${cstrCode.linesSoFar} ${posL.linesSoFar} ${lenL.linesSoFar}""".stripMargin,
                  s"${cstrCode.getRef}.substr(${start}, ${cstrCode.getRef}.length - ${start})",
                  StringType, false)
                case _ =>
                  val v1 = makeUniqueVarName
                    s"""${cstrCode.linesSoFar} ${posL.linesSoFar} ${lenL.linesSoFar}
                       |var ${v1} = ${cstrCode.getRef};""".stripMargin,
                    s"${v1}.substr(${start}, ${v1}.length - ${start})", StringType, false)
            } else {
              JSExpr(None, s"${cstrCode.linesSoFar} ${posL.linesSoFar} ${lenL.linesSoFar}",
                s"(${cstrCode.getRef}).substr(${start}, ${end})", StringType, false)
        case Coalesce(le) => {
          val l = le.flatMap(e => genExprCode(e))
          if (le.size == l.size) {
            val cl = l.foldLeft(new JSExpr("", StringType))((a, j) =>
                a.linesSoFar + j.linesSoFar,
                if (a.getRef.isEmpty) s"(${j.getRef})" else s"${a.getRef} || (${j.getRef})",
            Some(JSExpr(None, cl.linesSoFar, s"(${cl.getRef})", cl.fnDT))
          } else {

        case CaseWhen(le) => {
          val l = le.flatMap(e => genExprCode(e))
          if (l.length == le.length) {
            val v1 = makeUniqueVarName
            val jv = ((0 until l.length / 2).foldLeft(
              JSExpr(Some(v1), s"var ${v1} = false;", "", BooleanType)) { (a, i) =>
              val cond = l(i * 2)
              val res = l(i * 2 + 1)
              JSExpr(a.fnVar, a.linesSoFar +
              if ((${v1} != null) && !${v1} && (${cond.getRef})) {
              ${v1} = ${res.getRef};
        }""".stripMargin, "", a.fnDT)
            val de = l(l.length - 1)
            Some(JSExpr(jv.fnVar, jv.linesSoFar +
              if ((${v1} != null) && !${v1}) {
              ${v1} = ${de.getRef};
        }""".stripMargin, "", de.fnDT))
          } else {
        case If(pe, te, fe) =>
          for (
            jspe <- genExprCode(pe);
            jste <- genExprCode(te);
            jsfe <- genExprCode(fe)) yield {
            val v1 = makeUniqueVarName
              jspe.linesSoFar + jste.linesSoFar + jsfe.linesSoFar +
              s"""var ${v1} = null;
                 |if (${jspe.getRef})
                 |{$v1 = ${jste.getRef}} else {$v1 = ${jsfe.getRef}}""".stripMargin,
              "", jste.fnDT, false)
        case LessThan(l, r) => genComparisonCode(l, r, " < ")
        case LessThanOrEqual(l, r) => genComparisonCode(l, r, " <= ")
        case GreaterThan(l, r) => genComparisonCode(l, r, " > ")
        case GreaterThanOrEqual(l, r) => genComparisonCode(l, r, " >= ")
        case EqualTo(l, r) => genComparisonCode(l, r, " == ")
        case And(l, r) => genComparisonCode(l, r, " && ")
        case Or(l, r) => genComparisonCode(l, r, " || ")
        case Not(e) => {
          for (j <- genExprCode(e)) yield
            JSExpr(None, j.linesSoFar, s"!(${j.getRef})", BooleanType)
        case In(c, vl) if vl.forall(v => v.isInstanceOf[Literal]) => {
          val nnVL = vl.filter(v => !v.dataType.isInstanceOf[NullType] &&
            v.asInstanceOf[Literal].value != null)
          val nnVEL = for (nnv <- nnVL; nnve <- genExprCode(nnv)) yield nnve
          if (!nnVL.isEmpty && !nnVEL.isEmpty && nnVEL.size == nnVL.size) {
            for (ce <- genExprCode(c)) yield {
              val vlJSE = nnVEL.foldLeft[JSExpr](new JSExpr("", IntegerType))((s, nnve) =>
                JSExpr(None, s.linesSoFar + nnve.linesSoFar,
                  if (s.getRef.isEmpty) {
                  } else {s"""${s.getRef}, ${nnve.getRef}:true""".stripMargin}, nnve.fnDT)
              JSExpr(None, ce.linesSoFar + vlJSE.linesSoFar,
                s"""${ce.getRef} in {${vlJSE.getRef}}""".stripMargin, BooleanType)
          } else {
        case InSet(c, vs) if vs.forall(v => !v.isInstanceOf[Expression]) => {
          val nnVS = vs.filter(v => v != null)
          val nnVES = for (nnv <- nnVS; nnve <- genExprCode(nnv)) yield nnve
          if (!nnVS.isEmpty && !nnVES.isEmpty && nnVES.size == nnVS.size) {
            for (ce <- genExprCode(c)) yield {
              val vlJSE = nnVES.toList.foldLeft[JSExpr](new JSExpr("", IntegerType))((s, nnve) =>
                JSExpr(None, s.linesSoFar + nnve.linesSoFar,
                  if (s.getRef.isEmpty) {
                  } else {s"""${s.getRef}, ${nnve.getRef}:true""".stripMargin}, nnve.fnDT)
              JSExpr(None, ce.linesSoFar + vlJSE.linesSoFar,
                s"""${ce.getRef} in {${vlJSE.getRef}}""".stripMargin, BooleanType)
          } else {

        case ToDate(de) =>
          for (fn <- genExprCode(de); cFn <- JSCast(fn, DateType, this).castCode)
            yield JSExpr(None, cFn.linesSoFar, cFn.getRef, DateType)
        case DateAdd(sd, nd) =>
          for (sde <- genExprCode(sd); csde <- JSCast(sde, DateType, this).castCode;
               nde <- genExprCode(nd); cnde <- JSCast(nde, IntegerType, this).castCode;
               ade <- JSCast(JSExpr(None, csde.linesSoFar + cnde.linesSoFar,
                 dateAdd(csde.getRef, cnde.getRef), DateType),
                 StringType, this).castCode)
            yield JSExpr(None, ade.linesSoFar, ade.getRef, StringType)
        case DateSub(sd, nd) =>
          for (sde <- genExprCode(sd); csde <- JSCast(sde, DateType, this).castCode;
               nde <- genExprCode(nd); cnde <- JSCast(nde, IntegerType, this).castCode)
            yield JSExpr(None, csde.linesSoFar + cnde.linesSoFar,
              dateSub(csde.getRef, cnde.getRef), DateType)
        case DateDiff(ed, sd) =>
          for (ede <- genExprCode(ed); cede <- JSCast(ede, DateType, this).castCode;
               sde <- genExprCode(sd); csde <- JSCast(sde, DateType, this).castCode)
            yield JSExpr(None,
              cede.linesSoFar + csde.linesSoFar,
              dateDiff(cede.getRef, csde.getRef), IntegerType)
        case Year(y) =>
          for (ye <- genExprCode(y); cye <- JSCast(ye, DateType, this).castCode) yield
            JSExpr(None, cye.linesSoFar, dTYear(cye.getRef), IntegerType)
        case Quarter(q) =>
          for (qe <- genExprCode(q); cqe <- JSCast(qe, DateType, this).castCode) yield
            JSExpr(None, cqe.linesSoFar, dTQuarter(cqe.getRef), IntegerType)
        case Month(mo) =>
          for (moe <- genExprCode(mo); cmoe <- JSCast(moe, DateType, this).castCode)
              JSExpr(None, cmoe.linesSoFar, dTMonth(cmoe.getRef), IntegerType)
        case DayOfMonth(d) =>
          for (de <- genExprCode(d); cde <- JSCast(de, DateType, this).castCode)
              JSExpr(None, cde.linesSoFar, dTDayOfMonth(cde.getRef), IntegerType)
        case WeekOfYear(w) =>
          for (we <- genExprCode(w); cwe <- JSCast(we, DateType, this).castCode)
              JSExpr(None, cwe.linesSoFar, dTWeekOfYear(cwe.getRef), IntegerType)
        case Hour(h) =>
          for (he <- genExprCode(h); che <- JSCast(he, TimestampType, this).castCode)
              JSExpr(None, che.linesSoFar, dTHour(che.getRef), IntegerType)
        case Minute(m) =>
          for (me <- genExprCode(m); cme <- JSCast(me, TimestampType, this).castCode)
              JSExpr(None, cme.linesSoFar, dTMinute(cme.getRef), IntegerType)
        case Second(s) =>
          for (se <- genExprCode(s); cse <- JSCast(se, TimestampType, this).castCode)
              JSExpr(None, cse.linesSoFar, dTSecond(cse.getRef), IntegerType)
        case FromUnixTime(s, f) if f.isInstanceOf[Literal] =>
          for (se <- genExprCode(s); cse <- JSCast(se, LongType, this).castCode) yield
            JSExpr(None, cse.linesSoFar,
              dtToStrCode(longToISODTCode(cse.getRef, dateTimeCtx),
                s""""${f.toString()}"""".stripMargin), StringType)
        case UnixTimestamp(t, f) if f.isInstanceOf[Literal] =>
          for (te <- genExprCode(t); cte <- JSCast(te, TimestampType, this).castCode) yield
            JSExpr(None, cte.linesSoFar,
              dtToSecondsCode(cte.getRef), LongType)
        case TruncDate(d, f@Literal(v, _)) if v.isInstanceOf[UTF8String] =>
          for (de <- genExprCode(d); tr <- trunc(de.getRef, f.value.toString)) yield
            JSExpr(None, de.linesSoFar, tr, DateType)
        case DateFormatClass(de, fmt) => {
          for (jsDe <- genExprCode(de);
               jsFmt <- genExprCode(fmt);
               fmtDStr <- dateFormatCode(jsDe, jsFmt.getRef)) yield {
            JSExpr(None, jsDe.linesSoFar + jsFmt.linesSoFar, fmtDStr, StringType, false)
        case Add(l, r) => Some(genBArithmeticExprCode(l, r, e, "+")).flatten
        case Subtract(l, r) => Some(genBArithmeticExprCode(l, r, e, "-")).flatten
        case Multiply(l, r) => Some(genBArithmeticExprCode(l, r, e, "*")).flatten
        case Divide(l, r) => for (ae <- genBArithmeticExprCode(l, r, e, "/")) yield {
          if (SPIntegralNumeric(e.dataType)) {
            JSExpr(None, ae.linesSoFar, s"Math.floor(${ae.getRef})", e.dataType)
          } else {
        case Remainder(l, r) => Some(genBArithmeticExprCode(l, r, e, "%")).flatten
        case Pmod(le, re) => {
          for (lex <- genExprCode(le); rex <- genExprCode(re)) yield {
            val v = makeUniqueVarName
              lex.linesSoFar + rex.linesSoFar +
                s"""var ${v} = 0;
                if (${lex.getRef} < 0) {
                    |${v} = (${lex.getRef} + ${rex.getRef}) % ${rex.getRef};
                } else {
                  ${v} =${lex.getRef} % ${rex.getRef};
                }""".stripMargin, "", e.dataType)
        case Abs(ve) => genUnaryExprCode(ve,
        case Floor(ve) => genUnaryExprCode(
          ve, "Math.floor")
        case Ceil(ve) =>
          genUnaryExprCode(ve, "Math.ceil")
        case Sqrt(ve) =>
          genUnaryExprCode(ve, "Math.sqrt")
        case Logarithm(Literal(2.718281828459045, DoubleType), ve)
        => genUnaryExprCode(ve, "Math.log")
          UnaryMinus(ve) => genUnaryExprCode(ve, "-")
        case UnaryPositive(ve) =>
          genUnaryExprCode(ve, "+")
        case JSStringPredicate(l, r, strFn) => {
          for(lex <- genExprCode(l);
              rVal <- Some(r.eval()) if rVal != null
          ) yield {
            var s = rVal.asInstanceOf[UTF8String].toString()
        case JSLike(l, r, likeMatch) => {
          for(lex <- genExprCode(l);
            rVal <- Some(r.eval()) if rVal != null
          ) yield {
            var regexStr = rVal.asInstanceOf[UTF8String].toString()
            val v = makeUniqueVarName
            val reV = makeUniqueVarName
            var js : String = null
            if (likeMatch) {
              regexStr =
              js =
                   |var ${reV} = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("${regexStr}");
                   |var ${v} = ${reV}.matcher(${lex.getRef}).matches();
            } else {
              js =
                  |var ${reV} = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("${regexStr}");
                  |var ${v} = ${reV}.matcher(${lex.getRef}).find(0)
              lex.linesSoFar + js,
        case _ => None.flatten
    } else {
      oe match {
        case _: Short => Some(new JSExpr(s"$oe", ShortType))
        case _: Integer => Some(new JSExpr(s"$oe", IntegerType))
        case _: Long => Some(new JSExpr(s"$oe", LongType))
        case _: Float => Some(new JSExpr(s"$oe", FloatType))
        case _: Double => Some(new JSExpr(s"$oe", DoubleType))
        // case Short|Integer|Long|Float|Double => Some(new JSExpr(s"Number($oe)", IntegerType))
        case _: String => Some(new JSExpr(oe.asInstanceOf[String], StringType))
        case _ => None

  private[this] def genBArithmeticExprCode(l: Expression, r: Expression, ce: Expression,
                                           op: String): Option[JSExpr] = {
    for (lc <- genExprCode(l); rc <- genExprCode(r)) yield
        s"${lc.linesSoFar} ${rc.linesSoFar} ",
        s"((${lc.getRef}) $op (${rc.getRef}))", ce.dataType)

  private[this] def genUnaryExprCode(e: Expression, op: String): Option[JSExpr] = {
    for (te <- genExprCode(e)) yield
      JSExpr(None, te.linesSoFar,
        s"""$op(${te.getRef})""".stripMargin, te.fnDT)

  private[this] def genComparisonCode(l: Expression, r: Expression, op: String): Option[JSExpr] = {
    for (le <- genExprCode(l); re <- genExprCode(r);
         cstr <- genComparisonStr(l, le, r, re, op)) yield {
        le.linesSoFar + re.linesSoFar,
        cstr, BooleanType)

    * Generate comparison string for various left/right data types.
    * Assumption: Spark will make sure both left and right is same type family.
    * @param l
    * @param ljs
    * @param r
    * @param rjs
    * @param op
    * @return
  private[this] def genComparisonStr(l: Expression, ljs: JSExpr,
                                     r: Expression, rjs: JSExpr, op: String): Option[String] = {
    if (l.dataType.isInstanceOf[DateType] || l.dataType.isInstanceOf[TimestampType] ||
      r.dataType.isInstanceOf[DateType] || r.dataType.isInstanceOf[TimestampType]) {
      dComparison(ljs.getRef, rjs.getRef, op)
    } else  {
      Some(s"""(${ljs.getRef}) ${op} (${rjs.getRef})""".stripMargin)

  private[this] def genCastExprCode(e: Expression, dt: DataType): Option[JSExpr] = {
    for (fn <- genExprCode(ExprUtil.simplifyCast(e, dt));
         cs <- JSCast(fn, dt, this).castCode) yield
      JSExpr(cs.fnVar, cs.linesSoFar, cs.getRef, dt)

  private[this] def validInParams(inParam: String): Boolean = {
    inParams += inParam
    if (!mulInParamsAllowed && (inParams.size > 1)) false else true

  object JSLike {
    def unapply(e : Expression) : Option[(Expression, Expression, Boolean)] = e match {
      case Like(l, r) if r.foldable => Some((l,r, true))
      case RLike(l, r) if r.foldable => Some((l,r, false))
      case _ => None

  object JSStringPredicate {
    def unapply(e : Expression) : Option[(Expression, Expression, String)] = e match {
      case StartsWith(l, r) if r.foldable => Some((l,r, "startsWith"))
      case EndsWith(l, r) if r.foldable => Some((l,r, "endsWith"))
      case Contains(l, r) if r.foldable => Some((l,r, "contains"))
      case _ => None

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