com.sparkutils.quality.impl.RuleRegistrationFunctions.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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A Spark library for managing in-process data quality rules via Spark SQL
The newest version!
package com.sparkutils.quality.impl
import com.sparkutils.quality.QualityException.qualityException
import com.sparkutils.quality.functions._
import com.sparkutils.quality.impl.aggregates.AggregateExpressions
import com.sparkutils.quality.impl.bloom.{BucketedArrayParquetAggregator, ParquetAggregator}
import com.sparkutils.quality.impl.hash.{HashFunctionFactory, HashFunctionsExpression}
import{GenericLongBasedIDExpression, model}
import com.sparkutils.quality.impl.longPair.{AsUUID, LongPairExpression}
import com.sparkutils.quality.impl.rng.{RandomBytes, RandomLongs}
import com.sparkutils.quality.impl.util.{ComparableMapConverter, ComparableMapReverser, PrintCode}
import com.sparkutils.quality.impl.yaml.{YamlDecoderExpr, YamlEncoderExpr}
import com.sparkutils.quality.{QualityException, impl}
import com.sparkutils.shim
import org.apache.commons.rng.simple.RandomSource
import org.apache.spark.sql.ShimUtils.add
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Add, AttributeReference, CreateMap, Expression, Literal, UnresolvedNamedLambdaVariable, LambdaFunction => SLambdaFunction}
import org.apache.spark.sql.qualityFunctions.LambdaFunctions.processTopCallFun
import org.apache.spark.sql.qualityFunctions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Column, ShimUtils, SparkSession, functions}
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
object RuleRegistrationFunctions {
protected[quality] def literalsNeeded(pos: Int): Nothing =
if (pos == -1)
qualityException("Cannot setup Quality Expression with non-literals")
qualityException(s"Quality Expression requires a string literal in (starts with position 0) position $pos")
protected[quality] def literalsNeeded: Nothing = literalsNeeded( -1 )
protected[quality] def getLong(exp: Expression, pos: Int = -1) =
exp match {
case Literal(seed: Long, LongType) => seed
case _ => literalsNeeded(pos)
protected[quality] def getInteger(exp: Expression, pos: Int = -1) =
exp match {
case Literal(seed: Int, IntegerType) => seed
case _ => literalsNeeded(pos)
protected[quality] def getString(exp: Expression, pos: Int = -1) =
exp match {
case Literal(str: UTF8String, StringType) => str.toString()
case _ => literalsNeeded(pos)
protected[quality] val mustKeepNames = Set(LambdaFunctions.PlaceHolder,
LambdaFunctions.Lambda, LambdaFunctions.CallFun)
val qualityFunctions = {
val withUnderscores = Set("murmur3_ID","unique_ID","rng_ID","provided_ID","field_Based_ID",
"unpack_Id_Triple","soft_Fail","probability","flatten_Results","flatten_Rule_Results", "flatten_Folder_Results", "probability_In",
"map_Lookup","map_Contains","hash_With","hash_With_Struct","za_Hash_With", "za_Hash_Longs_With",
"hash_Field_Based_ID","za_Longs_Field_Based_ID","za_Hash_Longs_With_Struct", "za_Hash_With_Struct", "za_Field_Based_ID", "prefixed_To_Long_Pair",
"coalesce_If_Attributes_Missing", "coalesce_If_Attributes_Missing_Disable", "update_Field", LambdaFunctions.PlaceHolder,
LambdaFunctions.Lambda, LambdaFunctions.CallFun, "print_Expr", "print_Code", "comparable_Maps", "reverse_Comparable_Maps", "as_uuid",
"id_size", "id_base64", "id_from_base64", "id_raw_type", "rule_result", "strip_result_ddl", "drop_field",
"to_yaml", "from_yaml"
withUnderscores ++ => if (mustKeepNames(n)) n else n.replaceAll("_",""))
val maxDec = DecimalType(DecimalType.MAX_PRECISION, DecimalType.MAX_SCALE)
private val noopAdd = (dt: DataType) => None
* Provides the default monoidal add for a dataType, used for merging summed results when aggregating
* @param dataType
* @return
def defaultAdd(dataType: DataType, extension: DataType => Option[(Expression, Expression) => Expression] = noopAdd): Option[(Expression, Expression) => Expression] =
dataType match {
case _: MapType => Some((left, right) => MapMerge(Seq(left, right), (dataType: DataType) => defaultAdd(dataType, extension)))
case _: IntegerType | LongType | DoubleType =>
Some((left, right) => add(left, right, null))
case a: DecimalType =>
Some((left, right) => add(left, right, a))
case _ => extension(dataType)
* Provides the default monoidal Zero for a dataType, used for defaults when aggregating
* @param dataType
* @return
def defaultZero(dataType: DataType): Option[Any] =
dataType match {
case _: MapType => Some(EmptyMap)
case _: IntegerType | LongType => Some(0L)
case _: DoubleType => Some(0.0)
case d: DecimalType => Some(Decimal.createUnsafe(0, d.precision, d.scale))
case _ => None
* Wrap to provide the default lookup for registerFunctions to change type parsing from DDL based to other or
* when None to add additional lookups should ddl fail
* @param string
* @return
def defaultParseTypes(string: String): Option[DataType] =
try {
} catch {
case _: Throwable => None
val INC_REWRITE_GENEXP_ERR_MSG: String = "inc('DDL', generic expression) is not supported in NO_REWRITE mode, use inc(generic expression) without NO_REWRITE mode enabled"
// #12 - use underscore names but keep the old camel case approach around for compat
def registerWithChecks(registerFunction: (String, Seq[Expression] => Expression) => Unit, name: String, argsf: Seq[Expression] => Expression, paramNumbers: Set[Int] = Set.empty, minimum: Int = -1) = {
val create =
if (paramNumbers.isEmpty && minimum == -1 )
(exps: Seq[Expression]) => {
if ((paramNumbers.nonEmpty && !paramNumbers.contains(exps.size)) || (minimum > exps.size)) {
val sizeerr =
if (paramNumbers.nonEmpty)
s"Valid parameter counts are ${paramNumbers.mkString(", ")}"
s"A minimum of $minimum parameters is required."
throw QualityException(s"Wrong number of arguments provided to Quality function $name. $sizeerr")
registerFunction(name, create)
if (!mustKeepNames(name)) {
registerFunction(name.replaceAll("_",""), create)
* Must be called before using any functions like Passed, Failed or Probability(X)
* @param parseTypes override type parsing (e.g. DDL, defaults to defaultParseTypes / DataType.fromDDL)
* @param zero override zero creation for aggExpr (defaults to defaultZero)
* @param add override the "add" function for aggExpr types (defaults to defaultAdd(dataType))
* @param writer override the printCode and printExpr print writing function (defaults to println)
* @param registerFunction function to register the sql extensions
def registerQualityFunctions(parseTypes: String => Option[DataType] = defaultParseTypes _,
zero: DataType => Option[Any] = defaultZero _,
add: DataType => Option[(Expression, Expression) => Expression] = (dataType: DataType) => defaultAdd(dataType),
mapCompare: DataType => Option[(Any, Any) => Int] = (dataType: DataType) => utils.defaultMapCompare(dataType),
writer: String => Unit = println(_),
registerFunction: (String, Seq[Expression] => Expression) => Unit =
ShimUtils.registerFunction(SparkSession.getActiveSession.get.sessionState.functionRegistry) _
) {
def register(name: String, argsf: Seq[Expression] => Expression, paramNumbers: Set[Int] = Set.empty, minimum: Int = -1) =
registerWithChecks(registerFunction, name, argsf, paramNumbers, minimum)
def parse(exp: Expression) = {
val Literal(str: UTF8String, StringType) = exp // only accept type as string
parseTypes(str.toString).getOrElse(qualityException(s"Could not parse the type $str"))
def getMap(exp: Expression) = exp match {
case c: CreateMap if c.children.grouped(2).forall{
case Seq(Literal(_: UTF8String, StringType), _: Literal) =>
case _ => false
} =>
case Seq(Literal(str: UTF8String, StringType), value: Literal) =>
str.toString -> value.value.toString()
case _ => throw QualityException(s"Could not process a literal map with expression $exp")
register("to_yaml", exps => YamlEncoderExpr(exps.head, if (exps.size == 1) Map.empty else getMap(exps.last)), Set(1, 2))
register("from_yaml", exps => YamlDecoderExpr(exps.head, parse(exps.last)), Set(2))
register("strip_result_ddl", exps => StripResultTypes(exps.head), Set(1))
register("rule_result", exps => RuleResultExpression(Seq(exps(0), exps(1), exps(2), exps(3))), Set(4))
register("comparable_Maps", exps => ComparableMapConverter(exps(0), mapCompare), Set(1))
register("reverse_Comparable_Maps", exps => ComparableMapReverser(exps.head), Set(1))
register("probability", exps => ProbabilityExpr(exps.head), Set(1))
register("flatten_Results", exps => FlattenResultsExpression(exps.head, FlattenStruct.ruleSuiteDeserializer), Set(1))
register("flatten_Rule_Results", exps => FlattenRulesResultsExpression(exps.head, FlattenStruct.ruleSuiteDeserializer), Set(1))
register("flatten_Folder_Results", exps => FlattenFolderResultsExpression(exps.head, FlattenStruct.ruleSuiteDeserializer), Set(1))
register("passed", _ => com.sparkutils.quality.impl.imports.RuleResultsImports.PassedExpr, Set(0))
register("failed", _ => com.sparkutils.quality.impl.imports.RuleResultsImports.FailedExpr, Set(0))
register("soft_Failed", _ => com.sparkutils.quality.impl.imports.RuleResultsImports.SoftFailedExpr, Set(0))
register("disabled_Rule", _ => com.sparkutils.quality.impl.imports.RuleResultsImports.DisabledRuleExpr, Set(0))
register("pack_Ints", exps => Pack(exps(0), exps(1)), Set(2))
register("unpack", exps => UnPack(exps.head), Set(1))
register("unpack_Id_Triple", exps => UnPackIdTriple(exps.head), Set(1))
register("soft_Fail", exps => SoftFailExpr(exps.head), Set(1))
def strType(exp: Expression) = {
val Literal(str: UTF8String, StringType) = exp // only accept type as string
register(LambdaFunctions.PlaceHolder, {
case Seq(e, Literal(bol: Boolean, BooleanType)) =>
PlaceHolderExpression(parse(e), bol)
case Seq(e) =>
case _ =>
}, Set(0, 1, 2))
/* Note - both Lambda and CallFun are only called in top level expressions,
nested calls are handled within the lambda expression
creation that "calls" this. */
register(LambdaFunctions.Lambda, {
case Seq(fun: FunForward) =>
val res = FunCall(fun)
case Seq(fun: FunN) =>
// placeholders that are 1:1
val res = fun.function
}, Set(1))
register(LambdaFunctions.CallFun, {
case (fun@ FunN(_, l@ SLambdaFunction(ff : FunForward, _, _), _, _, _)) +: args =>
processTopCallFun(fun, l, ff, args)
case t => qualityException(s"${LambdaFunctions.CallFun} should only be used to process partially applied functions returned by a user lambda, got $t instead")
}, minimum = 1)
val afx = (exps: Seq[Expression]) => {
val (sumType, filter, sum, count) =
exps.size match {
case 3 =>
// attempt to take a look at exps1 to identify if it's a FunN or mapWith
val typ =
exps(1) match {
case FunN(Seq(RefExpression(dataType, _, _)), _, _, _, _) => dataType // would default to long anyway
case MapTransform(RefExpression(t: MapType, _, _), _, _, _) => t
case _ => LongType
(typ, exps(0), exps(1), exps(2))
case 4 =>
val Literal(str: UTF8String, StringType) = exps(0) // only accept type as string
if (str.toString == "NO_REWRITE")
// signal not to replace types
(null, exps(1), exps(2), exps(3))
(parse(exps(0)), exps(1), exps(2), exps(3))
AggregateExpressions(sumType, filter, sum, count, zero, add)
register("agg_Expr", afx, Set(3, 4))
register("sum_With", (exps: Seq[Expression]) => {
val (dataType, origExp) = exps.size match {
case 1 => (LongType, exps(0))
// backwards compat
case 2 => (parse(exps(0)), exps(1))
FunN(Seq(RefExpression(dataType)), origExp, Some("sum_With"))
}, Set(1, 2))
val ff2 = (exps: Seq[Expression]) => {
// real type for param1 is changed by aggrExpr, but last works for all compat as well
val (sumType, exp) =
exps.size match {
case 1 => (LongType, exps(0))
case 2 => (parse(exps(0)), exps(1)) // support the NO_REWRITE override case
FunN(Seq(RefExpression(sumType), RefExpression(LongType)), exp, Some("results_With"))
register("results_With", ff2, Set(1, 2))
val mapFX = (exps: Seq[Expression]) => exps.size match {
case 3 =>
// parse it for old sql to support backwards aggExpr
MapTransform.create(RefExpression(parse(exps(0))), exps(1), exps(2), zero)
case 2 =>
// default to LongType, aggrExpr must fix, 2nd param is key, third the func manipulating the key
MapTransform.create(RefExpression(MapType(LongType, LongType)), exps(0), exps(1), zero)
register("map_With", mapFX, Set(2, 3))
def aggFWith(fun: String) = (what: String) => (exps: Seq[Expression]) => (
if (exps.size == 0)
functions.expr(s"$fun( $what )")
functions.expr(s"$fun('${strType(exps(0))}', $what )")
val retWith = aggFWith("results_With")
// common cases
register("meanF", retWith("(sum, count) -> sum / count"), Set(0, 1))
val sumWith = aggFWith("sum_With")
val incX = (exps: Seq[Expression]) => exps match {
case Seq(x: AttributeReference) =>
val name = x.qualifier.mkString(".") + // that is bad code man should be option
sumWith(s"sum -> sum + $name")(Seq())
case Seq(Literal(str: UTF8String, StringType)) =>
// case for type passing
sumWith("sum -> sum + 1")(exps)
case Seq(Literal(str: UTF8String, StringType), x: AttributeReference) =>
val name = x.qualifier.mkString(".") +
sumWith(s"sum -> sum + $name")(Seq(exps(0))) // keep the type, drop the attr
case Seq(Literal(str: UTF8String, StringType), y) =>
case Seq( y ) =>
val SLambdaFunction(a: Add, Seq(sum: UnresolvedNamedLambdaVariable), hidden ) = functions.expr("sumWith(sum -> sum + 1)").expr.children(0)
import ShimUtils.{add => addf}
// could be a cast around x or three attributes plusing each other or....
SLambdaFunction(addf(a.left, y, LongType), Seq(sum), hidden )
, Some("inc")) // keep the type
case Seq() => functions.expr(s"sumWith(sum -> sum + 1)").expr
register("inc", incX, Set(1, 0, 2))
// return sum
register("return_Sum", retWith("(sum, count) -> sum"), Set(0, 1))
def getRandom(exp: Expression, pos: Int) = {
val str = getString(exp, pos)
// random generators
val brf = (exps: Seq[Expression]) => {
//numBytes: Int, randomSource: RandomSource, seed: Long constructor but needs to use random, seed, numbytes
val (numBytes: Int, randomSource, seed: Long) =
exps.size match {
case 0 => (16, RandomSource.XO_RO_SHI_RO_128_PP, 0L)
case 1 => (16, getRandom(exps(0), 0), 0L)
case 2 => (16, getRandom(exps(0), 0), getLong(exps(1), 1))
case 3 => (getLong(exps(2)).toInt, getRandom(exps(0), 0), getLong(exps(1), 1))
case _ => literalsNeeded
RandomBytes(numBytes, randomSource, seed)
register("rng_Bytes", brf, Set(0,1,2,3))
// random generators
val lrf = (exps: Seq[Expression]) => {
//randomSource: RandomSource, seed: Long constructor but needs to use random, seed, numbytes
val (randomSource, seed: Long) =
exps.size match {
case 0 => (RandomSource.XO_RO_SHI_RO_128_PP, 0L)
case 1 => (getRandom(exps(0), 0), 0L)
case 2 => (getRandom(exps(0), 0), getLong(exps(1), 1))
case _ => literalsNeeded
RandomLongs.create(randomSource, seed)
register("rng", lrf, Set(0,1,2))
register("rng_UUID", exps => RngUUIDExpression(exps.head), Set(1))
register("long_Pair", exps => LongPairExpression(exps(0), exps(1)), Set(2))
register("long_Pair_From_UUID", exps => UUIDToLongsExpression(exps.head), Set(1))
register("small_Bloom", exps => ParquetAggregator(exps(0), exps(1), exps(2)), Set(3))
register("big_Bloom", exps => exps.size match {
case 4 =>
BucketedArrayParquetAggregator(exps(0), exps(1), exps(2), exps(3))
case 3 =>
BucketedArrayParquetAggregator(exps(0), exps(1), exps(2), Literal(java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString))
}, Set(3,4))
val longPairEqual = (exps: Seq[Expression]) => {
val Seq(Literal(a, StringType), Literal(b, StringType)) = exps
long_pair_equal(a.toString, b.toString).expr
register("long_Pair_Equal", longPairEqual, Set(2))
val idEqual = (exps: Seq[Expression]) => {
val Seq(Literal(a, StringType), Literal(b, StringType)) = exps
id_equal(a.toString, b.toString).expr
register("idEqual", idEqual, Set(2))
register("as_uuid", exps => AsUUID(exps(0), exps(1)), Set(2))
register("rule_Suite_Result_Details", exps => impl.RuleSuiteResultDetailsExpr(exps(0)), Set(1))
register("digest_To_Longs_Struct", exps => digest_to_longs_struct(getString(exps.head, 0), Column(_)): _*).expr, minimum = 2)
register("digest_To_Longs", exps => digest_to_longs(getString(exps.head, 0), Column(_)): _*).expr, minimum = 2)
def fieldBasedID(func: (String, String, Seq[Column]) => Column) = (exps: Seq[Expression]) =>
exps.size match {
case a if a > 3 =>
val digestImpl = getString(exps(1), 1)
val prefix = getString(exps.head, 0)
func(prefix, digestImpl, exps.drop(2).map(new Column(_)) ).expr
case _ => literalsNeeded
register("field_Based_ID", fieldBasedID(field_based_id _), minimum = 3)
register("za_Longs_Field_Based_ID", fieldBasedID(za_longs_field_based_id _), minimum = 3)
register("za_Field_Based_ID", fieldBasedID(za_field_based_id _), minimum = 3)
register("hash_Field_Based_ID", fieldBasedID(hash_field_based_id _), minimum = 3)
val providedID = (exps: Seq[Expression]) =>
exps.size match {
case 2 =>
exps(1), getString(exps.head, 0))
case _ => literalsNeeded
register("provided_ID", providedID, Set(2))
val prefixedToLongPair = (exps: Seq[Expression]) =>
exps.size match {
case 2 =>
prefixed_to_long_pair(new Column(exps(1)), getString(exps.head, 0)).expr
case _ => literalsNeeded
register("prefixed_To_Long_Pair", prefixedToLongPair, Set(2))
val rngID = (exps: Seq[Expression]) => {
val (randomSource, seed: Long, prefix) =
exps.size match {
case 1 => ( RandomSource.XO_RO_SHI_RO_128_PP, 0L, getString(exps.head, 0))
case 2 => ( getRandom(exps(1), 1), 0L, getString(exps.head, 0))
case 3 => ( getRandom(exps(1), 1), getLong(exps(2), 1), getString(exps.head, 0))
case _ => literalsNeeded
rng_id(prefix, randomSource, seed).expr
register("rng_ID", rngID, Set(1,2,3))
val uniqueID = (exps: Seq[Expression]) => {
val (prefix) =
exps.size match {
case 1 => getString(exps.head, 0)
case _ => literalsNeeded
register("unique_ID", uniqueID, Set(1))
register("id_size", exps => id_size(new Column(exps.head)).expr, Set(1))
register("id_base64", exps => id_base64( Column(_)): _*).expr, minimum = 1)
register("id_from_base64", {
case Seq(e) => id_from_base64(new Column(e)).expr
case Seq(e, s) => id_from_base64(new Column(e), getInteger(s)).expr
}, Set(1,2))
register("id_raw_type", exps => id_raw_type(new Column(exps.head)).expr, Set(1))
val Murmur3_128_64 = (exps: Seq[Expression]) => {
val (prefix) =
exps.size match {
case a if a < 2 => literalsNeeded
case _ => getString(exps.head, 0)
HashFunctionsExpression(exps.tail, "IGNORED", true, HashFunctionFactory("IGNORED")), prefix)
register("murmur3_ID", Murmur3_128_64, minimum = 2)
register("hash_With", exps => hash_with(getString(exps.head, 0), Column(_)) :_*).expr, minimum = 2)
register("hash_With_Struct", exps => hash_with_struct(getString(exps.head, 0), Column(_)) :_*).expr, minimum = 2)
register("za_Hash_With", exps => za_hash_with(getString(exps.head, 0), Column(_)) :_*).expr, minimum = 2) // 64bit only, not a great id choice
register("za_Hash_With_Struct", exps => za_hash_with_struct(getString(exps.head,0 ), Column(_)) :_*).expr, minimum = 2) // 64bit only, not a great id choice
register("za_Hash_Longs_With", exps => za_hash_longs_with(getString(exps.head, 0), Column(_)) :_*).expr, minimum = 2)
register("za_Hash_Longs_With_Struct", exps => za_hash_longs_with_struct(getString(exps.head, 0), Column(_)) :_*).expr, minimum = 2)
// here to stop these functions being used and allow validation
register("coalesce_If_Attributes_Missing", _ => qualityException("coalesceIf functions cannot be created") )
register("coalesce_If_Attributes_Missing_Disable", _ => qualityException("coalesceIf functions cannot be created") )
// 3.0.1 adds this #37 drops 3.0.0 and we can remove the c+p from 3.4.1 needed due to #36
register("update_field", exps => {
update_field(new Column(exps.head), ( exps.tail.grouped(2).map(p => getString(p.head, 0) -> new Column(p.last)).toSeq): _*).expr
}, minimum = 3)
register("drop_field", exps => {
drop_field(new Column(exps.head),{case (p, i) => getString(p, i+1)} : _*).expr
}, minimum = 2)
def msgAndExpr(msgDefault: String, exps: Seq[Expression]) = exps match {
case Seq(Literal(str: UTF8String, StringType), e: Expression) =>
(str.toString, e)
case Seq(e: Expression) =>
(msgDefault, e)
register("print_Code", (exps: Seq[Expression]) => {
val (msg, exp) = msgAndExpr(PrintCode(exps(0)).msg, exps)
PrintCode(exp, msg, writer)
}, Set(1, 2))
register("print_Expr", (exps: Seq[Expression]) => {
val (msg, exp) = msgAndExpr("Expression toStr is ->", exps)
writer(s"$msg $exp . Sql is ${exp.sql}")
}, Set(1,2))
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