com.sparkutils.quality.impl.RuleImpl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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A Spark library for managing in-process data quality rules via Spark SQL
package com.sparkutils.quality.impl
import com.sparkutils.quality
import com.sparkutils.quality.{DisabledRule, DisabledRuleInt, Failed, FailedInt, GeneralExpressionResult, GeneralExpressionsResult, Id, IdTriple, OutputExpression, Passed, PassedInt, Probability, Rule, RuleResult, RuleSetResult, RuleSuite, RuleSuiteResult, SoftFailed, SoftFailedInt}
import org.apache.spark.sql.ShimUtils.newParser
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.{UnresolvedAttribute, UnresolvedFunction}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{CodeAndComment, CodeFormatter, CodeGenerator, CodegenContext}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Expression, ScalarSubquery, SubqueryExpression, UnresolvedNamedLambdaVariable, LambdaFunction => SparkLambdaFunction}
import org.apache.spark.sql.qualityFunctions.{FunN, RefExpressionLazyType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, Decimal, StringType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{QualitySparkUtils, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
import scala.collection.mutable
* base for storage of rule or ruleset ids, must be a trait to force frameless to use lookup and stop any
* accidental auto product treatment
trait VersionedId extends Serializable {
val id, version: Int
// requires a unique name, otherwise janino can't find the function
object RuleLogicUtils {
* Maps a given ruleSuite calling f for each rule allowing transformations
* @param ruleSuite
* @param f
* @return
def mapRules(ruleSuite: RuleSuite)(f: Rule => Rule) =
ruleSuite.copy(ruleSets =
ruleSet =>
ruleSet.copy( rules =
rule =>
* Removes all parsed Expressions. Subqueries, supported under 3.4 oss / 12.2 dbr v0.0.2, are not serializable until
* after analysis, as such all expressions must be cleansed
* @param ruleSuite
* @return
def cleanExprs(ruleSuite: RuleSuite) = {
mapRules(ruleSuite){f => f.expression.reset(); f.runOnPassProcessor.returnIfPassed.reset(); f}
* Same as functions.expr without the wrapping Column
* @param rule
* @return
def expr(rule: String) = {
val parser = {
attempt for a simple expression, then try a plan with exactly one output row.
"In" will handle ListQuery, "Exists" similarly exists, everything else will likely fail as a parser error
val rawExpr =
try {
} catch {
case ot: Throwable => // e.g. suitable for output expressions
try {
} catch {
case _: Throwable =>
// quite possibly a lambda using a subquery so try and force it via ( sub ) trick,
// but allow us to replace later after resolution. DBR > 12 requires () on simple expressions as well
val r = rule.split("->")
val wrapped =
if (r.size == 2)
s"${r(0)} -> ( ${r(1)} )"
s"( ${r(0)} )"
try {
} catch {
case _: Throwable => throw ot // if this didn't work return the original error
val res =
rawExpr match {
case l: SparkLambdaFunction if hasSubQuery(l) =>
// The lambda's will be parsed as UnresolvedAttributes and not the needed lambdas
val names = => -> a).toMap
l.transform {
case s: SubqueryExpression => s.withNewPlan( s.plan.transform{
case snippet =>
snippet.transformAllExpressions {
case a: UnresolvedAttribute =>
names.get( => lamVar).getOrElse(a)
case _ => rawExpr
def hasSubQuery(expression: Expression): Boolean = ( expression collect {
case _: SubqueryExpression => true
} ).nonEmpty
object UTF8Str {
def unapply(any: Any): Option[String] =
any match {
case u: UTF8String => Some(u.toString.toLowerCase)
case _ => None
def anyToRuleResult(any: Any): RuleResult =
any match {
case b: Boolean => if (b) Passed else Failed
case 0 | 0.0 => Failed
case 1 | 1.0 => Passed
case -1 | -1.0 | UTF8Str("softfail" | "maybe") => SoftFailed
case -2 | -2.0 | UTF8Str("disabledrule" | "disabled") => DisabledRule
case d: Double => Probability(d) // only spark 2 unless configured to behave like spark 2
case d: Decimal => Probability(d.toDouble)
case UTF8Str("true" | "passed" | "pass" | "yes" | "1" | "1.0") => Passed
case UTF8Str("false" | "failed" | "fail" | "no" | "0" | "0.0") => Failed
case _ => Failed // anything else is a fail
// typically just from compilation
def anyToRuleResultInt(any: Any): Int =
any match {
case b: Boolean => if (b) PassedInt else FailedInt
case 0 | 0.0 => FailedInt
case 1 | 1.0 => PassedInt
case -1 | -1.0 | UTF8Str("softfail" | "maybe") => SoftFailedInt
case -2 | -2.0 | UTF8Str("disabledrule" | "disabled") => DisabledRuleInt
case d: Double => (d * PassedInt).toInt
case d: Decimal => (d.toDouble * PassedInt).toInt
case UTF8Str("true" | "passed" | "pass" | "yes" | "1" | "1.0") => PassedInt
case UTF8Str("false" | "failed" | "fail" | "no" | "0" | "0.0") => FailedInt
case _ => FailedInt // anything else is a fail
* Lambda functions are for re-use across rules. (param: Type, paramN: Type) -> logicResult .
trait LambdaFunction extends HasRuleText with HasExpr {
val name: String
val id: Id
def parsed: LambdaFunctionParsed
case class LambdaFunctionImpl(name: String, rule: String, id: Id) extends LambdaFunction {
override def expr: Expression = RuleLogicUtils.expr(rule)
def parsed: LambdaFunctionParsed = LambdaFunctionParsed(name, rule, id, expr)
case class LambdaFunctionParsed(name: String, rule: String, id: Id, override val expr: Expression) extends LambdaFunction {
def parsed: LambdaFunctionParsed = this
trait RuleLogic extends Serializable {
def internalEval(internalRow: InternalRow): Any
def eval(internalRow: InternalRow): RuleResult = {
val res = internalEval(internalRow)
* Allows implementations to clear out underlying expressions
def reset(): Unit = {}
trait HasExpr {
def expr: Expression
trait ExprLogic extends RuleLogic with HasExpr {
override def internalEval(internalRow: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow) =
trait HasRuleText extends HasExpr {
val rule: String
// doesn't need to be serialized, done by RuleRunners
private[quality] var exprI: Expression = _
private[quality] def expression(): Expression = {
if (exprI eq null) {
exprI = RuleLogicUtils.expr(rule)
def reset(): Unit = {
exprI = null
override def expr = expression()
* Used in load postprocessing, e.g. coalesce removal, to keep the rule text around
* @param rule
* @param expr
case class ExpressionRuleExpr( rule: String, override val expr: Expression ) extends ExprLogic with HasRuleText {
override def reset(): Unit = super[HasRuleText].reset()
trait ExpressionCompiler extends HasExpr {
lazy val codegen = {
val ctx = new CodegenContext()
val eval = expr.genCode(ctx)
val javaType = CodeGenerator.javaType(expr.dataType)
val codeBody = s"""
public scala.Function1 generate(Object[] references) {
return new ExpressionWrapperEvalImpl(references);
class ExpressionWrapperEvalImpl extends scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1 {
private final Object[] references;
public ExpressionWrapperEvalImpl(Object[] references) {
this.references = references;
public java.lang.Object apply(Object z) {
InternalRow ${ctx.INPUT_ROW} = (InternalRow) z;
$javaType temptmep = ${eval.value}; // temp needed for negative values to work, janino gets upset with - Expression "java.lang.Object" is not an rvalue
return ${eval.isNull} ? null : ((Object) temptmep);
val code = CodeFormatter.stripOverlappingComments(
new CodeAndComment(codeBody, ctx.getPlaceHolderToComments()))
val (clazz, _) = CodeGenerator.compile(code)
val codegen = clazz.generate(ctx.references.toArray).asInstanceOf[InternalRow => AnyRef]
* Rewritten children at eval will be swapped out
* @param expr
case class ExpressionWrapper( expr: Expression, compileEval: Boolean = true) extends ExprLogic with ExpressionCompiler {
override def internalEval(internalRow: InternalRow): Any = {
if (compileEval)
trait OutputExprLogic extends HasExpr {
def eval(internalRow: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow) =
* Allows clearing of expressions
def reset(): Unit = {}
object UpdateFolderExpression {
val currentResult = "currentResult"
import org.apache.spark.sql.ShimUtils.UnresolvedFunctionOps
* Uses the template to add the arguments to the underlying updateField, replacing any currentResult's found with the correct
* UnresolvedNamedLambdaVariable type.
* @param args
* @return
def withArgsAndSubstitutedLambdaVariable(args: Seq[Expression]): Expression =
template.copy(function =
oFunc.theArguments ++ args)).transform{
case a: UnresolvedAttribute if a.nameParts.head == currentResult =>
lazy val template = RuleLogicUtils.expr(s"$currentResult -> updateField(currentResult)").asInstanceOf[SparkLambdaFunction]
lazy val oFunc = template.function.asInstanceOf[UnresolvedFunction]
* Used in post serializing processing to keep the rule around
* @param expr
case class OutputExpressionExpr( rule: String, override val expr: Expression) extends OutputExprLogic with HasRuleText {
override def reset(): Unit = super[HasRuleText].reset()
case class OutputExpressionWrapper( expr: Expression, compileEval: Boolean = true) extends OutputExprLogic with ExpressionCompiler {
override def eval(internalRow: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow) =
if (compileEval)
trait RunOnPassProcessor extends Serializable {
def salience: Int
def id: Id
def rule: String
def returnIfPassed: OutputExprLogic
def withExpr(expr: OutputExpression): RunOnPassProcessor
def withExpr(expr: OutputExprLogic): RunOnPassProcessor
* Generates a result upon a pass, it is not evaluated otherwise and only evaluated if no other rule has higher salience.
* It is not possible to have more than one rule evaluate the returnIfPassed.
case class RunOnPassProcessorImpl(salience: Int, id: Id, rule: String, returnIfPassed: OutputExprLogic) extends RunOnPassProcessor with Serializable {
override def withExpr(expr: OutputExpression): RunOnPassProcessor =
copy(rule = expr.rule, returnIfPassed = expr)
def withExpr(expr: OutputExprLogic): RunOnPassProcessor =
copy(returnIfPassed = expr)
case class HolderUsedInsteadIfImpl(id: Id) extends
RuntimeException(s"An OutputExpression $id has either not been correctly linked in your rules or you have not called withExpr.")
* Until output expressions are re-integrated this will throw unimplemented
* @param salience
* @param id
case class RunOnPassProcessorHolder(salience: Int, id: Id) extends RunOnPassProcessor with Serializable {
def returnIfPassed: OutputExprLogic = throw HolderUsedInsteadIfImpl(id)
def rule: String = throw HolderUsedInsteadIfImpl(id)
override def withExpr(expr: OutputExpression): RunOnPassProcessor =
RunOnPassProcessorImpl(salience, id, expr.rule, expr)
// should not be called
def withExpr(expr: OutputExprLogic): RunOnPassProcessor = throw HolderUsedInsteadIfImpl(id)
object NoOpRunOnPassProcessor {
val noOpId = Id(Int.MinValue, Int.MinValue)
val noOp = RunOnPassProcessorImpl(Int.MaxValue, noOpId, "", OutputExpression(""))
object RuleSuiteFunctions {
def eval(ruleSuite: RuleSuite, internalRow: InternalRow): RuleSuiteResult = {
import ruleSuite._
val rawRuleSets = { rs =>
val ruleSetRawRes = { r =>
val ruleResult = r.expression.eval(internalRow) -> ruleResult
val overall = ruleSetRawRes.foldLeft(quality.OverallResult(probablePass)){
(ov, pair) =>
} -> RuleSetResult(overall.currentResult, ruleSetRawRes.toMap)
val overall = rawRuleSets.foldLeft(quality.OverallResult(probablePass)){
(ov, pair) =>
RuleSuiteResult(id, overall.currentResult, rawRuleSets.toMap)
* @param internalRow
* @return the rulesuiteresult for either archiving (recommended) or discarding and the expression to run to produce the results.
def evalWithProcessors(ruleSuite: RuleSuite, internalRow: InternalRow, debugMode: Boolean): (RuleSuiteResult, IdTriple, Any) = {
import ruleSuite._
// spark 3 definitely better to use sortedmap, stick with cross compilation until it's decided to do the work
val runOnPassProcessors =
if (debugMode)
mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[(IdTriple, Int, OutputExprLogic)]
var lowest = (null: IdTriple, Integer.MAX_VALUE, null: OutputExprLogic)
val rawRuleSets = { rs =>
val ruleSetRawRes = { r =>
val ruleResult = r.expression.eval(internalRow)
val onPass = ((id,,, r.runOnPassProcessor.salience, r.runOnPassProcessor.returnIfPassed)
// only add passed
if (ruleResult == Passed){
if (debugMode)
runOnPassProcessors += (onPass)
if (r.runOnPassProcessor.salience < lowest._2) {
lowest = onPass
} -> ruleResult
val overall = ruleSetRawRes.foldLeft(quality.OverallResult(probablePass)){
(ov, pair) =>
} -> RuleSetResult(overall.currentResult, ruleSetRawRes.toMap)
val overall = rawRuleSets.foldLeft(quality.OverallResult(probablePass)){
(ov, pair) =>
val (rule, result) =
if (!debugMode)
if (lowest._3 ne null)
(lowest._1, lowest._3.eval(internalRow))
(null, null)
else {
val sorted = runOnPassProcessors.sortBy(_._2)
if (runOnPassProcessors.isEmpty)
(null, null)
(null, new org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.GenericArrayData( =>
InternalRow(p._2, p._3.eval(internalRow))
(RuleSuiteResult(id, overall.currentResult, rawRuleSets.toMap), rule, result)
* @param inputRow
* @return the rulesuiteresult for either archiving (recommended) or discarding and the expression to run to produce the results.
def foldWithProcessors(ruleSuite: RuleSuite, inputRow: InternalRow, starter: InternalRow, debugMode: Boolean): (RuleSuiteResult, Any) = {
import ruleSuite._
val runOnPassProcessors =
mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[(IdTriple, Int, OutputExprLogic)]
var row = starter
/*val results =
if (debugMode)
lazy val foldedOnSalience: Seq[(IdTriple, Rule)] =
ruleSets.flatMap( rs => => r.runOnPassProcessor.salience -> ((id,,, r))).
val rawRuleSets = { rs =>
val ruleSetRawRes = { r =>
val ruleResult = r.expression.eval(inputRow)
val onPass = ((id,,, r.runOnPassProcessor.salience, r.runOnPassProcessor.returnIfPassed)
// only add passed
if (ruleResult == Passed){
runOnPassProcessors += (onPass)
} -> ruleResult
val overall = ruleSetRawRes.foldLeft(quality.OverallResult(probablePass)){
(ov, pair) =>
} -> RuleSetResult(overall.currentResult, ruleSetRawRes.toMap)
val overall = rawRuleSets.foldLeft(quality.OverallResult(probablePass)){
(ov, pair) =>
// sort applicable by salience - we don't reset original ordering here - surprising? TODO decide if it is too much surprise
val sorted = runOnPassProcessors.sortBy(_._2)
// for each of the output
// debug copys, non-debug does not
val res = sorted.foldLeft(Seq.empty[(Int, InternalRow)]){ case (seq, (triple, salience, rule)) =>
// only accept row - should probably throw something specific when it's not
// get the lambda's variable to set the current struct
val FunN(Seq(arg: RefExpressionLazyType), _, _, _, _) = rule.expr
arg.value = row
row = rule.eval(
seq :+ (salience, if (debugMode)
val result =
if (debugMode)
new org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.GenericArrayData( =>
InternalRow(p._1, p._2)
else {
if (res.isEmpty)
(RuleSuiteResult(id, overall.currentResult, rawRuleSets.toMap), result)
def evalExpressions(ruleSuite: RuleSuite, internalRow: InternalRow, dataType: DataType): GeneralExpressionsResult[Any] = {
import ruleSuite._
val rawRuleSets = { rs =>
val ruleSetRawRes: Seq[(VersionedId, Any)] = { r =>
val ruleResult = r.expression.internalEval(internalRow) -> (
if (dataType == quality.types.expressionResultTypeYaml) {
// it's a cast to string
val resultType = r.expression match {
case expr: HasExpr => expr.expr.children.head.dataType.sql
GeneralExpressionResult(ruleResult.toString, resultType)
} else
} -> ruleSetRawRes.toMap
GeneralExpressionsResult(id, rawRuleSets.toMap)
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